I made 10 purchases, 30 cans of Similac. The similac advance early shield 23oz/can around 12.6 per can, really good price. no need to buy before my baby gets 12months
I made 10 purchases, 30 cans of Similac. The similac advance early shield 23oz/can around 12.6 per can, really good price. no need to buy before my baby gets 12months
did you use same account or sign up different accounts?
I made 10 purchases, 30 cans of Similac. The similac advance early shield 23oz/can around 12.6 per can, really good price. no need to buy before my baby gets 12months
My 宝宝快7个月,total formula feeding since 4 months old, she eats a lot, (she is a fat girl, haha)average 4-5 days per can. So she needs at least 6 or 7 cans per month, I think she needs formula unitil she is 12 months.
尿布, 奶粉,护肤品, 宝宝防晒。
shipping is not free if the total weight is over 10lbs.
Subtotal: $61.01
Taxes: $5.03
Coupons: (-$20.00)
Shipping: $4.56 (Shipping Details)
Total: $50.60
gosh, taxes + shippings cost extra $10
不是说free shipping的吗?
free shipping for weight less than 10lbs,
Shipping Details Shipping Method Charges
Standard Shipping $0.00
Weight Surcharge
additional Weight $4.56
Total: $4.56
It is good to buy formula instead of diapers
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/29 17:18:28编辑过]
free shipping for weight less than 10lbs,
别买太重的,一般 60块的都还不到10磅。网上所有东西的后面都写着单位重量呢,可以参考着买
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/29 17:22:47编辑过]
Enfamil Instant Formula Milk-Based Powder with Iron Case, 6x12.5oz -> 47.82
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/29 17:22:47编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/29 17:37:24编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/29 17:37:24编辑过]
对呀,自动又减了10刀,我也是买了3罐奶粉+snack凑了60刀,after I placed the order,从50.13变成40.13了。反正一共减了20刀。good deal
I made 10 purchases, 30 cans of Similac. The similac advance early shield 23oz/can around 12.6 per can, really good price. no need to buy before my baby gets 12months
did you use same account or sign up different accounts?
did you use same account or sign up different accounts?
no need, just use the same account.
I made 10 purchases, 30 cans of Similac. The similac advance early shield 23oz/can around 12.6 per can, really good price. no need to buy before my baby gets 12months
JM们收到CONFIRM EMAIL了么?我怎么没收到啊
收到了,mm查一下spam folder
My 宝宝快7个月,total formula feeding since 4 months old, she eats a lot, (she is a fat girl, haha)average 4-5 days per can. So she needs at least 6 or 7 cans per month, I think she needs formula unitil she is 12 months.
收到了,mm查一下spam folder
看着钱包里一堆visa card,我快郁闷死了!
我4月29号下单的,也收到order confirmation乐,到现在还没ship出来。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/2 3:37:41编辑过]
大家收到shipment confirmation了吗?
我4月29号下单的,也收到order confirmation乐,到现在还没ship出来。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/2 3:37:41编辑过]
我也是,还没收到ship notice, 好慢呀
对呀,自动又减了10刀,我也是买了3罐奶粉+snack凑了60刀,after I placed the order,从50.13变成40.13了。反正一共减了20刀。good deal