My best friend suffered a curious disease years ago and it is mayo clinic that gives her the second life, and she is really grateful on that. I have heard a lot of postive story about Mayo, and it is a non-profit hospital which also focuses on medical research. I hope Mayo can cure your kid's case as well.
Mayo Clinic是非常好的医院,今年全美综合排名第二, 但是在pediatric cancer这项排名里没看到它。 U of MN Children's hospital 在治疗儿童白血病类应该是优过Mayo。I heard that UMN handles more difficult neuroblastoma cases than Mayo does.
以下是引用247在8/16/2010 12:10:00 PM的发言: Mayo Clinic是非常好的医院,今年全美综合排名第二, 但是在pediatric cancer这项排名里没看到它。 U of MN Children's hospital 在治疗儿童白血病类应该是优过Mayo。I heard that UMN handles more difficult neuroblastoma cases than Mayo does.
是的,U of MN在儿童肿瘤方面比mayo排名要高。但是他们很拽,最快要26号才肯给我们安排做切片。唉。
以下是引用yaya2120000在8/16/2010 4:09:00 PM的发言: bless, 我的想法是,3个医院都打电话预约,哪个先就先去哪个,最好的那个先排上队,时间到了,把孩子的资料转过去就好了。bless......... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/16 16:08:52编辑过] I think both Mayo or UMN is good, PA is too far. Cancer is a long term battle. Both baby and parents need to rest and get recharged in the process. Another way is to get a second opinion from PA but receive treatment at the closest hospital. You can get the hospitals to talk to each other sometimes and local hospital can use protocols from those more advanced.
I think both Mayo or UMN is good, PA is too far. Cancer is a long term battle. Both baby and parents need to rest and get recharged in the process. Another way is to get a second opinion from PA but receive treatment at the closest hospital. You can get the hospitals to talk to each other sometimes and local hospital can use protocols from those more advanced.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/12 22:30:19编辑过]
Bless bless............
bless bless!!
MM be strong.
Recommend to see both clinics (Mayo and UMinn children's). It never hurts to get a second opinion!
Mayo Clinic是非常好的医院,今年全美综合排名第二, 但是在pediatric cancer这项排名里没看到它。 U of MN Children's hospital 在治疗儿童白血病类应该是优过Mayo。I heard that UMN handles more difficult neuroblastoma cases than Mayo does.
是的,U of MN在儿童肿瘤方面比mayo排名要高。但是他们很拽,最快要26号才肯给我们安排做切片。唉。
是的,U of MN在儿童肿瘤方面比mayo排名要高。但是他们很拽,最快要26号才肯给我们安排做切片。唉。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/16 16:08:52编辑过]
bless, 我的想法是,3个医院都打电话预约,哪个先就先去哪个,最好的那个先排上队,时间到了,把孩子的资料转过去就好了。bless.........
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/16 16:08:52编辑过]
I think both Mayo or UMN is good, PA is too far. Cancer is a long term battle. Both baby and parents need to rest and get recharged in the process. Another way is to get a second opinion from PA but receive treatment at the closest hospital. You can get the hospitals to talk to each other sometimes and local hospital can use protocols from those more advanced.
Hang in there, there is always hope!
是的,U of MN在儿童肿瘤方面比mayo排名要高。但是他们很拽,最快要26号才肯给我们安排做切片。唉。
可能是病人多排不开吧,其它医院的专科 估计也要等这么就才能做BIOPSY。 可以每天给他们打电话,看看有没有人CANCEL APPOINTMENT,随时补上。或者说孩子的病情很紧急,看能不能早看上。
我觉得切片在local做还是上策,毕竟这是个确诊的过程。如果真的是严重的问题,需要尖端的治疗,再去那里不迟。上天保佑赞赞无大碍......遇到这种情况,难免会去做最坏的准备。你能冷静下来搜集信息,已经很不容易了。bless bless......
没有用。明大只有一个医生做surgical biopsy,这个医生本周休假。
bless, 我的想法是,3个医院都打电话预约,哪个先就先去哪个,最好的那个先排上队,时间到了,把孩子的资料转过去就好了。bless.........
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/16 16:08:52编辑过]
I think both Mayo or UMN is good, PA is too far. Cancer is a long term battle. Both baby and parents need to rest and get recharged in the process. Another way is to get a second opinion from PA but receive treatment at the closest hospital. You can get the hospitals to talk to each other sometimes and local hospital can use protocols from those more advanced.
Hang in there, there is always hope!