1. 小新推荐(1493楼): 李翊云的书,缺点是可能没有电子版 2. summer推荐:万物简史,英文名“a short history of nearly everything”,有英文电子书 3. Jolin推荐 (1572楼):李笑来:《把时间当朋友》,有多个格式的电子版 4.teawhy推荐(1722楼):我推荐哈佛美女物理教授Lisa Randall的很有名的一本书,Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions 5. red推荐:《把时间当朋友》里常提到的柳比谢夫《奇特的一生》,不过技术性比较高、文学性有待讨论
man... inflation comes and goes, just like everything else... business cycle comes and goes, recession comes and goes. i am just facinated by it..... love comes and goes, life comes and goes. gosh, this is pretty a ....
抓住.上次你说Google video 来着, 怎么用? 我昨晚下载了一个Image search app for my touch. this is the only time i wish i had an ipad.. image is a little too small on the touch...
抓住.上次你说Google video 来着, 怎么用? 我昨晚下载了一个Image search app for my touch. this is the only time i wish i had an ipad.. image is a little too small on the touch...
你对心理学感兴趣-》想转行-》告诉你爸-》。。。 it's a huge waste of time (5yr phd in neuroscience+5yr maybe more for psychology). ->Of course my being single and unaccomplished at this age came up. ->And my mediocre (?) interpersonal skills too. ->Am I be unrealistic? -》Do I really wanna switch or just using psychology/interest as an excuse not to face the real life? -》Should I pursue what "I think" I love or try to do better with what I have? -》 I indeed didn't do well in the current phd study, so maybe I won't do well in another major either, especially with my poor interpersonal skills. -》 orz 其实就是一件小事啊,怎么扯了这么十万八千里去了 It seems like what stressed you out is that you feel frustrated that your idea was turned down. What you seem to want is to learn psychology, so what alternatives do you have besides getting a PhD in psychology after getting the first one? For example, taking class, reading related literatures, talking with ppl, etc? [/power=5] [此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:35:45编辑过]
拿 ah, job hunting and everything. I just feel that it'll probably be necessary for me to go back to school in the future, and I want to have the option... 现在的phd不拿了么?毕竟是读了5年,拿了也是给自己一个交代吧。
man, i have been thinking how far gold can go. this impulsive idea of yours makes me think the top is near if not in [此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:44:21编辑过] no, the idea was like 6 months old already. so probably it's already top or passed it.
拿 ah, job hunting and everything. I just feel that it'll probably be necessary for me to go back to school in the future, and I want to have the option...
the alternative would be I try to be a professor (working psychology-related projects with anmials), which I highly doubt I have what it takes...
why do you must be a professor? can you be a research scientist first? What is it that you care more/ what matters most? doing something you like? Or getting an approved career? or something else? you need to make a pick, not about psychology, but about these generic questions. Also, maybe beware of the pitfall of "all or nothing".
可不可以找一个POSTDOC的职位把你的背景和心理学联系起来呢?也许有的LAB很欢迎你这样有BENCH WORK背景的人呢? that's what I'm trying to find. but the thing is, if I think I can do well in clinical psych, I'll surely go for this kind of postdoc. If I can't, and I doubt that I can become a research professor (writing grants and socialize etc), I'd better go for postdoc that leads to industry orz....
that's what I'm trying to find. but the thing is, if I think I can do well in clinical psych, I'll surely go for this kind of postdoc. If I can't, and I doubt that I can become a research professor (writing grants and socialize etc), I'd better go for postdoc that leads to industry orz....
I don't think you can change the probability of the outcome by feeling stressed out, right? So what can you do to make things go the way you want it to go?
Thanks for sharing. That's the best sceniro in my plan too. I guess the main thing that set me off was the perception of "I can't have the option of xxxx"...need to think over it
why do you must be a professor? can you be a research scientist first? What is it that you care more/ what matters most? doing something you like? Or getting an approved career? or something else? you need to make a pick, not about psychology, but about these generic questions. Also, maybe beware of the pitfall of "all or nothing".
Thanks xiao xin. I mean eventually a professor. Can one be a research scientist forever? The important thing is that professor can schedule things around his/her own agend..not entirely, but more than postdocs and employees do. I believed that doing things I like is the No.2, financial survival is No. 1. But everytime I talked to my parents, they discard the "interest" idea with "their experience over all these years". orz I'm such a sucker for "all or nothing" -_-b
I don't think you can change the probability of the outcome by feeling stressed out, right? So what can you do to make things go the way you want it to go?
gave me heartache and goose bumps. thanks xiao xin! I've never thought of that
Thanks xiao xin. I mean eventually a professor. Can one be a research scientist forever? The important thing is that professor can schedule things around his/her own agend..not entirely, but more than postdocs and employees do. I believed that doing things I like is the No.2, financial survival is No. 1. But everytime I talked to my parents, they discard the "interest" idea with "their experience over all these years". orz I'm such a sucker for "all or nothing" -_-b
以下是引用冬日阳光灿烂在10/29/2010 1:51:00 PM的发言: the reason is shameful. I thought if I need a PHD degree to get job I want in psych (indeed, according to what I've seen lately), I might need money to cover tuition. I might need their money then. well, I guess I can use student loan? non resident can do that?
Thanks xiao xin. I mean eventually a professor. Can one be a research scientist forever? The important thing is that professor can schedule things around his/her own agend..not entirely, but more than postdocs and employees do. I believed that doing things I like is the No.2, financial survival is No. 1. But everytime I talked to my parents, they discard the "interest" idea with "their experience over all these years". orz I'm such a sucker for "all or nothing" -_-b
the reason is shameful. I thought if I need a PHD degree to get job I want in psych (indeed, according to what I've seen lately), I might need money to cover tuition. I might need their money then. well, I guess I can use student loan? non resident can do that?
man, lucky you . my parents wont pay my US tuition... hehe ....
再说一个,很多人对心理学的兴趣,是开始于一些personal experience,但是一旦要做研究,在这个领域要特别注意研究的科学性,要own your work,但是又不take it personal。时刻注意不能让自己的personal bias影响你的工作, 现在很多心理学研究有好想法,但是因为实验不够严谨,结果经常被质疑。因为这个,我觉得读心理学的难度是比一些其他学科要大很多的。这个难度,比语言难度还要大很多,你看容格写红书就知道。那都是呕心沥血。
再说一个,很多人对心理学的兴趣,是开始于一些personal experience,但是一旦要做研究,在这个领域要特别注意研究的科学性,要own your work,但是又不take it personal。时刻注意不能让自己的personal bias影响你的工作, 现在很多心理学研究有好想法,但是因为实验不够严谨,结果经常被质疑。因为这个,我觉得读心理学的难度是比一些其他学科要大很多的。这个难度,比语言难度还要大很多,你看容格写红书就知道。那都是呕心沥血。
严重同意。。。。 red 你把那个红宝书看了, 再说? 正好给我们做个报告。。我对那本书及其感兴趣, 但是一翻开头就疼。。。非常非常的rich 和intense...及其少见, 从没见过
“Teaching how to fax is about the equivalent of teaching people how to ride a dinosaur. Both seem to rank high on the stupid scale.” [此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 15:04:39编辑过]
that's one of the "false ideas" my fear I don't know and I feel more like "I can't feed myself" than "I don't want to feed myself"... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 17:43:42编辑过]
both...I guess I'm still not sure whether I can do well in psychology, especially after I saw nearly all clinical jobs requires US residency at least. Therefore their doubt about me brought up the doubt in myself. So, 父母的不支持 leads to 苦恼换不换专业. My thinking is, they've been watching me doing things for 20 yrs, they've been doing things in the real world themselves. They probably know better whether I'd survive in something or not...
严重同意。。。。 red 你把那个红宝书看了, 再说? 正好给我们做个报告。。我对那本书及其感兴趣, 但是一翻开头就疼。。。非常非常的rich 和intense...及其少见, 从没见过[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 14:17:00编辑过] that's another problem of me...as Xiaolai Li said, the feeling of time-is-running-up...I do love to read it though...
以下是引用xinlaide在10/29/2010 2:14:00 PM的发言: 再说一个,很多人对心理学的兴趣,是开始于一些personal experience,但是一旦要做研究,在这个领域要特别注意研究的科学性,要own your work,但是又不take it personal。时刻注意不能让自己的personal bias影响你的工作, 现在很多心理学研究有好想法,但是因为实验不够严谨,结果经常被质疑。因为这个,我觉得读心理学的难度是比一些其他学科要大很多的。这个难度,比语言难度还要大很多,你看容格写红书就知道。那都是呕心沥血。 that's why I was going for clinical/counselling psychology first...I'm not that good at real research.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/28 20:56:42编辑过]
1. 小新推荐(1493楼): 李翊云的书,缺点是可能没有电子版
2. summer推荐:万物简史,英文名“a short history of nearly everything”,有英文电子书
3. Jolin推荐 (1572楼):李笑来:《把时间当朋友》,有多个格式的电子版
4.teawhy推荐(1722楼):我推荐哈佛美女物理教授Lisa Randall的很有名的一本书,Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions 5. red推荐:《把时间当朋友》里常提到的柳比谢夫《奇特的一生》,不过技术性比较高、文学性有待讨论
1600 阿妙
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 10:04:50编辑过]
我妈今年年初就开始和我说, 钱不值钱了。。。 我还心说呢, RMB对美元涨啊。。。 今天早上看, 国内物价问题真是很厉害啊。。。 这个对内的大幅贬值, 让我想起来90年代初。。我妈屯肥皂呢。。。现在恐怕还有没用完的。。。美国印钞票, 物价不涨, 中国印钞票, 物价飞涨。。。
Have no idea how to deal with it. waiting to die
hand,我刚想log in了想推荐这一本。看了点开头,很有兴趣这个人的生活。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 11:56:36编辑过]
我妈今年年初就开始和我说, 钱不值钱了。。。 我还心说呢, RMB对美元涨啊。。。 今天早上看, 国内物价问题真是很厉害啊。。。 这个对内的大幅贬值, 让我想起来90年代初。。我妈屯肥皂呢。。。现在恐怕还有没用完的。。。美国印钞票, 物价不涨, 中国印钞票, 物价飞涨。。。
Have no idea how to deal with it. waiting to die
man... inflation comes and goes, just like everything else... business cycle comes and goes, recession comes and goes. i am just facinated by it..... love comes and goes, life comes and goes. gosh, this is pretty a ....
他们实际上也确实是怪物。他们之中有些人真是爱上了自己的昆虫。卡尔·林德曼说,他爱三种生物;步行虫、女人和蜥蜴。他捉住蜥蜴后,吻一吻它们的头,又放走了。柳比歇夫打趣道:"看来,他对女人大致也是如此。" "
抓住.上次你说Google video 来着, 怎么用? 我昨晚下载了一个Image search app for my touch. this is the only time i wish i had an ipad.. image is a little too small on the touch...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 12:23:06编辑过]
抓住.上次你说Google video 来着, 怎么用? 我昨晚下载了一个Image search app for my touch. this is the only time i wish i had an ipad.. image is a little too small on the touch...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 12:23:06编辑过]
啥?我不记得什么google video 了
啥?我不记得什么google video 了
揍是我说我发现google image很好用, 你就提了google video 来着
揍是我说我发现google image很好用, 你就提了google video 来着
哦哦,不是VIDEO,是GOOGLE READER,有一个GOOGLE READER PLAY,把好玩的东西用放幻灯的形式看,我听说在DROID上很慢就没有试了,不知道在ITOUCH上速度怎么样
那个艺术学校也非常好,很专业的琴房,舞蹈教室和剧院(三个),这个条件其他学校是没法比的,我们唯一不喜欢的是,黑人比例太高了,80+%了。其实也有一个相熟的小朋友会一起上,也不算太远,没有preschool也不是完全不能忍。只是根据我们的经验,黑人如果decent,就会非常好,甚至比很多白人都好相处;但碰到不靠谱黑人的几率,比碰到white trash的几率大。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:09:23编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:26:24编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:23:08编辑过]
it's a huge waste of time (5yr phd in neuroscience+5yr maybe more for
->Of course my being single and unaccomplished at this age
came up.
->And my mediocre (?) interpersonal skills too.
->Am I be unrealistic?
-》Do I really wanna switch or just using
psychology/interest as an excuse not to face the real life?
-》Should I
pursue what "I think" I love or try to do better with what I have?
-》 I
indeed didn't do well in the current phd study, so maybe I won't do
well in another major either, especially with my poor interpersonal
-》 orz
It seems like what stressed you out is that you feel frustrated that your idea was turned down.
What you seem to want is to learn psychology, so what alternatives do you have besides getting a PhD in psychology after getting the first one?
For example, taking class, reading related literatures, talking with ppl, etc?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:35:45编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:09:23编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:30:19编辑过]
i had an idea about buying gold which they discarded already. That's why I said calling them on this was a bad idea from the very beginning...
有人用evernote吗?我在iphone上下了一个,可以sync note across desktop, web, iphone, android,做的还挺不错的样子。
why not啊?
'cause major switching is a big thing ah...and being single and unaccomplished is a related topic to "waste of time"
蓬蓬, 地毯, 现在有那种什么carpet tile, 好么? 还有我要是刷漆, 换地毯, 是哪个先哪个后啊
有人用evernote吗?我在iphone上下了一个,可以sync note across desktop, web, iphone, android,做的还挺不错的样子。
Thanks, I use something similar call springpad
'cause major switching is a big thing ah...and being single and unaccomplished is a related topic to "waste of time"
it sounds to me that you feel you "must: switch major, as if there are no alternative to get what you want
'cause major switching is a big thing ah...and being single and unaccomplished is a related topic to "waste of time"
Thanks, I use something similar call springpad
i use this as well
Thanks, I use something similar call springpad
你们全部地板? 你们怎么找contractor的啊。。。 还是找handyman?我们可能最初就是刷刷漆,换个地毯类似的,,2年内, 要重新搞个gourmet kitchen....(当然了, 要确定下offer啥的再说, 难得这个淡季看到很喜欢的一个。。)
i had an idea about buying gold which they discarded already. That's why I said calling them on this was a bad idea from the very beginning...
man, i have been thinking how far gold can go. this impulsive idea of yours makes me think the top is near if not in
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:44:21编辑过]
it sounds to me that you feel you "must: switch major, as if there are no alternative to get what you want
the alternative would be I try to be a professor (working psychology-related projects with anmials), which I highly doubt I have what it takes...
'cause major switching is a big thing ah...and being single and unaccomplished is a related topic to "waste of time"
可不可以找一个POSTDOC的职位把你的背景和心理学联系起来呢?也许有的LAB很欢迎你这样有BENCH WORK背景的人呢?
你们全部地板? 你们怎么找contractor的啊。。。 还是找handyman?我们可能最初就是刷刷漆,换个地毯类似的,,2年内, 要重新搞个gourmet kitchen....(当然了, 要确定下offer啥的再说, 难得这个淡季看到很喜欢的一个。。)
拿 ah, job hunting and everything. I just feel that it'll probably be necessary for me to go back to school in the future, and I want to have the option...
man, i have been thinking how far gold can go. this impulsive idea of yours makes me think the top is near if not in [此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:44:21编辑过]
no, the idea was like 6 months old already. so probably it's already top or passed it.
ok, 谢谢。。
拿 ah, job hunting and everything. I just feel that it'll probably be necessary for me to go back to school in the future, and I want to have the option...
the alternative would be I try to be a professor (working psychology-related projects with anmials), which I highly doubt I have what it takes...
why do you must be a professor? can you be a research scientist first?
What is it that you care more/ what matters most? doing something you like? Or getting an approved career? or something else?
you need to make a pick, not about psychology, but about these generic questions.
Also, maybe beware of the pitfall of "all or nothing".
可不可以找一个POSTDOC的职位把你的背景和心理学联系起来呢?也许有的LAB很欢迎你这样有BENCH WORK背景的人呢?
that's what I'm trying to find.
but the thing is, if I think I can do well in clinical psych, I'll surely go for this kind of postdoc. If I can't, and I doubt that I can become a research professor (writing grants and socialize etc), I'd better go for postdoc that leads to industry orz....
that's what I'm trying to find.
but the thing is, if I think I can do well in clinical psych, I'll surely go for this kind of postdoc. If I can't, and I doubt that I can become a research professor (writing grants and socialize etc), I'd better go for postdoc that leads to industry orz....
I don't think you can change the probability of the outcome by feeling stressed out, right? So what can you do to make things go the way you want it to go?
Thanks for sharing. That's the best sceniro in my plan too. I guess the main thing that set me off was the perception of "I can't have the option of xxxx"...need to think over it
why do you must be a professor? can you be a research scientist first?
What is it that you care more/ what matters most? doing something you like? Or getting an approved career? or something else?
you need to make a pick, not about psychology, but about these generic questions.
Also, maybe beware of the pitfall of "all or nothing".
Thanks xiao xin.
I mean eventually a professor. Can one be a research scientist forever? The important thing is that professor can schedule things around his/her own agend..not entirely, but more than postdocs and employees do.
I believed that doing things I like is the No.2, financial survival is No. 1. But everytime I talked to my parents, they discard the "interest" idea with "their experience over all these years".
orz I'm such a sucker for "all or nothing" -_-b
I don't think you can change the probability of the outcome by feeling stressed out, right? So what can you do to make things go the way you want it to go?
Thanks xiao xin.
I mean eventually a professor. Can one be a research scientist forever? The important thing is that professor can schedule things around his/her own agend..not entirely, but more than postdocs and employees do.
I believed that doing things I like is the No.2, financial survival is No. 1. But everytime I talked to my parents, they discard the "interest" idea with "their experience over all these years".
orz I'm such a sucker for "all or nothing" -_-b
why not?
man, i have been thinking how far gold can go. this impulsive idea of yours makes me think the top is near if not in
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 13:44:21编辑过]
well, I guess I can use student loan? non resident can do that?
why not?
but then I don't have time to go to class and intership maybe...
Thanks xiao xin.
I mean eventually a professor. Can one be a research scientist forever? The important thing is that professor can schedule things around his/her own agend..not entirely, but more than postdocs and employees do.
I believed that doing things I like is the No.2, financial survival is No. 1. But everytime I talked to my parents, they discard the "interest" idea with "their experience over all these years".
orz I'm such a sucker for "all or nothing" -_-b
如果你改专业不需要父母经济上的投入的话,他们的话应该仅仅是参考,不可能是final call。
well, I guess I can use student loan? non resident can do that?
man, lucky you . my parents wont pay my US tuition... hehe ....
其他的不知道怎么回答, 以下内容只有回复后才可以浏览
i am really lost on this....
me too...
red, don't just be a thinker, be a doer first. Then you can justify your ideas.
再说一个,很多人对心理学的兴趣,是开始于一些personal experience,但是一旦要做研究,在这个领域要特别注意研究的科学性,要own your work,但是又不take it personal。时刻注意不能让自己的personal bias影响你的工作, 现在很多心理学研究有好想法,但是因为实验不够严谨,结果经常被质疑。因为这个,我觉得读心理学的难度是比一些其他学科要大很多的。这个难度,比语言难度还要大很多,你看容格写红书就知道。那都是呕心沥血。
严重同意。。。。 red 你把那个红宝书看了, 再说? 正好给我们做个报告。。我对那本书及其感兴趣, 但是一翻开头就疼。。。非常非常的rich 和intense...及其少见, 从没见过
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 14:17:00编辑过]
那你自己现在想清楚了吗? 因为你现在跟父母谈,把两个问题混在一起是很不利的。
第二个问题是,已经决定了去做,问题financially怎么做,那就直接问,他们能不能帮忙了。如果他们financially capable,但不支持,那就看你能不能说服他们(列明大概需要多久的帮助,金额大概多少,你的打算大概如何。。。)。再分析下,除了他们的帮助之外, 你的选择还有哪些?
but then I don't have time to go to class and intership maybe...
请教一个问题,楼里有人知道怎么online fax吗? 我听说有这个技术,最近想试试,不知道从哪里入手。
很久以前用过, 那个是免费的。。你就是注册一个号码, 别人就可以给那个号码发传真了。。。。 你有传真就会受到email, 然后会是扫描好的文件。。。你要发, 也可以把文件扫描了, 然后给那个email 发传真(这个我从没用过, 因为可以扫描就直接attachement 了
很久以前用过, 那个是免费的。。你就是注册一个号码, 别人就可以给那个号码发传真了。。。。 你有传真就会受到email, 然后会是扫描好的文件。。。你要发, 也可以把文件扫描了, 然后给那个email 发传真(这个我从没用过, 因为可以扫描就直接attachement 了
我10年前用的, 如果没记错的话, 叫efax? 估计现在收费了,要是还在的话
我10年前用的, 如果没记错的话, 叫efax? 估计现在收费了,要是还在的话
嗯,还在,这个收费了,30 day free trial。。。。
ride a dinosaur. Both seem to rank high on the stupid scale.”
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 15:04:39编辑过]
对了,我也是瞎联想,前面小新说心理学那个很容易有personal bias的,幼儿教育学也是这样。一个孩子身上好使的招儿,换个孩子就可能完全不work。有孩子自己个性的原因,也有成长过程中环境正负反馈的影响。
我前面说心理学研究容易有PERSONAL BIAS也不是很严谨的说法,就是我自己的个人感受,都是从纪录片里看来的,没有去翻文献。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 15:56:29编辑过]
我前面说心理学研究容易有PERSONAL BIAS也不是很严谨的说法,就是我自己的个人感受,都是从纪录片里看来的,没有去翻文献。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 15:56:29编辑过]
你提到的这个翻译解释过程,我觉得有点像sell 过程,不太想research过程啊。
你提到的这个翻译解释过程,我觉得有点像sell 过程,不太想research过程啊。
从理论到应用,关键很难在controlled environment实践检验,每个家庭环境还不一样,所以我猜想结果不一样也很自然,
从理论到应用,关键很难在controlled environment实践检验,每个家庭环境还不一样,所以我猜想结果不一样也很自然,
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 17:09:46编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 17:09:46编辑过]
that's one of the "false ideas" my fear
I don't know
and I feel more like "I can't feed myself" than "I don't want to feed myself"...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 17:43:42编辑过]
如果你改专业不需要父母经济上的投入的话,他们的话应该仅仅是参考,不可能是final call。
both...I guess I'm still not sure whether I can do well in psychology, especially after I saw nearly all clinical jobs requires US residency at least. Therefore their doubt about me brought up the doubt in myself. So, 父母的不支持 leads to 苦恼换不换专业.
My thinking is, they've been watching me doing things for 20 yrs, they've been doing things in the real world themselves. They probably know better whether I'd survive in something or not...
严重同意。。。。 red 你把那个红宝书看了, 再说? 正好给我们做个报告。。我对那本书及其感兴趣, 但是一翻开头就疼。。。非常非常的rich 和intense...及其少见, 从没见过[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/29 14:17:00编辑过]
that's another problem of me...as Xiaolai Li said, the feeling of time-is-running-up...I do love to read it though...
再说一个,很多人对心理学的兴趣,是开始于一些personal experience,但是一旦要做研究,在这个领域要特别注意研究的科学性,要own your work,但是又不take it personal。时刻注意不能让自己的personal bias影响你的工作, 现在很多心理学研究有好想法,但是因为实验不够严谨,结果经常被质疑。因为这个,我觉得读心理学的难度是比一些其他学科要大很多的。这个难度,比语言难度还要大很多,你看容格写红书就知道。那都是呕心沥血。
that's why I was going for clinical/counselling psychology first...I'm not that good at real research.
请教一个问题,楼里有人知道怎么online fax吗? 我听说有这个技术,最近想试试,不知道从哪里入手。
get a software. there are 30-day free trial ones.
my dad and i used a chinese one, not free though. "chuan zhen jing ling"
为什么不能先工作, 攒钱, 过几年用自己的钱回去读, 如果那个时候还是干兴趣的话?我觉得父母付了本科了, 就真的没义务付研究生的了。。。
the feeling of time running up and the feeling of incompetence
they are plan b. And I panic without plan b.
帮助他做到这一点的,正是他的研究工作。 "