Q & A | Zhang Ziyi CD (China Daily): You donated 1 million yuan ($146,500) out of your own pocket (for Sichuan earthquake relief), right? ZZY (Zhang Ziyi): Yes. CD: You gave it to the China Red Cross? ZZY: Yes. CD: But only 840,000 yuan ($123,000) was transferred. ZZY: That's correct. CD: You made up for the shortfall only recently (Feb 8, 2010). Why was that? ZZY: I was not in China (May 2008). I just gave the instruction to donate and did not follow up. I traveled from the United States to Cannes, France. I take the main responsibility for the lapse and causing my staff to mix it up. CD: When did you first realize your donation was short of what you had announced? ZZY: Later, when news came out and we did an investigation. CD: What exactly went wrong? ZZY: Some kind of communication problem. CD: Have you ever said things like: "Please give money to the Red Cross?" ZZY: Yes. CD: At Cannes? ZZY: Yes. CD: Were you encouraging people to donate to the Red Cross? Or, were you asking them to give you the money and you would pass it to the Red Cross? ZZY: I was encouraging them to give directly to the Red Cross. Not a penny of other people's money passed through me to the Red Cross. CD: Have you ever raised money in the name of the Red Cross, but for your own foundation? ZZY: Never. CD: Have you ever thought of putting the 1 million yuan you gave to the Red Cross into your own foundation? ZZY: No. Fundraising in Cannes CD: Your fundraising in Cannes (May 21, 2008) got a lot of media coverage in China. But there have been different reports about the sum raised. The oft-quoted amount for cash is $50,000, which includes some Hong Kong dollars and euros converted into US dollars. Is that correct? ZZY: That's not correct. CD: Then, what was the amount of cash raised? ZZY: About $1,300. CD: How come it was so little? ZZY: The fundraising event was hastily arranged. We did not have a place. It was lent to us. I did not have many people with me, and I'm grateful to the volunteers from Sohu. Not many people showed up. At Cannes, everyone was busy watching movies and attending parties. And people do not carry much cash around, especially non-Chinese. CD: How much did you raise in pledges? ZZY: We got a little more than $400,000. CD: How much of that has been honored? Zhang Ziyi tears up at her fundraising event in Cannes, France. CFP / For China Daily
Zhang Ziyi tears up at her fundraising event in Cannes, France. CFP / For China Daily ZZY: Around $39,000. CD: Did the "almost $500,000" include the $100,000 pledged by Wendi Deng (Rupert Murdoch's wife)? ZZY: Yes. CD: In the past two years did you try to get the pledged money? ZZY: I made calls and corresponded with the pledged donors. CD: What was the result? ZZY: I hope to have a concrete project to show them and see whether that will interest them. CD: What if you fail to collect the whole? ZZY: (Long pause) If they do not honor their pledges that will give me another chance to give. I'll make up for the shortfall of $400,000 (the amount earmarked for a Sichuan Children's Center). CD: Have you ever mentioned that you raised more than $500,000, say, $1 million, which is often mentioned in media reports? What about $2 million, $5 million, and the highest I've read, $7 million? Do you know where those figures came from? ZZY: None of these is right. In the interviews after that fund-raising party, I said we raised "almost $500,000" and my goal is to raise $1 million. I have seen the $2 million report, which seemed to have something to do with Vivi (Nevo, Zhang's fianc). But he did not have a clue when I asked him about it. As for the other numbers, I have no idea. Zhang Ziyi Foundation CD: Some say you have two foundations, one in California and one in New York. The one in New York is actually an ESL school. How is that?
Zhang visits a Kunming orphanage in 2007, in support of Care for Children. REN / For China Daily ZZY: We have only one foundation, which is registered in California. But we added a New York mailing address for convenience of correspondence. CD: Some say your foundation is registered as a business. Zhang visits a Kunming orphanage in 2007, in support of Care for Children. REN / For China Daily ZZY: That's not true. It is a not-for-profit organization, a charity. CD: Some say (the registration) has expired. ZZY: It is always in good standing. CD: Some say you have only $45,471 in the account, others say the foundation's assets are zero. Which is correct? ZZY: There have never been zero assets in the account. The $40,000-plus should be $39,000 in donations plus $5,000 in expenses, which came from my own pocket. CD: Did all donations go to this account? ZZY: Yes. CD: Did anyone send money to your own account and you had to transfer it to the foundation? ZZY: This never happened. CD: Is this money managed by a professional, say, an accountant? ZZY: Yes. CD: Has there been any withdrawal - for any reason? ZZY: Never. It has always been there. I want to say that all information about the foundation is open and we have never done anything not transparent or illegal. Everyone can go and check on it. CD: There was a full-page ad in Hollywood Reporter, in which the editor-in-chief and you appeal for funds for the relief of the Sichuan earthquake. Is that true? ZZY: Yes. CD: Did you pay for the ad? ZZY: No. They wanted to help me when they found out what I was doing and they were moved. CD: Did anyone donate because of the ad? ZZY: It was a pity we did not receive any donations (induced by the ad). Care for Children CD: You said this money will be given to Care for Children and be used for building a Children's Center in Deyang, Sichuan province. Can you give us a brief description of the organization? ZZY: Care for Children is an international charity headquartered in the United Kingdom and with an office in Beijing. It has handled 38 projects in 27 provinces and autonomous regions across China. CD: Why did you pick Care for Children? ZZY: I had worked with them before the 2008 earthquake. What they do is to help those children who are deserted by sending them to foster homes. I wanted to cooperate with them and help the children left homeless from the earthquake. CD: But your money has not reached Care for Children yet. Why? ZZY: We had to get government approval for the project. It took a long time. CD: Now it has been approved, right? ZZY: The approval came in November 2009. CD: When will the money enter the account of Care for Children? ZZY: Within three weeks of breaking ground on the center. CD: How much will the center cost? And how much do the monies from your foundation and Care for Children account for? ZZY: The total cost will be 9 million yuan ($1.3 million), and our donations will be 4.5 million yuan, which is about $658,000. Of this amount, $400,000 is from my foundation. CD: Will you shut down the foundation once this project is over, or keep running it? ZZY: This project has just been approved. We'll put our energy into it. I'll think about other things later. Learning about charity CD: What qualities do you think are required for doing charity work, besides passion? ZZY: Besides passion, I think one needs a lot of energy, a professional team and enough knowledge. CD: Do you think you possessed them? ZZY: I had passion and energy, but not a professional team, or the right approach. CD: When entertainment celebrities engage in charity work, it usually gives people the impression that they want to spruce up their public image. Have you considered a low-profile or anonymous approach to charity? ZZY: I wish I could do that. But ... I still hope to use my name and influence to raise awareness for the issues involved. CD: What position does charity work occupy in your life and career? ZZY: A very important position. The achievements I have made today are the result of the many years that my country invested in me If the country suffers, we have to do our part. You cannot make up the feeling that you have with the country and the people. It is real. CD: What's your philosophy for charity? ZZY: My interest is in kids, especially disabled children. When I see them - whatever country they come from, I hope I can work for them, to improve their welfare. CD: Since the controversy about your donation, you have hired a Los Angeles law firm to investigate. Now it has issued its report, which is quite detailed. There are four donors who each pledged $100,000, and one for $50,000, but they have not yet honored their pledges. Why are their identities not revealed? ZZY: Donors have the right to reveal or conceal their names. It's about privacy. CD: If they end up not honoring those pledges, basically you'll take the responsibility for them. Right? ZZY: Yes, it can be interpreted this way. CD: You kept silent for two months. Why didn't you come out earlier and explain? ZZY: I wanted to clarify it from the very beginning. But then I found out I should use legal means to clarify everything. That'll be more convincing. We sent all the evidence to the US. The process took a long time. Impact of the controversy CD: Do you think there was someone manipulating the controversy, or it was the netizens who wanted to find out the truth? ZZY: I believe most netizens have a sense of justice and will seek truth from facts. When they know the truth, they can judge for themselves. CD: What impact has the controversy had on you and your family? ZZY: A lot. It's about me and I have to face it. But I don't want to see my family getting worried because of me ... (fighting back tears) CD: Did you get angry and feel it's unfair? ZZY: Of course there were moments I felt bad. I wanted to do something good, but we had our problems, such as my lack of experience, my failure to disclose to the public, my limited knowledge about philanthropy and other reasons. CD: Would you see this as a setback? ZZY: It was certainly a setback. But I learned something new from it. CD: Some say you quit (the Wendi Deng-produced movie)Snow Flower and the Secret Fan because of this, and some brands dropped you as their spokeswoman. Is that true? ZZY: No. I prepared for this movie for two years. But I underwent a surgery after doing an action scene, which prevented me from proceeding with that (Wendi Deng) movie. CD: What about endorsements? ZZY: Nothing unusual has happened. Black paint incident CD: When the current controversy first broke out, it had nothing to do with donations. A certain Zhao (Xinyu) accused you of something. Would you care to respond? ZZY: This incident has already caused trouble for a lot of people, especially my family. I have endured much, and I don't want others to go through the same pain. CD: Do you think the public has a right to know the private lives of celebrities? ZZY: There should be limits. CD: What about your love and marriage? ZZY: If it's nothing unethical, there's a need to let the public know. CD: Do you think a star should be a role model of morality? ZZY: Stars are ordinary people, too. But they should conduct themselves better. CD: You have international fame. Some say what you do represents the whole country and you should receive special protection or be placed under special constraints. What do you think? ZZY: I want to do better, but I don't want to give myself too much pressure or a sense of mission. I want to be an ordinary person, but I'll work to make it as perfect as possible. CD: A professor once said, you, Zhang Ziyi, are more powerful than Confucius in promoting Chinese culture overseas. What's your take on it? ZZY: How can I be compared with Confucius ... CD: What do you want your public image to be? ZZY: I want to be compassionate, responsible, hard working and full of personality.
Fundraising in Cannes CD: Your fundraising in Cannes (May 21, 2008) got a lot of media coverage in China. But there have been different reports about the sum raised. The oft-quoted amount for cash is $50,000, which includes some Hong Kong dollars and euros converted into US dollars. Is that correct? ZZY: That's not correct. CD: Then, what was the amount of cash raised? ZZY: About $1,300. CD: How come it was so little? ZZY: The fundraising event was hastily arranged. We did not have a place. It was lent to us. I did not have many people with me, and I'm grateful to the volunteers from Sohu. Not many people showed up. At Cannes, everyone was busy watching movies and attending parties. And people do not carry much cash around, especially non-Chinese. CD: How much did you raise in pledges? ZZY: We got a little more than $400,000.
Fundraising in Cannes CD: Your fundraising in Cannes (May 21, 2008) got a lot of media coverage in China. But there have been different reports about the sum raised. The oft-quoted amount for cash is $50,000, which includes some Hong Kong dollars and euros converted into US dollars. Is that correct? ZZY: That's not correct. CD: Then, what was the amount of cash raised? ZZY: About $1,300. CD: How come it was so little? ZZY: The fundraising event was hastily arranged. We did not have a place. It was lent to us. I did not have many people with me, and I'm grateful to the volunteers from Sohu. Not many people showed up. At Cannes, everyone was busy watching movies and attending parties. And people do not carry much cash around, especially non-Chinese. CD: How much did you raise in pledges? ZZY: We got a little more than $400,000.
Fundraising in Cannes CD: Your fundraising in Cannes (May 21, 2008) got a lot of media coverage in China. But there have been different reports about the sum raised. The oft-quoted amount for cash is $50,000, which includes some Hong Kong dollars and euros converted into US dollars. Is that correct? ZZY: That's not correct. CD: Then, what was the amount of cash raised? ZZY: About $1,300. CD: How come it was so little? ZZY: The fundraising event was hastily arranged. We did not have a place. It was lent to us. I did not have many people with me, and I'm grateful to the volunteers from Sohu. Not many people showed up. At Cannes, everyone was busy watching movies and attending parties. And people do not carry much cash around, especially non-Chinese. CD: How much did you raise in pledges? ZZY: We got a little more than $400,000.
他写的好肉麻,我摘录一段: Yes, she is China's gift to Hollywood. But we're not living in an age when we give giant pandas as free gifts to foreign nations anymore. Nowadays we loan them out for a nice and nifty donation. If this policy is right for the black-and-white national treasure, why not apply it to the porcelain fragile type, as well? Which means she can date whomever she wants, but she eventually had better settle down with her own kind -- a nice lad, not someone at the bottom of the 30 million heap. And once that is picked up by a certain website that can turn anything into a social trend, all of those more gorgeous stars, such as Gong Li and Maggie Cheung, will have second thoughts on having Caucasian paramours or spouses. But then again, I think Zhang Ziyi shouldn't marry anybody. She should be put on a pedestal and enshrined as the virgin queen of Chinese cinema -- somewhat like the Buddha of Infinite Chastity.
she claimed of $500,000 herself; she accepted two charity awards for her donation (7,000,000 (RMB) or 1,000,000 (USD)).
All other celebrities presented the receipts / documents of their donations within one week of being questioned. While zzy and her team came up all different of versions of stories.
以下是引用Asymmetric_Bob在3/16/2010 11:06:00 AM的发言: 谭飞 就章子怡受访事件答自己问 http://huaren.us/s/blog_413eb1fa0100heex.html i don't know who 谭飞 is, but what he wrote gets to the point. zhang's interview is more like 自问自答
他写的好肉麻,我摘录一段: Yes, she is China's gift to Hollywood. But we're not living in an age when we give giant pandas as free gifts to foreign nations anymore. Nowadays we loan them out for a nice and nifty donation. If this policy is right for the black-and-white national treasure, why not apply it to the porcelain fragile type, as well? Which means she can date whomever she wants, but she eventually had better settle down with her own kind -- a nice lad, not someone at the bottom of the 30 million heap. And once that is picked up by a certain website that can turn anything into a social trend, all of those more gorgeous stars, such as Gong Li and Maggie Cheung, will have second thoughts on having Caucasian paramours or spouses. But then again, I think Zhang Ziyi shouldn't marry anybody. She should be put on a pedestal and enshrined as the virgin queen of Chinese cinema -- somewhat like the Buddha of Infinite Chastity.
我也看到那个戒指了 纳闷…………
以下是引用BeauJade在3/16/2010 1:35:00 AM的发言:
不过认捐的不是很多吗? 虽然很多认捐的到最后没有兑现承诺, 但是这在美国不违法. 基金会通常会通过信件电话各种形式希望对方能兑现承诺, 但是一般3次尝试后, 也就void pledge了. 这没有什么特别大不了的.
问了周围的美国人, pledge 等于发誓,也就是类似合同,但是没有法律约束。 void pledge 等于撒谎。 zzy说人家大明星都撒谎。做她朋友真倒霉。
啥? 1000多刀?
Q & A | Zhang Ziyi
CD (China Daily): You donated 1 million yuan ($146,500) out of your own pocket (for Sichuan earthquake relief), right?
ZZY (Zhang Ziyi): Yes.
CD: You gave it to the China Red Cross?
ZZY: Yes.
CD: But only 840,000 yuan ($123,000) was transferred.
ZZY: That's correct.
CD: You made up for the shortfall only recently (Feb 8, 2010). Why was that?
ZZY: I was not in China (May 2008). I just gave the instruction to donate and did not follow up. I traveled from the United States to Cannes, France. I take the main responsibility for the lapse and causing my staff to mix it up.
CD: When did you first realize your donation was short of what you had announced?
ZZY: Later, when news came out and we did an investigation.
CD: What exactly went wrong?
ZZY: Some kind of communication problem.
CD: Have you ever said things like: "Please give money to the Red Cross?"
ZZY: Yes.
CD: At Cannes?
ZZY: Yes.
CD: Were you encouraging people to donate to the Red Cross? Or, were you asking them to give you the money and you would pass it to the Red Cross?
ZZY: I was encouraging them to give directly to the Red Cross. Not a penny of other people's money passed through me to the Red Cross.
CD: Have you ever raised money in the name of the Red Cross, but for your own foundation?
ZZY: Never.
CD: Have you ever thought of putting the 1 million yuan you gave to the Red Cross into your own foundation?
ZZY: No.
Fundraising in Cannes
CD: Your fundraising in Cannes (May 21, 2008) got a lot of media coverage in China. But there have been different reports about the sum raised. The oft-quoted amount for cash is $50,000, which includes some Hong Kong dollars and euros converted into US dollars. Is that correct?
ZZY: That's not correct.
CD: Then, what was the amount of cash raised?
ZZY: About $1,300.
CD: How come it was so little?
ZZY: The fundraising event was hastily arranged. We did not have a place. It was lent to us. I did not have many people with me, and I'm grateful to the volunteers from Sohu. Not many people showed up. At Cannes, everyone was busy watching movies and attending parties. And people do not carry much cash around, especially non-Chinese.
CD: How much did you raise in pledges?
ZZY: We got a little more than $400,000.
CD: How much of that has been honored?
Zhang Ziyi tears up at her fundraising event in Cannes, France. CFP / For China Daily
Zhang Ziyi tears up at her fundraising event in Cannes, France. CFP / For China Daily
ZZY: Around $39,000. CD: Did the "almost $500,000" include the $100,000 pledged by Wendi Deng (Rupert Murdoch's wife)?
ZZY: Yes.
CD: In the past two years did you try to get the pledged money?
ZZY: I made calls and corresponded with the pledged donors.
CD: What was the result?
ZZY: I hope to have a concrete project to show them and see whether that will interest them.
CD: What if you fail to collect the whole?
ZZY: (Long pause) If they do not honor their pledges that will give me another chance to give. I'll make up for the shortfall of $400,000 (the amount earmarked for a Sichuan Children's Center).
CD: Have you ever mentioned that you raised more than $500,000, say, $1 million, which is often mentioned in media reports? What about $2 million, $5 million, and the highest I've read, $7 million? Do you know where those figures came from?
ZZY: None of these is right. In the interviews after that fund-raising party, I said we raised "almost $500,000" and my goal is to raise $1 million. I have seen the $2 million report, which seemed to have something to do with Vivi (Nevo, Zhang's fianc). But he did not have a clue when I asked him about it. As for the other numbers, I have no idea.
Zhang Ziyi Foundation
CD: Some say you have two foundations, one in California and one in New York. The one in New York is actually an ESL school. How is that?
Zhang visits a Kunming orphanage in 2007, in support of Care for Children. REN / For China Daily
ZZY: We have only one foundation, which is registered in California. But we added a New York mailing address for convenience of correspondence. CD: Some say your foundation is registered as a business.
Zhang visits a Kunming orphanage in 2007, in support of Care for Children. REN / For China Daily
ZZY: That's not true. It is a not-for-profit organization, a charity.
CD: Some say (the registration) has expired.
ZZY: It is always in good standing.
CD: Some say you have only $45,471 in the account, others say the foundation's assets are zero. Which is correct?
ZZY: There have never been zero assets in the account. The $40,000-plus should be $39,000 in donations plus $5,000 in expenses, which came from my own pocket.
CD: Did all donations go to this account?
ZZY: Yes.
CD: Did anyone send money to your own account and you had to transfer it to the foundation?
ZZY: This never happened.
CD: Is this money managed by a professional, say, an accountant?
ZZY: Yes.
CD: Has there been any withdrawal - for any reason?
ZZY: Never. It has always been there. I want to say that all information about the foundation is open and we have never done anything not transparent or illegal. Everyone can go and check on it.
CD: There was a full-page ad in Hollywood Reporter, in which the editor-in-chief and you appeal for funds for the relief of the Sichuan earthquake. Is that true?
ZZY: Yes.
CD: Did you pay for the ad?
ZZY: No. They wanted to help me when they found out what I was doing and they were moved.
CD: Did anyone donate because of the ad?
ZZY: It was a pity we did not receive any donations (induced by the ad).
Care for Children
CD: You said this money will be given to Care for Children and be used for building a Children's Center in Deyang, Sichuan province. Can you give us a brief description of the organization?
ZZY: Care for Children is an international charity headquartered in the United Kingdom and with an office in Beijing. It has handled 38 projects in 27 provinces and autonomous regions across China.
CD: Why did you pick Care for Children?
ZZY: I had worked with them before the 2008 earthquake. What they do is to help those children who are deserted by sending them to foster homes. I wanted to cooperate with them and help the children left homeless from the earthquake.
CD: But your money has not reached Care for Children yet. Why?
ZZY: We had to get government approval for the project. It took a long time.
CD: Now it has been approved, right?
ZZY: The approval came in November 2009.
CD: When will the money enter the account of Care for Children?
ZZY: Within three weeks of breaking ground on the center.
CD: How much will the center cost? And how much do the monies from your foundation and Care for Children account for?
ZZY: The total cost will be 9 million yuan ($1.3 million), and our donations will be 4.5 million yuan, which is about $658,000. Of this amount, $400,000 is from my foundation.
CD: Will you shut down the foundation once this project is over, or keep running it?
ZZY: This project has just been approved. We'll put our energy into it. I'll think about other things later.
Learning about charity
CD: What qualities do you think are required for doing charity work, besides passion?
ZZY: Besides passion, I think one needs a lot of energy, a professional team and enough knowledge.
CD: Do you think you possessed them?
ZZY: I had passion and energy, but not a professional team, or the right approach.
CD: When entertainment celebrities engage in charity work, it usually gives people the impression that they want to spruce up their public image. Have you considered a low-profile or anonymous approach to charity?
ZZY: I wish I could do that. But ... I still hope to use my name and influence to raise awareness for the issues involved.
CD: What position does charity work occupy in your life and career?
ZZY: A very important position. The achievements I have made today are the result of the many years that my country invested in me If the country suffers, we have to do our part. You cannot make up the feeling that you have with the country and the people. It is real.
CD: What's your philosophy for charity?
ZZY: My interest is in kids, especially disabled children. When I see them - whatever country they come from, I hope I can work for them, to improve their welfare.
CD: Since the controversy about your donation, you have hired a Los Angeles law firm to investigate. Now it has issued its report, which is quite detailed. There are four donors who each pledged $100,000, and one for $50,000, but they have not yet honored their pledges. Why are their identities not revealed?
ZZY: Donors have the right to reveal or conceal their names. It's about privacy.
CD: If they end up not honoring those pledges, basically you'll take the responsibility for them. Right?
ZZY: Yes, it can be interpreted this way.
CD: You kept silent for two months. Why didn't you come out earlier and explain?
ZZY: I wanted to clarify it from the very beginning. But then I found out I should use legal means to clarify everything. That'll be more convincing. We sent all the evidence to the US. The process took a long time.
Impact of the controversy
CD: Do you think there was someone manipulating the controversy, or it was the netizens who wanted to find out the truth?
ZZY: I believe most netizens have a sense of justice and will seek truth from facts. When they know the truth, they can judge for themselves.
CD: What impact has the controversy had on you and your family?
ZZY: A lot. It's about me and I have to face it. But I don't want to see my family getting worried because of me ... (fighting back tears)
CD: Did you get angry and feel it's unfair?
ZZY: Of course there were moments I felt bad. I wanted to do something good, but we had our problems, such as my lack of experience, my failure to disclose to the public, my limited knowledge about philanthropy and other reasons.
CD: Would you see this as a setback?
ZZY: It was certainly a setback. But I learned something new from it.
CD: Some say you quit (the Wendi Deng-produced movie)Snow Flower and the Secret Fan because of this, and some brands dropped you as their spokeswoman. Is that true?
ZZY: No. I prepared for this movie for two years. But I underwent a surgery after doing an action scene, which prevented me from proceeding with that (Wendi Deng) movie.
CD: What about endorsements?
ZZY: Nothing unusual has happened.
Black paint incident
CD: When the current controversy first broke out, it had nothing to do with donations. A certain Zhao (Xinyu) accused you of something. Would you care to respond?
ZZY: This incident has already caused trouble for a lot of people, especially my family. I have endured much, and I don't want others to go through the same pain.
CD: Do you think the public has a right to know the private lives of celebrities?
ZZY: There should be limits.
CD: What about your love and marriage?
ZZY: If it's nothing unethical, there's a need to let the public know.
CD: Do you think a star should be a role model of morality?
ZZY: Stars are ordinary people, too. But they should conduct themselves better.
CD: You have international fame. Some say what you do represents the whole country and you should receive special protection or be placed under special constraints. What do you think?
ZZY: I want to do better, but I don't want to give myself too much pressure or a sense of mission. I want to be an ordinary person, but I'll work to make it as perfect as possible.
CD: A professor once said, you, Zhang Ziyi, are more powerful than Confucius in promoting Chinese culture overseas. What's your take on it?
ZZY: How can I be compared with Confucius ...
CD: What do you want your public image to be?
ZZY: I want to be compassionate, responsible, hard working and full of personality.
干嘛这么愤世啊,国际章是不是欠你什么 了,说话那么MEAN
去新浪看采访全文 http://ent.sina.com.cn/s/m/2010-03-16/10052898539.shtml
人讲credit, 她都撒谎这么多次了,还有什么credit? 她的任何话大家都要考虑再三了。
Fundraising in Cannes
CD: Your fundraising in Cannes (May 21, 2008) got a lot of media coverage in China. But there have been different reports about the sum raised. The oft-quoted amount for cash is $50,000, which includes some Hong Kong dollars and euros converted into US dollars. Is that correct?
ZZY: That's not correct.
CD: Then, what was the amount of cash raised?
ZZY: About $1,300.
CD: How come it was so little?
ZZY: The fundraising event was hastily arranged. We did not have a place. It was lent to us. I did not have many people with me, and I'm grateful to the volunteers from Sohu. Not many people showed up. At Cannes, everyone was busy watching movies and attending parties. And people do not carry much cash around, especially non-Chinese.
CD: How much did you raise in pledges?
ZZY: We got a little more than $400,000.
“这些将被用到灾区重建的350万人民币中,是由465050美元,2700 欧元的支票,以及 145英镑、860欧元,60港币的现金组成。
“这些将被用到灾区重建的350万人民币中,是由465050美元,2700 欧元的支票,以及 145英镑、860欧元,60港币的现金组成。
我严重怀疑 zzy 看大家向美国机构投诉,慌了,在洛杉矶请律师。结果没跟律师说实话,于是律师也不知道怎么帮她。然后出了这个愚蠢的 漏洞百出的 interview.
如果那边基金没问题, 花钱请律师做什么? 他们那个基金连个电话都没有,还要请律师?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/16 9:20:25编辑过]
看了这么多报道,你 LG仍然觉得她是个"可怜的女戏子"?
maybe her husband has other thought about zhang ziyi
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/16 9:20:25编辑过]
我严重怀疑 zzy 看大家向美国机构投诉,慌了,在洛杉矶请律师。结果没跟律师说实话,于是律师也不知道怎么帮她。然后出了这个愚蠢的 漏洞百出的 interview.
如果那边基金没问题, 花钱请律师做什么? 他们那个基金连个电话都没有,还要请律师?
以下是引用forgetvivian在3/16/2010 9:16:00 AM的发言:
good point!!
精彩回放: 独家:章子怡经纪人纪灵灵首次回应诈捐门
(http://www.sina.com.cn 2010年02月06日11:55 新浪娱乐)
1. 重新续基金会,报账。
2. 纪00几番改口捐款过程,数目
3. 花了好久整理出这个数字,还美其名曰是要找美国这边整理(可见之前跟没有合法可信的帐目)。
凭啥以四川地震为由捐到的钱,停留在她的基金账户里长达两年啊?不是因为灾区当时物资缺乏需要帮助, 当时谁捐给她啊?如果是因为她自己有影响力, 这两年怎么没人捐啊?专款专用律师不懂啊?你想啥时候用就用,你想给谁用就可以给啊,你不想用就不用啦? 又不是你自己的钱!
受访人 王小鱼受访人 海霞
发布日期: 2010-2-11 13:06:29
章子怡身陷“诈捐”事件后,多方人士曾以搜狐网站2008年5月22日一篇名为《国殇日章子怡拒华服红毯 联合搜狐筹款超七百万》的报道中章子怡现场募集到的资金作为“谴责”章子怡“诈捐”的论据。究竟章子怡当年在戛纳现场募集到了多少钱?募集现场是怎样的?笔者分别采访了当时在现场帮助章子怡一起募捐的搜狐艺人合作部工作人员郑小姐以及当时担任摄影的现场记者王小鱼和文字记者海霞。
王:我印象当中现场收到的支票主要是章子怡的朋友们带来的。现金是小额的。好像Armani,(是说Roberta Armani吗?)应该是吧。他带来的就是支票,但具体支票的面额多少我不太记得了。(这张支票有百万吗?)那没有,就是比较多吧。
来来来, 看这个, 这个采访大家应该还记得,http://www.hf365.com/html/02/06/04/20100211/308056.htm
受访人 王小鱼受访人 海霞
发布日期: 2010-2-11 13:06:29
章子怡身陷“诈捐”事件后,多方人士曾以搜狐网站2008年5月22日一篇名为《国殇日章子怡拒华服红毯 联合搜狐筹款超七百万》的报道中章子怡现场募集到的资金作为“谴责”章子怡“诈捐”的论据。究竟章子怡当年在戛纳现场募集到了多少钱?募集现场是怎样的?笔者分别采访了当时在现场帮助章子怡一起募捐的搜狐艺人合作部工作人员郑小姐以及当时担任摄影的现场记者王小鱼和文字记者海霞。
王:我印象当中现场收到的支票主要是章子怡的朋友们带来的。现金是小额的。好像Armani,(是说Roberta Armani吗?)应该是吧。他带来的就是支票,但具体支票的面额多少我不太记得了。(这张支票有百万吗?)那没有,就是比较多吧。
haha, mark this. They are slapping their own face
RE, 我老公说他第一次看到章子怡的脸就觉得她不是啥好鸟,超级讨厌她。倒是我自己曾经认为她很清纯,在她刚刚拍完我的父亲母亲的时候还比较喜欢她的。后来看到她的肚兜照和做成龙大腿照就幻灭啦。
以下是引用trytoremember在3/16/2010 8:44:00 AM的发言:
Fundraising in Cannes
CD: Your fundraising in Cannes (May 21, 2008) got a lot of media coverage in China. But there have been different reports about the sum raised. The oft-quoted amount for cash is $50,000, which includes some Hong Kong dollars and euros converted into US dollars. Is that correct?
ZZY: That's not correct.
CD: Then, what was the amount of cash raised?
ZZY: About $1,300.
CD: How come it was so little?
ZZY: The fundraising event was hastily arranged. We did not have a place. It was lent to us. I did not have many people with me, and I'm grateful to the volunteers from Sohu. Not many people showed up. At Cannes, everyone was busy watching movies and attending parties. And people do not carry much cash around, especially non-Chinese.
CD: How much did you raise in pledges?
ZZY: We got a little more than $400,000.
re, this is so disgusting! Jll's IQ is soooo low
以下是引用trytoremember在3/16/2010 8:44:00 AM的发言:
Fundraising in Cannes
CD: Your fundraising in Cannes (May 21, 2008) got a lot of media coverage in China. But there have been different reports about the sum raised. The oft-quoted amount for cash is $50,000, which includes some Hong Kong dollars and euros converted into US dollars. Is that correct?
ZZY: That's not correct.
CD: Then, what was the amount of cash raised?
ZZY: About $1,300.
CD: How come it was so little?
ZZY: The fundraising event was hastily arranged. We did not have a place. It was lent to us. I did not have many people with me, and I'm grateful to the volunteers from Sohu. Not many people showed up. At Cannes, everyone was busy watching movies and attending parties. And people do not carry much cash around, especially non-Chinese.
CD: How much did you raise in pledges?
ZZY: We got a little more than $400,000.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/16 9:20:25编辑过]
RE, 我老公说他第一次看到章子怡的脸就觉得她不是啥好鸟,超级讨厌她。倒是我自己曾经认为她很清纯,在她刚刚拍完我的父亲母亲的时候还比较喜欢她的。后来看到她的肚兜照和做成龙大腿照就幻灭啦。
结果募捐上,连钱也不数,人家说多少,自己既不承认也不否认,然后口口声声要到民政部问钱是怎么用的,再然后顶着募捐700万人民币的偷闲拿了年度慈善大奖,在此期间,基金会不按时renew,也不及时报账,从不过问claim pledge,也不关心任何地震相关的救助项目。被追问起来就让经纪人出面,现是说媒体报道有误,然后就是三番五次改口,连个帐目都要现做。终于熬不住,自己出来了“几度哽咽”,承受巨大压力……
结果募捐上,连钱也不数,人家说多少,自己既不承认也不否认,然后口口声声要到民政部问钱是怎么用的,再然后顶着募捐700万人民币的偷闲拿了年度慈善大奖,在此期间,基金会不按时renew,也不及时报账,从不过问claim pledge,也不关心任何地震相关的救助项目。被追问起来就让经纪人出面,现是说媒体报道有误,然后就是三番五次改口,连个帐目都要现做。终于熬不住,自己出来了“几度哽咽”,承受巨大压力……
奇怪,这些常识性的东西,章粉们怎么都看不清。 幸亏,大多数人是凭良心说话的。
以下是引用Asymmetric_Bob在3/16/2010 11:06:00 AM的发言:
谭飞 就章子怡受访事件答自己问 http://huaren.us/s/blog_413eb1fa0100heex.html
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/16 11:21:23编辑过]
对啊,zzy 亲口说 vivi 捐了不少钱。别把这个事情给忘记了。
不对噢,听说犹太人虽然做生意抠门,捐款可是很大方的, 这样他们才赢得了社会地位。
//@电影人程青松:不靠谱解密真相 //@不靠谱:周黎明是章子怡的宣传总监,他才不是记者,他也是奔五的人了,脸皮厚了点而已
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/16 11:26:31编辑过]
//@电影人程青松:不靠谱解密真相 //@不靠谱:周黎明是章子怡的宣传总监,他才不是记者,他也是奔五的人了,脸皮厚了点而已
问:关于戛纳善款的描述,善款一路从美元 700万-500万-200万-100万-50万-40万-5万--0.13万,你怎么看?
顶章子怡 很喜欢她 人怕出名 猪怕壮 女人的嫉妒心最强
我也看到那个戒指了 纳闷…………
you don't need to look for it. she was posing to show it.
顶章子怡 很喜欢她 人怕出名 猪怕壮 女人的嫉妒心最强
放你的狗P。 除了你没有人会嫉妒一只妓!!!!!!!!!111
顶章子怡 很喜欢她 人怕出名 猪怕壮 女人的嫉妒心最强
这张图是从隔壁帖子搬过来的,加上这个帖子里大家发现的那些, 现在情况是子怡和媒体互扇耳光,媒体和纪灵灵互扇耳光,纪灵灵和子怡也在互扇耳光,纪灵灵自己还在左右互搏,真是耳光翻飞,精彩绝伦。到底谁是谁非,果然是一笔糊涂账呢 (原图大了点,抱歉)
you don't need to look for it. she was posing to show it.
是的,这个显摆的动作太明显了。如果真在一起,这3个月他们都不见面吗?见面了弄个合影,一切关于他们分手的谣言都散了。zzy 在江湖上混了这么久,不是不知道这个作用,只是人家vivi不肯了。
she is China's gift to Hollywood. But we're not living in an age when
we give giant pandas as free gifts to foreign nations anymore. Nowadays
we loan them out for a nice and nifty donation. If this policy is right
for the black-and-white national treasure, why not apply it to the
porcelain fragile type, as well? Which means she can date whomever she
wants, but she eventually had better settle down with her own kind -- a
nice lad, not someone at the bottom of the 30 million heap. And once
that is picked up by a certain website that can turn anything into a
social trend, all of those more gorgeous stars, such as Gong Li and
Maggie Cheung, will have second thoughts on having Caucasian paramours
or spouses. But then again, I think Zhang Ziyi shouldn't marry
anybody. She should be put on a pedestal and enshrined as the virgin
queen of Chinese cinema -- somewhat like the Buddha of Infinite
顶章子怡 很喜欢她 人怕出名 猪怕壮 女人的嫉妒心最强
she claimed of $500,000 herself;
she accepted two charity awards for her donation (7,000,000 (RMB) or 1,000,000 (USD)).
All other celebrities presented the receipts / documents of their donations within one week of being questioned. While zzy and her team came up all different of versions of stories.
谭飞 就章子怡受访事件答自己问 http://huaren.us/s/blog_413eb1fa0100heex.html
i don't know who 谭飞 is, but what he wrote gets to the point. zhang's interview is more like 自问自答
在这里,我也告诉大家,无论这个国家如何黑白颠倒,无论政府如何置若罔闻,我还是至死不渝的爱她 ,爱这个生我,养我的地方。
作者:小红穿马甲 回复日期:2010-03-17 02:20:25
i don't know who 谭飞 is, but what he wrote gets to the point. zhang's interview is more like 自问自答
Yes, she is China's gift to Hollywood. But we're not living in an age when we give giant pandas as free gifts to foreign nations anymore. Nowadays we loan them out for a nice and nifty donation. If this policy is right for the black-and-white national treasure, why not apply it to the porcelain fragile type, as well? Which means she can date whomever she wants, but she eventually had better settle down with her own kind -- a nice lad, not someone at the bottom of the 30 million heap. And once that is picked up by a certain website that can turn anything into a social trend, all of those more gorgeous stars, such as Gong Li and Maggie Cheung, will have second thoughts on having Caucasian paramours or spouses. But then again, I think Zhang Ziyi shouldn't marry anybody. She should be put on a pedestal and enshrined as the virgin queen of Chinese cinema -- somewhat like the Buddha of Infinite Chastity.
oh my goodness. this article gives me goosebumps.
http://www.glaserweil.com/ 好像是个大firm,里面律师很多哇 有很多practice area
可能是这个律师 Ryan D. Nowicki。 搜索 charitable organization law attorney, only one result.