以下是引用zsumarina在12/28/2010 8:56:00 PM的发言: 被jd种了一大堆nb的草,偏偏大多数居然skincarerx不卖~~~~~难道要买正价吗~~~~~~从来没用过他家的东西,好担心不合适我的敏感皮哦~~~ I think besides the new Tolerance cream, skincarerx.com has most of them in stocks.
I think besides the new Tolerance cream, skincarerx.com has most of them in stocks. not real for me~~~, I called them this morning. It took me about half hr to deal with that lady via phone. Many of the NB stuff that I wanna buy are either sold by Apothica which I cannot apply the coupon code or not available in their warehouse~~~
but here is my 2 cents。。。jd自己是不是当小白鼠有点过度保养了?用了这么多好东西,整篇文里提到最多的就是皮肤发红过敏stress,对了印象中还提到还长痘。。。。。以我个人的经历看,我也曾经狂折腾皮肤,那时反而弄得皮肤问题很多,现在一切从简,皮肤非常稳定,不干不油不长痘,肤色也慢慢地恢复均匀中。。。。说错了别打我。。。
but here is my 2 cents。。。jd自己是不是当小白鼠有点过度保养了?用了这么多好东西,整篇文里提到最多的就是皮肤发红过敏stress,对了印象中还提到还长痘。。。。。以我个人的经历看,我也曾经狂折腾皮肤,那时反而弄得皮肤问题很多,现在一切从简,皮肤非常稳定,不干不油不长痘,肤色也慢慢地恢复均匀中。。。。说错了别打我。。。 I like to try different type of exfoliants/scrubs/peels, that is the main reason for cause of the irritations. No breakouts anymore.
趁你在,问一下你有没有用过amore pacific的time response? 和你提到的其他东西相比如何? If I exfoliate once or twice a week then I am fine, but sometimes I might use an AHA cleanser or toner in between and that's what cause the problem.
I have tried the Time Response but I got better result with my Diamond Extreme or Dior's L'or De Vie. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:38:57编辑过]
If I exfoliate once or twice a week then I am fine but sometimes I might use an AHA cleanser or toner in between and that's what cause the problem.
I have tried the Time Response but I got better result with my Diamond Extreme or Dior's L'or De Vie. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:29:28编辑过] 那好,下次试试diamond extreme.....我个人觉得Amore pacific那个霜非常惊艳,比同价位guerlain的兰花强., 看来需要再和其他东西对比一下。。。When you say you got better result, do you mean it suits better for your sensitive skin or it has better anti-aging/lifting effect on you?
如果你10楼列出的面霜只能选一个,which one will you choose? [此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:41:10编辑过]
啊啊, go back to my response.. I just added another question please.... Both. I think because I pair them with that Lor De Vie extract, crazy good.
I like the Time Response but just won't pay $400 to buy the full size. I got the connection to get samples for that cream all the time. [此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:45:50编辑过]
I like to try different type of exfoliants/scrubs/peels, that is the main reason for cause of the irritations. No breakouts anymore. 是啊,我看jd推荐了好几种exfoliant,有化妆水的,面膜的,scrub的。本想在其中挑一种的,最后挑花眼了,而且担心男生适合的exfoliant对于女生来讲过于strong(我皮肤不是很厚),于是跳了dermalogica的daily microfoliant。不知道jd觉得这款怎么样? 有点想cancel了dermalogica的这款,去买一个NB的25% glyco peel。但是我从来没有用过果酸,担心焕肤不成,把自己烧焦了。真的很怕果酸这种东西掌握不好。
多谢你的答复哈 Lol, I only use that Dior serum couple nights a week but most of the time I will be using Natura Bisse's Tolerance Booster. If I have to pick one, I will probably pick the Diamond Extreme cream.
那好,下次试试diamond extreme.....我个人觉得Amore pacific那个霜非常惊艳,比同价位guerlain的兰花强., 看来需要再和其他东西对比一下。。。When you say you got better result, do you mean it suits better for your sensitive skin or it has better anti-aging/lifting effect on you?
如果你10楼列出的面霜只能选一个,which one will you choose? [此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:41:10编辑过] amore pacific的霜指哪个?jd前面有写到吗?
是啊,我看jd推荐了好几种exfoliant,有化妆水的,面膜的,scrub的。本想在其中挑一种的,最后挑花眼了,而且担心男生适合的exfoliant对于女生来讲过于strong(我皮肤不是很厚),于是跳了dermalogica的daily microfoliant。不知道jd觉得这款怎么样? 有点想cancel了dermalogica的这款,去买一个NB的25% glyco peel。但是我从来没有用过果酸,担心焕肤不成,把自己烧焦了。真的很怕果酸这种东西掌握不好。 Never try Dermalogica before but you only use NB's 25% once a week. If you want something gentle but effective, that Amore Pacific Enzyme Peel is very good and not harsh to your face at all.
Never try Dermalogica before but you only use NB's 25% once a week. If you want something gentle but effective, that Amore Pacific Enzyme Peel is very good and not harsh to your face at all. 谢谢!我又要破财了~~~~~~~~
jd, 你推荐的那个 Kiehl's Facial Fuel with SPF15好像是gel状的,我想买给我男朋友,因为这个有SPF15的防晒,我男朋友从来不肯用防晒霜,所以我想在都尽量买有防晒的日霜给他用。这个gel状的话是否适合冬天作为日霜用呢?会不会太干。我男朋友的肤质是典型的combination的,t zone oil,U zone dry,然后很容易敏感发红。
以下是引用咸蛋超人在1/26/2011 1:42:00 PM的发言: jd, 你推荐的那个 Kiehl's Facial Fuel with SPF15好像是gel状的,我想买给我男朋友,因为这个有SPF15的防晒,我男朋友从来不肯用防晒霜,所以我想在都尽量买有防晒的日霜给他用。这个gel状的话是否适合冬天作为日霜用呢?会不会太干。我男朋友的肤质是典型的combination的,t zone oil,U zone dry,然后很容易敏感发红。 Possible, but it is very easy to get him a sample to try it now from your Kiehl's counter.
以下是引用yeisa在1/27/2011 7:02:00 PM的发言: jd, 你有没有试La mer 的essence? 那个3瓶一套的密集护理?我没有坚持连续使用,所以没有看到太大效果。想看看达人的心得。 Not crazy about it. I rather double the money to buy a watch then buy that. I am thinking of trying LP's new infusion.
以下是引用lotife99在2/28/2011 2:27:00 PM的发言: Dear JD, how many layers of eye cream did you put on every day? Sometimes 1 sometimes 2. 2 is with a serum underneath.
I think besides the new Tolerance cream, skincarerx.com has most of them in stocks.
I think besides the new Tolerance cream, skincarerx.com has most of them in stocks.
not real for me~~~, I called them this morning. It took me about half hr to deal with that lady via phone.
Many of the NB stuff that I wanna buy are either sold by Apothica which I cannot apply the coupon code or not available in their warehouse~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/28 22:25:08编辑过]
I think besides the new Tolerance cream, skincarerx.com has most of them in stocks.
终于跳了Diamond Extreme Eye Cream, 拔了这根草,谢谢jd。
jd大大的eye treatment里Stimu-Eye Active Gel,stimu-eye mask都不在skincarerx卖,eye contour cream也没,只有diamond extreme有~~~jd种草好利害,我拔草都拔不及~~~
eye contour cream有~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/12/29 13:34:43编辑过]
i missed it:(
who is jd???
but here is my 2 cents。。。jd自己是不是当小白鼠有点过度保养了?用了这么多好东西,整篇文里提到最多的就是皮肤发红过敏stress,对了印象中还提到还长痘。。。。。以我个人的经历看,我也曾经狂折腾皮肤,那时反而弄得皮肤问题很多,现在一切从简,皮肤非常稳定,不干不油不长痘,肤色也慢慢地恢复均匀中。。。。说错了别打我。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:09:35编辑过]
but here is my 2 cents。。。jd自己是不是当小白鼠有点过度保养了?用了这么多好东西,整篇文里提到最多的就是皮肤发红过敏stress,对了印象中还提到还长痘。。。。。以我个人的经历看,我也曾经狂折腾皮肤,那时反而弄得皮肤问题很多,现在一切从简,皮肤非常稳定,不干不油不长痘,肤色也慢慢地恢复均匀中。。。。说错了别打我。。。
I like to try different type of exfoliants/scrubs/peels, that is the main reason for cause of the irritations. No breakouts anymore.
I like to try different type of exfoliants/scrubs/peels, that is the main reason for cause of the irritations. No breakouts anymore.
趁你在,问一下你有没有用过amore pacific的time response? 和你提到的其他东西相比如何?
趁你在,问一下你有没有用过amore pacific的time response? 和你提到的其他东西相比如何?
If I exfoliate once or twice a week then I am fine, but sometimes I might use an AHA cleanser or toner in between and that's what cause the problem.
I have tried the Time Response but I got better result with my Diamond Extreme or Dior's L'or De Vie.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:38:57编辑过]
奔吧,ms 虽然可能偶见过真人
If I exfoliate once or twice a week then I am fine but sometimes I might use an AHA cleanser or toner in between and that's what cause the problem.
I have tried the Time Response but I got better result with my Diamond Extreme or Dior's L'or De Vie.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:29:28编辑过]
那好,下次试试diamond extreme.....我个人觉得Amore pacific那个霜非常惊艳,比同价位guerlain的兰花强., 看来需要再和其他东西对比一下。。。When you say you got better result, do you mean it suits better for your sensitive skin or it has better anti-aging/lifting effect on you?
如果你10楼列出的面霜只能选一个,which one will you choose?
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:41:10编辑过]
那好,下次试试diamond extreme.....我个人觉得Amore pacific那个霜非常惊艳,比同价位guerlain的兰花强
如果你10楼列出的面霜只能选一个,which one will you choose?
It will be diamond extreme or lor de vie.
It will be diamond extreme or lor de vie.
啊啊, go back to my response.. I just added another question please....
啊啊, go back to my response.. I just added another question please....
Both. I think because I pair them with that Lor De Vie extract, crazy good.
I like the Time Response but just won't pay $400 to buy the full size. I got the connection to get samples for that cream all the time.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:45:50编辑过]
Both. I think because I pair them with that Lor De Vie extract, crazy good.
I like to try different type of exfoliants/scrubs/peels, that is the main reason for cause of the irritations. No breakouts anymore.
是啊,我看jd推荐了好几种exfoliant,有化妆水的,面膜的,scrub的。本想在其中挑一种的,最后挑花眼了,而且担心男生适合的exfoliant对于女生来讲过于strong(我皮肤不是很厚),于是跳了dermalogica的daily microfoliant。不知道jd觉得这款怎么样?
有点想cancel了dermalogica的这款,去买一个NB的25% glyco peel。但是我从来没有用过果酸,担心焕肤不成,把自己烧焦了。真的很怕果酸这种东西掌握不好。
Lol, I only use that Dior serum couple nights a week but most of the time I will be using Natura Bisse's Tolerance Booster. If I have to pick one, I will probably pick the Diamond Extreme cream.
那好,下次试试diamond extreme.....我个人觉得Amore pacific那个霜非常惊艳,比同价位guerlain的兰花强., 看来需要再和其他东西对比一下。。。When you say you got better result, do you mean it suits better for your sensitive skin or it has better anti-aging/lifting effect on you?
如果你10楼列出的面霜只能选一个,which one will you choose?
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/1/25 22:41:10编辑过]
amore pacific的霜指哪个?jd前面有写到吗?
是啊,我看jd推荐了好几种exfoliant,有化妆水的,面膜的,scrub的。本想在其中挑一种的,最后挑花眼了,而且担心男生适合的exfoliant对于女生来讲过于strong(我皮肤不是很厚),于是跳了dermalogica的daily microfoliant。不知道jd觉得这款怎么样?
有点想cancel了dermalogica的这款,去买一个NB的25% glyco peel。但是我从来没有用过果酸,担心焕肤不成,把自己烧焦了。真的很怕果酸这种东西掌握不好。
Never try Dermalogica before but you only use NB's 25% once a week.
If you want something gentle but effective, that Amore Pacific Enzyme Peel is very good and not harsh to your face at all.
amore pacific的霜指哪个?jd前面有写到吗?
是啊,我看jd推荐了好几种exfoliant,有化妆水的,面膜的,scrub的。本想在其中挑一种的,最后挑花眼了,而且担心男生适合的exfoliant对于女生来讲过于strong(我皮肤不是很厚),于是跳了dermalogica的daily microfoliant。不知道jd觉得这款怎么样?
有点想cancel了dermalogica的这款,去买一个NB的25% glyco peel。但是我从来没有用过果酸,担心焕肤不成,把自己烧焦了。真的很怕果酸这种东西掌握不好。
daily microfoliant还不错,exfoliant的程度我觉得刚好,但是用完有些干,需要赶快加层补水的。。。
daily microfoliant还不错,exfoliant的程度我觉得刚好,但是用完有些干,需要赶快加层补水的。。。
I like that cream but just won't pay $400 for it when I get unlimited samples from my brand rep.
I like that cream but just won't pay $400 for it when I get unlimited samples from my brand rep.
Never try Dermalogica before but you only use NB's 25% once a week.
If you want something gentle but effective, that Amore Pacific Enzyme Peel is very good and not harsh to your face at all.
jd, 你推荐的那个 Kiehl's Facial Fuel with SPF15好像是gel状的,我想买给我男朋友,因为这个有SPF15的防晒,我男朋友从来不肯用防晒霜,所以我想在都尽量买有防晒的日霜给他用。这个gel状的话是否适合冬天作为日霜用呢?会不会太干。我男朋友的肤质是典型的combination的,t zone oil,U zone dry,然后很容易敏感发红。
Possible, but it is very easy to get him a sample to try it now from your Kiehl's counter.
jd, 你有没有试La mer 的essence? 那个3瓶一套的密集护理?我没有坚持连续使用,所以没有看到太大效果。想看看达人的心得。
Not crazy about it. I rather double the money to buy a watch then buy that.
I am thinking of trying LP's new infusion.
Not crazy about it. I rather double the money to buy a watch then buy that.
I am thinking of trying LP's new infusion.
这个应该很给力 ~猜的
Natura Bisse Diamond Extreme Eye 和Christian Dior L'or De Vie Eye cream, 哪个对细纹更有效果呢?
Actually I like L'or De Vie better.
Actually I like L'or De Vie better.
开心哈,我先收了dior。等这瓶用完下次再试NB diamod。
Dear JD, how many layers of eye cream did you put on every day?
Sometimes 1 sometimes 2. 2 is with a serum underneath.
Sometimes 1 sometimes 2. 2 is with a serum underneath.
you have so many choices....how can you pick 1 or 2 each time? lol
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