Sorry I can't type in chinese here. I can't really say I'm a proessional in Autisum, but I used to work with those special needs kids and I did some case study with some autistic kids as well. So here are some information I want to tell you, hopfully it will help you a bit. 1. There is no DIAGNOSITC TEST for autisim, if you do want to start early intervention for you baby, then you should send him to do different types of evaluation. You can contact your doc to start this procedure. 2. Some people say that Autistic kids starts showing signs and symptoms around the age 3. which is not correct, it starts right about age two. 3. According to your description, i cant say your baby is autistic kid, but the signs and symptoms are pretty match with autistic kids. First, Langudage development delay is the first sign, some autistic kids they start babbling, but later it disappeared, some kids show no babbing at all. Another classical sign is that Autistic kids don't like noise, they even can't stand the noise they made by themselves, so what they do is covering their own ears in order not to hear the nosie they made. 4. They don't like to socialize, no eye contact, showing aggressive behavior sometimes. 5. You mentioned about MMR vaccine, I'm not sure, even though I'm in medical field, and I read about alot of medical article related to MMR and autism, they all say it unrelated. The reason why people get concered about MMR is because babies get MMR vaccine at about age 2, and autism kids starts to show signs and symptoms about the same time. Like I said some kids starts to babble, but then later they disappear, therefore, the parents assume that which has something to do with MMR shot. Well, I'm not sure about this, just little bit extra info. 6. One more classical sign is the repetitive behavior, they keep doing same old thing over and over again.
Well, there are too much to say about autistic kid, If you want to leave me your email address in my INBOX, I will send you the paper that I wrote about autistic kid which including lots of classical signs and symptoms, treatment and some autism cases which I've seen in my life, you can compare them with your baby.
BTW, baby boy has higher chances to get autism than girls, we still don't know why.
My suggestion is contact your doc to start evaluation first, autism is not curable, but definately will change kid's condition with early intervention. Good luck. and best wishes to your baby.... :)
Sorry I can't type in chinese here. I can't really say I'm a proessional in Autisum, but I used to work with those special needs kids and I did some case study with some autistic kids as well. So here are some information I want to tell you, hopfully it will help you a bit. 1. There is no DIAGNOSITC TEST for autisim, if you do want to start early intervention for you baby, then you should send him to do different types of evaluation. You can contact your doc to start this procedure. 2. Some people say that Autistic kids starts showing signs and symptoms around the age 3. which is not correct, it starts right about age two. 3. According to your description, i cant say your baby is autistic kid, but the signs and symptoms are pretty match with autistic kids. First, Langudage development delay is the first sign, some autistic kids they start babbling, but later it disappeared, some kids show no babbing at all. Another classical sign is that Autistic kids don't like noise, they even can't stand the noise they made by themselves, so what they do is covering their own ears in order not to hear the nosie they made. 4. They don't like to socialize, no eye contact, showing aggressive behavior sometimes. 5. You mentioned about MMR vaccine, I'm not sure, even though I'm in medical field, and I read about alot of medical article related to MMR and autism, they all say it unrelated. The reason why people get concered about MMR is because babies get MMR vaccine at about age 2, and autism kids starts to show signs and symptoms about the same time. Like I said some kids starts to babble, but then later they disappear, therefore, the parents assume that which has something to do with MMR shot. Well, I'm not sure about this, just little bit extra info. 6. One more classical sign is the repetitive behavior, they keep doing same old thing over and over again.
Well, there are too much to say about autistic kid, If you want to leave me your email address in my INBOX, I will send you the paper that I wrote about autistic kid which including lots of classical signs and symptoms, treatment and some autism cases which I've seen in my life, you can compare them with your baby.
BTW, baby boy has higher chances to get autism than girls, we still don't know why.
My suggestion is contact your doc to start evaluation first, autism is not curable, but definately will change kid's condition with early intervention. Good luck. and best wishes to your baby.... :)
Sorry I can't type in chinese here. I can't really say I'm a proessional in Autisum, but I used to work with those special needs kids and I did some case study with some autistic kids as well. So here are some information I want to tell you, hopfully it will help you a bit. 1. There is no DIAGNOSITC TEST for autisim, if you do want to start early intervention for you baby, then you should send him to do different types of evaluation. You can contact your doc to start this procedure. 2. Some people say that Autistic kids starts showing signs and symptoms around the age 3. which is not correct, it starts right about age two. 3. According to your description, i cant say your baby is autistic kid, but the signs and symptoms are pretty match with autistic kids. First, Langudage development delay is the first sign, some autistic kids they start babbling, but later it disappeared, some kids show no babbing at all. Another classical sign is that Autistic kids don't like noise, they even can't stand the noise they made by themselves, so what they do is covering their own ears in order not to hear the nosie they made. 4. They don't like to socialize, no eye contact, showing aggressive behavior sometimes. 5. You mentioned about MMR vaccine, I'm not sure, even though I'm in medical field, and I read about alot of medical article related to MMR and autism, they all say it unrelated. The reason why people get concered about MMR is because babies get MMR vaccine at about age 2, and autism kids starts to show signs and symptoms about the same time. Like I said some kids starts to babble, but then later they disappear, therefore, the parents assume that which has something to do with MMR shot. Well, I'm not sure about this, just little bit extra info. 6. One more classical sign is the repetitive behavior, they keep doing same old thing over and over again.
Well, there are too much to say about autistic kid, If you want to leave me your email address in my INBOX, I will send you the paper that I wrote about autistic kid which including lots of classical signs and symptoms, treatment and some autism cases which I've seen in my life, you can compare them with your baby.
BTW, baby boy has higher chances to get autism than girls, we still don't know why.
My suggestion is contact your doc to start evaluation first, autism is not curable, but definately will change kid's condition with early intervention. Good luck. and best wishes to your baby.... :)
early intervention should be very helpful.
try to be a positive and supportive parents, and take good care of yourself.
I can't really say I'm a proessional in Autisum, but I used to work with those special needs kids and I did some case study with some autistic kids as well. So here are some information I want to tell you, hopfully it will help you a bit.
1. There is no DIAGNOSITC TEST for autisim, if you do want to start early intervention for you baby, then you should send him to do different types of evaluation. You can contact your doc to start this procedure.
2. Some people say that Autistic kids starts showing signs and symptoms around the age 3. which is not correct, it starts right about age two.
3. According to your description, i cant say your baby is autistic kid, but the signs and symptoms are pretty match with autistic kids. First, Langudage development delay is the first sign, some autistic kids they start babbling, but later it disappeared, some kids show no babbing at all. Another classical sign is that Autistic kids don't like noise, they even can't stand the noise they made by themselves, so what they do is covering their own ears in order not to hear the nosie they made.
4. They don't like to socialize, no eye contact, showing aggressive behavior sometimes.
5. You mentioned about MMR vaccine, I'm not sure, even though I'm in medical field, and I read about alot of medical article related to MMR and autism, they all say it unrelated. The reason why people get concered about MMR is because babies get MMR vaccine at about age 2, and autism kids starts to show signs and symptoms about the same time. Like I said some kids starts to babble, but then later they disappear, therefore, the parents assume that which has something to do with MMR shot. Well, I'm not sure about this, just little bit extra info.
6. One more classical sign is the repetitive behavior, they keep doing same old thing over and over again.
Well, there are too much to say about autistic kid, If you want to leave me your email address in my INBOX, I will send you the paper that I wrote about autistic kid which including lots of classical signs and symptoms, treatment and some autism cases which I've seen in my life, you can compare them with your baby.
BTW, baby boy has higher chances to get autism than girls, we still don't know why.
My suggestion is contact your doc to start evaluation first, autism is not curable, but definately will change kid's condition with early intervention. Good luck. and best wishes to your baby.... :)
Rett's 好像只是女孩会有
pat pat mm,先别自己吓唬自己,让医生诊断一下吧
打疫苗之前可以叫爸爸妈妈什么的么?还是一直不开口? 脾气变坏会不会是T2的来临?
不知道还有一个可能的原因会不会世老二地出生让他没有安全感,我们已经尽量多陪他了。。但是他的eye contact真的很差,每次我让他看着我的眼睛说话,他都不,而且一旦我不满足他的要求,马上就大哭躺地上。。。爷爷奶奶马上就不干了,所以我都没有办法强迫他和我交流。。
多跟他玩peekaboo,hide & seek之类的也会有帮助
不知道还有一个可能的原因会不会世老二地出生让他没有安全感,我们已经尽量多陪他了。。但是他的eye contact真的很差,每次我让他看着我的眼睛说话,他都不,而且一旦我不满足他的要求,马上就大哭躺地上。。。爷爷奶奶马上就不干了,所以我都没有办法强迫他和我交流。。
你这个很可能和我们家老大一样,被弟弟的出生shock了。 真正的自闭不会因为你的行为有很显著的变化的。 而且eye contact不是要娃看着你,而是平时观察娃在和你要东西,要你做什么的时候有没有看着你,或者有意识的看着娃的眼睛,观察娃的反应。 自闭的娃会有一个很明显的回避动作。 而且当你盯他看很久的时候,他会panic吗?会躲到角落里吗?
Sorry I can't type in chinese here.
I can't really say I'm a proessional in Autisum, but I used to work with those special needs kids and I did some case study with some autistic kids as well. So here are some information I want to tell you, hopfully it will help you a bit.
1. There is no DIAGNOSITC TEST for autisim, if you do want to start early intervention for you baby, then you should send him to do different types of evaluation. You can contact your doc to start this procedure.
2. Some people say that Autistic kids starts showing signs and symptoms around the age 3. which is not correct, it starts right about age two.
3. According to your description, i cant say your baby is autistic kid, but the signs and symptoms are pretty match with autistic kids. First, Langudage development delay is the first sign, some autistic kids they start babbling, but later it disappeared, some kids show no babbing at all. Another classical sign is that Autistic kids don't like noise, they even can't stand the noise they made by themselves, so what they do is covering their own ears in order not to hear the nosie they made.
4. They don't like to socialize, no eye contact, showing aggressive behavior sometimes.
5. You mentioned about MMR vaccine, I'm not sure, even though I'm in medical field, and I read about alot of medical article related to MMR and autism, they all say it unrelated. The reason why people get concered about MMR is because babies get MMR vaccine at about age 2, and autism kids starts to show signs and symptoms about the same time. Like I said some kids starts to babble, but then later they disappear, therefore, the parents assume that which has something to do with MMR shot. Well, I'm not sure about this, just little bit extra info.
6. One more classical sign is the repetitive behavior, they keep doing same old thing over and over again.
Well, there are too much to say about autistic kid, If you want to leave me your email address in my INBOX, I will send you the paper that I wrote about autistic kid which including lots of classical signs and symptoms, treatment and some autism cases which I've seen in my life, you can compare them with your baby.
BTW, baby boy has higher chances to get autism than girls, we still don't know why.
My suggestion is contact your doc to start evaluation first, autism is not curable, but definately will change kid's condition with early intervention. Good luck. and best wishes to your baby.... :)
Sorry I can't type in chinese here.
I can't really say I'm a proessional in Autisum, but I used to work with those special needs kids and I did some case study with some autistic kids as well. So here are some information I want to tell you, hopfully it will help you a bit.
1. There is no DIAGNOSITC TEST for autisim, if you do want to start early intervention for you baby, then you should send him to do different types of evaluation. You can contact your doc to start this procedure.
2. Some people say that Autistic kids starts showing signs and symptoms around the age 3. which is not correct, it starts right about age two.
3. According to your description, i cant say your baby is autistic kid, but the signs and symptoms are pretty match with autistic kids. First, Langudage development delay is the first sign, some autistic kids they start babbling, but later it disappeared, some kids show no babbing at all. Another classical sign is that Autistic kids don't like noise, they even can't stand the noise they made by themselves, so what they do is covering their own ears in order not to hear the nosie they made.
4. They don't like to socialize, no eye contact, showing aggressive behavior sometimes.
5. You mentioned about MMR vaccine, I'm not sure, even though I'm in medical field, and I read about alot of medical article related to MMR and autism, they all say it unrelated. The reason why people get concered about MMR is because babies get MMR vaccine at about age 2, and autism kids starts to show signs and symptoms about the same time. Like I said some kids starts to babble, but then later they disappear, therefore, the parents assume that which has something to do with MMR shot. Well, I'm not sure about this, just little bit extra info.
6. One more classical sign is the repetitive behavior, they keep doing same old thing over and over again.
Well, there are too much to say about autistic kid, If you want to leave me your email address in my INBOX, I will send you the paper that I wrote about autistic kid which including lots of classical signs and symptoms, treatment and some autism cases which I've seen in my life, you can compare them with your baby.
BTW, baby boy has higher chances to get autism than girls, we still don't know why.
My suggestion is contact your doc to start evaluation first, autism is not curable, but definately will change kid's condition with early intervention. Good luck. and best wishes to your baby.... :)
以下是引用oldyouth在9/18/2010 1:29:00 PM的发言:
对吸尘器,blender, 吹风机等声音很敏感,听到就害怕和哭.这个从8个月就这样了
分不清楚大人的情绪, 有一次我老公大发脾气的时候他还哈哈大笑
要什么东西就是拉着大人的手放到他让你弄得东西上, 典型的机械手
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/19 23:26:07编辑过]
现在eye contact还挺好的也不怕nosie, 但不知道2岁前会不会恶化。。能对上号好几个就觉得很吓人了
分不清楚大人的情绪, 有一次我老公大发脾气的时候他还哈哈大笑
要什么东西就是拉着大人的手放到他让你弄得东西上, 典型的机械手
big bless!!!!
以下是引用jieyichen在2/10/2012 12:36:00 PM的发言:
都不知道儿子啥时候打的MMR的妈妈路过,这个真的很有影响的吗?为啥美国那么多自闭症呢?是不是小孩子一天到晚在家里,不像国内那么多孩子玩造成的呢?bless 一下LZ,希望不是真的自闭症。
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/2/10 16:18:29编辑过]
对吸尘器,blender, 吹风机等声音很敏感,听到就害怕和哭.这个从8个月就这样了
老是敲自己的头, 最近老是捂耳朵
分不清楚大人的情绪, 有一次我老公大发脾气的时候他还哈哈大笑
要什么东西就是拉着大人的手放到他让你弄得东西上, 典型的机械手
--terrible 2不都这样吗
big bless. 不懂,还是多看几个好医生