这个说的有道理啊: Creating a system to identify your dominant talents. The search for your talents must be one that is focused and persistent. You will need to step back and watch yourself, finding out more about how you react naturally to situations or circumstances. Take up a new sport and see how you like it. Engage in new activities and determine if you are inspired by them. It is possible that you'll find some activities boring or unimportant. This is normal and you must continue trying others until you discover your dominant talents.
Chapter Four - The Thirty-four Themes of StrengthsFinder
1. Achiever - YourAchievertheme pushes you to drive onwards. To you, each new day is point zero, a new start. In order to feel good about yourself, you must achieve something, no matter how small it may be. As an Achiever, there will always be discontent in your life but you can capitalize on this and use itto achieve more.
2. Activator - You always wonder, "When can we start?" To you, only action can make things happen and you view decisions as green lights to go ahead and make something, do something or start something. Whether or not all the steps have been planned out is irrelevant. After all, you believe that action is the best method for learning. You learn from the reactions generated by past actions and you use these reactions to plot out your next move.
3. Adaptability -You believe that the future is a destination reached by the choices you make in the here and now. Instead ofviewing change or instability with fear, you expect them and think of them as facts of life. The theme of Adaptability allows you to be flexible, able to work effectively through various distractions.
4. Analytical - YourAnalytical theme pushes people to show you why their view is correct. In the process, some people will find that their views are flawed. This is not something you mean; you just want ideas that are sound and correct. You thrive in data and numbers. You are logical and rigorous. You naturally refine ideas in your mind and expose ill-conceived ones.
5. Arranger -You enjoy making things and people work efficiently and effectively all at the same time. While others cannot fathom how you can manage to juggle different responsibilities, you only think of it as getting the job done in the best way possible. You are flexible and open-minded, able to conceive that rules and procedures notwithstanding, there just might be a better way to complete a project.
6. Belief - You place utmost importance on your core values. People with the Belief theme are often family-oriented, altruistic and value responsibility. Your values guide your life and provide you with a consistent set of priorities. This theme makes you easy to trust and you find work meaningful only when you are able to carry out yourvalues.
7. Command - You take charge and are comfortable with expressing your views. Unlike people who shy away from the truth, you revel in facts. You value honesty and challenge people to take risks. You may intimidate others and while they may call you opinionated, they are most likely willing to let you take control. People are drawn to your presence.
8. Communication - You have the gift of Communication that allows you to reach people through writing, hosting, explanations, descriptions and speech. You take ideas and liven them up by adding stories to them. Yourwords are able to carry the information you want to impart and leave a lasting impression. You choose words that pique peoples' interests and cause them to act.
9. Competition - Your awareness of other peoples' performance drives you to push on and better them. A contest isn't about the game it is about winning. You have a deeprooted sense of comparison and you like being in situations where a winner will emerge, preferably if the winner is you. You may be gracious in your defeats but you will push to win even harder in the next round.
10. Connectedness -You firmly believe that things happen for a reason. You believe that we are all connected in one way or another and in this belief, you find confidence. Your awareness of this connection forms your values system because you know that if you harm others, you harm yourself. You are a bridge-builder for people across various cultures and can bring calm and faith into others' lives.
11. Context - You look back and study how past events and experiences can be used to deal with the present. When you have understood the blueprints of a particular plan, you gain confidence and can move forward, sure of your next actions. As long as you are aware of the steps that led to a particular present, you are able to forge on and make betterdecisions. It takes you some time to orient yourself with new people and situations.
12. Deliberative - You are careful, vigilant, a private person. You sense the unpredictability of the world and prefer to make decisions carefully, after weighing out all the options. You may seem to be a serious person, careful in sharing praise or recognition. You do not think of life as a popularity contest. You are as careful in your personal life as you are with your profession, choosing friends carefully and keeping your own counsel.
13. Developer - It is said that very often, potential is all you see. In your mind, no individual has achieved what he or she is fully capable of. You are therefore drawn to people and your goal is to help others experience success. You think of small behavioral changes, an improvement in skill or any small sign of growth as a signal of potential being realized. You are encouraging and others' success, especially under your mentorship, brings you satisfaction.
14. Discipline- Yourworld must be orderly, well-planned and predictable. You enjoy routines, deadlines and timelines because they help set structure to your world. You need to be absolutely in control of your life and you rarely enjoy surprises or disruptions.
15. Empathy - You have the gift of instinctively being able to sense the emotions of those around you. You are can share in the perspective of other people; see the world as they see it. While you do not always agree with the decisions people make, you are able to understand. You anticipate needs and can always find the right words and tone to help people in distress. People are drawn to you for your gift of Empathy.
16. Fairness - You regard balance with high importance and believe that no person should be treated with too much favor, regardless of his or her circumstance. Unfair advantage is particularly offensive to you and you work towards equality. You believe that people work best when rules are present and applied to everyone. In this environment, everyone has a chance to prove theirworth.
17. Focus - To move forward, you need a clear picture of your destination. You often ask, "Where am I heading?" Without Focus, your life and work become meaningless. You set goals as your compass, a means of moving forward while staying at a defined course. You are able to decide with clarity whether or not an action you are about to undertake will take you closer to your goal. Your Focus theme causes you to be efficient and you are and effective team member.
18. Futuristic - Your Futuristic theme causes you to move forward to the future. In the future, you know that all possibilities are endless. You have visions of tomorrow and you work towards them, cherishing them, finding inspiration in them. When you share these visions with other people, you energize them as well and raise theirsights and spirits. People are drawn to you for the hope you bring.
19. Harmony - Your Harmony theme tells you that there is little or nothing to be gained from conflict. You strive to find agreement and find the common ground between several parties. You believe that productivity is closely linked to how well we work with each other. When others' views differ from yours, you are willing to adjust to their needs and modify your own views. You prefer to avoid dispute and argument, seeking instead to discuss matters that do not necessitate debate.
20. Ideation - Your fascination with ideas makes others label you creative, conceptual, original and even smart. A new idea brings life and inspiration to you. Your mind is constantly looking for connections that link even seemingly unrelated situations or concepts.
21. lnclusiveness - Your Inclusiveness theme encourages you to draw people in and make them feel part of your group. You are instinctively accepting and like to make other people feel warm and safe within a group. You dislike judgments and advocate respect for differences. You believe that we are all equally important.
22. Individualization - You know that each individual is different and has a different set of needs. You are interested in the unique qualities of other people and you prefer to discover them, instead of generalizations. You are a keen observer of each person's style, preferences, motivations, thoughts and relationships. You are able to pinpoint strengths and you use this gift to draw out the best in each person.
23. Input -You collect information orthings, anything that interests you. Your mind finds interest in so many things and the world is exciting because of its variety and complexity. You have the habit of storing things away for some future use - you may not know what it is just yet but you're sure it will have some use.
24. Intellection - You like to think and increase your mental activity. This thinking may either be focused or unfocused but this is irrelevant to you, as long as you are thinking. You enjoy time alone and are introspective.
25. Learner - You are drawn to the process of learning. What you learn may depend on your interests and other themes but you enjoy learning because it leads you to experience a process. It isn't so much about what you learn; it is more about the process you go through to learn. You enjoy dynamic work environments that allow you to learn new concepts given some span of time and then move on to some new learning.
26. Maximizer -Your Maximizer theme focuses your attention on excellence. Minor achievements are average to you. You do not stop at just good; you strive for the best. You are fascinated by strengths and feel compelled to take astrength and hone it into something excellent. You discriminate what is so-so from what is great and you capitalize on what is great.
27. Positivity - You are an open, positive person. Your enthusiasm is contagious and people are drawn to you for your warmth, generosity with praise and light-heartedness. You celebrate achievements and vitalize dull moments. You find joy in life, work and a sense of humor.
28. Relator - You are comfortable in the company of people you already know. While you do not necessarily shy away from meeting new people, you find pleasure in intimacy. You treat relationships with reverence and have the ability to turn firsttime contacts into meaningful relationships. You value genuine friendship and accept the risks that come with building them.
29. Responsibility - Your Responsibility theme encourages you to follow through on your commitments, whether big or small. You do not tolerate excuses or rationalizations when you fail and only upon restitution will you be able to live comfortably again. People assign new responsibilities to you because they know you will get it done. Your reputation and good name are at stake whenever you committo anything.
30. Restorative - You have a gift for solving problems that leave others stumped. You enjoy analyzing all the aspects of a problem and coming up with the solution. You are inspired by bringing processes, systems or things back to life when they could have been left alone until time leaves them bereft of meaning or significance. To you, instead of allowing these to waste away, you "saved" it.
31. Self-Assurance -You know what you are capable of doing. You have confidence in your own judgment and are certain that no one else can make them for you because you have a different perspective. Other may guide or inspire you but only you can choose to do what you will. It is natural to you you instinctively know what the right decision will be. This gift allows you to remain focused and steady.
32. Significance - You have a need to be recognized foryourachievements. You like to receive praise for the strengths you carry. You associate with others who are successful and will push those surrounding you to excel as well. lfthey aren't, you move on. You prefer work that becomes your way of life, with leeway to do the things you really like. Your Significance theme keeps you striving for excellence and achievement.
33. Strategic - You are instinctively able to find the best course through confusion. It is a special way of thinking, of seeing things at large. You find patterns where others see chaos. You have a way of evaluating people, things and situations such that all the possibilities are uncovered and you can make the best decision possible. You select the path that works best for you your strategy. 34. Woo - Your Woo theme allows you to make friends with practically anyone you meet and win them over. You enjoy initiating meetings and talking to strangers. Once you make a connection, you are ready to move on and make new ones. The world is full of friends you have yet to meet.
哈哈,enen大块吃巧克力,大口喝diet coke的时候你是没有看到呢。你和皮蛋还好吧?
doing ok
btw...drink more water ....not diet coke.......it tastes so gross...........:P
amex wishlist真好
特别鸣谢concord mm
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[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/16 19:08:03编辑过]
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1。有text to speech
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据说如果看pdf,还是kindle dx的比较方便
这个T恤超好看!上面写着什么?“Why would I XXX your homework"?
这个T恤超好看!上面写着什么?“Why would I XXX your homework"?
看了看,是why would i eat your homework :D
Creating a system to identify your
dominant talents. The search for your
talents must be one that is focused and
persistent. You will need to step back and
watch yourself, finding out more about how
you react naturally to situations or
circumstances. Take up a new sport and see
how you like it. Engage in new activities and
determine if you are inspired by them. It is
possible that you'll find some activities
boring or unimportant. This is normal and
you must continue trying others until you
discover your dominant talents.
看了看,是why would i eat your homework :D
看了看,是why would i eat your homework :D
Haha, that makes sense. This puppy looks like a gentleman, very cute.
How much is the T-shirt? You may want to buy it. It looks nice and special.
of StrengthsFinder
1. Achiever - YourAchievertheme pushes
you to drive onwards. To you, each new day
is point zero, a new start. In order to feel
good about yourself, you must achieve
something, no matter how small it may be.
As an Achiever, there will always be
discontent in your life but you can capitalize
on this and use itto achieve more.
2. Activator - You always wonder, "When
can we start?" To you, only action can make
things happen and you view decisions as
green lights to go ahead and make
something, do something or start something.
Whether or not all the steps have been
planned out is irrelevant. After all, you
believe that action is the best method for
learning. You learn from the reactions
generated by past actions and you use these
reactions to plot out your next move.
3. Adaptability -You believe that the future
is a destination reached by the choices you
make in the here and now. Instead ofviewing
change or instability with fear, you expect
them and think of them as facts of life. The
theme of Adaptability allows you to be
flexible, able to work effectively through
various distractions.
people to show you why their view is correct.
In the process, some people will find that
their views are flawed. This is not something
you mean; you just want ideas that are sound
and correct. You thrive in data and
numbers. You are logical and rigorous. You
naturally refine ideas in your mind and
expose ill-conceived ones.
5. Arranger -You enjoy making things and
people work efficiently and effectively all at
the same time. While others cannot fathom
how you can manage to juggle different
responsibilities, you only think of it as
getting the job done in the best way
possible. You are flexible and open-minded,
able to conceive that rules and procedures
notwithstanding, there just might be a better
way to complete a project.
6. Belief - You place utmost importance on
your core values. People with the Belief
theme are often family-oriented, altruistic
and value responsibility. Your values guide
your life and provide you with a consistent
set of priorities. This theme makes you easy
to trust and you find work meaningful only
when you are able to carry out yourvalues.
7. Command - You take charge and are
comfortable with expressing your views.
Unlike people who shy away from the truth,
you revel in facts. You value honesty and
challenge people to take risks. You may
intimidate others and while they may call
you opinionated, they are most likely willing
to let you take control. People are drawn to
your presence.
Communication that allows you to reach
people through writing, hosting,
explanations, descriptions and speech.
You take ideas and liven them up by adding
stories to them. Yourwords are able to carry
the information you want to impart and
leave a lasting impression. You choose
words that pique peoples' interests and
cause them to act.
9. Competition - Your awareness of other
peoples' performance drives you to push on
and better them. A contest isn't about the
game it is about winning. You have a deeprooted
sense of comparison and you like
being in situations where a winner will
emerge, preferably if the winner is you. You
may be gracious in your defeats but you will
push to win even harder in the next round.
10. Connectedness -You firmly believe that
things happen for a reason. You believe that
we are all connected in one way or another
and in this belief, you find confidence. Your
awareness of this connection forms your
values system because you know that if you
harm others, you harm yourself. You are a
bridge-builder for people across various
cultures and can bring calm and faith into
others' lives.
Haha, that makes sense. This puppy looks like a gentleman, very cute.
How much is the T-shirt? You may want to buy it. It looks nice and special.
以下是引用summerhole在7/16/2010 8:09:00 PM的发言:
past events and experiences can be used to
deal with the present. When you have
understood the blueprints of a particular
plan, you gain confidence and can move
forward, sure of your next actions. As long as
you are aware of the steps that led to a
particular present, you are able to forge on
and make betterdecisions. It takes you some
time to orient yourself with new people and
12. Deliberative - You are careful, vigilant, a
private person. You sense the
unpredictability of the world and prefer to
make decisions carefully, after weighing out
all the options. You may seem to be a serious
person, careful in sharing praise or
recognition. You do not think of life as a
popularity contest. You are as careful in your
personal life as you are with your profession,
choosing friends carefully and keeping your
own counsel.
13. Developer - It is said that very often,
potential is all you see. In your mind, no
individual has achieved what he or she is
fully capable of. You are therefore drawn to
people and your goal is to help others
experience success. You think of small
behavioral changes, an improvement in
skill or any small sign of growth as a signal
of potential being realized. You are
encouraging and others' success,
especially under your mentorship, brings
you satisfaction.
well-planned and predictable. You enjoy
routines, deadlines and timelines because
they help set structure to your world. You
need to be absolutely in control of your life
and you rarely enjoy surprises or
15. Empathy - You have the gift of
instinctively being able to sense the
emotions of those around you. You are can
share in the perspective of other people;
see the world as they see it. While you do
not always agree with the decisions people
make, you are able to understand. You
anticipate needs and can always find the
right words and tone to help people in
distress. People are drawn to you for your
gift of Empathy.
16. Fairness - You regard balance with
high importance and believe that no person
should be treated with too much favor,
regardless of his or her circumstance.
Unfair advantage is particularly offensive to
you and you work towards equality. You
believe that people work best when rules
are present and applied to everyone. In this
environment, everyone has a chance to
prove theirworth.
clear picture of your destination. You often
ask, "Where am I heading?" Without Focus,
your life and work become meaningless.
You set goals as your compass, a means of
moving forward while staying at a defined
course. You are able to decide with clarity
whether or not an action you are about to
undertake will take you closer to your goal.
Your Focus theme causes you to be
efficient and you are and effective team
18. Futuristic - Your Futuristic theme
causes you to move forward to the future. In
the future, you know that all possibilities are
endless. You have visions of tomorrow and
you work towards them, cherishing them,
finding inspiration in them. When you share
these visions with other people, you energize
them as well and raise theirsights and spirits.
People are drawn to you for the hope you
19. Harmony - Your Harmony theme tells
you that there is little or nothing to be gained
from conflict. You strive to find agreement
and find the common ground between
several parties. You believe that productivity
is closely linked to how well we work with
each other. When others' views differ from
yours, you are willing to adjust to their needs
and modify your own views. You prefer to
avoid dispute and argument, seeking instead
to discuss matters that do not necessitate
20. Ideation - Your fascination with ideas
makes others label you creative, conceptual,
original and even smart. A new idea brings
life and inspiration to you. Your mind is
constantly looking for connections that link
even seemingly unrelated situations or
theme encourages you to draw people in and
make them feel part of your group. You are
instinctively accepting and like to make other
people feel warm and safe within a group.
You dislike judgments and advocate respect
for differences. You believe that we are all
equally important.
22. Individualization - You know that each
individual is different and has a different set
of needs. You are interested in the unique
qualities of other people and you prefer to
discover them, instead of generalizations.
You are a keen observer of each person's
style, preferences, motivations, thoughts
and relationships. You are able to pinpoint
strengths and you use this gift to draw out
the best in each person.
23. Input -You collect information orthings,
anything that interests you. Your mind finds
interest in so many things and the world is
exciting because of its variety and
complexity. You have the habit of storing
things away for some future use - you may
not know what it is just yet but you're sure it
will have some use.
increase your mental activity. This thinking
may either be focused or unfocused but this
is irrelevant to you, as long as you are
thinking. You enjoy time alone and are
25. Learner - You are drawn to the process
of learning. What you learn may depend on
your interests and other themes but you
enjoy learning because it leads you to
experience a process. It isn't so much about
what you learn; it is more about the process
you go through to learn. You enjoy dynamic
work environments that allow you to learn
new concepts given some span of time and
then move on to some new learning.
26. Maximizer -Your Maximizer theme
focuses your attention on excellence. Minor
achievements are average to you. You do
not stop at just good; you strive for the best.
You are fascinated by strengths and feel
compelled to take astrength and hone it into
something excellent. You discriminate what
is so-so from what is great and you
capitalize on what is great.
person. Your enthusiasm is contagious and
people are drawn to you for your warmth,
generosity with praise and light-heartedness.
You celebrate achievements and vitalize dull
moments. You find joy in life, work and a
sense of humor.
28. Relator - You are comfortable in the
company of people you already know. While
you do not necessarily shy away from
meeting new people, you find pleasure in
intimacy. You treat relationships with
reverence and have the ability to turn firsttime
contacts into meaningful relationships.
You value genuine friendship and accept the
risks that come with building them.
29. Responsibility - Your Responsibility
theme encourages you to follow through on
your commitments, whether big or small. You
do not tolerate excuses or rationalizations
when you fail and only upon restitution will
you be able to live comfortably again. People
assign new responsibilities to you because
they know you will get it done. Your reputation
and good name are at stake whenever you
committo anything.
30. Restorative - You have a gift for solving
problems that leave others stumped. You
enjoy analyzing all the aspects of a problem
and coming up with the solution. You are
inspired by bringing processes, systems or
things back to life when they could have been
left alone until time leaves them bereft of
meaning or significance. To you, instead of
allowing these to waste away, you "saved" it.
capable of doing. You have confidence in
your own judgment and are certain that no
one else can make them for you because you
have a different perspective. Other may guide
or inspire you but only you can choose to do
what you will. It is natural to you you
instinctively know what the right decision will
be. This gift allows you to remain focused and
32. Significance - You have a need to be
recognized foryourachievements. You like to
receive praise for the strengths you carry.
You associate with others who are
successful and will push those surrounding
you to excel as well. lfthey aren't, you move
on. You prefer work that becomes your way
of life, with leeway to do the things you really
like. Your Significance theme keeps you
striving for excellence and achievement.
33. Strategic - You are instinctively able to
find the best course through confusion. It is
a special way of thinking, of seeing things at
large. You find patterns where others see
chaos. You have a way of evaluating people,
things and situations such that all the
possibilities are uncovered and you can
make the best decision possible. You select
the path that works best for you your
34. Woo - Your Woo theme allows you to
make friends with practically anyone you
meet and win them over. You enjoy initiating
meetings and talking to strangers. Once you
make a connection, you are ready to move
on and make new ones. The world is full of
friends you have yet to meet.
以下是引用summerhole在7/16/2010 8:09:00 PM的发言:
哈哈!你买啦? 还没,刚看到
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/16 20:20:26编辑过]
见到帅哥然后呢?[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/16 20:20:26编辑过]
struck a romance
struck a romance
good luck!
还是深感缺衣服,不过是缺basic pieces
2010eBook Reader Review
2010eBook Reader Review
这个以前讨论过,答案忘记了:UA,中国算Central Asia (80000miles)还是north Asia (65000miles)?
north Asia (65000miles).
查了yahoo,除了lam.法,还有RR的PHantom,宾利,aston martin, marserati 狠小众,然后有大本,跑鞋。
north Asia (65000miles).
爱蓝, 10137
主要研究了三个牌子,kindle6寸和kindle dx,ezreader,sony 6寸
kindle的总体评价最好,不过kindle6寸的不能直接读pdf,需要给Amazon转,kindle dx 9寸的可以直接读pdf,不过贵了些,375
我先买个sony鸡血一下,如果用的多,过段时间kindle dx降价,就再入一个
踢歪, 10143
kindle 6寸可以读pdf,自己用软件转,然后传到kindle上。几分钟的事,跟你从数码相机里传相片一样。
jolin, 10148
kindle dx其实对扫描版pdf支持得不是很好(理论上,技术可以做到支持的不错,估计amazon自己并不在想这方面下功夫支持扫描pdf(防盗版),有些扫描版的书,kindle dx分辨率比较弱,不是特别清楚。据说新的黑DX对比度提高50%以上有可能会改善这个问题。
kindle dx最牛的地方不是amazon硬件做得好,是国内一堆kindle粉对kindle的后期开发太牛了,比如多看系统。买了kindle最大的优势就等于有了免费的软件支持(风险自负的软件支持)
kindle 6寸太小,看pdf挺麻烦,所以再便宜我都不买。
最后一句话总结:kindle dx加多看系统,完胜ereader。
空空, 10161
看到这个技术性巨强的新车砍价的帖子, 我的价格就在那个target price。。。 买卖提真是牛人多啊。。。。 http://www.mitbbs.com/bbsann2/life.faq/Automobile/buysell/M.1187975267.l0/%BD%CC%C4%E3%C8%E7%BA%CE%BF%B3%BC%DB%28%D0%C2%B3%B5%29
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/29 8:37:04编辑过]
以下是引用concord在7/17/2010 7:21:00 AM的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/17 7:50:04编辑过]
我小农的想买sony了,最便宜,触摸屏,支持pdf格式,就是要汉化 kindle最便宜吧
kindle refurbished出过几次,$120左右。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/17 8:31:06编辑过]
kindle refurbished出过几次,$120左右。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/17 8:31:06编辑过]
跳了sony prs600 银色的
我建议你装一个免费软件, calibre,可以转换各种格式:
我建议你装一个免费软件, calibre,可以转换各种格式:
yummy earth deal
跳了sony prs600 银色的
yummy earth deal
yummy earth deal
我是忠诚的kindle dx的拥趸,6寸110的价格我经过好几次,想了半天没买。
就等kindle dx的refurbished跌到200,或者新的黑DXG跌到300就下手。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/17 22:47:20编辑过]
我是忠诚的kindle dx的拥趸,6寸110的价格我经过好几次,想了半天没买。
就等kindle dx的refurbished跌到200,或者新的黑DXG跌到300就下手。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/17 22:47:20编辑过]
我是忠诚的kindle dx的拥趸,6寸110的价格我经过好几次,想了半天没买。
就等kindle dx的refurbished跌到200,或者新的黑DXG跌到300就下手。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/7/17 22:47:20编辑过]
我也觉得kindle dx不错。我们买的是9寸的。