今天恰好看到sears网站上的Glossary--转来给大家 Have you ever wondered about some of the technical or specialist terms used in our Mattress Shop? We've built a glossary of easy-to-understand definitions to help you.. A-D Allergens Dust and other substances that can cause an allergic reaction in some individuals. Foam is often a good choice for allergy sufferers, especially if the foam is mildew and dust-resistant. Be on the lookout for mattresses that are part of our SEARS-O-PEDIC? Wellness Series. Bed Support The bed rails and frame that help prevent the mattress from warping, twisting or sagging. Border Wires Heavy-gauge wires that help the mattress retain its shape and increase its durability. Box Spring A foundation that has cone-shaped wire coils. These wire coils provide a soft feel. Chintz A glazed, plain weave cotton fabric, generally woven with hard spun fine warp and coarser, slack twist filling. Chiropractic? Mattress System Endorsed by the Canadian Chiropractic Association for providing correct back support. Chiropratic? is the registered trademark of Springwall Sleep Products International Inc. Comfort Zone The layers of upholstery between the support system and the ticking of the mattress. Continuous Coil A mattress construction in which a single wire is formed into a row of coils. Also called integrated coil. Corner Guard Made of plastic, its purpose is to protect the corners of the foundation. Damask A rich, silky fabric with woven floral designs. Made of linen, cotton, wool, worsted silk, rayon, acetate and other man-made fibres. E-I Edge Guards Heavy-gauge wires at the mattress edges that help prevent sagging edges. They also increase the usable sleeping surface and maintain structural integrity. Foundation The bottom component of a sleep set that transfers and distributes the weight of the mattress. Frame The structural system that supports a sleep set, often including the headboard, footboard and rails. Helical A small coil wire used to join inner spring coils together. Innerspring Mattress A mattress with wire coils as its support system. Independent Coil A mattress construction that uses individually-wrapped coils. Coils move independently of each other, so if your partner moves, you are less likely to be disturbed. Also called pocket-coil. Integrated Coil A coil system that distributes your body weight evenly across the mattress, supporting and cushioning the shoulders, back, hips and legs. M-P Modular Coil/Modular Grid Also known as a torsion grid, this refers to a square wire coil used in foundations to absorb weight and reduce lateral sway. Offset Coil A wire coil similar to an open coil, but with squared ends. Open Coil This is an hourglass-shaped wire coil. Pillow top The semi-attached foam layer at the top of a mattress that provides additional softness and support. Pocket-Coil A cylindrical wire coil that is wrapped in its own cloth sleeve. Posture Box A foundation that has no wire coil support system. It is made entirely of wood. Posture Zone Added support in the centre third of an innerspring mattress. This added support is from either the use of heavier gauge coil, the use of more coils or the use of firmer upholstery layers. S-Z Semi-Flex A foundation with a grid of wires that firmly supports a mattress. Support Several things are referred to as support: The support system of a mattress, such as coils or foam The structure that supports the sleep set, such as a bed frame The foundation of a sleep set that supports the mattress The level of firmness provided to the user Support System The basic supporting structure of the mattress. This structure could consist of various types of wire coils, foam, water or air. Ticking The fabric covering of a mattress or foundation. Upholstery Layers The foam, padding and fibres used between the support system and ticking of a mattress to provide cushioning and comfort (see What to Look For in a Mattress - Comfort).
我们在local买了一个simmons world class Georgetown plush, 在店里试的正好但是拿回来在家里的床上却很软,原因应该是我家的床是slat, 而且有一定弹性(板不是很硬,而且是拱起的)
打电话回去想换一个firm的, 可是客服说comfortness issue不可以退换
请jms讨论一下xieixie 拉
我们在local买了一个simmons world class Georgetown plush, 在店里试的正好但是拿回来在家里的床上却很软,原因应该是我家的床是slat, 而且有一定弹性(板不是很硬,而且是拱起的)
打电话回去想换一个firm的, 可是客服说comfortness issue不可以退换
请jms讨论一下xieixie 拉
你这种情况我也不知道怎么退还,估计是比较困难了;我买的mattress set当时合同上就写了有一个月的comfortability testing,这个期限之内退回去,如果拆装了,收取20%的费用;如果全新没拆装,无条件退换。所以我们拿回来试用了几天,决定留下了才把外面的塑料薄膜拆掉。
提示大家买家具家电床垫,任何物品,一定要提前问好 exchange policy& return policy,还有保修期,保修范围等等,问在前面心里有数;不然出了问题再回去找会发现自己远远不是精明的商家的对手,我也是最近买了一套家具之后发现自己太忙忽略的问题居然就被商家利用了,现在还在negotiate solution。大家要吸取我的教训啊
上周有个好朋友过来和我聊起新床垫,想买king size的,能不能进公寓门的问题。说实话我以前都没考虑过家具电器不能进门的问题,我的默认值是,既然产品设计生产出来了,就应该让人们买了能放进门,直到前几天买的家具出问题了去网上搜老外的论坛,才发现有人买了床垫因为frame进不了门只好退了,还有人买了沙发第一次deliver的人没拿进门只好拿回去了,等买家花钱找人把门扩了,才发现原来的的门就能进门,只是因为运送的人没经验造成的。总之什么情况都有---所以我建议买床垫的大家先量量自己家的门时多少尺寸的,去店里买大尺寸床垫 甚至家具电器先和售货聊聊,他们会比较有经验给你建议;即使到时候万一拿不进门,也“丑话说在前面”商家deliver的人直接拿走不收取任何费用,这样一来就比较保险了。
正好谈了这个问题之后我们去店里买沙发,因为我们看的那天没有当时订货,回来第二天决定去买,特意等那个销售休息之后回去上班的那一天才去,总之还是愿意把这单生意给那个销售啊,那个销售就对我们多精细照顾了一小下,特意问起我们的房子门尺寸多少,好像老房子30"居多,新房子26"居多(记错了的话大家指正啊),我们还惊异于老房子反而门大呢。所以看来的确是有房子门小导致家具电器不能进门的。如果大家1楼有patio door又放在living room里的家具就不用担心了
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/21 15:27:05编辑过]
Have you ever wondered about some of the technical or
specialist terms used in our Mattress Shop? We've built a glossary of
easy-to-understand definitions to help you..
and other substances that can cause an allergic reaction in some
individuals. Foam is often a good choice for allergy sufferers,
especially if the foam is mildew and dust-resistant. Be on the lookout
for mattresses that are part of our SEARS-O-PEDIC? Wellness Series. Bed Support
The bed rails and frame that help prevent the mattress from warping, twisting or sagging. Border Wires
Heavy-gauge wires that help the mattress retain its shape and increase its durability.
Box Spring
A foundation that has cone-shaped wire coils. These wire coils provide a soft feel. Chintz
A glazed, plain weave cotton fabric, generally woven with hard spun fine warp and coarser, slack twist filling. Chiropractic? Mattress System
by the Canadian Chiropractic Association for providing correct back
support. Chiropratic? is the registered trademark of Springwall Sleep
Products International Inc. Comfort Zone
The layers of upholstery between the support system and the ticking of the mattress. Continuous Coil
A mattress construction in which a single wire is formed into a row of coils. Also called integrated coil. Corner Guard
Made of plastic, its purpose is to protect the corners of the foundation. Damask
rich, silky fabric with woven floral designs. Made of linen, cotton,
wool, worsted silk, rayon, acetate and other man-made fibres. E-I
Edge Guards
wires at the mattress edges that help prevent sagging edges. They also
increase the usable sleeping surface and maintain structural integrity. Foundation
The bottom component of a sleep set that transfers and distributes the weight of the mattress. Frame
The structural system that supports a sleep set, often including the headboard, footboard and rails. Helical
A small coil wire used to join inner spring coils together. Innerspring Mattress
A mattress with wire coils as its support system. Independent Coil
mattress construction that uses individually-wrapped coils. Coils move
independently of each other, so if your partner moves, you are less
likely to be disturbed. Also called pocket-coil. Integrated Coil
coil system that distributes your body weight evenly across the
mattress, supporting and cushioning the shoulders, back, hips and legs. M-P Modular Coil/Modular Grid
Also known as a torsion grid, this refers to a square wire coil used in foundations to absorb weight and reduce lateral sway. Offset Coil
A wire coil similar to an open coil, but with squared ends. Open Coil
This is an hourglass-shaped wire coil. Pillow top
The semi-attached foam layer at the top of a mattress that provides additional softness and support. Pocket-Coil
A cylindrical wire coil that is wrapped in its own cloth sleeve. Posture Box
A foundation that has no wire coil support system. It is made entirely of wood. Posture Zone
support in the centre third of an innerspring mattress. This added
support is from either the use of heavier gauge coil, the use of more
coils or the use of firmer upholstery layers. S-Z Semi-Flex
A foundation with a grid of wires that firmly supports a mattress. Support
Several things are referred to as support: The support system of a mattress, such as coils or foam The structure that supports the sleep set, such as a bed frame The foundation of a sleep set that supports the mattress The level of firmness provided to the user Support System
The basic supporting structure of the mattress. This structure could consist of various types of wire coils, foam, water or air. Ticking
The fabric covering of a mattress or foundation. Upholstery Layers
foam, padding and fibres used between the support system and ticking of
a mattress to provide cushioning and comfort (see What to Look For in a
Mattress - Comfort).
Thank you!!