7-8岁。 wow, they must be playing it rough. 还没有这么大的孩子,现在觉得这孩子是很皮啊。 这么大的孩子把别人家东西损坏,或者跳沙发什么的我肯定是要说了,其实现在觉得3,4岁的孩子已经很好管了,至少叫她不要一直吃糖,不要爬沙发,不要拿人家易碎的东西啥的是可以听话了。两岁的时候真是挺难管的。
wow, they must be playing it rough. 还没有这么大的孩子,现在觉得这孩子是很皮啊。 这么大的孩子把别人家东西损坏,或者跳沙发什么的我肯定是要说了,其实现在觉得3,4岁的孩子已经很好管了,至少叫她不要一直吃糖,不要爬沙发,不要拿人家易碎的东西啥的是可以听话了。两岁的时候真是挺难管的。
我们见过2个刚刚3岁的女娃娃,gosh,两个孩子都是特别特别懂礼貌,乖的不得了,非常聪明。又不娇气,又懂事,自己坐下来吃东西,就大口大口的吃了。然后起来带小朋友玩,很有主人的样子。如果做了什么事情不太合适,父母都是循循善诱的讲道理,态度非常好,完全不是在说教或者训斥。当然,孩子很高兴的听了,然后父母再给positive reinforcement。Kids like these are really VERY VERY adorable!! 当然,这些爹妈也是超级considerate and smart的爹妈。
“Friends with unruly kids Leave a comment Related Gripes Random Gripe Gripes by email
Is it just me, or are there any others out there sick and tired of having their friend's unruly children inflicted on them? I am in my early 40's, and my husband and I have decided not to have children. I have seven or eight close friends with anything up to four children each. Whenever we arrange a get together, I am astounded at how they always want to come to me , as they seem to see it as a cheap day out for their offspring.
Now, coming to me wouldn't be a problem normally - we like entertaining and like children, and we also feel privileged to be involved in our friend's children's lives. However, ALL of our friends seem to view a day out at ours as "time out" for the adults, with no need to discipline their children in our home, which is treated as a large play pen.
Some examples; I recently helped a friend by assessing her son's leg (I am a physio), while her other three children threw all the cushions off the sofas, used them as climbing frames, ran around slamming all the doors and throwing themselves around too close to our TV for my liking. Were they disciplined? Only in the limpest, weakest, most ineffective way. Another friend let her toddler crawl into our open fireplace and start throwing briquettes around. Apart from being concerned about our carpet... there was no thought for the child' safety.
I knew only too well that carnage would follow
Some friends arranged a get together for twelve of us + children, and asked me sheepishly if we could have it at ours - because we have more space. I said no, as I knew only too well that carnage would follow. Some time later I watched with dismay as same group of children wrecked the house of the friend's who eventually hosted it.
Am I expecting too much? I don't invite myself anywhere, and I don't wreck homes any more now than I did as a child. My parents brought me up to have manners and respect others and their property. My friends are intelligent, responsible members of society, yet I dread their children coming due to lack of discipline. How about some manners people, rather than giving in to children all the time. Also, how about respecting my decision to not have children, and next time, invite me to yours for a get together so I can see your children IN YOUR HOME, and not have to cater for them and clear up after watching them wreck my house every time. ”
“Friends with unruly kids Leave a comment Related Gripes Random Gripe Gripes by email
Is it just me, or are there any others out there sick and tired of having their friend's unruly children inflicted on them? I am in my early 40's, and my husband and I have decided not to have children. I have seven or eight close friends with anything up to four children each. Whenever we arrange a get together, I am astounded at how they always want to come to me , as they seem to see it as a cheap day out for their offspring.
Now, coming to me wouldn't be a problem normally - we like entertaining and like children, and we also feel privileged to be involved in our friend's children's lives. However, ALL of our friends seem to view a day out at ours as "time out" for the adults, with no need to discipline their children in our home, which is treated as a large play pen.
Some examples; I recently helped a friend by assessing her son's leg (I am a physio), while her other three children threw all the cushions off the sofas, used them as climbing frames, ran around slamming all the doors and throwing themselves around too close to our TV for my liking. Were they disciplined? Only in the limpest, weakest, most ineffective way. Another friend let her toddler crawl into our open fireplace and start throwing briquettes around. Apart from being concerned about our carpet... there was no thought for the child' safety.
I knew only too well that carnage would follow
Some friends arranged a get together for twelve of us + children, and asked me sheepishly if we could have it at ours - because we have more space. I said no, as I knew only too well that carnage would follow. Some time later I watched with dismay as same group of children wrecked the house of the friend's who eventually hosted it.
Am I expecting too much? I don't invite myself anywhere, and I don't wreck homes any more now than I did as a child. My parents brought me up to have manners and respect others and their property. My friends are intelligent, responsible members of society, yet I dread their children coming due to lack of discipline. How about some manners people, rather than giving in to children all the time. Also, how about respecting my decision to not have children, and next time, invite me to yours for a get together so I can see your children IN YOUR HOME, and not have to cater for them and clear up after watching them wreck my house every time. ”
It is up to the parent's though. Kid is parent’s mirror. Good parent has good kid. It is more important to have good manner than learning piano/swim/etc.
I do picnic with those families has bad-behavior kids in the park. If your kids not behave themselves, you are not allowed to stay inside of my house.
Once is enough.
Here are some of the ideas that Ron Clark says are essential for kids to learn: ? Make eye contact ? Respect other; ideas and opinions ? Do not save seats ? Say thank you within three seconds of receiving something ? When you win, do not brag; when you lose, do not show anger ? Do your homework each and every night without fail ? Do not talk in a movie theater ? Be the best person you can be ? Always be honest ? If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in return ? Perform random acts of kindness ? Learn the names of all the teachers in the school and greet them ? If someone bumps into you, even if it was not your fault , say excuse me ? Stand up for what you believe in
shake hands. In my own experienc, I can't believe a 6-year-old girl's Mom just sit there watching her daughter stepping on my designer sofa and climbing from one arm to the back and then to the other arm several times..... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 13:06:26编辑过]
shake hands. In my own experienc, I can't believe a 6-year-old girl's Mom just sit there watching her daughter stepping on my designer sofa and climb from one arm to the back and then to the other arm several times.....
Yes, I learned my lesson. I am going to put the slipcover on my sofa. I was concerning people would think I am BU LI MAO if I just cover the furniture for the party.... For my own sake, I don't care anymore.
I still think the parents should watch for their kids running up and down on the stairs. As the host, we can't take the responsibility if their kids have accidents on the stairs. I just can't understand some parents. Yes, attending parties means relaxing, socializing; however, you are parents now! [此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 13:20:20编辑过]
Yes, I learned my lesson. I am going to put the slipcover on my sofa. But, I still think the parents should watch for their kids running up and down on the stairs. As the host, we can't take the responsibility if their kids have accidents on the stairs. I just can't understand some parents. Yes, attending parties means relaxing, socializing; however, you are parents now!
Re, I like to go to party with kids, so that my son can play with other kids, and not stick to me. Party is for fun, both for kids and adults, if you don't like kids, just don't invite those families.
Re, I like to go to party with kids, so that my son can play with other kids, and not stick to me. Party is for fun, both for kids and adults, if you don't like kids, just don't invite those families.
Liking kids and liking kids with good manners are two different concepts. I honestly don't like kids screaming and runing everywhere in the house; I also don't like kids eating and drinking on the carpet or on the sofa. It doesn't matter it's my kid or others'. I just simply dislike those behaviors. I don't want my kids playing with them because it brings bad influnce.
Just out of curiosity, would you be ok if the host tells your children not to do certain things since you are hands off in a party?
I wish I could be like you, but my kids are small and they do pick up things from the floor and try to eat them. Also, I don't like kids in my private space, master bed, bathroom. Small kids should not be running stairs unsupervised and older kids should not access other people's private space. Would you feel comfortable if some kids discover your personal stuff, i.e. tampon?
I wish I could be like you, but my kids are small and they do pick up things from the floor and try to eat them. Also, I don't like kids in my private space, master bed, bathroom. Small kids should not be running stairs unsupervised and older kids should not access other people's private space. Would you feel comfortable if some kids discover your personal stuff, i.e. tampon?
I have found (from personal experience) that by and large people are tremendously sympathetic to parents who have a children with a disability who take the time to explain the situation. It's the total lack of good old-fashioned manners that drives people nuts when they see a child misbehaving to the point of causing damage. An explanation and most people would have been thinking, "Those poor parents. There but for the grace of God go I."
1) 没家教 2) The parents do 家教, but not effective. The parents should think about why they fail. It's not easy to raise a child, that's why there are so many frustrating parents and they are so many books.
I was at a restaurant with a friend and his daughter once. She continuously kept standing up in our booth and looking over the sides at customers seated next to us. While cute at first the stares from the customers near us became increasingly hostile. My friend repeatedly told her to sit down, and she would comply for a couple of minutes at a time and then stand up again. I finally became fed up with the situation and leaned across the table while her back was to us. I called her name and when she turned we were basically face to face. This startled her and while in the startle I told her to sit her little rump down and to not move again. This seemed to do the trick as she did not move again. LOL Her father was gracious, however for the life of me I could not understand why this idea had not crossed his thoughts. It seemed natural enough to me as it nixed the situation in the bud.
Does no one bring books/coloring books with them anymore? Keep the little guys occupied. Our kids were told, "We're going out to a restaurant. We expect good manners. Now, pick out something you would really like to read/color in. Yes, we will let you have a soda (huge treat) but you have to remember that you say please and thank you to the waitress."
Anyone who stood up in the booth and looked at the people behind us got the Death Stare. From Mom and Dad. (This was to be avoided at all costs.)They also knew that meant the soda was going bye-bye and good luck on watching TV that night.
shake hands. In my own experienc, I can't believe a 6-year-old girl's Mom just sit there watching her daughter stepping on my designer sofa and climbing from one arm to the back and then to the other arm several times..... [此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 13:06:26编辑过] 有一次去一个朋友家 PARTY. 另一个朋友带了孩子, 是个2,3岁的男孩, 也是上窜下跳, 穿着鞋在主人家的皮沙发上踩来踩去, 主人面色不好, 不过也没说什么.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 10:33:57编辑过]
我们家是到点自己到门口找鞋子,然后回来拉住老妈,走人。 如果妈妈忙,人家两个就两个门神,神情严肃。
nod nod 呀~~~~显然,当了爹妈也不是24X7都只有娃的,尤其娃有点大了以后,父母还是可以有工夫做些为自己的事情的。
我们家是到点自己到门口找鞋子,然后回来拉住老妈,走人。 如果妈妈忙,人家两个就两个门神,神情严肃。
你厉害!具体例子有没有?“专找小朋友不能去的地方,小朋友不方便的时间。 ”
估计人来疯, 只能在家里立规矩了。
你朋友估计也有自己的具体情况, 碰到朋友的小孩不符合自己的要求的时候,就多点宽容吧, don't judge their parenting skill.
其实我还挺喜欢在家请客的。最最喜欢是来3-5家,从中午玩到半夜。吃吃喝喝,聊天打牌什么的。从厨房挪移到餐厅,从餐厅挪移到family room,从family room挪移回厨房。。。。。当然一般这都是没娃的了。也不特意做很多吃的,一家带点拿手的,吃百家饭,很happy啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~~~~~
夏天一般给拿出n种lawn game,但是小朋友一定要祸害我的porch swing。记得某天外面晴空万里,最高83度,多舒服啊,俺还以为正好可以在草地上跑跑,扔扔飞盘,打打小球,省得憋闷,结果一个妈妈嫌太热,一定要娃们不出去玩。于是呆家里,娃也闷,我也提心吊胆。也不好说啥。
其实我还挺喜欢在家请客的。最最喜欢是来3-5家,从中午玩到半夜。吃吃喝喝,聊天打牌什么的。从厨房挪移到餐厅,从餐厅挪移到family room,从family room挪移回厨房。。。。。当然一般这都是没娃的了。也不特意做很多吃的,一家带点拿手的,吃百家饭,很happy啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~~~~~~
夏天一般给拿出n种lawn game,但是小朋友一定要祸害我的porch swing。记得某天外面晴空万里,最高83度,多舒服啊,俺还以为正好可以在草地上跑跑,扔扔飞盘,打打小球,省得憋闷,结果一个妈妈嫌太热,一定要娃们不出去玩。于是呆家里,娃也闷,我也提心吊胆。也不好说啥。
porch swing这种东西么,如果你有孩子就不会有这种侥幸心理了,哈哈。
porch swing这种东西么,如果你有孩子就不会有这种侥幸心理了,哈哈。
啊,我以为是吊在porch里的那种呢,反正对于小孩子来说,看到这个就相当于Playground了,他们想不通还有大人专用的秋千啊。话说我娃迷恋秋千的时候,我开始觉得playground贵,还考虑过弄个porch swing凑合呢。
啊,我以为是吊在porch里的那种呢,反正对于小孩子来说,看到这个就相当于Playground了,他们想不通还有大人专用的秋千啊。话说我娃迷恋秋千的时候,我开始觉得playground贵,还考虑过弄个porch swing凑合呢。
so far我也能算一个,吼吼。
另外一次一个娃爬了一下,爹妈立刻严肃制止。然后娃改爬ottaman 就没安全问题了,我们就都松了一口气。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 11:09:59编辑过]
wow, they must be playing it rough.
我有孩子了,可我有一样的vice versa的焦虑,就怕那些依然单身或dink的朋友们不和我联系了,因为所谓的priority不一样了,所以我一直注意不能以儿子为中心,一定要有自己的生活。
I honestly don't think it's a good idea to seperate friends by with kids or without kids.
wow, they must be playing it rough.
我们见过2个刚刚3岁的女娃娃,gosh,两个孩子都是特别特别懂礼貌,乖的不得了,非常聪明。又不娇气,又懂事,自己坐下来吃东西,就大口大口的吃了。然后起来带小朋友玩,很有主人的样子。如果做了什么事情不太合适,父母都是循循善诱的讲道理,态度非常好,完全不是在说教或者训斥。当然,孩子很高兴的听了,然后父母再给positive reinforcement。Kids like these are really VERY VERY adorable!!
当然,这些爹妈也是超级considerate and smart的爹妈。
我有孩子了,可我有一样的vice versa的焦虑,就怕那些依然单身或dink的朋友们不和我联系了,因为所谓的priority不一样了,所以我一直注意不能以儿子为中心,一定要有自己的生活。
I honestly don't think it's a good idea to seperate friends by with kids or without kids.
I hope I can have both after having kids.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 11:25:48编辑过]
可是我们情况是生了娃的老找我们玩,就因为我们俩太nice老是主动做nanny。最近朋友还问我们想不想两家一起hawaii vacation, 我。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 10:01:10编辑过]
“Friends with unruly kids
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Is it just me, or are there any others out there sick and tired of having
their friend's unruly children inflicted on them? I am in my early 40's,
and my husband and I have decided not to have children. I have seven or
eight close friends with anything up to four children each. Whenever we
arrange a get together, I am astounded at how they always want to come to me
, as they seem to see it as a cheap day out for their offspring.
Now, coming to me wouldn't be a problem normally - we like entertaining and
like children, and we also feel privileged to be involved in our friend's
children's lives. However, ALL of our friends seem to view a day out at
ours as "time out" for the adults, with no need to discipline their children
in our home, which is treated as a large play pen.
Some examples; I recently helped a friend by assessing her son's leg (I am a
physio), while her other three children threw all the cushions off the
sofas, used them as climbing frames, ran around slamming all the doors and
throwing themselves around too close to our TV for my liking. Were they
disciplined? Only in the limpest, weakest, most ineffective way. Another
friend let her toddler crawl into our open fireplace and start throwing
briquettes around. Apart from being concerned about our carpet... there was
no thought for the child' safety.
I knew only too well that carnage would follow
Some friends arranged a get together for twelve of us + children, and asked
me sheepishly if we could have it at ours - because we have more space. I
said no, as I knew only too well that carnage would follow. Some time later
I watched with dismay as same group of children wrecked the house of the
friend's who eventually hosted it.
Am I expecting too much? I don't invite myself anywhere, and I don't wreck
homes any more now than I did as a child. My parents brought me up to have
manners and respect others and their property. My friends are intelligent,
responsible members of society, yet I dread their children coming due to
lack of discipline. How about some manners people, rather than giving in to
children all the time. Also, how about respecting my decision to not have
children, and next time, invite me to yours for a get together so I can see
your children IN YOUR HOME, and not have to cater for them and clear up
after watching them wreck my house every time.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 11:53:28编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 11:53:28编辑过]
mit 的帖子扯到老中老外上去了。。。。打的一塌糊涂。不过在mit看见这个:
“Friends with unruly kids
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Related Gripes
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Gripes by email
Is it just me, or are there any others out there sick and tired of having
their friend's unruly children inflicted on them? I am in my early 40's,
and my husband and I have decided not to have children. I have seven or
eight close friends with anything up to four children each. Whenever we
arrange a get together, I am astounded at how they always want to come to me
, as they seem to see it as a cheap day out for their offspring.
Now, coming to me wouldn't be a problem normally - we like entertaining and
like children, and we also feel privileged to be involved in our friend's
children's lives. However, ALL of our friends seem to view a day out at
ours as "time out" for the adults, with no need to discipline their children
in our home, which is treated as a large play pen.
Some examples; I recently helped a friend by assessing her son's leg (I am a
physio), while her other three children threw all the cushions off the
sofas, used them as climbing frames, ran around slamming all the doors and
throwing themselves around too close to our TV for my liking. Were they
disciplined? Only in the limpest, weakest, most ineffective way. Another
friend let her toddler crawl into our open fireplace and start throwing
briquettes around. Apart from being concerned about our carpet... there was
no thought for the child' safety.
I knew only too well that carnage would follow
Some friends arranged a get together for twelve of us + children, and asked
me sheepishly if we could have it at ours - because we have more space. I
said no, as I knew only too well that carnage would follow. Some time later
I watched with dismay as same group of children wrecked the house of the
friend's who eventually hosted it.
Am I expecting too much? I don't invite myself anywhere, and I don't wreck
homes any more now than I did as a child. My parents brought me up to have
manners and respect others and their property. My friends are intelligent,
responsible members of society, yet I dread their children coming due to
lack of discipline. How about some manners people, rather than giving in to
children all the time. Also, how about respecting my decision to not have
children, and next time, invite me to yours for a get together so I can see
your children IN YOUR HOME, and not have to cater for them and clear up
after watching them wreck my house every time.
这个太绝对了。估计mm还没有孩子,要不然就是有很温顺的孩子。strong willed的孩子,有时候确实很难教育。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 12:06:38编辑过]
一个我还没孩子的时候的事情,就是朋友们一起出去吃饭,中间一个朋友带着自己一岁左右的孩子吧,坐highchair,吃babyfood,完了妈妈带着走走,挺乖的。但是大家还吃饭的时候,这个孩子poo poo了,可能有点便秘,还是很明显的,就是在poopoo,我们大家也都很understanding,没有谁表现反感啊,什么的,小孩子么,屎尿就这样。完了妈妈带去洗手间换diaper,中间一个大孩子的妈妈,很自然就站起来说我陪你去吧,你一个人不好弄。
一个我还没孩子的时候的事情,就是朋友们一起出去吃饭,中间一个朋友带着自己一岁左右的孩子吧,坐highchair,吃babyfood,完了妈妈带着走走,挺乖的。但是大家还吃饭的时候,这个孩子poo poo了,可能有点便秘,还是很明显的,就是在poopoo,我们大家也都很understanding,没有谁表现反感啊,什么的,小孩子么,屎尿就这样。完了妈妈带去洗手间换diaper,中间一个大孩子的妈妈,很自然就站起来说我陪你去吧,你一个人不好弄。
我不觉得小孩需要不poopoo来迎合大人。但是只有大人的工作午餐,谈排泄的颜色频率consistency真的是social norm么?
一个我还没孩子的时候的事情,就是朋友们一起出去吃饭,中间一个朋友带着自己一岁左右的孩子吧,坐highchair,吃babyfood,完了妈妈带着走走,挺乖的。但是大家还吃饭的时候,这个孩子poo poo了,可能有点便秘,还是很明显的,就是在poopoo,我们大家也都很understanding,没有谁表现反感啊,什么的,小孩子么,屎尿就这样。完了妈妈带去洗手间换diaper,中间一个大孩子的妈妈,很自然就站起来说我陪你去吧,你一个人不好弄。
标 题: Re: 抱怨一下,中国小孩子manner 的问题
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 13 08:57:57 2010, 美东)
It is up to the parent's though. Kid is parent’s mirror.
Good parent has good kid.
It is more important to have good manner than learning piano/swim/etc.
I do picnic with those families has bad-behavior kids in the park.
If your kids not behave themselves, you are not allowed to stay inside of my
Once is enough.
Here are some of the ideas that Ron Clark says are essential for kids to
? Make eye contact
? Respect other; ideas and opinions
? Do not save seats
? Say thank you within three seconds of receiving something
? When you win, do not brag; when you lose, do not show anger
? Do your homework each and every night without fail
? Do not talk in a movie theater
? Be the best person you can be
? Always be honest
? If you are asked a question in conversation, ask a question in
? Perform random acts of kindness
? Learn the names of all the teachers in the school and greet them
? If someone bumps into you, even if it was not your fault , say
excuse me
? Stand up for what you believe in
我说的例子,那个大孩子妈妈也是自己吃到一半去帮那个baby妈妈换poo poo diaper的。
另外一次一个娃爬了一下,爹妈立刻严肃制止。然后娃改爬ottaman 就没安全问题了,我们就都松了一口气。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 11:09:59编辑过]
shake hands. In my own experienc, I can't believe a 6-year-old girl's Mom just sit there watching her daughter stepping on my designer sofa and climbing from one arm to the back and then to the other arm several times.....
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 13:06:26编辑过]
很好啊,这么大的孩子在家里就应该如此。更何况是自己家的 house, 不用考虑楼下邻居。
shake hands. In my own experienc, I can't believe a 6-year-old girl's Mom just sit there watching her daughter stepping on my designer sofa and climb from one arm to the back and then to the other arm several times.....
很好啊,这么大的孩子在家里就应该如此。更何况是自己家的 house, 不用考虑楼下邻居。
What? You must be kidding...
我觉得请了小孩子来家里,就尽量做好防范措施,怕弄脏沙发地毯的,就搞个户外活动? 反正期望不能太高,不能指望别的父母都是和自己一样的管教孩子。各家方式不一样么。对于那些破坏力太强的,以后别请他们到家里玩,大家一起出去玩火者去他们家就是了。
我觉得请了小孩子来家里,就尽量做好防范措施,怕弄脏沙发地毯的,就搞个户外活动? 反正期望不能太高,不能指望别的父母都是和自己一样的管教孩子。各家方式不一样么。对于那些破坏力太强的,以后别请他们到家里玩,大家一起出去玩火者去他们家就是了。
Yes, I learned my lesson. I am going to put the slipcover on my sofa. I was concerning people would think I am BU LI MAO if I just cover the furniture for the party.... For my own sake, I don't care anymore.
I still think the parents should watch for their kids running up and down on the stairs. As the host, we can't take the responsibility if their kids have accidents on the stairs. I just can't understand some parents. Yes, attending parties means relaxing, socializing; however, you are parents now!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 13:20:20编辑过]
Yes, I learned my lesson. I am going to put the slipcover on my sofa. But, I still think the parents should watch for their kids running up and down on the stairs. As the host, we can't take the responsibility if their kids have accidents on the stairs. I just can't understand some parents. Yes, attending parties means relaxing, socializing; however, you are parents now!
Re, I like to go to party with kids, so that my son can play with other kids, and not stick to me. Party is for fun, both for kids and adults, if you don't like kids, just don't invite those families.
当然了,我assume 哪怕ruin别人的fun,自己也要have fun这话本身没错。
理论上,去party是为了have fun。当自己娃的fun变成了主人的nightmare,甚至可能伤害娃自己的安全的时候,是娃的fun重要,还是娃的安全重要呢?
当然了,我assume 哪怕ruin别人的fun,自己也要have fun这话本身没错。
party 的种类不同,有的适合小孩子,有的不适合。
party 的种类不同,有的适合小孩子,有的不适合。
以下是引用kittypeny在7/13/2010 11:09:00 AM的发言:
另外一次一个娃爬了一下,爹妈立刻严肃制止。然后娃改爬ottaman 就没安全问题了,我们就都松了一口气。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 11:09:59编辑过]
以下是引用kittypeny在7/13/2010 11:09:00 AM的发言:
另外一次一个娃爬了一下,爹妈立刻严肃制止。然后娃改爬ottaman 就没安全问题了,我们就都松了一口气。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 11:09:59编辑过]
我做主人开聚会时,对客人的要求很低,不用脱鞋,孩子楼上楼下随意玩儿,只要安全,聚会也应该给小孩子happy time,如果孩子过分他们的家长会管,该说得我也会说(我通常只管安全问题)。
Re, I like to go to party with kids, so that my son can play with other kids, and not stick to me. Party is for fun, both for kids and adults, if you don't like kids, just don't invite those families.
Liking kids and liking kids with good manners are two different concepts. I honestly don't like kids screaming and runing everywhere in the house; I also don't like kids eating and drinking on the carpet or on the sofa. It doesn't matter it's my kid or others'. I just simply dislike those behaviors. I don't want my kids playing with them because it brings bad influnce.
Just out of curiosity, would you be ok if the host tells your children not to do certain things since you are hands off in a party?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 14:10:15编辑过]
我做主人开聚会时,对客人的要求很低,不用脱鞋,孩子楼上楼下随意玩儿,只要安全,聚会也应该给小孩子happy time,如果孩子过分他们的家长会管,该说得我也会说(我通常只管安全问题)。
I wish I could be like you, but my kids are small and they do pick up things from the floor and try to eat them. Also, I don't like kids in my private space, master bed, bathroom. Small kids should not be running stairs unsupervised and older kids should not access other people's private space. Would you feel comfortable if some kids discover your personal stuff, i.e. tampon?
老公同事有时起哄要老公host a party,老公总是拒绝说我老婆有洁癖你们
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 14:18:05编辑过]
我们从来不在家里host party,如有必要我们都是包场去外面,
老公同事有时起哄要老公host a party,老公总是拒绝说我老婆有洁癖你们
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 14:18:05编辑过]
去有小朋友的家做客, 不会计较人家妈妈因为管教孩子而不搭理我.
家教是从小开始的, 有工夫2岁教小朋友识字算数,就不能教小朋友礼貌吗?
去有小朋友的家做客, 不会计较人家妈妈因为管教孩子而不搭理我.
家教是从小开始的, 有工夫2岁教小朋友识字算数,就不能教小朋友礼貌吗?
I wish I could be like you, but my kids are small and they do pick up things from the floor and try to eat them. Also, I don't like kids in my private space, master bed, bathroom. Small kids should not be running stairs unsupervised and older kids should not access other people's private space. Would you feel comfortable if some kids discover your personal stuff, i.e. tampon?
进我的房间我无所谓,so far来我们家的孩子还不会翻大人的东西,而且他们的家长也不会让他们这么做,小孩子一般只是玩玩具,到了别人家觉得玩具都很新鲜,已经足够玩了。没孩子的家里就会有这种问题,小孩子没什么玩的,只好乱翻。
去有小朋友的家做客, 不会计较人家妈妈因为管教孩子而不搭理我.
家教是从小开始的, 有工夫2岁教小朋友识字算数,就不能教小朋友礼貌吗?
去有小朋友的家做客, 不会计较人家妈妈因为管教孩子而不搭理我.
家教是从小开始的, 有工夫2岁教小朋友识字算数,就不能教小朋友礼貌吗?
LOVE the comments
I have found (from personal experience) that by and large people are tremendously sympathetic to parents who have a children with a disability who take the time to explain the situation. It's the total lack of good old-fashioned manners that drives people nuts when they see a child misbehaving to the point of causing damage. An explanation and most people would have been thinking, "Those poor parents. There but for the grace of God go I."
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/parenting/1026315-children-public-places.html#ixzz0tap0vlxi
话虽然这么说,可是做了父母的人能不能眼睛里除了自己的娃,还有别人呀。。。。毕竟自己孩子只是自己的,让他折腾自己就完了, 别折腾别人。。。
It means one of the two things
1) 没家教
2) The parents do 家教, but not effective. The parents should think about why they fail. It's not easy to raise a child, that's why there are so many frustrating parents and they are so many books.
去有小朋友的家做客, 不会计较人家妈妈因为管教孩子而不搭理我.
家教是从小开始的, 有工夫2岁教小朋友识字算数,就不能教小朋友礼貌吗?
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/parenting/1026315-children-public-places.html#ixzz0taqf0c3H
我对我家小朋友是这么要求的,吃东西必须在桌子上. 否则就不要吃.
教育的结果是, 上月去CHERRY PICKING , 其他小朋友午饭时间在乱走, 就她一个人在野餐桌上吃完她的午饭, 然后兴高采烈得和小朋友一起去玩了.
Anyone who stood up in the booth and looked at the people behind us got the Death Stare. From Mom and Dad. (This was to be avoided at all costs.)They also knew that meant the soda was going bye-bye and good luck on watching TV that night.
Read more: http://www.city-data.com/forum/parenting/1026315-children-public-places.html#ixzz0tarZ9meq
shake hands. In my own experienc, I can't believe a 6-year-old girl's Mom just sit there watching her daughter stepping on my designer sofa and climbing from one arm to the back and then to the other arm several times.....
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/13 13:06:26编辑过]
有一次去一个朋友家 PARTY. 另一个朋友带了孩子, 是个2,3岁的男孩, 也是上窜下跳, 穿着鞋在主人家的皮沙发上踩来踩去, 主人面色不好, 不过也没说什么.
我稍微侧面 提了一下, 说 你儿子爬这么高啊. 本想着希望家长注意一下 . 结果人家妈妈眼皮都不抬说:啊, 没事, 他在家就这样..不会摔下来的...
我无语啊...感情光关心她儿子的安全了, 没想到人家家的沙发...你们家沙发给你儿子随便踩, 人家家的凭什么要你儿子踩啊..
去有小朋友的家做客, 不会计较人家妈妈因为管教孩子而不搭理我.
家教是从小开始的, 有工夫2岁教小朋友识字算数,就不能教小朋友礼貌吗?
我对我家小朋友是这么要求的,吃东西必须在桌子上. 否则就不要吃.
教育的结果是, 上月去CHERRY PICKING , 其他小朋友午饭时间在乱走, 就她一个人在野餐桌上吃完她的午饭, 然后兴高采烈得和小朋友一起去玩了.
我对我家小朋友是这么要求的,吃东西必须在桌子上. 否则就不要吃.
教育的结果是, 上月去CHERRY PICKING , 其他小朋友午饭时间在乱走, 就她一个人在野餐桌上吃完她的午饭, 然后兴高采烈得和小朋友一起去玩了.