I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
WOW, That's great. So u don't need to worry about money/graduation now, right???? Big Congrats!!!
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
Ive been given 1.5 years extra TA. Both my TA prof and my advisor have put a lot effort to hat. I thought that was what I could get. I didn't expect that much.
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
WOW, That's great. So u don't need to worry about money/graduation now, right???? Big Congrats!!!
Yes! Yes! I could have a better sleep tonight! I didn't know my advisor did so much for me. I'm his first international student and the only one so far. He didn't know how to deal with those extra things international student has at the beginning. He knows now. He's great.
Yes! Yes! I could have a better sleep tonight! I didn't know my advisor did so much for me. I'm his first international student and the only one so far. He didn't know how to deal with those extra things international student has at the beginning. He knows now. He's great.
Muah~~~~~~~~~~~ lucky girl, u get what u deserve!!!
Yes! Yes! I could have a better sleep tonight! I didn't know my advisor did so much for me. I'm his first international student and the only one so far. He didn't know how to deal with those extra things international student has at the beginning. He knows now. He's great.
Yes! Yes! I could have a better sleep tonight! I didn't know my advisor did so much for me. I'm his first international student and the only one so far. He didn't know how to deal with those extra things international student has at the beginning. He knows now. He's great.
you make me miss my advisor too. miss the days in graduate school. even though it is challenging, but in a way you are "protected". Now I am all on my own...
you make me miss my advisor too. miss the days in graduate school. even though it is challenging, but in a way you are "protected". Now I am all on my own...
Pat pat. I was on my own at the beginning. I am lucky I met my TA prof and he helps me alot. Then my advisor becomes more and more protecting me. Now I have 2 great people helping and surpporting me.
guoguo 'shu' horse
no, you look very young
奔四 means 35+
no, you look very young
奔四 means 35+
好吧 那没奔
let me try to guess.
guoguo 'shu' horse
vv is the same as me and your lg
小mm说话果然很可爱呀 来 捏捏
vv is the same as me and your lg
小mm说话果然很可爱呀 来 捏捏
傻乐啥呢 不对
傻乐啥呢 不对
I am right
傻乐啥呢 不对
我哭着干活去了 555
我哭着干活去了 555
嫩看着可嫩啦, 年记不是问题啦,和小哇更配点。
jcrew 美眉的生日?
jcrew 美眉的生日?
no, it is zoey's
我哭着干活去了 555
floral 31 mm, what is your 'shu xiang'?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/2 16:19:44编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/2 16:19:44编辑过]
if I tell you, you will let me know for sure, right?
if I tell you, you will let me know for sure, right?
那当然。i never let you down...不过如果你太年轻了,偶会桑心的
I will go to anthropologie after work. see you guys late tonight
那当然。i never let you down...不过如果你太年轻了,偶会桑心的
you see, not very young
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/2 19:27:09编辑过]
you see, not very young
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/2 16:33:42编辑过]
I will go to anthropologie after work. see you guys late tonight
check out Talbot's $9.95 cashmere. http://www.talbots.com/online/landing/landingPage.jsp?landingPage=TodayShowSweater&intcmp=20101102_home_scrollingslot1_todayshow
check out Talbot's $9.95 cashmere. http://www.talbots.com/online/landing/landingPage.jsp?landingPage=TodayShowSweater&intcmp=20101102_home_scrollingslot1_todayshow
you see, not very young
we are 2 dogs
大 S未婚夫情史牽連廣
正當近日京城闊少汪小菲撇張雨綺跟大 S徐熙媛火速訂婚一事鬧得熱烘烘之際,昨日竟又有驚人消息傳出,指章子怡原來曾跟汪小菲及汪父傳過緋聞,令這段「大菲戀」越爆越大鑊。另方面,與美國富商 Vivi Nevo屢傳情變的章子怡,近日又被指翻撻舊愛霍啟山,二人秘密復合半年,男女關係認真錯綜複雜。
現年 29歲、坐擁 25億人民幣身家的俏江南集團少爺仔汪小菲,飛甩內地女星張雨綺後,火速搭上台灣女星徐熙媛,二人拍拖僅一個月便私訂終身,宣佈明年 3月拉埋天窗。然而,大 S與汪小菲高調晒恩愛惹來是非不絕,一時傳大 S橫刀奪愛,一時又指汪小菲曾結婚生仔。
這還不止,這段「大菲戀」越爆越大鑊,昨日網上盛傳章子怡曾先後跟汪小菲及其父汪則翰交往,今年 3月章子怡被指與汪小菲一同到酒店做 SPA,但汪則翰前妻即汪小菲母親張蘭否認其事。
31歲的章子怡多年來事業發展一帆風順,但感情路上卻幾經波折。 06年章子怡與拍拖兩年的霍家二公子啟山甩拖後,搭上美國富商男友 Vivi Nevo,雖然二人一度愛得如膠如漆,甚至傳出婚訊,但章子怡難忍 Vivi花弗性格,二人過去一年多屢傳分手。昨日有消息傳出,指章子怡最終還是覺得啟山最好,二人秘密復合半年,並曾一起甜蜜同遊澳門。記者昨日致電啟山了解,但他一接電話即聲稱自己不是當事人,然後匆匆掛線。而其父霍震霆被問到兒子跟章子怡復合一事時,亦問非所答說:「好啦,拜拜!」
善於交際的章子怡,昨日驚爆曾與汪小菲父子傳緋聞,事實上一向甚有異性緣的她,已不是第一次傳出類似緋聞。 04年章子怡與霍啟山在 LV派對一舞傾情,也曾傳出她與霍震霆的緋聞,後證實她與霍啟山才是一對; 01年章子怡被指與房祖名秘密拍拖,但後來拍攝《火拼時速 2》時,又突然向成龍投懷送抱,惹來兩父子爭女的報道。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/2 16:58:07编辑过]
我是喝银耳汤在家 -> 如果饿了就吃cookie在办公室
you are taking good care of yourself. by the way, said hi couple times, you ignored me.
check out Talbot's $9.95 cashmere. http://www.talbots.com/online/landing/landingPage.jsp?landingPage=TodayShowSweater&intcmp=20101102_home_scrollingslot1_todayshow
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/2 16:19:44编辑过]
you are taking good care of yourself. by the way, said hi couple times, you ignored me.
Muah muah
My TA is extended to may! I cant believe it!
Good ah My TA offer was supposed to be terminated in December.
My TA is extended to may! I cant believe it!
Muah muah thanks
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
WOW, That's great. So u don't need to worry about money/graduation now, right???? Big Congrats!!!
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
哈哈,bribe... 你一定是个好TA,所以他们才给你机会。好样的!
Nobody here .... I want to share this super good news with ur gals
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/2 17:37:57编辑过]
I bought my TA prof a cashmere scarf today. School had a sale. Then he came by telling me that the scarf brought good news. Ha ha. I went to see my advisor right away and it was him who talked to graduate committe to get me an extra semester for my TA offer. I think I should give Hum a scarf too.
你是OREA 系的吧?aerospace.
WOW, That's great. So u don't need to worry about money/graduation now, right???? Big Congrats!!!
Yes! Yes! I could have a better sleep tonight!
I didn't know my advisor did so much for me. I'm his first international student and the only one so far. He didn't know how to deal with those extra things international student has at the beginning. He knows now. He's great.
哈哈,bribe... 你一定是个好TA,所以他们才给你机会。好样的!
He he they said I am a tough cookie.
Yes! Yes! I could have a better sleep tonight!
I didn't know my advisor did so much for me. I'm his first international student and the only one so far. He didn't know how to deal with those extra things international student has at the beginning. He knows now. He's great.
Muah~~~~~~~~~~~ lucky girl, u get what u deserve!!!
你是OREA 系的吧?aerospace.
Hehe u remember.
Yes! Yes! I could have a better sleep tonight!
I didn't know my advisor did so much for me. I'm his first international student and the only one so far. He didn't know how to deal with those extra things international student has at the beginning. He knows now. He's great.
you must be great too.
Is that vv in the sleeping bag? So cute!!!!
Yeah~~~ I want to say "V" for victory to u, but I realize it is too funny.....
Muah~~~~~~~~~~~ lucky girl, u get what u deserve!!!
Best news I have had in a year
Yes! Yes! I could have a better sleep tonight!
I didn't know my advisor did so much for me. I'm his first international student and the only one so far. He didn't know how to deal with those extra things international student has at the beginning. He knows now. He's great.
you make me miss my advisor too. miss the days in graduate school. even though it is challenging, but in a way you are "protected". Now I am all on my own...
oh, forgot. apple, ben to celebrate!!
you must be great too.
He's a nice person. When i talked him to confirm the news, he was kind of worrying that I don't want that offer..... How come...
oh, forgot. apple, ben to celebrate!!
He's a nice person. When i talked him to confirm the news, he was kind of worrying that I don't want that offer..... How come...
Yeah~~~ I want to say "V" for victory to u, but I realize it is too funny.....
Ha ha I noticed ur finger expression. It was cute. U r cute!
you make me miss my advisor too. miss the days in graduate school. even though it is challenging, but in a way you are "protected". Now I am all on my own...
Pat pat. I was on my own at the beginning. I am lucky I met my TA prof and he helps me alot. Then my advisor becomes more and more protecting me. Now I have 2 great people helping and surpporting me.
Ha ha I noticed ur finger expression. It was cute. U r cute!
U are cute too!!! 小苹果妞, 奔个给"大爷们" 瞧瞧吧~~~~
oh, forgot. apple, ben to celebrate!!
I'm still working in lab. Will Ben tonight whe I get my work done.
I'm still working in lab. Will Ben tonight whe I get my work done.
I am going to work too~ Don't delete too soon, I don't want to miss it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
U are cute too!!! 小苹果妞, 奔个给"大爷们" 瞧瞧吧~~~~
R u gals still here? I can Ben one da tou pic stored in my phone. Not very clear though.
R u gals still here? I can Ben one da tou pic stored in my phone. Not very clear though.
yeah.. still here, now~~~
yeah.. still here, now~~~
Hold on
u are so out ~~~
hehe 不要出去说哦
iphone发照片太让人抓狂了 所以我飞奔回办公室用电脑发了。。。。
大美女, 你太嫩啦,眉目含情地,我被你电晕啦~~~
flora mm没有ww,等我改成ml限制哈
flora mm没有ww,等我改成ml限制哈
改啦 摸摸
大美女, 你太嫩啦,眉目含情地,我被你电晕啦~~~
美女!你的名字misleading, 我以为你是小苹果脸,可事实是你是小尖下巴。
你还有清楚一点的大头吗? 我奔了,你还奔不???