Should I explain myself to them again when I got a chance? xiaoxin: definitely yes. But make it casual if you can.
If I should, what's the safest way to say to them? What should I not say? xiaoxin: The best way to bring it up is to show eager and intense interest in whatever you are doing. Discuss different ideas with them. Show initiative. Then they'll get the message you are not thinking about quitting.
Because I should land a job before I actually get my degree and I now need to their support for that. xiaoxin: actually no need to be too stressful about shoulds. I know a couple of ppl started looking for jobs after defending their dissertation.
Blindingly shiny rock! And hillarious pic of Xiao Xin!~~ And thank you so much for your advice! I'm not sure about my bargins to land a job, so wanted to start early, well not really early. But I've seen people looking for jobs right before graduation date. Anyway, I'll think it over and put things together to make it reasonable...
red My true thoughts contein fear, unconfidence, uncertainty and not much enthusiasm. That's why I didn't want to tell my boss and the professor the big picture. Maybe that's why I'm having trouble making sense to them? [replyview]the big picture is a. I'm not sure that I have want it takes to be in clinical psychology. b. I don't want the 10 years in neuroscience to go in vain. c. I need to have a job and support myself anyway. d. I'm not sure that interest will really be my top priority. e. My top priority is always survival. So, what I really plan is to get a job in neuroscience anyway, support myself, try out psychology, if i can do it well, I'll switch, if not, I'll try my best in neuroscience. [/replyview]
My true thoughts contein fear, unconfidence, uncertainty and not much enthusiasm. That's why I didn't want to tell my boss and the professor the big picture. Maybe that's why I'm having trouble making sense to them?
不过我还是想问问,你为什么认为你想做的是clinical psychology但是又不确定you have what it takes?以前做过吗?我自己的经验呢,如果真地对某个东西感兴趣,那就肯定have what it takes, whatever that might be. somehow我觉得red有叶公好龙的嫌疑。
red, 我实话实说 I know. So I didn't want to tell them. But the difference is that i don't need a bf to survive, yet i need a job to survive. Also, according to Li Xiao Lai, sometimes just train urself to love what you do, don't use interest as an excuse. So I tried to embrace that concept while try to see whether I can do what I'm interested in such that whatever happens I'll enjoy, or do well...
I know. So I didn't want to tell them. But the difference is that i don't need a bf to survive, yet i need a job to survive. Also, according to Li Xiao Lai, sometimes just train urself to love what you do, don't use interest as an excuse. So I tried to embrace that concept while try to see whether I can do what I'm interested in such that whatever happens I'll enjoy, or do well... You don't need a job in neuroscience to survive. 所以还是要问自己,你到底想要什么。
the problem is now my potential references requir me to make sense of it all orz 我不得不说,我同意你的potential reference的意见。能感觉出来他们对你很负责,希望你自己想清楚自己的career path.
I worry about that too. If I never try, I'll never know. If I try, I don't want to lose my status in the US if it doesn't work out. I'm not saying I won't try or will slob (?) in the real job while I try out the other path. Does this make sense or am I being unrealistic?
You don't need a job in neuroscience to survive. 所以还是要问自己,你到底想要什么。 BTW, 你做了strength test没有?你的top five是啥? ah? how to survive then? do you mean that postdoc is not a job? not taken the test yet. I will tonight [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:01:52编辑过]
I know. So I didn't want to tell them. But the difference is that i don't need a bf to survive, yet i need a job to survive. Also, according to Li Xiao Lai, sometimes just train urself to love what you do, don't use interest as an excuse. So I tried to embrace that concept while try to see whether I can do what I'm interested in such that whatever happens I'll enjoy, or do well...
李笑来的这段话给我印象很深。我理解他的意思是你不一定喜欢你现在做的,但是要坚持做好,不要用没兴趣当借口就不坚持。等渐入佳境,你真的做好了,你就喜欢了。 但是他还说比如出书,很少一部分是有意思的,其他大部分是繁琐的细节。即便做喜欢的事,也有大部分不喜欢的工作。 他自己不也是换了几次工作吗?所以你不一定要“need a job to survive”。有点儿像空空前天说的,女孩子不怕嫁错,认识到了就move on。但是不要一有问题就想跳槽,要先把手头的工作做好,做好了还没兴趣,才是真的没兴趣,而不是借口。
I worry about that too. If I never try, I'll never know. If I try, I don't want to lose my status in the US if it doesn't work out. I'm not saying I won't try or will slob (?) in the real job while I try out the other path. Does this make sense or am I being unrealistic?
李笑来的这段话给我印象很深。我理解他的意思是你不一定喜欢你现在做的,但是要坚持做好,不要用没兴趣当借口就不坚持。等渐入佳境,你真的做好了,你就喜欢了。 但是他还说比如出书,很少一部分是有意思的,其他大部分是繁琐的细节。即便做喜欢的事,也有大部分不喜欢的工作。 他自己不也是换了几次工作吗?所以你不一定要“need a job to survive”。有点儿像空空前天说的,女孩子不怕嫁错,认识到了就move on。但是不要一有问题就想跳槽,要先把手头的工作做好,做好了还没兴趣,才是真的没兴趣,而不是借口。
[replyview]I think I got all the points, just to see if I get it right: So, all in all, does this communicate: "What I meant was that, I feel I'm interested in clinical psychology but I'm still interested in neuroscience too. I think the mechanisms of mind and emotion and the application of these knowledge in real world are both fascinating. And I don't want to give up neuroscience and my years in school just because I feel another interest. I want to try my best to make use of my neuroscience degree, to accomplish something in neuroscience, as a test for myself, also a realistic choice. That's why I'm applying for postdoc and maybe industry jobs. In the meantime, I want to keep my interest in pyschology in the big picture and try to get opportunity to try it out a little before I decide whether to actually switch completely. This may take years when I have a full-time job in neuroscience but I'm prepared for that."[/replyview] [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:39:23编辑过]
I want to figure things out with minimal cost possible, and not breathing polluted air in China. That's what I want for now, which all requirs trying things out and staying in US. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:13:34编辑过]
I know. So I didn't want to tell them. But the difference is that i don't need a bf to survive, yet i need a job to survive. Also, according to Li Xiao Lai, sometimes just train urself to love what you do, don't use interest as an excuse. So I tried to embrace that concept while try to see whether I can do what I'm interested in such that whatever happens I'll enjoy, or do well... 李笑来的这段话给我印象很深。我理解他的意思是你不一定喜欢你现在做的,但是要坚持做好,不要用没兴趣当借口就不坚持。等渐入佳境,你真的做好了,你就喜欢了。 但是他还说比如出书,很少一部分是有意思的,其他大部分是繁琐的细节。即便做喜欢的事,也有大部分不喜欢的工作。 他自己不也是换了几次工作吗?所以你不一定要“need a job to survive”。有点儿像空空前天说的,女孩子不怕嫁错,认识到了就move on。但是不要一有问题就想跳槽,要先把手头的工作做好,做好了还没兴趣,才是真的没兴趣,而不是借口。
没看懂。。。看懂了。 说半天还没看你的original question。在几楼?[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:10:57编辑过] all together
I worry about that too. If I never try, I'll never know. If I try, I don't want to lose my status in the US if it doesn't work out. I'm not saying I won't try or will slob (?) in the real job while I try out the other path. Does this make sense or am I being unrealistic? 如果你担心的是lose status, 转专业当学生也不会lose status. 如果你担心没有工作,那可以试试学校,公司,non-profit, etc.
I worry about that too. If I never try, I'll never know. If I try, I don't want to lose my status in the US if it doesn't work out. I'm not saying I won't try or will slob (?) in the real job while I try out the other path. Does this make sense or am I being unrealistic?
你担心哪个不会work out?clinical psychology吗?你认为会有哪些问题有可能造成这条路doesn't work out?只是泛泛的担心“我做不好”还是有确定的obstacles?如果是后者的话我觉得可以理解,如果是前者的话,你也许应该问问自己对这条路到底有多少了解。
I want to figure things out with minimal cost possible, and not breathing polluted air in China. That's what I want for now, which all requirs trying things out and staying in US. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:13:34编辑过]
then go get a job in neuroscience. and make that clear to your potential references
I want to figure things out with minimal cost possible, and not breathing polluted air in China. That's what I want for now, which all requirs trying things out and staying in US. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:13:34编辑过] 这么说的话那嫁人也行呀。
I want to figure things out with minimal cost possible, and not breathing polluted air in China. That's what I want for now, which all requirs trying things out and staying in US. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:13:34编辑过]
如果你担心的是lose status, 转专业当学生也不会lose status. 如果你担心没有工作,那可以试试学校,公司,non-profit, etc. try to avoid this since I've been in school almost 20 years. maybe I should try another reference
i am using stay focused. it is pretty nasty for details, google stay focused chrome plugin
可怜我, 天天88 的偷偷摸摸上来瞟一眼。。。。 得换浏览器等奔了
我翻了个白眼:thank you so much。
他说:还没说完呢,每次你上网的时候,不但网页会被block,还会有siren go off,还会发email给全公司。。。
我翻了个白眼:thank you so much。
他说:还没说完呢,每次你上网的时候,不但网页会被block,还会有siren go off,还会发email给全公司。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 9:33:06编辑过]
my two cents.
Should I explain myself
to them again when I got a chance?
xiaoxin: definitely yes. But make it casual if you can.
If I should, what's the safest way
to say to them? What should I not say?
xiaoxin: The best way to bring it up is to show eager and intense interest in
whatever you are doing. Discuss different ideas with them. Show initiative. Then they'll get the message you are not
thinking about quitting.
Because I should land a job
before I actually get my degree and I now need to their support for
xiaoxin: actually no need to be too stressful about shoulds. I know a couple of ppl started looking for jobs after defending their dissertation.
good luck.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 9:55:56编辑过]
感叹一下, 日子飞着一般的过啊。。。。
感叹一下, 日子飞着一般的过啊。。。。
上一次眼看某师兄要在Brooklyn Bridge上求婚都是咸丰年间的事情了
And thank you so much for your advice!
I'm not sure about my bargins to land a job, so wanted to start early, well not really early. But I've seen people looking for jobs right before graduation date. Anyway, I'll think it over and put things together to make it reasonable...
好歹奔个手, 我没看出来那是戒指啊
looking forward to it too!
好歹奔个手, 我没看出来那是戒指啊
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 10:32:32编辑过]
My true thoughts contein fear, unconfidence, uncertainty and not much enthusiasm. That's why I didn't want to tell my boss and the professor the big picture. Maybe that's why I'm having trouble making sense to them?
[replyview]the big picture is
a. I'm not sure that I have want it takes to be in clinical psychology.
b. I don't want the 10 years in neuroscience to go in vain.
c. I need to have a job and support myself anyway.
d. I'm not sure that interest will really be my top priority.
e. My top priority is always survival.
So, what I really plan is to get a job in neuroscience anyway, support myself, try out psychology, if i can do it well, I'll switch, if not, I'll try my best in neuroscience.
pat pat.
My true thoughts contein fear, unconfidence, uncertainty and not much enthusiasm. That's why I didn't want to tell my boss and the professor the big picture. Maybe that's why I'm having trouble making sense to them?
不过我还是想问问,你为什么认为你想做的是clinical psychology但是又不确定you have what it takes?以前做过吗?我自己的经验呢,如果真地对某个东西感兴趣,那就肯定have what it takes, whatever that might be.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 10:43:20编辑过]
red, 我实话实说,你这个逻辑很类似于:我已经和这个男朋友交了好几年了,虽然我不太满意,可是要分手了我这几年不就浪费了?而且我不知道自己能不能找到更好的结婚。所以我就先跟他结着婚,如果过几年我混得好就把他蹬了换好的。如果混得不好我就凑合和他过一辈子了。
700 湫湫
800 hiking
不过我还是想问问,你为什么认为你想做的是clinical psychology但是又不确定you have what it takes?以前做过吗?我自己的经验呢,如果真地对某个东西感兴趣,那就肯定have what it takes, whatever that might be. somehow我觉得red有叶公好龙的嫌疑。
concord这个比喻很好。。。。虽然我们觉得很那啥, 但是我感觉心版超过一半的帖子都是这个思路。 还有家小的, 2/3都是这个思路
red, 我实话实说
I know. So I didn't want to tell them.
But the difference is that i don't need a bf to survive, yet i need a job to survive. Also, according to Li Xiao Lai, sometimes just train urself to love what you do, don't use interest as an excuse. So I tried to embrace that concept while try to see whether I can do what I'm interested in such that whatever happens I'll enjoy, or do well...
the problem is now my potential references requir me to make sense of it all orz
I know. So I didn't want to tell them.
But the difference is that i don't need a bf to survive, yet i need a job to survive. Also, according to Li Xiao Lai, sometimes just train urself to love what you do, don't use interest as an excuse. So I tried to embrace that concept while try to see whether I can do what I'm interested in such that whatever happens I'll enjoy, or do well...
You don't need a job in neuroscience to survive. 所以还是要问自己,你到底想要什么。
BTW, 你做了strength test没有?你的top five是啥?
the problem is now my potential references requir me to make sense of it all orz
跟他们无关,是为了自己需要好好想想啊。想想到底什么是你自己心里要的,而不是什么对他们交代起来最make sense。
the problem is now my potential references requir me to make sense of it all orz
我不得不说,我同意你的potential reference的意见。能感觉出来他们对你很负责,希望你自己想清楚自己的career path.
concord这个比喻很好。。。。虽然我们觉得很那啥, 但是我感觉心版超过一半的帖子都是这个思路。 还有家小的, 2/3都是这个思路
I worry about that too. If I never try, I'll never know. If I try, I don't want to lose my status in the US if it doesn't work out. I'm not saying I won't try or will slob (?) in the real job while I try out the other path.
Does this make sense or am I being unrealistic?
wow! con!
You don't need a job in neuroscience to survive. 所以还是要问自己,你到底想要什么。
BTW, 你做了strength test没有?你的top five是啥?
ah? how to survive then? do you mean that postdoc is not a job?
not taken the test yet. I will tonight
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:01:52编辑过]
跟他们无关,是为了自己需要好好想想啊。想想到底什么是你自己心里要的,而不是什么对他们交代起来最make sense。
if I don't get a job, whatever make sense or not won't matter in 6 months.
if I don't get a job, whatever make sense or not won't matter in 6 months.
那就直说你现在决定先focus on毕业和find a job,兴趣先放在back burner上。我一直都是这个观点。
ah? how to survive then? do you mean that postdoc is not a job?
not taken the test yet. I will tonight
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:01:52编辑过]
I know. So I didn't want to tell them.
But the difference is that i don't need a bf to survive, yet i need a job to survive. Also, according to Li Xiao Lai, sometimes just train urself to love what you do, don't use interest as an excuse. So I tried to embrace that concept while try to see whether I can do what I'm interested in such that whatever happens I'll enjoy, or do well...
他自己不也是换了几次工作吗?所以你不一定要“need a job to survive”。有点儿像空空前天说的,女孩子不怕嫁错,认识到了就move on。但是不要一有问题就想跳槽,要先把手头的工作做好,做好了还没兴趣,才是真的没兴趣,而不是借口。
the problem is now my potential references requir me to make sense of it all orz
说半天还没看你的original question。在几楼?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:10:57编辑过]
I worry about that too. If I never try, I'll never know. If I try, I don't want to lose my status in the US if it doesn't work out. I'm not saying I won't try or will slob (?) in the real job while I try out the other path.
Does this make sense or am I being unrealistic?
i actually not sure what you want...
他自己不也是换了几次工作吗?所以你不一定要“need a job to survive”。有点儿像空空前天说的,女孩子不怕嫁错,认识到了就move on。但是不要一有问题就想跳槽,要先把手头的工作做好,做好了还没兴趣,才是真的没兴趣,而不是借口。
中国美国啊? 美国半年准备有点儿紧
So, all in all, does this communicate:
"What I meant was that, I feel I'm interested in clinical psychology but I'm still interested in neuroscience too. I think the mechanisms of mind and emotion and the application of these knowledge in real world are both fascinating. And I don't want to give up neuroscience and my years in school just because I feel another interest. I want to try my best to make use of my neuroscience degree, to accomplish something in neuroscience, as a test for myself, also a realistic choice. That's why I'm applying for postdoc and maybe industry jobs.
In the meantime, I want to keep my interest in pyschology in the big picture and try to get opportunity to try it out a little before I decide whether to actually switch completely. This may take years when I have a full-time job in neuroscience but I'm prepared for that."[/replyview]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:39:23编辑过]
中国美国啊? 美国半年准备有点儿紧
i actually not sure what you want...
I want to figure things out with minimal cost possible, and not breathing polluted air in China. That's what I want for now, which all requirs trying things out and staying in US.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:13:34编辑过]
我觉得你不需要planB,你要一个更好的plan A
中国美国啊? 美国半年准备有点儿紧
summer 885
以下是引用redsilence在11/9/2010 10:53:00 AM的发言:
I know. So I didn't want to tell them.
But the difference is that i don't need a bf to survive, yet i need
a job to survive. Also, according to Li Xiao Lai, sometimes just train
to love what you do, don't use interest as an excuse. So I tried to
embrace that concept while try to see whether I can do what I'm
interested in such that whatever happens I'll enjoy, or do well...
他自己不也是换了几次工作吗?所以你不一定要“need a job to survive”。有点儿像空空前天说的,女孩子不怕嫁错,认识到了就move on。但是不要一有问题就想跳槽,要先把手头的工作做好,做好了还没兴趣,才是真的没兴趣,而不是借口。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:56:20编辑过]
那就直说你现在决定先focus on毕业和find a job,兴趣先放在back burner上。我一直都是这个观点。
great great idea!!!!!
说半天还没看你的original question。在几楼?[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:10:57编辑过]
all together
I worry about that too. If I never try, I'll never know. If I try, I don't want to lose my status in the US if it doesn't work out. I'm not saying I won't try or will slob (?) in the real job while I try out the other path.
Does this make sense or am I being unrealistic?
如果你担心的是lose status, 转专业当学生也不会lose status. 如果你担心没有工作,那可以试试学校,公司,non-profit, etc.
I worry about that too. If I never try, I'll never know. If I try, I don't want to lose my status in the US if it doesn't work out. I'm not saying I won't try or will slob (?) in the real job while I try out the other path.
Does this make sense or am I being unrealistic?
你担心哪个不会work out?clinical psychology吗?你认为会有哪些问题有可能造成这条路doesn't work out?只是泛泛的担心“我做不好”还是有确定的obstacles?如果是后者的话我觉得可以理解,如果是前者的话,你也许应该问问自己对这条路到底有多少了解。
I want to figure things out with minimal cost possible, and not breathing polluted air in China. That's what I want for now, which all requirs trying things out and staying in US.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:13:34编辑过]
then go get a job in neuroscience. and make that clear to your potential references
你的plan A是啥?
这个不叫plan B,叫plan backfire。
你担心哪个不会work out?clinical psychology吗?你认为会有哪些问题有可能造成这条路doesn't work out?只是泛泛的担心“我做不好”还是有确定的obstacles?如果是后者的话我觉得可以理解,如果是前者的话,你也许应该问问自己对这条路到底有多少了解。
让我想起来the secret。。。我昨天接个人,特意强调说,不在后面那个地方, 在前面。。。结果人就听到不在哪儿了, 就去那儿了。。。faint。。。。
I want to figure things out with minimal cost possible, and not breathing polluted air in China. That's what I want for now, which all requirs trying things out and staying in US.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:13:34编辑过]
I want to figure things out with minimal cost possible, and not breathing polluted air in China. That's what I want for now, which all requirs trying things out and staying in US.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:13:34编辑过]
这个不叫plan B,叫plan backfire。
plan BS
plan BS
这不叫plan, 叫前怕狼后怕虎。
如果你担心的是lose status, 转专业当学生也不会lose status. 如果你担心没有工作,那可以试试学校,公司,non-profit, etc.
try to avoid this since I've been in school almost 20 years.
maybe I should try another reference
plan BS
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 11:20:51编辑过]