Alex had MMR shot on Monday and he has some rash around his head from this weekend, eyes area although he doesn't feel anything bad...Becomes better now.
但是这两天不管要什么都是尖叫, 玛雅,我赶快看看,好在有眼神交流,叫他名字也答应。。。不会是自闭症前兆吧 I am not sure it is TT or because of shots. No other signs.
我怎么记得牛儿已经打过第一针了呢?我这个糊涂妈,明天查查看。 12~15 months for first MMR shots, 4?~6 years for second shots. I did some research,you can do a blood test. If he gets the antibody, it may not need second shots. But double check with PED first.
Alex had MMR shot on Monday and he has some rash around his head from this weekend, eyes area although he doesn't feel anything bad...Becomes better now.
玛雅,我赶快看看,好在有眼神交流,叫他名字也答应。。。不会是自闭症前兆吧 I am not sure it is TT or because of shots. No other signs.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 12:12:42编辑过]
today angie going for her 15 month check up around 2pm ... hope she do not get fever if she need shots this visit ..bless bless
today angie going for her 15 month check up around 2pm ... hope she do not get fever if she need shots this visit ..bless bless Bless bless. I postpone Alex 15 months check up to next month.
12~15 months for first MMR shots, 4?~6 years for second shots. I did some research,you can do a blood test. If he gets the antibody, it may not need second shots. But double check with PED first.
i think angie got the mmr on her 12 month ... any other shot for 15 month beside mmr?
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait.... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, I either go back with them for two weeks... This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in that daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait.... this sounds like a rush decision. put some more thinking into it
this sounds like a rush decision. put some more thinking into it We went to daycare tour long time ago, like September. My mom really like that grasshopper classroom and she made the decision and just wait for warm weather...but once put deposit, it is gone no matter we go that month or not...
We went to daycare tour long time ago, like September. My mom really like that grasshopper classroom and she made the decision and just wait for warm weather...but once put deposit, it is gone no matter we go that month or not...
Do you remember Feb./March temperature? warm? 春天是不是细菌复苏的季节?
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait.... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait.... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过] or just do it. he will have to go to daycare sooner or later. Just bite the bullet.
we are doing tour at a private school's baby program tomorrow morning. They claim they're not a daycare, but a school. They teach babies arts, math, language, even yoga. I'm curious to see how this is run. Somehow i just can't picture Mai doing yoga. That'll be too funny.
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, I either go back with them for two weeks... This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in that daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
or just do it. he will have to go to daycare sooner or later. Just bite the bullet.
we are doing tour at a private school's baby program tomorrow morning. They claim they're not a daycare, but a school. They teach babies arts, math, language, even yoga. I'm curious to see how this is run. Somehow i just can't picture Mai doing yoga. That'll be too funny.
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait.... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过] 2K is too much. If I was you, I'll wait.......
昨天我们去了private school expo以后他爸就被忽悠了,几乎所有preschool都开始教法语,中文,yoga, 天文啥的等等。 吓死人了。有一个学校的brochure上写, 要想上他们的K, 基本出生了就要开始apply. 我晕倒。
她爸开始摩拳擦掌计划她以后的上学路线了。 说不上daycare了,就上这个。 结果我们市的location已经全满,waiting list 3年半。 隔壁city的location有一个位,所以明天早上去看,但是太远了,每天要我开车送。 我说就上daycare吧,然后现在就排上preschool和 k的队。不过我们楼下这个daycare是free play style的,什么什么都不交,确实有点太放散羊了也
or just do it. he will have to go to daycare sooner or later. Just bite the bullet.
we are doing tour at a private school's baby program tomorrow morning. They claim they're not a daycare, but a school. They teach babies arts, math, language, even yoga. I'm curious to see how this is run. Somehow i just can't picture Mai doing yoga. That'll be too funny.
sounds interesting and sounds too good... honestly, 我个人对那些强调要培养精英或天才宝宝的学校或program有点turn off, 觉得小小孩还是快乐地玩,正常地长大就好了。but that's just my personal opinion.
or just do it. he will have to go to daycare sooner or later. Just bite the bullet.
we are doing tour at a private school's baby program tomorrow morning. They claim they're not a daycare, but a school. They teach babies arts, math, language, even yoga. I'm curious to see how this is run. Somehow i just can't picture Mai doing yoga. That'll be too funny.
昨天我们去了private school expo以后他爸就被忽悠了,几乎所有preschool都开始教法语,中文,yoga, 天文啥的等等。 吓死人了。有一个学校的brochure上写, 要想上他们的K, 基本出生了就要开始apply. 我晕倒。
她爸开始摩拳擦掌计划她以后的上学路线了。 说不上daycare了,就上这个。 结果我们市的location已经全满,waiting list 3年半。 隔壁city的location有一个位,所以明天早上去看,但是太远了,每天要我开车送。 我说就上daycare吧,然后现在就排上preschool和 k的队。不过我们楼下这个daycare是free play style的,什么什么都不交,确实有点太放散羊了也
昨天我们去了private school expo以后他爸就被忽悠了,几乎所有preschool都开始教法语,中文,yoga, 天文啥的等等。 吓死人了。有一个学校的brochure上写, 要想上他们的K, 基本出生了就要开始apply. 我晕倒。
她爸开始摩拳擦掌计划她以后的上学路线了。 说不上daycare了,就上这个。 结果我们市的location已经全满,waiting list 3年半。 隔壁city的location有一个位,所以明天早上去看,但是太远了,每天要我开车送。 我说就上daycare吧,然后现在就排上preschool和 k的队。不过我们楼下这个daycare是free play style的,什么什么都不交,确实有点太放散羊了也
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait.... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
昨天我们去了private school expo以后他爸就被忽悠了,几乎所有preschool都开始教法语,中文,yoga, 天文啥的等等。 吓死人了。有一个学校的brochure上写, 要想上他们的K, 基本出生了就要开始apply. 我晕倒。
她爸开始摩拳擦掌计划她以后的上学路线了。 说不上daycare了,就上这个。 结果我们市的location已经全满,waiting list 3年半。 隔壁city的location有一个位,所以明天早上去看,但是太远了,每天要我开车送。 我说就上daycare吧,然后现在就排上preschool和 k的队。不过我们楼下这个daycare是free play style的,什么什么都不交,确实有点太放散羊了也
有想要的短信我哈。。。 It is so cute. It remind me that my sister also bought Alex two sets of this kind of sleeping bag. She paid at least 300RMB locally, taobao is really great.
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait.... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过] 2千的定金?天神阿,这是什么daycare阿?这么贵!!! 3月份去上挺好的,我发现小毛现在越来越喜欢和小朋友一起玩了,呆家里挺无聊得,大人也累
Alex had MMR shot on Monday and he has some rash around his head from this weekend, eyes area although he doesn't feel anything bad...Becomes better now.
但是这两天不管要什么都是尖叫, 玛雅,我赶快看看,好在有眼神交流,叫他名字也答应。。。不会是自闭症前兆吧 I am not sure it is TT or because of shots. No other signs.
I am not sure it is TT or because of shots. No other signs.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 12:12:42编辑过]
happy虽然happy, 但跟被人抽过一样,累啊。。。特别是胳膊疼,成天抱着大米转悠很辛苦。。。
That down coat I ordered from SAKS is with 600 fill. There is a 600 刺绣在袖口,虽然我倒着看是009.....hahaha
happy虽然happy, 但跟被人抽过一样,累啊。。。特别是胳膊疼,成天抱着大米转悠很辛苦。。。
I just bought 50LBs rice instead of 25LBs from Costco yesterday...haha
12~15 months for first MMR shots, 4?~6 years for second shots. I did some research,you can do a blood test. If he gets the antibody, it may not need second shots. But double check with PED first.
有没有美妈有 amazon20% diaper code .. thanks
I have 20% and 25% off coupons from Gymboree...
二混,我强烈推荐马拉松。以前没有比较不觉得,这次到FL,用朋友的car seat,阿甘在车上就是睡不舒服,脑袋耷拉着,过一阵子就哭了,困又睡着难受的样子。他在马拉松上睡的就很好。
really.. how about braitx car seat ...
马拉松 and braitx car seat which one is better ?
re work great
Alex had MMR shot on Monday and he has some rash around his head from this weekend, eyes area although he doesn't feel anything bad...Becomes better now.
I am not sure it is TT or because of shots. No other signs.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 12:12:42编辑过]
today angie going for her 15 month check up around 2pm ... hope she do not get fever if she need shots this visit ..bless bless
today angie going for her 15 month check up around 2pm ... hope she do not get fever if she need shots this visit ..bless bless
Bless bless. I postpone Alex 15 months check up to next month.
I have 20% and 25% off coupons from Gymboree...
thanks can you sent to my inbox .. muwah
12~15 months for first MMR shots, 4?~6 years for second shots. I did some research,you can do a blood test. If he gets the antibody, it may not need second shots. But double check with PED first.
i think angie got the mmr on her 12 month ... any other shot for 15 month beside mmr?
thanks can you sent to my inbox .. muwah
This is from Gymboree not from Amazon, meima.... do you need?
thanks can you sent to my inbox .. muwah
saw it wrong .. thanks may anyway .. i was looking for amazon diaper code .. cause need to get angie some easy up diaper
This is from Gymboree not from Amazon, meima.... do you need?
no thanks .. i think i got them too but do not need ... thanks anyway
bless Alex. don't worry too much May. You're just paranoid.
I checked and can't find what's paranoid.
Bless, drink water water water...
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
hi, guys, girls, beauties....
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, I either go back with them for two weeks... This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in that daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
this sounds like a rush decision. put some more thinking into it
this sounds like a rush decision. put some more thinking into it
We went to daycare tour long time ago, like September. My mom really like that grasshopper classroom and she made the decision and just wait for warm weather...but once put deposit, it is gone no matter we go that month or not...
Do you remember Feb./March temperature? warm?
to 600's xifu:
We went to daycare tour long time ago, like September. My mom really like that grasshopper classroom and she made the decision and just wait for warm weather...but once put deposit, it is gone no matter we go that month or not...
Do you remember Feb./March temperature? warm?
hi, guys, girls, beauties....
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
hi, guys, girls, beauties....
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
or just do it. he will have to go to daycare sooner or later. Just bite the bullet.
we are doing tour at a private school's baby program tomorrow morning. They claim they're not a daycare, but a school. They teach babies arts, math, language, even yoga. I'm curious to see how this is run. Somehow i just can't picture Mai doing yoga. That'll be too funny.
today angie going for her 15 month check up around 2pm ... hope she do not get fever if she need shots this visit ..bless bless
a 咋的了?bless.....
really.. how about braitx car seat ...
马拉松 and braitx car seat which one is better ?
马拉松 is one of the britax's models, probably the most popular one
hi, guys, girls, beauties....
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, I either go back with them for two weeks... This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in that daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
你跟爸妈回家过年? 老公一个人照看儿子?
a 咋的了?bless.....
不知道内, 东宝昨天打鼾了都
or just do it. he will have to go to daycare sooner or later. Just bite the bullet.
we are doing tour at a private school's baby program tomorrow morning. They claim they're not a daycare, but a school. They teach babies arts, math, language, even yoga. I'm curious to see how this is run. Somehow i just can't picture Mai doing yoga. That'll be too funny.
hi, guys, girls, beauties....
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
hi, guys, girls, beauties....
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
2K is too much. If I was you, I'll wait.......
不知道内, 东宝昨天打鼾了都
能打, 刚才懒了。这个baby program每天还要穿校服
昨天我们去了private school expo以后他爸就被忽悠了,几乎所有preschool都开始教法语,中文,yoga, 天文啥的等等。 吓死人了。有一个学校的brochure上写, 要想上他们的K, 基本出生了就要开始apply. 我晕倒。
她爸开始摩拳擦掌计划她以后的上学路线了。 说不上daycare了,就上这个。 结果我们市的location已经全满,waiting list 3年半。 隔壁city的location有一个位,所以明天早上去看,但是太远了,每天要我开车送。 我说就上daycare吧,然后现在就排上preschool和 k的队。不过我们楼下这个daycare是free play style的,什么什么都不交,确实有点太放散羊了也
不过,我爸我妈他们发现自己完全跟不上好动的小毛。。。所以,他还是全天去上幼儿园,以前打算的part time计划也搁置了~~~
or just do it. he will have to go to daycare sooner or later. Just bite the bullet.
we are doing tour at a private school's baby program tomorrow morning. They claim they're not a daycare, but a school. They teach babies arts, math, language, even yoga. I'm curious to see how this is run. Somehow i just can't picture Mai doing yoga. That'll be too funny.
sounds interesting and sounds too good...
honestly, 我个人对那些强调要培养精英或天才宝宝的学校或program有点turn off, 觉得小小孩还是快乐地玩,正常地长大就好了。but that's just my personal opinion.
haha, 东宝同学太荣幸了。。。
or just do it. he will have to go to daycare sooner or later. Just bite the bullet.
we are doing tour at a private school's baby program tomorrow morning. They claim they're not a daycare, but a school. They teach babies arts, math, language, even yoga. I'm curious to see how this is run. Somehow i just can't picture Mai doing yoga. That'll be too funny.
能打, 刚才懒了。这个baby program每天还要穿校服
昨天我们去了private school expo以后他爸就被忽悠了,几乎所有preschool都开始教法语,中文,yoga, 天文啥的等等。 吓死人了。有一个学校的brochure上写, 要想上他们的K, 基本出生了就要开始apply. 我晕倒。
她爸开始摩拳擦掌计划她以后的上学路线了。 说不上daycare了,就上这个。 结果我们市的location已经全满,waiting list 3年半。 隔壁city的location有一个位,所以明天早上去看,但是太远了,每天要我开车送。 我说就上daycare吧,然后现在就排上preschool和 k的队。不过我们楼下这个daycare是free play style的,什么什么都不交,确实有点太放散羊了也
sounds interesting and sounds too good...
honestly, 我个人对那些强调要培养精英或天才宝宝的学校或program有点turn off, 觉得小小孩还是快乐地玩,正常地长大就好了。but that's just my personal opinion.
哈哈哈。。。我笑喷。。。超正宗的downward dog pose
不过,我爸我妈他们发现自己完全跟不上好动的小毛。。。所以,他还是全天去上幼儿园,以前打算的part time计划也搁置了~~~
不过,我爸我妈他们发现自己完全跟不上好动的小毛。。。所以,他还是全天去上幼儿园,以前打算的part time计划也搁置了~~~
不过,我爸我妈他们发现自己完全跟不上好动的小毛。。。所以,他还是全天去上幼儿园,以前打算的part time计划也搁置了~~~
哈哈哈。。。我笑喷。。。超正宗的downward dog pose
try to imagine小麦非常serious非常focus地在做瑜伽。。。。。。。。。。
能打, 刚才懒了。这个baby program每天还要穿校服
昨天我们去了private school expo以后他爸就被忽悠了,几乎所有preschool都开始教法语,中文,yoga, 天文啥的等等。 吓死人了。有一个学校的brochure上写, 要想上他们的K, 基本出生了就要开始apply. 我晕倒。
她爸开始摩拳擦掌计划她以后的上学路线了。 说不上daycare了,就上这个。 结果我们市的location已经全满,waiting list 3年半。 隔壁city的location有一个位,所以明天早上去看,但是太远了,每天要我开车送。 我说就上daycare吧,然后现在就排上preschool和 k的队。不过我们楼下这个daycare是free play style的,什么什么都不交,确实有点太放散羊了也
try to imagine小麦非常serious非常focus地在做瑜伽。。。。。。。。。。
hi, guys, girls, beauties....
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
不过,我爸我妈他们发现自己完全跟不上好动的小毛。。。所以,他还是全天去上幼儿园,以前打算的part time计划也搁置了~~~
2,3 月份上daycare,我觉得可以。。。这跟我原来送东宝的计划差不多。。。
能打, 刚才懒了。这个baby program每天还要穿校服
昨天我们去了private school expo以后他爸就被忽悠了,几乎所有preschool都开始教法语,中文,yoga, 天文啥的等等。 吓死人了。有一个学校的brochure上写, 要想上他们的K, 基本出生了就要开始apply. 我晕倒。
她爸开始摩拳擦掌计划她以后的上学路线了。 说不上daycare了,就上这个。 结果我们市的location已经全满,waiting list 3年半。 隔壁city的location有一个位,所以明天早上去看,但是太远了,每天要我开车送。 我说就上daycare吧,然后现在就排上preschool和 k的队。不过我们楼下这个daycare是free play style的,什么什么都不交,确实有点太放散羊了也
sounds interesting and sounds too good...
honestly, 我个人对那些强调要培养精英或天才宝宝的学校或program有点turn off, 觉得小小孩还是快乐地玩,正常地长大就好了。but that's just my personal opinion.
我也要看麦做yoga! 小毛现在也无师自通会做downdog position,哈哈
不过,我爸我妈他们发现自己完全跟不上好动的小毛。。。所以,他还是全天去上幼儿园,以前打算的part time计划也搁置了~~~
2,3 月份上daycare,我觉得可以。。。这跟我原来送东宝的计划差不多。。。
不过,我爸我妈他们发现自己完全跟不上好动的小毛。。。所以,他还是全天去上幼儿园,以前打算的part time计划也搁置了~~~
全天就全天,大人乐得轻松些,反正估计part time 也不太省$
I am really cheap la...
sounds interesting and sounds too good...
honestly, 我个人对那些强调要培养精英或天才宝宝的学校或program有点turn off, 觉得小小孩还是快乐地玩,正常地长大就好了。but that's just my personal opinion.
我也不喜欢小孩那么大压力。但是他们说不是教,是以玩的形式传授,就是不是坐课堂学习那种。反正明天看看吧。 只要她高兴就好,但是如过啥都不学估计到时候进kindergarden考试不及格人家不收呢
嗯呀。娃再大点就得不停地学习,homework, exams。。难得前两年可以尽情地玩就让娃玩吧。
哈哈,我和她爸说 can you imagine mai 很 calm 的做yoga吗? 老师肯定不停地喊,maddie, stay in your child position! 哈哈哈哈
It is so cute. It remind me that my sister also bought Alex two sets of this kind of sleeping bag. She paid at least 300RMB locally, taobao is really great.
hi, guys, girls, beauties....
My parents want to go back home for chinese new year, Alex and I either go back with them for two weeks or I just stay here...
This means I need send Alex to daycare in Feb. or March....
There is one opening in the daycare close to my LD's office now for March/Feb., but I need put deposit around $2000 for that space now...
Do you guys think it is better to send deposit now or I can wait... you guys know me, I am quick fast and can't wait....
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 13:39:51编辑过]
哈哈哈。。。我笑喷。。。超正宗的downward dog pose
哈哈哈哈, 这个position人家经常演习
最气愤的是我想去gap给东宝买个小棉袄。。。进门还有50% off。。。
我直接去排队就啥事没有,结果我自己嘴贱跑去问sale是不是还available, 那个店员说现在10点整,你不能去排队了,nnd。。。
try to imagine小麦非常serious非常focus地在做瑜伽。。。。。。。。。。
yeah right, 她肯定就是经常被训的那一个
我们it部门associate manager 是一挺和善的黑人,从加拿大来的,母语是法语,跟我说他20岁才开始学英语。程度很好就是
呆家里挺无聊得,大人也累:That's so true...
monthly pay is 1870$ with 150$ registration fee...
I am very poor after calling that daycare... then I jump something for my parents... post-thanksgiving shopping...
最气愤的是我想去gap给东宝买个小棉袄。。。进门还有50% off。。。
我直接去排队就啥事没有,结果我自己嘴贱跑去问sale是不是还available, 那个店员说现在10点整,你不能去排队了,nnd。。。
我们it部门associate manager 是一挺和善的黑人,从加拿大来的,母语是法语,跟我说他20岁才开始学英语。程度很好就是
最气愤的是我想去gap给东宝买个小棉袄。。。进门还有50% off。。。
我直接去排队就啥事没有,结果我自己嘴贱跑去问sale是不是还available, 那个店员说现在10点整,你不能去排队了,nnd。。。
I went to Eddiebauer and want to get a downcoat for my father....
That line ya... like a long long XIang Chang... The guy gave me a note with 40% off for Nov. 26....I left after 2 seconds.
I went to that store Saturday and gave that note to checkout guy and want to make fun of it.. He gave me the same discount...hahaha...
But I only bring a hat... too bad...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 14:31:14编辑过]
bless 所有生病的小盆友和大盆友
基本我们这里分四种学校, free play, 就是我们楼下的,不教,一切有小孩自由玩, 然后蒙校, IB (international background 还是啥的), 然后cefa (core education, fine art). 以前不知道还有这么多种类。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 14:33:02编辑过]
Alex had MMR shot on Monday and he has some rash around his head from this weekend, eyes area although he doesn't feel anything bad...Becomes better now.
I am not sure it is TT or because of shots. No other signs.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/29 12:12:42编辑过]