You'll note that the date on the image above is wrong (because it's from 2009) but the timing is right. Yes ladies, next Tuesday should be a great day for Anthropologie sale hunters. It happens twice a year; Anthropologie is ready to clear out a bunch of items and the Sale section will grow exponentially. Kathryn and Carol first mentioned the upcoming sale on In Pursuit of Pretty Things. I was planning to wait until Monday to talk about this so as not to start a frenzy but I've been getting a bunch of emails about this as a result of their post so I figured now is as good as any time. Because clearly the frenzy is already here!
There's markdown weeks, there's big markdown weeks and then there's these twice-a-year markdown weeks. We're talking a lot of items here. For the last couple of years this has meant instead of walking into Anthropologie and seeing new items I've seen the sale racks right up at the front of the store. It will be very interesting to see how Anthropologie positions the markdowns this year since they're doing so well. Hopefully it works the same as past years and they throw us a bone already. The sale stuff is organized by item category (sweaters, pants, skirts, etc.) and then by price, so there's a rack of $70 items and a rack of $30 items and so on.
Remember the goal here is to clear out the Pre-Spring/Spring stuff and motivate you to buy from the late Spring and Summer collections (which will still be full price). Is an item that came out 2 weeks ago going to be on sale? No. Is an item that came out 30 days ago going to be on sale? No. Anthro will still hold true to their sale cycle in almost every case. What this does mean is the items that we've been waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting) to hit sale are finally likely to do so. There will hopefully be a bunch of 2nd markdowns to look forward to as well. I'm optimistic that the items that were "accidentally" marked down 2 weeks ago will once again be on sale come Tuesday.
We'll still play the Sale Guessing Game on Monday afternoon. Then on Monday night Kim will run by one of her Chicago stores so be sure to check out Anthroholic to see what the scoop is. And come Tuesday morning feel free to wake up with me to see what the full list looks like (be ready to scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll).
Want some tips for the hunt to avoid flowy overload? Here are my plans for Tuesday:
1. Make a list of items you really, really want. I have not-so-patiently been waiting for a bunch of items to go on sale. This weekend I'll be whittling down that list to probably 4 or 5 items that will fill holes in my closet. Will I stick to that list? Who knows, but it will be my starting point.
2. Set a budget. It's really easy to get caught up in the hype of "everyone is buying x item so I must need it too!" or "the deelz are so good I must spend $" or even "this hardly happens so it's worth the splurge". But one hard & fast rule for me these days is to ignore the pack mentality and buy the items that I need (or desperately want) and live vicariously through others for the rest. I've set 2 budgets for myself: the "well this really wasn't such a big deal after all" budget or the "holy crap 40 items I want went on sale, what the hell do I do budget". I will not be going over that 2nd number.
3. Breathe! One of the hardest things for me is that while I'm writing the Sale posts on Tuesday the items I want are quickly depleting in inventory online. I'm sure this affects community members not near a store more than me but nothing is worse than prepping your cart and then finding an item out of stock when you go to checkout. But if there's one thing I've noticed lately with the weird development of people "pre-buying" items on Monday night, it's that almost everything comes back into stock. So if the item you want is sold out on Tuesday morning when you wake up don't despair. You've got a community here of ladies to keep their eyes peeled in stores. And there's a good chance that your item will pop back up online once Anthro's inventory system catches up. So I've learned to be patient (sort of). As much as I loves me some Anthro, it is just clothing.
Before you ask no I have NO IDEA what items are going on sale yet. We'll play the guessing game on Monday, I promise! And I am very much looking forward to it. I can't wait to share in the excitement of scores with everyone. If you have questions please leave them in the comments. I hope you have your pennies saved up.
already see more inventory out today. I didn't follow anthropologie for a long time, so I wasn't sensitive to new/further markdowns. Only noticed there were a lot more sale pieces than last week.
what I saw today was there were more sizes of on sale items which were previously sold out. A SA told me they received some new shipment of items already on sale. I am not sure why there were new shipments. Maybe they gathered leftover from different stores to just several stores?
以下是引用rabbit66在5/17/2010 4:03:00 PM的发言: what I saw today was there were more sizes of on sale items which were previously sold out. A SA told me they received some new shipment of items already on sale. I am not sure why there were new shipments. Maybe they gathered leftover from different stores to just several stores?
what I saw today was there were more sizes of on sale items which were previously sold out. A SA told me they received some new shipment of items already on sale. I am not sure why there were new shipments. Maybe they gathered leftover from different stores to just several stores?
刚才也去了一下,结果果然看到比平时sale多一些的衣服,然后架子也搭好了,估计要放那些home的东西。我问sales, 她给我眨眨眼睛说"yeah, big sale, a lot of stuff, better come back again tomorrow" 结果居然发现这条裙子,立刻忍不住买了,之前去都没有看见过0号的,估计的确进了新的sales的东西。
刚才也去了一下,结果果然看到比平时sale多一些的衣服,然后架子也搭好了,估计要放那些home的东西。我问sales, 她给我眨眨眼睛说"yeah, big sale, a lot of stuff, better come back again tomorrow" 结果居然发现这条裙子,立刻忍不住买了,之前去都没有看见过0号的,估计的确进了新的sales的东西。 此主题相关图片如下030009_069_2.jpg:
You'll note
that the date on the image above is wrong (because it's from 2009) but
the timing is right. Yes ladies, next Tuesday should
be a great day for Anthropologie sale hunters. It happens twice a year;
Anthropologie is ready to clear out a bunch of items and the Sale
section will grow exponentially. Kathryn and Carol first mentioned the
upcoming sale on In Pursuit of Pretty Things. I
was planning to wait until Monday to talk about this so as not to start
a frenzy but I've been getting a bunch of emails about this as a result
of their post so I figured now is as good as any time. Because clearly
the frenzy is already here!
markdown weeks, there's big markdown weeks and then there's these
twice-a-year markdown weeks. We're talking a lot of items
here. For the last couple of years this has meant instead of walking
into Anthropologie and seeing new items I've seen the sale racks right
up at the front of the store. It will be very interesting to see how
Anthropologie positions the markdowns this year
since they're doing so well. Hopefully it works the same as past years
and they throw us a bone already. The sale stuff is organized by item
category (sweaters, pants, skirts, etc.) and then by price, so there's a
rack of $70 items and a rack of $30 items
and so on.
Remember the
goal here is to clear out the Pre-Spring/Spring stuff and motivate you
to buy from the late Spring and Summer collections
(which will still be full price). Is an item that came out 2 weeks ago
going to be on sale? No. Is an item that came out 30 days ago going to
be on sale? No. Anthro will still hold true to their sale cycle in
almost every case. What this does mean is the items
that we've been waiting (and waiting and waiting and waiting) to hit
sale are finally likely to do so. There will hopefully be a bunch of 2nd
markdowns to look forward to as well. I'm optimistic that the items
that were "accidentally" marked down 2 weeks ago
will once again be on sale come Tuesday.
We'll still
play the Sale Guessing Game on Monday afternoon. Then on Monday night
Kim will run by one of her Chicago stores so be sure
to check out Anthroholic to see what the scoop is. And come Tuesday
morning feel free to wake up with me to see what the full list looks
like (be ready to scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll).
Want some tips
for the hunt to avoid flowy overload? Here are my plans for Tuesday:
1. Make a list
of items you really, really want.
I have
not-so-patiently been waiting for a bunch of items to go on sale. This
weekend I'll be whittling down that list to probably 4
or 5 items that will fill holes in my closet. Will I stick to that
list? Who knows, but it will be my starting point.
2. Set a
It's really
easy to get caught up in the hype of "everyone is buying x item so I
must need it too!" or "the deelz are so good I must
spend $" or even "this hardly happens so it's worth the splurge". But
one hard & fast rule for me these days is to ignore the pack
mentality and buy the items that I need (or desperately want) and live
vicariously through others for the rest. I've set 2 budgets
for myself: the "well this really wasn't such a big deal after all"
budget or the "holy crap 40 items I want went on sale, what the hell do I
do budget". I will not be going over that 2nd number.
3. Breathe!
One of the
hardest things for me is that while I'm writing the Sale posts on
Tuesday the items I want are quickly depleting in inventory
online. I'm sure this affects community members not near a store more
than me but nothing is worse than prepping your cart and then finding an
item out of stock when you go to checkout. But if there's one thing
I've noticed lately with the weird development
of people "pre-buying" items on Monday night, it's that almost
everything comes back into stock. So if the item you want is sold out on
Tuesday morning when you wake up don't despair. You've got a community
here of ladies to keep their eyes peeled in stores.
And there's a good chance that your item will pop back up online once
Anthro's inventory system catches up. So I've learned to be patient
(sort of). As much as I loves me some Anthro, it is just clothing.
Before you ask
no I have NO IDEA what items are going on sale yet. We'll play the
guessing game on Monday, I promise! And I am very
much looking forward to it. I can't wait to share in the excitement of
scores with everyone. If you have questions please leave them in the
comments. I hope you have your pennies saved up.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/17 22:13:40编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/14 18:19:21编辑过]
co ask
can we buy first then do PM?....
可以的, 14天内都可以PM
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/14 21:09:32编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/15 0:16:43编辑过]
按往年的规律这个时候应该有大sale,而且昨天我们这安家已经打了sale的大条幅在外面,不过里面的东西和上个星期是差不多的,所以下个星期二肯定是semi annual sale了,我想。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/15 0:16:43编辑过]
按往年的规律这个时候应该有大sale,而且昨天我们这安家已经打了sale的大条幅在外面,不过里面的东西和上个星期是差不多的,所以下个星期二肯定是semi annual sale了,我想。
嗯,昨天经过我们这里的安家,觉得里面的布置已经有些不同了,以前的Sale room都快腾空了。其他的货架也都被挪来挪去了。看来是为下周的sale准备了。
可以吗?那周日先去买些来! 不见得你买的到时候会都降价吧。我记得碰到过的两次也就是把sale room里面的东西搬到外面来,可能东西多一点,但是价格也是从高到低都有的,有原来就在sale的,也有新Markdown的。
I shop An today, they said it will be sale on coming Tue. almost 1/3 of the store items will be further markdown...
哇!!!1/3的store都mark down啦?天哪!!
为啥之前从来没听说过安家的semi-annual sale啊。。
这个好像不是所有店都有的,只记得个别店有额外40%off的折扣,反正纽约从来没有,只有普通的系统mark down
这个好像不是所有店都有的,只记得个别店有额外40%off的折扣,反正纽约从来没有,只有普通的系统mark down
这个好像不是所有店都有的,只记得个别店有额外40%off的折扣,反正纽约从来没有,只有普通的系统mark down
去店里看了,喜欢的都没了!! 我怎么喜欢的都买不到!! 气死人了
Yes, confirmed by the BA here. The markdown will start today.
Today???!!!! What time today?
just called a store and was told that the sale starts tomorrow. no such thing as extra 40% off, but really just more items on sale.
just called a store and was told that the sale starts tomorrow. no such thing as extra 40% off, but really just more items on sale.
semi annual sale 本来就不是指有extra 40%,就是她家要把spring的东西清仓而已。
just called a store and was told that the sale starts tomorrow. no such thing as extra 40% off, but really just more items on sale.
i got an email from anthro today, it said there will be a sale tomorrow
it got the email too!!!!
semi annual sale 本来就不是指有extra 40%,就是她家要把spring的东西清仓而已。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/17 16:40:29编辑过]
都不知道有这个semi annual sale
不知道楼上MM confirm的都是哪个地方的
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/17 15:43:42编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/17 15:43:42编辑过]
what I saw today was there were more sizes of on sale items which were previously sold out. A SA told me they received some new shipment of items already on sale. I am not sure why there were new shipments. Maybe they gathered leftover from different stores to just several stores?
i got an email from anthro today, it said there will be a sale tomorrow
what I saw today was there were more sizes of on sale items which were previously sold out. A SA told me they received some new shipment of items already on sale. I am not sure why there were new shipments. Maybe they gathered leftover from different stores to just several stores?
我今天问了SALES, 说明天会有很多SPRINT 的东西MARK DOWN
i got an email too, says there will be sale tomorrow
me too
哪个好心mm能把email 帖上来看一下吗?谢谢!
Here you go,
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/17 19:43:56编辑过]
Here you go,
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/17 19:43:56编辑过]
我前天晚上去的时候问了,说是会有很多HOME的东东ON SALE,衣服只是一般的MARKDOWN
我前天晚上去的时候问了,说是会有很多HOME的东东ON SALE,衣服只是一般的MARKDOWN
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/17 20:10:51编辑过]
刚才也去了一下,结果果然看到比平时sale多一些的衣服,然后架子也搭好了,估计要放那些home的东西。我问sales, 她给我眨眨眼睛说"yeah, big sale, a lot of stuff, better come back again tomorrow" 结果居然发现这条裙子,立刻忍不住买了,之前去都没有看见过0号的,估计的确进了新的sales的东西。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/17 20:10:51编辑过]
new york city 会不会有呢