Sexual performance of experience is strangled to be extent to which it is made either an object of attention or an object of intention. I have called this first “hyper-reflection” and the second “hyper-intention”. Fear tends to bring about precisely that which one is afraid of.
This sexual maturation is characterized by three developmental stages. At the immature level, only a goal is sought, and the goal is tension reduction irrespective of the way in which it is accomplished. Masturbation may do. According to Freud the mature stage is reached as soon as the sexual instinct centers on the normal sexual intercourse which presupposes an object. As I see it, however, the object is not enough to guarantee a mature sexual life. For as long as an individual uses a partner simply for the purpose of reducing tension, he really “masturbates on the partner”. To the individual who really is mature, the partner is in no way a means to an end. The mature individual’s partnership moves to a human level, and the human level precludes the mere use of others. On the human level, I do not use another human being but I encounter him, which means that I fully recognize his humanness; and if I take another step by fully recognizing, beyond his humanness as a human being, his uniqueness as a person, it is even more than an encounter- what then takes place is love.
As long as one remains at the mere goal level, one’s sexual instinct may be catered to by pornography; and as long as he stays at the mere object level his sexual instinct may be catered to by prostitutes. Thus, promiscuity and pornography are the marks of fixation at, or regression to, immature levels of development.
Today the will to meaning of often frustrated. In logotherapy one speaks of existential frustration. We psychiatrists are confronted more than ever before with patients who are complaining of a feeling of futility which at present plays at least as important a role as did the feeling of inferiority in Alfred Ader’s time. Such people complain about not only of a sense of meaninglessness but also of emptiness, and that is why I have described this condition in terms of the “existential vacuum.”
If asked for a brief explanation, I would say that the existential vacuum derives from the following conditions. Unlike an animal, man is no longer told by drives and instincts what he must do. And in contrast to man in former times, he is no longer told by traditions and values what he should do. Now, knowing neither what he must do not what he should do, he sometimes does not even know what he basically wishes to do. Instead, he wishes to do what other people do - which is conformism - or he does what other people wish him to do - which is totalitarianism.
On the average, however, the fact remains that in America the existential vacuum is more manifest than in Europe. As I see it, this is due to the exposure of the average American student to an indoctrination along the lines of reductionism. (作者对reductionism深恶痛绝) To cite an instance, there is a book in which man is defined as “nothing but a complex biochemical mechanism powered by a combustion system which energized computers with prodigious storage facilities for retaining encoded information. ” Or, man is defined as a “naked ape.”
Among the worldwide effects there is something one might call the mass neurotic triad, and it consists of depression, addiction, and aggression.
Small wonder that people who are caught in the existential vacuum are eager, if meanings cannot be acquired, to provide themselves as least with mere feelings of meaningfulness - such as those that are available in the state of intoxication.
Olds and Milner...self-stimulation experiments. They insert electrodes into the hypothalamuses of rats, and whenever they closed the electric circuit the rats to all appearances experienced either sexual orgasm or the satisfaction of the ingestion of food. When the rats then learned to jump on the lever and by so doing to close the electric circuit themselves, they became addicted to the business and pressed the lever up to 50,000 times a day. What I regard as most remarkable is that these animals then neglected the real sexual partners and the real food that were offered to them. And I think that the “acid heads” who confine themselves to the mere feelings of meaningfulness may bypass the true meanings which are in store, in wait for them, to be fulfilled by them out there in the world rather than within their own psyches.
Unmasking is perfectly legitimate; but I would say that it must stop as soon as one confronts what is genuine, genuinely human, in man. If it does not stop there, the only thing that the “unmasking psychologist” really unmasks is his own “hidden motive” - namely, his unconscious need to debase and depreciate the humanness of man.
At that point hyper-interpretation, as I would call it, begins, and it process to be most dangerous when it comes to self-interpretation. We psychiatrists have met many patients who are suffering from, and cripple by, the obsessive compulsion to analyze themselves, to observe and watch themselves, to reflect upon themselves. The cultural climate that prevails in the United States provides dangerous opportunity for this compulsion to become a collective obsessive neurosis. Just consider a recent study by ... It shows that the value that ranks highest among American college students is self-interpretation. I see in these findings another indication of the existential vacuum. As the boomerang returns to the hunter who has thrown it only when it has missed its target, so man returns to himself, reflects upon himself and becomes overly concerned with self-interpretation only when he has, as it were, missed his mission, having been frustrated in his search for meaning. The Freudians’ experience with patients in whom, owing to the lack of life content, the psychoanalytic treatment has become a substitute comes to mind.
If meanings and values really are “nothing but” defense mechanisms and reaction formations, as the psychodynamically oriented theories have it, is life really worth living? Isn’t it rather understandable if I am submerged in depression and wind up with suicide? As to addiction: If man really is just seeking pleasure and happiness by gratifying his needs in order to get rid of the tensions created by them, why worry? Why not build up perpetual and perfect tranquility by simple taking drugs? And finally, regarding aggression: If I really am the victim of outer and inner circumstances and influences, the product of environment and heredity, and my behavior, decision and action are “nothing but” the result of operant conditioning, conditioned reflexes and learning processes - who is justified in demanding that I improve or expecting that I change? There is no need for apologies; there are plenty of excuses; there are alibis. And as for myself, I am neither free nor responsible. So there is no reason why I should not continue living out the aggressive impulses about which I can do nothing anyway.
From all this it should be clear that we are in dire need of a rehumanization of psychotherapy unless we wish to reinforce, rather than to counteract, the ills and ailments of our age.
Konrad Lorenz was cautious enough to speak of behavior in animals that is analogous to moral behavior in man. Buy contrast, the reductionists do not recognize a qualitative difference between the two types of behavior. They deny that a uniquely human phenomenon exists at all. They insists that there is nothing in man which cannot be found in animals as well. In this connection what comes to mind is the rabbi in the joke, who once was consulted by two parishioners. One man contended that the other’s cat had stolen and eaten up five pounds of butter. The other contended that his cat did not care for butter. “Bring me the cat,” the rabbi ordered. They brought him the cat. “Now bring my scales,” he continued. And they brought him scales. “How many pounds of butter did you say the cat has eaten?” he asked. “Five pounds, Rabbi,” was the answer. Thereupon the rabbi put the cat on the scales and, believe it or not, it weighted exactly five pounds. “Now I have the butter,” the rabbi said, “but where is the cat?” He had started with the a priori assumption that if there are five pounds, it must be five pounds of butter. But is it not the same with the reductionists? They too start with the a priori assumption that if there is anything in man, it must be possible to explain it along the lines of animal behavior. Eventually they discover in man all the conditioned reflexes, conditioning processes, innate releasing mechanisms and whatever else they have been in search of. “Now we have it,” they say, like the rabbi, “but where is - man?”
So conscience is a human phenomenon. However, it can be an all too human phenomenon. It not only leads us to meaning but may also lead us astray. This is part and parcel of the human condition. Conscience may err, and I cannot know absolutely for certain whether my conscience is right and another’s conscience, which tells him something different, is wrong, or whether the reverse is true. Not that there is no truth: there is. And there can be only one truth. But no one can be absolutely sure it is he who has arrived at this truth.
So man can only stick to his conscience, although, until he lies on his deathbed, he never knows whether it is the true meaning his conscience mediates to him. As Gordon W. Allport so beautifully put it, “we can be at one and the same time half-sure and whole-hearted.”
Meanings refer to unique situations - and the equally unique persons confronting them. In contrast to the meanings, which are unique, values are more or less universal in that they are shared by whole segments of a given population. As such, however, they are subjected to changes, and even more, they are affected by the present decay of traditions.
the answer to the question What is the meaning of life? can only be given out of one’s whole being - one’s life is itself the answer to the question of its meaning. In order words, morals have to be not only ontologized but also existentialized.
It is a tenet of logotherapy that the humanness of man is grounded in his sense of responsibility. Man is responsible for fulfilling the meaning of his life. Being human means responding to life situations, replying to the questions they ask. Being human means answering these calls - but who is calling? To whom is man responding? There questions cannot be answered by logotherapy. It is the patient who must answer them. Logotherapy can be defined as education to responsibility.
Being human means being confronted continually with situations, each of which is at once a chance and a challenge, giving us a chance to fulfill ourselves by meeting the challenge to fulfill its meaning. Each situation is a call, first to listen, and then to respond.
However, I would say that at present responsibility must be defined as selectivity. We are living in an affluent society and this is an affluence not only of material goods but of various sorts of stimuli as well. We are bombarded by the mass media. We are bombarded by sexual stimuli. And, last but not least, the information explosion represents a further, new affluence. Heaps of books and journals pile up on our desks. Unless we wish to drown in total (not only sexual) promiscuity, we have to choose between what is important and what is not, what is meaningful and what is not. We have to become selective and discriminating.
I did not give up my conviction of the unconditional meaningfulness of life, because either life has a meaning - and then it must retain this meaning even if it is shortly lived - or life has no meaning - and then just adding ever more years and perpetuating this meaningless job could not be of any meaning either. Even a life that has been meaningless all along, that is, a life that has been wasted, may - even in the last moment - still be bestowed with meaning by the very way in which we tackle this situation. The story that is laid down in Leo Tolstoy’s novel The death of Ivan Ilyich - the tale of a man who is about sixty years of age and suddenly learns that he is to die in a couple of days. But by the insight he gains, not only in this fact but also in the very fact that he has wasted his life, that his life has been virtually meaningless - by this insight he rises above himself, he grows beyond himself and thereby finally becomes capable - retroactively - of flooding his life with infinite meaning.
It is important that this be conveyed to the non-patients suffering from existential vacuum. They should know that despair over the apparent meaninglessness of life constitutes a human achievement rather than a neurosis. After all, no animal cares whether or not its existence has a meaning. This is a manifestation of intellectual sincerity and honesty. In particular, it is a privilege of youth not to take for granted that there is a fixed meaning to life, but boldly to dare to challenge it. However, this courage should be matched by patience. People should be patient enough to wait until, sooner or later, meaning dawns upon them. This is what they should do. Rather than taking their lives - or taking refuge in drugs.
I would like to quote Albert Einsten: “The man who regards his life as meaningless is not merely unhappy but hardly fit for life.” Unless life points to something beyond itself, survival is pointless and meaningless. It is not even possible: (in prison-of-war camps) only those who were oriented toward the future, toward a goal in the future, toward a meaning to fulfill in the future, were likely to survive.
The more comprehensive the meaning, the less comprehensible it is. Infinite meaning is necessarily beyond the comprehension of a finite being. Here is the point at which science gives up and wisdom takes over.
We may define religion as a system of symbols, i.e. symbols for which humans cannot grasp in conceptual terms. It is also legitimate to define the individual languages developed by mankind as “system of symbols”. Comparing religion with language one should also keep in mind that nobody is justified in claiming that the particular language spoke by himself is superior to another one. After all, it is possible in any language to arrive at truth - at the one truth - and it is also possible in any language to err and to lie.
One denomination cannot claim superiority over another. If religion is to survive it will have to become a profoundly personalized religion which allows any human being to speak a language of his or her own when addressing himself or herself to the ultimate being.
I admit that the concept of religion in its widest possible sense as it is here propounded goes far beyond the narrow concepts of God as they are promulgated by some representatives of denominational religion. They often depict God as a being who is primarily concerned with being believed in by the greatest possible number of believers and along the lings of a specific creed, at that. “Just believe,” we are told, “and everything will be okay.” But alas, not only is this order based on a distortion of any sound concept of deity, but even more important, it is doomed to failure: Obviously, there are certain activities that simply cannot be commanded, demanded, or ordered.
God is the partner of our most intimate soliloquies. Whenever you are talking to yourself in utmost sincerity and ultimate solitude - he to whom you are addressing yourself may justifiably be called God. Such a definition circumvents the bifurcation between atheistic and theistic Weltanschauung. The difference between them emerges only later on, when the irreligious person insists that his soliloquies are just that, monologues with himself, and the religious person interprets his as real dialogues with someone other than himself. I think that what here should count first and more than anything else is the “utmost sincerity” and honesty. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 17:36:45编辑过]
bless. 跟人家好好谈谈吧,希望明天一早去人家还可以通融。 怎么好好谈呢?我能想到的是,先道歉,“昨天发现消息太晚了”,“is there any chance that I could still get the animals the coming tues? could you please help me? I really need them on schedule”。如果他说“知道重要干嘛昨天不在”,我就继续道歉。。
怎么好好谈呢?我能想到的是,先道歉,“昨天发现消息太晚了”,“is there any chance that I could still get the animals the coming tues? could you please help me? I really need them on schedule”。如果他说“知道重要干嘛昨天不在”,我就继续道歉。。 今天你先给人家打个电话,留个言,说对不起,没听到电话,看到有留言的时候人家已经下班了。说明一下这个实验按时开始的重要性,如果不按时开始的危害,尤其是对整个课题的影响。
从这个链接走,然后输入你的edu邮箱,验证后,你所有的refer bonus,包括以前的,全部double。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 12:13:15编辑过]
Sexual performance of experience is strangled to be extent to which it is made either an object of attention or an object of intention. I have called this first “hyper-reflection” and the second “hyper-intention”.
Fear tends to bring about precisely that which one is afraid of.
This sexual maturation is characterized by three developmental stages. At the immature level, only a goal is sought, and the goal is tension reduction irrespective of the way in which it is accomplished. Masturbation may do. According to Freud the mature stage is reached as soon as the sexual instinct centers on the normal sexual intercourse which presupposes an object. As I see it, however, the object is not enough to guarantee a mature sexual life. For as long as an individual uses a partner simply for the purpose of reducing tension, he really “masturbates on the partner”. To the individual who really is mature, the partner is in no way a means to an end. The mature individual’s partnership moves to a human level, and the human level precludes the mere use of others. On the human level, I do not use another human being but I encounter him, which means that I fully recognize his humanness; and if I take another step by fully recognizing, beyond his humanness as a human being, his uniqueness as a person, it is even more than an encounter- what then takes place is love.
As long as one remains at the mere goal level, one’s sexual instinct may be catered to by pornography; and as long as he stays at the mere object level his sexual instinct may be catered to by prostitutes. Thus, promiscuity and pornography are the marks of fixation at, or regression to, immature levels of development.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 11:55:24编辑过]
Today the will to meaning of often frustrated. In logotherapy one speaks of existential frustration. We psychiatrists are confronted more than ever before with patients who are complaining of a feeling of futility which at present plays at least as important a role as did the feeling of inferiority in Alfred Ader’s time. Such people complain about not only of a sense of meaninglessness but also of emptiness, and that is why I have described this condition in terms of the “existential vacuum.”
If asked for a brief explanation, I would say that the existential vacuum derives from the following conditions. Unlike an animal, man is no longer told by drives and instincts what he must do. And in contrast to man in former times, he is no longer told by traditions and values what he should do. Now, knowing neither what he must do not what he should do, he sometimes does not even know what he basically wishes to do. Instead, he wishes to do what other people do - which is conformism - or he does what other people wish him to do - which is totalitarianism.
On the average, however, the fact remains that in America the existential vacuum is more manifest than in Europe. As I see it, this is due to the exposure of the average American student to an indoctrination along the lines of reductionism. (作者对reductionism深恶痛绝) To cite an instance, there is a book in which man is defined as “nothing but a complex biochemical mechanism powered by a combustion system which energized computers with prodigious storage facilities for retaining encoded information. ” Or, man is defined as a “naked ape.”
Among the worldwide effects there is something one might call the mass neurotic triad, and it consists of depression, addiction, and aggression.
Small wonder that people who are caught in the existential vacuum are eager, if meanings cannot be acquired, to provide themselves as least with mere feelings of meaningfulness - such as those that are available in the state of intoxication.
Olds and Milner...self-stimulation experiments. They insert electrodes into the hypothalamuses of rats, and whenever they closed the electric circuit the rats to all appearances experienced either sexual orgasm or the satisfaction of the ingestion of food. When the rats then learned to jump on the lever and by so doing to close the electric circuit themselves, they became addicted to the business and pressed the lever up to 50,000 times a day. What I regard as most remarkable is that these animals then neglected the real sexual partners and the real food that were offered to them. And I think that the “acid heads” who confine themselves to the mere feelings of meaningfulness may bypass the true meanings which are in store, in wait for them, to be fulfilled by them out there in the world rather than within their own psyches.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 14:41:38编辑过]
Unmasking is perfectly legitimate; but I would say that it must stop as soon as one confronts what is genuine, genuinely human, in man. If it does not stop there, the only thing that the “unmasking psychologist” really unmasks is his own “hidden motive” - namely, his unconscious need to debase and depreciate the humanness of man.
At that point hyper-interpretation, as I would call it, begins, and it process to be most dangerous when it comes to self-interpretation. We psychiatrists have met many patients who are suffering from, and cripple by, the obsessive compulsion to analyze themselves, to observe and watch themselves, to reflect upon themselves. The cultural climate that prevails in the United States provides dangerous opportunity for this compulsion to become a collective obsessive neurosis. Just consider a recent study by ... It shows that the value that ranks highest among American college students is self-interpretation. I see in these findings another indication of the existential vacuum. As the boomerang returns to the hunter who has thrown it only when it has missed its target, so man returns to himself, reflects upon himself and becomes overly concerned with self-interpretation only when he has, as it were, missed his mission, having been frustrated in his search for meaning. The Freudians’ experience with patients in whom, owing to the lack of life content, the psychoanalytic treatment has become a substitute comes to mind.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 11:58:16编辑过]
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[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 12:12:36编辑过]
It makes sense to me。 单就这句话,例如,很多经很难看懂。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 12:12:36编辑过]
Rivers and Tides
这回我尿布还囤多了,pull up还有二百片,五号diaper还有五百片。
书老大,不好意思前几天WS了你的提醒,真没想到今天就是九月最后一天了!! 这星期有点忙,可以拖到周末再总结吗?
这回我尿布还囤多了,pull up还有二百片,五号diaper还有五百片。
jolin盼望穿micky mouse的小内内很久了,我早就买好了米老鼠的小内裤,天天在她眼前晃,不给穿:“jojo,乖哇?听话哇?poo pee要去potty哇?”
wow,you did a great job as I know about the process.
pull up是粉的,男娃不能穿,我把diaper给你。
pull up是粉的,男娃不能穿,我把diaper给你。
jolin盼望穿micky mouse的小内内很久了,我早就买好了米老鼠的小内裤,天天在她眼前晃,不给穿:“jojo,乖哇?听话哇?poo pee要去potty哇?”
soooo cute!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 13:17:37编辑过]
Who remembers the link of explaining english word, xiaoxin mentioned a couple of days ago?
It lost in my huge bookmarks collection........
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 14:10:19编辑过]
Hi, I am Dongri.
Who remembers the link of explaining english word, xiaoxin mentioned a couple of days ago?
It lost in my huge bookmarks collection........
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 14:10:19编辑过]
wiktionary. I got it finally.
If meanings and values really are “nothing but” defense mechanisms and reaction formations, as the psychodynamically oriented theories have it, is life really worth living? Isn’t it rather understandable if I am submerged in depression and wind up with suicide? As to addiction: If man really is just seeking pleasure and happiness by gratifying his needs in order to get rid of the tensions created by them, why worry? Why not build up perpetual and perfect tranquility by simple taking drugs? And finally, regarding aggression: If I really am the victim of outer and inner circumstances and influences, the product of environment and heredity, and my behavior, decision and action are “nothing but” the result of operant conditioning, conditioned reflexes and learning processes - who is justified in demanding that I improve or expecting that I change? There is no need for apologies; there are plenty of excuses; there are alibis. And as for myself, I am neither free nor responsible. So there is no reason why I should not continue living out the aggressive impulses about which I can do nothing anyway.
From all this it should be clear that we are in dire need of a rehumanization of psychotherapy unless we wish to reinforce, rather than to counteract, the ills and ailments of our age.
Konrad Lorenz was cautious enough to speak of behavior in animals that is analogous to moral behavior in man. Buy contrast, the reductionists do not recognize a qualitative difference between the two types of behavior. They deny that a uniquely human phenomenon exists at all. They insists that there is nothing in man which cannot be found in animals as well. In this connection what comes to mind is the rabbi in the joke, who once was consulted by two parishioners. One man contended that the other’s cat had stolen and eaten up five pounds of butter. The other contended that his cat did not care for butter. “Bring me the cat,” the rabbi ordered. They brought him the cat. “Now bring my scales,” he continued. And they brought him scales. “How many pounds of butter did you say the cat has eaten?” he asked. “Five pounds, Rabbi,” was the answer. Thereupon the rabbi put the cat on the scales and, believe it or not, it weighted exactly five pounds. “Now I have the butter,” the rabbi said, “but where is the cat?” He had started with the a priori assumption that if there are five pounds, it must be five pounds of butter. But is it not the same with the reductionists? They too start with the a priori assumption that if there is anything in man, it must be possible to explain it along the lines of animal behavior. Eventually they discover in man all the conditioned reflexes, conditioning processes, innate releasing mechanisms and whatever else they have been in search of. “Now we have it,” they say, like the rabbi, “but where is - man?”
So conscience is a human phenomenon. However, it can be an all too human phenomenon. It not only leads us to meaning but may also lead us astray. This is part and parcel of the human condition. Conscience may err, and I cannot know absolutely for certain whether my conscience is right and another’s conscience, which tells him something different, is wrong, or whether the reverse is true. Not that there is no truth: there is. And there can be only one truth. But no one can be absolutely sure it is he who has arrived at this truth.
So man can only stick to his conscience, although, until he lies on his deathbed, he never knows whether it is the true meaning his conscience mediates to him. As Gordon W. Allport so beautifully put it, “we can be at one and the same time half-sure and whole-hearted.”
Meanings refer to unique situations - and the equally unique persons confronting them. In contrast to the meanings, which are unique, values are more or less universal in that they are shared by whole segments of a given population. As such, however, they are subjected to changes, and even more, they are affected by the present decay of traditions.
the answer to the question What is the meaning of life? can only be given out of one’s whole being - one’s life is itself the answer to the question of its meaning. In order words, morals have to be not only ontologized but also existentialized.
It is a tenet of logotherapy that the humanness of man is grounded in his sense of responsibility. Man is responsible for fulfilling the meaning of his life. Being human means responding to life situations, replying to the questions they ask. Being human means answering these calls - but who is calling? To whom is man responding? There questions cannot be answered by logotherapy. It is the patient who must answer them. Logotherapy can be defined as education to responsibility.
Being human means being confronted continually with situations, each of which is at once a chance and a challenge, giving us a chance to fulfill ourselves by meeting the challenge to fulfill its meaning. Each situation is a call, first to listen, and then to respond.
However, I would say that at present responsibility must be defined as selectivity. We are living in an affluent society and this is an affluence not only of material goods but of various sorts of stimuli as well. We are bombarded by the mass media. We are bombarded by sexual stimuli. And, last but not least, the information explosion represents a further, new affluence. Heaps of books and journals pile up on our desks. Unless we wish to drown in total (not only sexual) promiscuity, we have to choose between what is important and what is not, what is meaningful and what is not. We have to become selective and discriminating.
I did not give up my conviction of the unconditional meaningfulness of life, because either life has a meaning - and then it must retain this meaning even if it is shortly lived - or life has no meaning - and then just adding ever more years and perpetuating this meaningless job could not be of any meaning either. Even a life that has been meaningless all along, that is, a life that has been wasted, may - even in the last moment - still be bestowed with meaning by the very way in which we tackle this situation. The story that is laid down in Leo Tolstoy’s novel The death of Ivan Ilyich - the tale of a man who is about sixty years of age and suddenly learns that he is to die in a couple of days. But by the insight he gains, not only in this fact but also in the very fact that he has wasted his life, that his life has been virtually meaningless - by this insight he rises above himself, he grows beyond himself and thereby finally becomes capable - retroactively - of flooding his life with infinite meaning.
It is important that this be conveyed to the non-patients suffering from existential vacuum. They should know that despair over the apparent meaninglessness of life constitutes a human achievement rather than a neurosis. After all, no animal cares whether or not its existence has a meaning. This is a manifestation of intellectual sincerity and honesty. In particular, it is a privilege of youth not to take for granted that there is a fixed meaning to life, but boldly to dare to challenge it. However, this courage should be matched by patience. People should be patient enough to wait until, sooner or later, meaning dawns upon them. This is what they should do. Rather than taking their lives - or taking refuge in drugs.
I would like to quote Albert Einsten: “The man who regards his life as meaningless is not merely unhappy but hardly fit for life.” Unless life points to something beyond itself, survival is pointless and meaningless. It is not even possible: (in prison-of-war camps) only those who were oriented toward the future, toward a goal in the future, toward a meaning to fulfill in the future, were likely to survive.
The more comprehensive the meaning, the less comprehensible it is. Infinite meaning is necessarily beyond the comprehension of a finite being. Here is the point at which science gives up and wisdom takes over.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 17:36:05编辑过]
以下是引用xiaowuzhi在9/30/2010 1:48:00 PM的发言:
上次来楼里树洞,多谢大家的安慰,鼓励,和支持。鞠躬的小猴子。。。。 后来和我妈又谈了几次,收效不错。
看了一个很好的authors@google 油管子, 推荐一下。。。很长, 一个小时, 如果没有时间的话, 建议22分钟以后的10分钟看看, 关于decision making的。。 我觉得很有启发的。。。。。。如果有时间, 我觉得可以全部看一下。。。
ask yourself a question, in the same situation,when playing blackjack, you are dealt with 2 10s. will you split?...... i don't know. this is hard....
以下是引用xiaowuzhi在9/30/2010 1:48:00 PM的发言:
上次来楼里树洞,多谢大家的安慰,鼓励,和支持。鞠躬的小猴子。。。。 后来和我妈又谈了几次,收效不错。
meditation可以解压。脑子一团粥的时候就深呼吸,念mantra, let go, let go, let go...
没有突破啊, 很沮丧。。。这也是为什么我今天看到那个油管子, 很感慨。。。我问我自己, 我拿到两个10, 我会不会split, 前提是已经放下80,000了。。。 我诚实的说, 我不会。。。 所以连个犯错的机会也不会有, 当然在那个计算下, 对的做法是split...所以我看完很精粉。。。 计算上来讲, 我made mistake了, 但是实际情况我心理上是觉得很幸运没有不make mistake, 没有做对的。。。 所以我今天看完很精粉。。。。
摸摸妙。。亮亮我的新马甲。。。 扭扭。。
看了一个很好的authors@google 油管子, 推荐一下。。。很长, 一个小时, 如果没有时间的话, 建议22分钟以后的10分钟看看, 关于decision making的。。 我觉得很有启发的。。。。。。如果有时间, 我觉得可以全部看一下。。。
ask yourself a question, in the same situation,when playing blackjack, you are dealt with 2 10s. will you split?...... i don't know. this is hard....
其实我取这个马甲的时候是无比的真诚的, 那一刻我心里要的就是求错。。。。 你晓得我虽然这句话说上去像笑话, 其实是事实。。。只要你懂我就好了。。。55555.。。。。
扫瑞, 忘记说前提了。 已经放下80,000快了。。。
跳,跳。 嗯嗯。。。
meditation可以解压。脑子一团粥的时候就深呼吸,念mantra, let go, let go, let go...
summer, mua...
这些日子加班太多,某天晚上回家我还想做做yoga relax一下。后来被lg摇醒了,发现我直接盘腿坐yoga mat上耷拉着脑袋睡着了。。。。
其实我取这个马甲的时候是无比的真诚的, 那一刻我心里要的就是求错。。。。 你晓得我虽然这句话说上去像笑话, 其实是事实。。。只要你懂我就好了。。。55555.。。。。
没有突破啊, 很沮丧。。。这也是为什么我今天看到那个油管子, 很感慨。。。我问我自己, 我拿到两个10, 我会不会split, 前提是已经放下80,000了。。。 我诚实的说, 我不会。。。 所以连个犯错的机会也不会有, 当然在那个计算下, 对的做法是split...所以我看完很精粉。。。 计算上来讲, 我made mistake了, 但是实际情况我心理上是觉得很幸运没有不make mistake, 没有做对的。。。 所以我今天看完很精粉。。。。
会失去的太多,一般人就不愿意冒险了,就算计算上来讲更合理。人到底还是not totaly rational。
summer, mua...
这些日子加班太多,某天晚上回家我还想做做yoga relax一下。后来被lg摇醒了,发现我直接盘腿坐yoga mat上耷拉着脑袋睡着了。。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 16:56:21编辑过]
扫瑞, 忘记说前提了。 已经放下80,000快了。。。
我想了一下,还是会。我忘了谁教我的,you always split。。。。
跳,跳。 嗯嗯。。。
hug hug
We may define religion as a system of symbols, i.e. symbols for which humans cannot grasp in conceptual terms. It is also legitimate to define the individual languages developed by mankind as “system of symbols”. Comparing religion with language one should also keep in mind that nobody is justified in claiming that the particular language spoke by himself is superior to another one. After all, it is possible in any language to arrive at truth - at the one truth - and it is also possible in any language to err and to lie.
One denomination cannot claim superiority over another. If religion is to survive it will have to become a profoundly personalized religion which allows any human being to speak a language of his or her own when addressing himself or herself to the ultimate being.
I admit that the concept of religion in its widest possible sense as it is here propounded goes far beyond the narrow concepts of God as they are promulgated by some representatives of denominational religion. They often depict God as a being who is primarily concerned with being believed in by the greatest possible number of believers and along the lings of a specific creed, at that. “Just believe,” we are told, “and everything will be okay.” But alas, not only is this order based on a distortion of any sound concept of deity, but even more important, it is doomed to failure: Obviously, there are certain activities that simply cannot be commanded, demanded, or ordered.
God is the partner of our most intimate soliloquies. Whenever you are talking to yourself in utmost sincerity and ultimate solitude - he to whom you are addressing yourself may justifiably be called God. Such a definition circumvents the bifurcation between atheistic and theistic Weltanschauung. The difference between them emerges only later on, when the irreligious person insists that his soliloquies are just that, monologues with himself, and the religious person interprets his as real dialogues with someone other than himself. I think that what here should count first and more than anything else is the “utmost sincerity” and honesty.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 17:36:45编辑过]
扫瑞, 忘记说前提了。 已经放下80,000快了。。。
你出来溜马甲啦? 你以前的那个变量呢?
今天没去学校,偏偏order animal的过程出了问题,偏偏我没听到手机响也没查留言,于是等人家下班了我才知道。一直以来我们学校管动物的机构的规定(不知道成文与否)是动物order要在周四之前发出才能在the coming tues拿到动物。我明天早上早去,跟管order动物的人说说,看能不能赶上the coming tues,不然计划就打乱太多了。大家有什么建议或者经验能提高我成功的几率么?
今天没去学校,偏偏order animal的过程出了问题,偏偏我没听到手机响也没查留言,于是等人家下班了我才知道。一直以来我们学校管动物的机构的规定(不知道成文与否)是动物order要在周四之前发出才能在the coming tues拿到动物。我明天早上早去,跟管order动物的人说说,看能不能赶上the coming tues,不然计划就打乱太多了。大家有什么建议或者经验能提高我成功的几率么?
怎么好好谈呢?我能想到的是,先道歉,“昨天发现消息太晚了”,“is there any chance that I could still get the animals the coming tues? could you please help me? I really need them on schedule”。如果他说“知道重要干嘛昨天不在”,我就继续道歉。。
怎么好好谈呢?我能想到的是,先道歉,“昨天发现消息太晚了”,“is there any chance that I could still get the animals the coming tues? could you please help me? I really need them on schedule”。如果他说“知道重要干嘛昨天不在”,我就继续道歉。。
然后呢,先跟人家打招呼笑脸相迎,增进感情。接着跟人家说对不起昨天手机调振动了(我就是随便说了个原因,你自己按实际情况说哈)没听到。继续真诚地说你为什么需要动物按时到。然后再问人家不知道星期四的order送出去没有, 星期五一大早order还来不来得及,可以不可以帮忙。
然后呢,先跟人家打招呼笑脸相迎,增进感情。接着跟人家说对不起昨天手机调振动了(我就是随便说了个原因,你自己按实际情况说哈)没听到。继续真诚地说你为什么需要动物按时到。然后再问人家不知道星期四的order送出去没有, 星期五一大早order还来不来得及,可以不可以帮忙。
431-440 页 总结 angleflewover 501-510页
总结风雪 581-590页 总结 angleflewover 591-600页 总结 风雪 631-640页 总结 小新 691-700页 总结小新 751-760页 总结 KP 761-770页 总结空空
781-790页 总结冬日
一、summer推荐: 看
小新推荐的那本Forty Tales from the
Afterlives怎么样? (没有电子书下载)
red 三票 ------------------------------------------ 二、还有《万物简史》 小新投一票
心的选择》 作者:范青 不是推理小说.
来源: 笑含 于 10-08-30 18:50:16 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]
全文在这里 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
concord: 四、
我强烈推荐The seven habits of highly
effective people, by Steven Covey.
不过估计楼里很多人都读过这本书了。 我准备读完了再读一遍。 concord一票,kp一票、小新投一票、red一票
上次来楼里树洞,多谢大家的安慰,鼓励,和支持。鞠躬的小猴子。。。。 后来和我妈又谈了几次,收效不错。
摸摸妙。。亮亮我的新马甲。。。 扭扭。。
看了一个很好的authors@google 油管子, 推荐一下。。。很长, 一个小时, 如果没有时间的话, 建议22分钟以后的10分钟看看, 关于decision making的。。 我觉得很有启发的。。。。。。如果有时间, 我觉得可以全部看一下。。。
ask yourself a question, in the same situation,when playing blackjack, you are dealt with 2 10s. will you split?...... i don't know. this is hard....
791-800页 总结 by jolin
以下是引用summerhole在9/30/2010 11:10:00 AM的发言:
以下是引用冬日阳光灿烂在9/30/2010 11:15:00 AM的发言:
summer: 7905、7908、7909、7910、7911、7949、7950、7951、7952、7953、7954、7955、7987楼 详情The Unconscious God
以下是引用冬日阳光灿烂在9/30/2010 10:48:00 AM的发言:
It makes sense to me。 单就这句话,例如,很多经很难看懂。
Rivers and Tides
看了一个很好的authors@google 油管子, 推荐一下。。。很长, 一个小时, 如果没有时间的话, 建议22分钟以后的10分钟看看,
关于decision making的。。 我觉得很有启发的。。。。。。如果有时间, 我觉得可以全部看一下。。。
ask yourself a question, in the
same situation,when playing blackjack, you are dealt with 2 10s. will
you split?...... i don't know. this is hard....
red, 你可能会喜欢这个。这个人是你们行业的么, 啥背景?他不去做motivational speaker, 是可惜了。。。。。。
以下是引用summerhole在9/30/2010 4:38:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用summerhole在9/30/2010 4:48:00 PM的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/30 20:46:54编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/1 11:37:39编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/10/1 11:37:39编辑过]