strength test free version (need to read the whole article) [replyview] 我做完是这几样 developer, consistency, empathy, activator, context [/replyview]
no my main problem now is to convince that professor and get me a recom letter as for the "perfect" plan, i have enough time to shape it bit by bit [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 14:17:12编辑过]
no my main problem now is to convince that professor and get me a recom letter as for the "perfect" plan, i have enough time to shape it bit by bit [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 14:17:12编辑过]
don't be part of a problem, be the solution...
be part of a problem: define a problem --> put yourself in it
be the solution define the goal --> walk/run/jog to the goal
no my main problem now is to convince that professor and get me a recom letter as for the "perfect" plan, i have enough time to shape it bit by bit [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 14:17:12编辑过]
sorry if I misunderstood you.
If you want to convince professors to give you a recommendation letter for neuroscience, then it seems to me mentioning other interest seems irrelevant.
If you want to convince professors to give you a recommendation letter for clinical psychology, put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself how would someone convince you? You may want to think even further, imagine yourself as the reviewer for the job application.
be part of a problem: define a problem --> put yourself in it
be the solution define the goal --> walk/run/jog to the goal
[replyview] kongkong, I am very interested in learning more about this. I'd like to think more professionally. Can you give me a few example? [/replyview]
我明白你说的意思,但是“诚实”二字不足以完全描述这个状态。 打个比方,我肠胃经常不好,我以为喝热巧克力对肠胃有好处,其实巧克力超级难消化。 "what you think you need" !~ "what you actually need" 同样, "what you think you are" !~ "what you actually are" 甚至 "what you think you like/dislike/value/good at" !~ "what you actually like/dislike/value/good at"....
sorry if I misunderstood you. If you want to convince professors to give you a recommendation letter for neuroscience, then it seems to me mentioning other interest seems irrelevant. If you want to convince professors to give you a recommendation letter for clinical psychology, put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself how would someone convince you? You may want to think even further, imagine yourself as the reviewer for the job application.
sorry that I expressed myself wrongI can't see how I could have expressed it better though.. could you or concord help me a little here? Back to the main topic, I'm going for neuroscience and i've already told him the irrelevant stuff, so now is sorta damage control. Anyway, I guess I'll just go to the professor and say that I didn't express the whole picture correctly. And say that I'm seriously looking for a career in neuroscience. Clinical psychology or psychology is just my hobby. I mentioned it to my boss just to see whether there is some way to combine the two. But it turned out not. I'm fine with that. Is this clear and short enough?
also, I have the impression that if I say I'll just go for neuroscience, the professor needs/wants to understand what I'm doing, why I mentioned things to my boss, why I had shown interest in his talking about how to switch. Otherwise he will still have doubt in me and won't write that letter. Am I paranoid in this?
sorry that I expressed myself wrongI can't see how I could have expressed it better though.. could you or concord help me a little here? Back to the main topic, I'm going for neuroscience and i've already told him the irrelevant stuff, so now is sorta damage control. Anyway, I guess I'll just go to the professor and say that I didn't express the whole picture correctly. And say that I'm seriously looking for a career in neuroscience. Clinical psychology or psychology is just my hobby. I mentioned it to my boss just to see whether there is some way to combine the two. But it turned out not. I'm fine with that. Is this clear and short enough?
patpat, words don't matter ah. [replyview] why would he believe you? Do you remember when you have to write the personal statement when applying for grad school? How did convince anyone you are serious about the discipline? Examples, stories, achievement, etc.
It's not so important to tell them psychology is/or is not just my hobby, they don't care, it's irrelevant. What they care is how much you passion you have for neuroscience. my two cents. [/replyview]
also, I have the impression that if I say I'll just go for neuroscience, the professor needs/wants to understand what I'm doing, why I mentioned things to my boss, why I had shown interest in his talking about how to switch. Otherwise he will still have doubt in me and won't write that letter. Am I paranoid in this? 反复强调,再次洗脑 拿出诚意,使劲忽悠
我明白你说的意思,但是“诚实”二字不足以完全描述这个状态。 打个比方,我肠胃经常不好,我以为喝热巧克力对肠胃有好处,其实巧克力超级难消化。 "what you think you need" !~ "what you actually need" 同样, "what you think you are" !~ "what you actually are" 甚至 "what you think you like/dislike/value/good at" !~ "what you actually like/dislike/value/good at"....
I feel words do matter, a lot! I try to improve my communication skill, which is like zip, whenever I can. So if you see something, please say something~
level低的人飘过 等高段数的牛人来支招 That professor is talkful...and I'm a slow talker......He overtalks me every time...I don't want to end up interrupting him, and don't want to risk ruining the second chance I have with him I want keep it short, clear and strong...<---defined goal for me now....feels impossible...what should I do...asking Xiao Xin too. darn it'd be a lot easier if I had said nothing to no one orz [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:12:35编辑过]
That professor is talkful...and I'm a slow talker......He overtalks me every time...I don't want to end up interrupting him, and don't want to risk ruining the second chance I have with him I want keep it short, clear and strong...<---defined goal for me now....feels impossible...what should I do...asking Xiao Xin too. darn it'd be a lot easier if I had said nothing to no one orz [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:12:35编辑过] [replyview] 你谈话是不是都是严肃的那种呀 我不太清楚你们那里,听着好像专门office hour去人教授office谈话阿 [/replyview]
That professor is talkful...and I'm a slow talker......He overtalks me every time...I don't want to end up interrupting him, and don't want to risk ruining the second chance I have with him I want keep it short, clear and strong...<---defined goal for me now....feels impossible...what should I do...asking Xiao Xin too. darn it'd be a lot easier if I had said nothing to no one orz [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:12:35编辑过]
two things irrelevant to solving your practical problem. [replyview] the way the world/other ppl view you is a reflection of how you view yourself. Don't stress yourself over what they think of you. You are responsible of shaping what they think of you.
on the side note, do you think of the professor as an authoritative figure? do you think of either of your parents/relatives as an authoritative figure? you might want to dig deeper into that history when you get the chance. [/replyview]
two things irrelevant to solving your practical problem. oh, I have a huge issue with authorities, every family member older than me was an authority to me. But when it comes to interrupting people, I just don't, not to anyone. That's partially why I like web so much, I can never interrupt anyone, impossible! So, anyway, it's allowed to interrupt people to say things?
实话 was what I said before: I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best. what impression have you got from this?
two things irrelevant to solving your practical problem. oh, I have a huge issue with authorities, every family member older than me was an authority to me. But when it comes to interrupting people, I just don't, not to anyone. That's partially why I like web so much, I can never interrupt anyone, impossible! So, anyway, it's allowed to interrupt people to say things?
I gathered that idea also also from you previous issue with your neighbor, who happened to be an elderly as well. It may be irrelavent to you. Just a thought.
There are many ways to take control of the conversation. In general, if you talk slowly, a fast talker usually slows down to match your speed, and vise versa. In terms of interruption, it really depends. I am no expert in that.
I think it'll be helpful to sleep on the ideas that Emichan, summer, concord and many others suggested earlier this morning.
恩,你说的这个给我挺大启发的,我真觉得有时候自己不知不觉读书读傻了,做研究第一要务是define problem,但是跟人交流恐怕是你 说的对define the goal。对我非常非常有用。 错过了奔。。。恭喜小新,爱兰
很喜欢这个be the solution define the goal --> walk/run/jog to the goal
The Secret里面讲,观想实现梦想的感受,强化自己的目标,也许开始根本不知道怎么实现,只要坚持并且坚信,就会到达
限制都是自己加的。LMK intro 区分他与普通学习,就用transformative learning----make sth disappear, eg fear, limit, doubt.... access to what we don't know we don't know
最后回应Red, language is most critical. LMK一个基础的概念是integrity--honor ur word. ur word is as good as what u r up to. Integrity 才有workability。 语言shape every aspect of our life, create our reality
实话 was what I said before: I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best. what impression have you got from this?
很喜欢这个be the solution define the goal --> walk/run/jog to the goal
The Secret里面讲,观想实现梦想的感受,强化自己的目标,也许开始根本不知道怎么实现,只要坚持并且坚信,就会到达
限制都是自己加的。LMK intro 区分他与普通学习,就用transformative learning----make sth disappear, eg fear, limit, doubt.... access to what we don't know we don't know
最后回应Red, language is most critical. LMK一个基础的概念是integrity--honor ur word. ur word is as good as what u r up to. Integrity 才有workability。 语言shape every aspect of our life, create our reality
I gathered that idea also also from you previous issue with your neighbor, who happened to be an elderly as well. It may be irrelavent to you. Just a thought.
There are many ways to take control of the conversation. In general, if you talk slowly, a fast talker usually slows down to match your speed, and vise versa. In terms of interruption, it really depends. I am no expert in that.
I think it'll be helpful to sleep on the ideas that Emichan, summer, concord and many others suggested earlier this morning.
I truely want to. But the job-->reference-->professor clock is ticking. I need an effective action/gesture for him ah I rephrase my question. Does "I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best." sounds reasonable enough for a professor to consider recommending a student to postdoc? or industry? Or just "I want to concentrate on finishing my degree and moving on right now. The psychology thing was just a thought."? ...or what?
实话 was what I said before: I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best. what impression have you got from this?
Did I say that I need this professor's letter? And he's had question for me and waiting for an answer? I must say something, what should I say then? [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:48:56编辑过]
I truely want to. But the job-->reference-->professor clock is ticking. I need an effective action/gesture for him ah I rephrase my question. Does "I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best." sounds reasonable enough for a professor to consider recommending a student to postdoc? or industry? Or just "I want to concentrate on finishing my degree and moving on right now. The psychology thing was just a thought."? ...or what?
Did I say that I need this professor's letter? And he's had question for me and waiting for an answer? I must say something, what should I say then? [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:48:56编辑过]
I am jumping in because I feel what you feel, but you need to help yourself. and don't panic. [replyview] my two cents. If that can't help, I am out of ideas. say you are confused, you are doing some serious soul-searching, you truly value his opinion and wonder if he can give you more time to think this over, and ask him to have confidence in you. Set the goal, you'll have better idea in a few weeks (or whenever). [/replyview]
Did I say that I need this professor's letter? And he's had question for me and waiting for an answer? I must say something, what should I say then? [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:48:56编辑过]
我不想听起来像抬杠,只是想确认我表达全面了: 那个教授,说要things make sense才写,而且提到如果博士后作两年就走,他是不认同的。给我感觉他很拿工作当回事,“我想找工作”对这样的人make sense吗?
do you think you can make sense of it?
do you think it's okay for you to tell him that you can not make sense out of it in such a short term, and would appreciate it if he does you a favor when you make the sense out later?
do you think it's meaningless to the job fair without his recommendation letter?
以下是引用爱蓝在11/9/2010 5:29:00 PM的发言: 不知道red的专业一般默认做几年博后,我听说的好像一轮博后就是2年 yes. That confused me. The professor said postdoc was training and that he won't train somebody and that person just switch to something else.
ps. This was brought up because I said I wanted to get a postdoc and take some courses during postdoc.
700 湫湫
800 hiking
=呵呵。 小新真大方, 鉴定完毕, 是戒指。。好歹看到真手奔了。。。。
developer, consistency, empathy, activator, context
too busy
MUA everyone, 888888888
strength test free version (need to read the whole article)
多谢小新的link. 大家都来做做吧。
看小新的top5, 感觉就是EQ很高呀。
多谢小新的link. 大家都来做做吧。
看小新的top5, 感觉就是EQ很高呀。
我彻底倒。。。。。怎么都没看懂怎么做这个测试 :S
my main problem now is to convince that professor and get me a recom letter
as for the "perfect" plan, i have enough time to shape it bit by bit
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 14:17:12编辑过]
我彻底倒。。。。。怎么都没看懂怎么做这个测试 :S
my main problem now is to convince that professor and get me a recom letter
as for the "perfect" plan, i have enough time to shape it bit by bit
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 14:17:12编辑过]
don't be part of a problem, be the solution...
be part of a problem:
define a problem --> put yourself in it
be the solution
define the goal --> walk/run/jog to the goal
my main problem now is to convince that professor and get me a recom letter
as for the "perfect" plan, i have enough time to shape it bit by bit
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 14:17:12编辑过]
sorry if I misunderstood you.
If you want to convince professors to give you a recommendation letter for neuroscience, then it seems to me mentioning other interest seems irrelevant.
If you want to convince professors to give you a recommendation letter for clinical psychology, put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself how would someone convince you? You may want to think even further, imagine yourself as the reviewer for the job application.
我再给你个主意吧,虽然这个主意治标不治本。你去找几个clinical psychology的lab,给他们写email,去旁听他们的组会,跟PHD学生聊聊,听听他们的想法。有的系如果open house的去open house。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 14:43:51编辑过]
多谢小新的link. 大家都来做做吧。
另外说说这个测试的缺点, 这里面把value(价值观)和skill(技能)混到一起了,value一般是不容易随时间境遇变化的,一般容易被高估,skill则是容易随时间境遇变化的,两者比较很容易有bias。
en? 她内向?
I mean, i'm not surprised that I'm introver. just surprised how bad my memory is
don't be part of a problem, be the solution...
be part of a problem:
define a problem --> put yourself in it
be the solution
define the goal --> walk/run/jog to the goal
kongkong, I am very interested in learning more about this. I'd like to think more professionally.
Can you give me a few example?
另外说说这个测试的缺点, 这里面把value(价值观)和skill(技能)混到一起了,value一般是不容易随时间境遇变化的,一般容易被高估,skill则是容易随时间境遇变化的,两者比较很容易有bias。
我正想指出来, 但是想想没有。。。呵呵。。。 这个方法前提是对自己诚实。 这个是超级难做到的。。所以才有其他的测试方法
我正想指出来, 但是想想没有。。。呵呵。。。 这个方法前提是对自己诚实。 这个是超级难做到的。。所以才有其他的测试方法
"what you think you need" !~ "what you actually need"
"what you think you are" !~ "what you actually are"
"what you think you like/dislike/value/good at" !~ "what you actually like/dislike/value/good at"....
sorry if I misunderstood you.
If you want to convince professors to give you a recommendation letter for neuroscience, then it seems to me mentioning other interest seems irrelevant.
If you want to convince professors to give you a recommendation letter for clinical psychology, put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself how would someone convince you? You may want to think even further, imagine yourself as the reviewer for the job application.
sorry that I expressed myself wrong
Back to the main topic, I'm going for neuroscience and i've already told him the irrelevant stuff, so now is sorta damage control.
Anyway, I guess I'll just go to the professor and say that I didn't express the whole picture correctly. And say that I'm seriously looking for a career in neuroscience. Clinical psychology or psychology is just my hobby. I mentioned it to my boss just to see whether there is some way to combine the two. But it turned out not. I'm fine with that. Is this clear and short enough?
另外说说这个测试的缺点, 这里面把value(价值观)和skill(技能)混到一起了,value一般是不容易随时间境遇变化的,一般容易被高估,skill则是容易随时间境遇变化的,两者比较很容易有bias。
不要去define a problem, 真的, 那个是个很要命的思维方式。。。。
kongkong, I am very interested in learning more about this. I'd like to think more professionally.
Can you give me a few example?
xin, 很多想法我也没成型呢, 就不耽误你了。。。 咱们都自己多思考。。。 再交流
Am I paranoid in this?
give me examples pls. I want to see how people view me
sorry that I expressed myself wrong
Back to the main topic, I'm going for neuroscience and i've already told him the irrelevant stuff, so now is sorta damage control.
Anyway, I guess I'll just go to the professor and say that I didn't express the whole picture correctly. And say that I'm seriously looking for a career in neuroscience. Clinical psychology or psychology is just my hobby. I mentioned it to my boss just to see whether there is some way to combine the two. But it turned out not. I'm fine with that. Is this clear and short enough?
patpat, words don't matter ah.
why would he believe you? Do you remember when you have to write the personal statement when applying for grad school? How did convince anyone you are serious about the discipline? Examples, stories, achievement, etc.
It's not so important to tell them psychology is/or is not just my hobby, they don't care, it's irrelevant.
What they care is how much you passion you have for neuroscience. my two cents.
also, I have the impression that if I say I'll just go for neuroscience, the professor needs/wants to understand what I'm doing, why I mentioned things to my boss, why I had shown interest in his talking about how to switch. Otherwise he will still have doubt in me and won't write that letter.
Am I paranoid in this?
patpat, words don't matter ah.
patpat, words don't matter ah.
why would
我纯粹在家看drive manual憋的慌出来瞎溜达
"what you think you need" !~ "what you actually need"
"what you think you are" !~ "what you actually are"
"what you think you like/dislike/value/good at" !~ "what you actually like/dislike/value/good at"....
对呀。 有些是不愿意诚实, 这个其实比较好判断。。。 自己也知道, 有些是以为自己是诚实的, 但是自己都不知道自己倒是是怎么样的。。。却以为自己知道。。。所以一些test的目的就是剔除这些因素。。。。 通过巧妙的设计,客观的发现你自己都不知道的。。。当然了, 其他很多test 也是很那啥的。。。 不要迷信。。所以我从来不take 那个。。唯一take了一个是爱情的,。呵呵。。发现那个及准,。。。但是也找不到了, 所以不要问我要
patpat, words don't matter ah.
I feel words do matter, a lot! I try to improve my communication skill, which is like zip, whenever I can. So if you see something, please say something~
哈哈哈。 笑死了。。。
xin, 很多想法我也没成型呢, 就不耽误你了。。。 咱们都自己多思考。。。 再交流
恩,你说的这个给我挺大启发的,我真觉得有时候自己不知不觉读书读傻了,做研究第一要务是define problem,但是跟人交流恐怕是你
说的对define the goal。对我非常非常有用。
That professor is talkful...and I'm a slow talker......He overtalks me every time...I don't want to end up interrupting him, and don't want to risk ruining the second chance I have with him I want keep it short, clear and strong...<---defined goal for me now....feels impossible...what should I do...asking Xiao Xin too.
darn it'd be a lot easier if I had said nothing to no one orz
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:12:35编辑过]
give me examples pls. I want to see how people view me
我也都是纸上谈兵,今天郁闷, 随便胡说。。
开始我也理论式的认为是define the problem了。
That professor is talkful...and I'm a slow talker......He overtalks me every time...I don't want to end up interrupting him, and don't want to risk ruining the second chance I have with him I want keep it short, clear and strong...<---defined goal for me now....feels impossible...what should I do...asking Xiao Xin too.
darn it'd be a lot easier if I had said nothing to no one orz
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:12:35编辑过]
我不太清楚你们那里,听着好像专门office hour去人教授office谈话阿
That professor is talkful...and I'm a slow talker......He overtalks me every time...I don't want to end up interrupting him, and don't want to risk ruining the second chance I have with him I want keep it short, clear and strong...<---defined goal for me now....feels impossible...what should I do...asking Xiao Xin too.
darn it'd be a lot easier if I had said nothing to no one orz
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:12:35编辑过]
two things irrelevant to solving your practical problem.
the way the world/other ppl view you is a reflection of how you view yourself. Don't stress yourself over what they think of you. You are responsible of shaping what they think of you.
on the side note, do you think of the professor as an authoritative figure? do you think of either of your parents/relatives as an authoritative figure? you might want to dig deeper into that history when you get the chance.
不要去define a problem, 真的, 那个是个很要命的思维方式。。。。
哦,pat pat,要不就vent一下吧
哦,pat pat,要不就vent一下吧
I just think interrupting people when their mouths are still make sounds are not polite...not true?
two things irrelevant to solving your practical problem.
on the side note, authoritative figure?
two things irrelevant to solving your practical problem.
oh, I have a huge issue with authorities, every family member older than me was an authority to me. But when it comes to interrupting people, I just don't, not to anyone. That's partially why I like web so much, I can never interrupt anyone, impossible!
So, anyway, it's allowed to interrupt people to say things?
看了red的话吧, 我有个原则, 我不和比我年长的, 经历多的人, 玩儿心眼。。 人过的桥比我走的路还多,一眼儿就把我看穿了, 我费那劲儿干嘛。。。 实话实说。。。要不就啥也不说。。 说就说实话
hahaha. bSO young a
看了red的话吧, 我有个原则, 我不和比我年长的, 经历多的人, 玩儿心眼。。 人过的桥比我走的路还多,一眼儿就把我看穿了, 我费那劲儿干嘛。。。 实话实说。。。要不就啥也不说。。 说就说实话
实话 was what I said before:
I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best.
what impression have you got from this?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:35:21编辑过]
two things irrelevant to solving your practical problem.
oh, I have a huge issue with authorities, every family member older than me was an authority to me. But when it comes to interrupting people, I just don't, not to anyone. That's partially why I like web so much, I can never interrupt anyone, impossible!
So, anyway, it's allowed to interrupt people to say things?
I gathered that idea also also from you previous issue with your neighbor, who happened to be an elderly as well. It may be irrelavent to you. Just a thought.
There are many ways to take control of the conversation. In general, if you talk slowly, a fast talker usually slows down to match your speed, and vise versa. In terms of interruption, it really depends. I am no expert in that.
I think it'll be helpful to sleep on the ideas that Emichan, summer, concord and many others suggested earlier this morning.
need to revise what i said, coming..
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:33:13编辑过]
玛雅, 看到这个, 我实在是憋不住了。。。
恩,你说的这个给我挺大启发的,我真觉得有时候自己不知不觉读书读傻了,做研究第一要务是define problem,但是跟人交流恐怕是你
说的对define the goal。对我非常非常有用。
很喜欢这个be the solution
define the goal --> walk/run/jog to the goal
The Secret里面讲,观想实现梦想的感受,强化自己的目标,也许开始根本不知道怎么实现,只要坚持并且坚信,就会到达
限制都是自己加的。LMK intro 区分他与普通学习,就用transformative learning----make sth disappear, eg fear, limit, doubt.... access to what we don't know we don't know
最后回应Red, language is most critical. LMK一个基础的概念是integrity--honor ur word. ur word is as good as what u r up to. Integrity 才有workability。 语言shape every aspect of our life, create our reality
实话 was what I said before:
I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best.
what impression have you got from this?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:35:21编辑过]
有的时候不说话也可以。。 你这段话而, 我建议你可以不说。。
很喜欢这个be the solution
define the goal --> walk/run/jog to the goal
The Secret里面讲,观想实现梦想的感受,强化自己的目标,也许开始根本不知道怎么实现,只要坚持并且坚信,就会到达
限制都是自己加的。LMK intro 区分他与普通学习,就用transformative learning----make sth disappear, eg fear, limit, doubt.... access to what we don't know we don't know
最后回应Red, language is most critical. LMK一个基础的概念是integrity--honor ur word. ur word is as good as what u r up to. Integrity 才有workability。 语言shape every aspect of our life, create our reality
多谢风雪!! 你对LMK的很多理论真是融会贯通啊!受益良多!
I gathered that idea also also from you previous issue with your neighbor, who happened to be an elderly as well. It may be irrelavent to you. Just a thought.
There are many ways to take control of the conversation. In general, if you talk slowly, a fast talker usually slows down to match your speed, and vise versa. In terms of interruption, it really depends. I am no expert in that.
I think it'll be helpful to sleep on the ideas that Emichan, summer, concord and many others suggested earlier this morning.
I rephrase my question. Does "I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best." sounds reasonable enough for a professor to consider recommending a student to postdoc? or industry?
Or just "I want to concentrate on finishing my degree and moving on right now. The psychology thing was just a thought."?
...or what?
实话 was what I said before:
I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best.
what impression have you got from this?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:35:21编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:44:41编辑过]
I must say something, what should I say then?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:48:56编辑过]
I rephrase my question. Does "I don't feel so much passion about science now. I don't want to rush in psychology right now either. I want to take practical steps and do my best." sounds reasonable enough for a professor to consider recommending a student to postdoc? or industry?
Or just "I want to concentrate on finishing my degree and moving on right now. The psychology thing was just a thought."?
...or what?
why keep stressing this??
why keep stressing this??
because Xiao Xin and concord and kongkong asked about that. I thought people, including the professor need to know...
有的时候不说话也可以。。 你这段话而, 我建议你可以不说。。
多谢风雪!! 你对LMK的很多理论真是融会贯通啊!受益良多!
LMK不讲理论的,他做减法, make things disappear, 让你得到“nothing”-----周日去,朋友说Thanks for nothing! "nothing" 很难得
传统学习做加法,gain infoetc
Did I say that I need this professor's letter? And he's had question for me and waiting for an answer?
I must say something, what should I say then?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:48:56编辑过]
I am jumping in because I feel what you feel, but you need to help yourself. and don't panic.
my two cents. If that can't help, I am out of ideas.
say you are confused, you are doing some serious soul-searching, you
truly value his opinion and wonder if he can give you more time to
think this over, and ask him to have confidence in you. Set the goal, you'll have better idea in a few weeks (or whenever).
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:58:02编辑过]
I am jumping in because I feel what you feel, but you need to help yourself.
是,可以说自己confused,但是绝不要be negative。
教训: how to present sth is very important. 房东看了一眼滤网上的渣渣,就坚决拒绝尝试
是,可以说自己confused,但是绝不要be negative。
agree. don't use the word don't
to get a better idea, go to
喝着新鲜的热气腾腾的almond milk.
教训: how to present sth is very important. 房东看了一眼滤网上的渣渣,就坚决拒绝尝试
赞!!! 是把ALMOND打碎了冲牛奶喝吗?听起来好诱人!
I am jumping in because I feel what you feel, but you need to help yourself. and don't panic.
我没有panic,想起来我没说到,之所以我想马上就能跟这个professor说出个结果来,是因为11月10几号我们专业有个特大的job event。到时候会需要列出references,我周四就作飞机走,所以必须明天就能得到他同意,不然job event我基本啥也作不成了
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 16:14:33编辑过]
agree. don't use the word don't
to get a better idea, go to
wow, this is so helpful~
I'm now furious at and frustrated with myself for creating obstacles for myself in this "timely" fashion!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 16:35:26编辑过]
喝着新鲜的热气腾腾的almond milk.
教训: how to present sth is very important. 房东看了一眼滤网上的渣渣,就坚决拒绝尝试
那就直说你现在决定先focus on毕业和find a job,兴趣先放在back burner上。我一直都是这个观点。
给我job in neuroscience的推荐信。针对那个教授而言。
老板不是问题,她已经答应给我推荐信了,就是要跟她解释清是找neuroscience的工作er yi
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 16:54:33编辑过]
赞!!! 是把ALMOND打碎了冲牛奶喝吗?听起来好诱人!
是用almond 泡水,做出来的豆浆
vegan, 不含任何牛奶
老板不是问题,她已经答应给我推荐信了,就是要跟她解释清是找neuroscience的工作er yi
strength test free version (need to read the whole article)
don't be part of a problem, be the solution...
be part of a problem:
define a problem --> put yourself in it
be the solution
define the goal --> walk/run/jog to the goal
LMK不讲理论的,他做减法, make things disappear, 让你得到“nothing”-----周日去,朋友说Thanks for nothing! "nothing" 很难得
传统学习做加法,gain infoetc
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/11 13:07:54编辑过]
你希望你老板写针对那个工作的推荐信,汗 job in neuroscience的推荐信
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 16:57:21编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 16:57:21编辑过]
为什么我觉得大家都在聊天好像没有太多是在讨论书的内容阿? 这个楼到底是怎么个运作?土人求问
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 16:57:21编辑过]
你明确的告诉她,你现在的目标就是找个neuroscience的工作,别的等你自己考虑成熟再说。over 我不想听起来像抬杠,只是想确认我表达全面了:
那个教授,说要things make sense才写,而且提到如果博士后作两年就走,他是不认同的。给我感觉他很拿工作当回事,“我想找工作”对这样的人make sense吗?
那个教授,说要things make sense才写,而且提到如果博士后作两年就走,他是不认同的。给我感觉他很拿工作当回事,“我想找工作”对这样的人make sense吗?
为什么我觉得大家都在聊天好像没有太多是在讨论书的内容阿? 这个楼到底是怎么个运作?土人求问
if you want to discuss something about the book, or any book, just shoot whenever you feel like.
Did I say that I need this professor's letter? And he's had question for me and waiting for an answer?
I must say something, what should I say then?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/9 15:48:56编辑过]
那个教授,说要things make sense才写,而且提到如果博士后作两年就走,他是不认同的。给我感觉他很拿工作当回事,“我想找工作”对这样的人make sense吗?
do you think you can make sense of it?
do you think it's okay for you to tell him that you can not make sense out of it in such a short term, and would appreciate it if he does you a favor when you make the sense out later?
do you think it's meaningless to the job fair without his recommendation letter?
yes. That confused me. The professor said postdoc was training and that he won't train somebody and that person just switch to something else.
ps. This was brought up because I said I wanted to get a postdoc and take some courses during postdoc.
yes. That confused me. The professor said postdoc was training and that he won't train somebody and that person just switch to something else.
ps. This was brought up because I said I wanted to get a postdoc and take some courses during postdoc.