Today I told a joke in 'Plato' to my hubby, his answer was a surprise to me. The joke:
A man is dating 3 women and wanted to decide which one to choose. So he gave $5,000 to each. Then,
Woman A: spent all the money to buy herself clothes, do spa, etc, claiming to the man that she wanted to make herself more attractive to him; Woman B: spent all the money to buy the man gifts; Woman C: investigated all the money in stock, earned $50,000, gave the $5,000 back to the man and saved the rest in a joint account with him.
When I heard here of the joke, I thought for sure the man would choose woman C.
Guess what my hubby's answer is? Without any hesitation, woman A!
What's THE answer in the joke? 'The man chose the woman with the biggest boobs!'.
Hehe, then I realized my hubby's answer is very close to the 'right' answer. While my answer shows some economic safety most women pursue...
Today I told a joke in 'Plato' to my hubby, his answer was a surprise to me. The joke:
A man is dating 3 women and wanted to decide which one to choose. So he gave $5,000 to each. Then,
Woman A: spent all the money to buy herself clothes, do spa, etc, claiming to the man that she wanted to make herself more attractive to him; Woman B: spent all the money to buy the man gifts; Woman C: investigated all the money in stock, earned $50,000, gave the $5,000 back to the man and saved the rest in a joint account with him.
When I heard here of the joke, I thought for sure the man would choose woman C.
Guess what my hubby's answer? Without any hesitation, woman A!
What's the answer in the joke? 'The man chose the woman with the biggest boobs!'.
Hehe, then I realized my hubby's answer is very close to the 'right' answer. While my answer shows some economic safety most women peruse...
Today I told a joke in 'Plato' to my hubby, his answer was a surprise to me. The joke:
A man is dating 3 women and wanted to decide which one to choose. So he gave $5,000 to each. Then,
Woman A: spent all the money to buy herself clothes, do spa, etc, claiming to the man that she wanted to make herself more attractive to him; Woman B: spent all the money to buy the man gifts; Woman C: investigated all the money in stock, earned $50,000, gave the $5,000 back to the man and saved the rest in a joint account with him.
When I heard here of the joke, I thought for sure the man would choose woman C.
Guess what my hubby's answer? Without any hesitation, woman A!
What's the answer in the joke? 'The man chose the woman with the biggest boobs!'.
Hehe, then I realized my hubby's answer is very close to the 'right' answer. While my answer shows some economic safety most women peruse...
Today I told a joke in 'Plato' to my hubby, his answer was a surprise to me. The joke:
A man is dating 3 women and wanted to decide which one to choose. So he gave $5,000 to each. Then,
Woman A: spent all the money to buy herself clothes, do spa, etc, claiming to the man that she wanted to make herself more attractive to him; Woman B: spent all the money to buy the man gifts; Woman C: investigated all the money in stock, earned $50,000, gave the $5,000 back to the man and saved the rest in a joint account with him.
When I heard here of the joke, I thought for sure the man would choose woman C.
Guess what my hubby's answer is? Without any hesitation, woman A!
What's THE answer in the joke? 'The man chose the woman with the biggest boobs!'.
Hehe, then I realized my hubby's answer is very close to the 'right' answer. While my answer shows some economic safety most women pursue...
哇塞, CNBC现在讨论的话题:China begging for a baby boom
是呀, 孩子不够了。。 大问题, 大问题。。 比什么房子,股票,民主到要大的多的问题啊
只有美国底下几十年, 人口结构还行。 其他的从印度到中国, 到欧洲, 都begging for people to have babies.
是呀, 孩子不够了。。 大问题, 大问题。。 比什么房子,股票,民主到要大的多的问题啊
只有美国底下几十年, 人口结构还行。 其他的从印度到中国, 到欧洲, 都begging for people to have babies.
还是carry on算了
那还是carry on吧。
你们那里到new orleans没有直飞的?
那还是carry on吧。
你们那里到new orleans没有直飞的?
去是先往北飞到芝加哥,在往南飞new Orleans
空空,你都操作option 还是stock?
是呀, 孩子不够了。。 大问题, 大问题。。 比什么房子,股票,民主到要大的多的问题啊
只有美国底下几十年, 人口结构还行。 其他的从印度到中国, 到欧洲, 都begging for people to have babies.
去是先往北飞到芝加哥,在往南飞new Orleans
去是先往北飞到芝加哥,在往南飞new Orleans
好折腾。你是先飞united, 再飞continental?
是呀, 孩子不够了。。 大问题, 大问题。。 比什么房子,股票,民主到要大的多的问题啊
只有美国底下几十年, 人口结构还行。 其他的从印度到中国, 到欧洲, 都begging for people to have babies.
好折腾。你是先飞united, 再飞continental?
wanna get away价格居然有102块的
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/19 14:19:37编辑过]
wanna get away价格居然有102块的
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/19 14:19:37编辑过]
wanna get away价格的票好像不能退
A man is dating 3 women and wanted to decide which one to choose. So he gave $5,000 to each. Then,
Woman A: spent all the money to buy herself clothes, do spa, etc, claiming to the man that she wanted to make herself more attractive to him;
Woman B: spent all the money to buy the man gifts;
Woman C: investigated all the money in stock, earned $50,000, gave the $5,000 back to the man and saved the rest in a joint account with him.
When I heard here of the joke, I thought for sure the man would choose woman C.
Guess what my hubby's answer is? Without any hesitation, woman A!
What's THE answer in the joke? 'The man chose the woman with the biggest boobs!'.
Hehe, then I realized my hubby's answer is very close to the 'right' answer. While my answer shows some economic safety most women pursue...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/19 14:33:01编辑过]
自己也急, 稍微看得远点儿, 都能看到。 不过这个国策这么多年了, 要改要慎重。。
Today I told a joke in 'Plato' to my hubby, his answer was a surprise to me. The joke:
A man is dating 3 women and wanted to decide which one to choose. So he gave $5,000 to each. Then,
Woman A: spent all the money to buy herself clothes, do spa, etc, claiming to the man that she wanted to make herself more attractive to him;
Woman B: spent all the money to buy the man gifts;
Woman C: investigated all the money in stock, earned $50,000, gave the $5,000 back to the man and saved the rest in a joint account with him.
When I heard here of the joke, I thought for sure the man would choose woman C.
Guess what my hubby's answer? Without any hesitation, woman A!
What's the answer in the joke? 'The man chose the woman with the biggest boobs!'.
Hehe, then I realized my hubby's answer is very close to the 'right' answer. While my answer shows some economic safety most women peruse...
这个设计在experiment 和现实生活里面人的表现不同
某书里面提过这个的,这些流行的behavioral econ学,最初好多试验都是“试验”的情况下做的,跟现实生活类似但是又有相当不同的地方,得出了好多counter intuitive的结论。后来的试验更好的模仿了现实,就推翻了之前的结论
自己也急, 稍微看得远点儿, 都能看到。 不过这个国策这么多年了, 要改要慎重。。
抓住,问你个问题。 8964楼
Today I told a joke in 'Plato' to my hubby, his answer was a surprise to me. The joke:
A man is dating 3 women and wanted to decide which one to choose. So he gave $5,000 to each. Then,
Woman A: spent all the money to buy herself clothes, do spa, etc, claiming to the man that she wanted to make herself more attractive to him;
Woman B: spent all the money to buy the man gifts;
Woman C: investigated all the money in stock, earned $50,000, gave the $5,000 back to the man and saved the rest in a joint account with him.
When I heard here of the joke, I thought for sure the man would choose woman C.
Guess what my hubby's answer? Without any hesitation, woman A!
What's the answer in the joke? 'The man chose the woman with the biggest boobs!'.
Hehe, then I realized my hubby's answer is very close to the 'right' answer. While my answer shows some economic safety most women peruse...
这个设计在experiment 和现实生活里面人的表现不同
某书里面提过这个的,这些流行的behavioral econ学,最初好多试验都是“试验”的情况下做的,跟现实生活类似但是又有相当不同的地方,得出了好多counter intuitive的结论。后来的试验更好的模仿了现实,就推翻了之前的结论
自己也急, 稍微看得远点儿, 都能看到。 不过这个国策这么多年了, 要改要慎重。。
我看到一个什么文章来着, 如果世界上没有一夫一妻了, 最后的结局就是接近alpha male有很多partner。 其他male 就夹缝中是不是能有点儿, 很多就没有partner..
这个设计在experiment 和现实生活里面人的表现不同
某书里面提过这个的,这些流行的behavioral econ学,最初好多试验都是“试验”的情况下做的,跟现实生活类似但是又有相当不同的地方,得出了好多counter intuitive的结论。后来的试验更好的模仿了现实,就推翻了之前的结论
This experiment did meet the reality, at least in my hubby's case, as I tested it... :)
Acturally, I hope to know what you girls' hubbies would react, as a wider sample base for the experiment. Wanna try? :)
养不起啊。。 很现实的
我看到一个什么文章来着, 如果世界上没有一夫一妻了, 最后的结局就是接近alpha male有很多partner。 其他male 就夹缝中是不是能有点儿, 很多就没有partner..
黑天鹅里面就有。然后说christianity 改变了生态。因为如果你说的这个情况出现,没有办法播种的男人就会起义。
So which one do you choose? :)
This experiment did meet the reality, at least in my hubby's case, as I tested it... :)
Acturally, I hope to know what you girls' hubbies would react, as a wider sample base for the experiment. Wanna try? :)
我看到一个什么文章来着, 如果世界上没有一夫一妻了, 最后的结局就是接近alpha male有很多partner。 其他male 就夹缝中是不是能有点儿, 很多就没有partner..
啥叫alpha male
黑天鹅里面就有。然后说christianity 改变了生态。因为如果你说的这个情况出现,没有办法播种的男人就会起义。
起义以后,产生新的alpha male 然后这些alpha male 又会有好多伴侣。。。 然后再起义。。。酱紫。
所以我在想, 一夫一妻其实是保护beta male
黑天鹅里面就有。然后说christianity 改变了生态。因为如果你说的这个情况出现,没有办法播种的男人就会起义。
After 起义, it's probably still the same--the new alphas master the source. :)
啥叫alpha male
就是狼王, 狮子王, 猴王
啥叫alpha male
Stronger and the leader type.
After 起义, it's probably still the same--the new alphas master the source. :)
i.e. Christianity probably 保证了社会less动荡
起义以后,产生新的alpha male 然后这些alpha male 又会有好多伴侣。。。 然后再起义。。。酱紫。
所以我在想, 一夫一妻其实是保护beta male
我看到一个什么文章来着, 如果世界上没有一夫一妻了, 最后的结局就是接近alpha male有很多partner。 其他male 就夹缝中是不是能有点儿, 很多就没有partner..
My real case:
When I'm not sure of myself (economically/socially), I'm attracted to alphas;
when I'm sure of myself, I'm attracted to betas.
I met my hubby when I was in the latter stage--he's a beta. :)
偶怎么不记得黑天鹅里面有这段啊。。。。 我这个是前段日子看的一个NY times 巨长的文章看来的,后来我还把这个临客给大家过。。
我看到一个什么文章来着, 如果世界上没有一夫一妻了, 最后的结局就是接近alpha male有很多partner。 其他male 就夹缝中是不是能有点儿, 很多就没有partner..
养不起啊。。 很现实的
偶怎么不记得黑天鹅里面有这段啊。。。。 我这个是前段日子看的一个NY times 巨长的文章看来的,后来我还把这个临客给大家过。。
难道要我copy screen给你?
I don't understand what you mean... :(
Express in another way?
After 起义, it's probably still the same--the new alphas master the source. :)
不过现在看欧洲啥的 结婚的人越来越少, 到也没看到这个迹象。。。。
I don't understand what you mean... :(
Express in another way?
nod, 我觉得婚姻制度真的是保护男人的。。。。
难道要我copy screen给你?
玛雅, 偶的意思就是偶不记得了。。。。 没别的意思
不过现在看欧洲啥的 结婚的人越来越少, 到也没看到这个迹象。。。。
I think that it has nothing to do with the law of marriage. See what happens in China? :P
Please...I want to learn...
Today I told a joke in 'Plato' to my hubby, his answer was a surprise to me. The joke:
A man is dating 3 women and wanted to decide which one to choose. So he gave $5,000 to each. Then,
Woman A: spent all the money to buy herself clothes, do spa, etc, claiming to the man that she wanted to make herself more attractive to him;
Woman B: spent all the money to buy the man gifts;
Woman C: investigated all the money in stock, earned $50,000, gave the $5,000 back to the man and saved the rest in a joint account with him.
When I heard here of the joke, I thought for sure the man would choose woman C.
Guess what my hubby's answer is? Without any hesitation, woman A!
What's THE answer in the joke? 'The man chose the woman with the biggest boobs!'.
Hehe, then I realized my hubby's answer is very close to the 'right' answer. While my answer shows some economic safety most women pursue...
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/19 14:33:01编辑过]
赞 matriarch!
Hehe, thanks for the feedback.
So which one do you choose? :)
My real case:
When I'm not sure of myself (economically/socially), I'm attracted to alphas;
when I'm sure of myself, I'm attracted to betas.
I met my hubby when I was in the latter stage--he's a beta. :)
赞 matriarch!
啥叫alpha male
不过现在看欧洲啥的 结婚的人越来越少, 到也没看到这个迹象。。。。
I think that it has nothing to do with the law of marriage. See what happens in China? :P
My real case:
When I'm not sure of myself (economically/socially), I'm attracted to alphas;
when I'm sure of myself, I'm attracted to betas.
I met my hubby when I was in the latter stage--he's a beta. :)
偶一直都是主要alpha male。。。。。但是偶自己一直没意识到这个倾向,,。。因为我没有sure 不sure myself的问题。。。 所以alpha male 吸引我的应该不是可以给我安全感。。。 偶也不知道alpha male 对我是不是一个co-incident
Same as ur hubby--50% A & 50% C? :) You two are soul-mates. :)
I just googled. :)
My real case:
When I'm not sure of myself (economically/socially), I'm attracted to alphas;
when I'm sure of myself, I'm attracted to betas.
I met my hubby when I was in the latter stage--he's a beta. :)
偶一直都是主要alpha male。。。。。但是偶自己一直没意识到这个倾向,,。。因为我没有sure 不sure myself的问题。。。 所以alpha male 吸引我的应该不是可以给我安全感。。。 偶也不知道alpha male 对我是不是一个co-incident
Interesting. I had thought you got a beta as I did. :P
I think that it has nothing to do with the law of marriage. See what happens in China? :P
偶意思为啥没看到欧洲不结婚的女人都跟alpha male。。。 中国这个情况很普遍吧, 不过多少是不是还是和生存环境不好有关?
那为毛没有出现alpha male 很多伴侣, bete male没有?
nod, 我觉得婚姻制度真的是保护男人的。。。。
Well, socially it's normal. But physically, beta is more attractive FOR SURE!
赞 matriarch!
Interesting. I had thought you got a beta as I did. :P
偶到现在不知道偶老公是alpha 还是beta。。。。 这几年, 他 evolve 很多。。。
偶意思为啥没看到欧洲不结婚的女人都跟alpha male。。。 中国这个情况很普遍吧, 不过多少是不是还是和生存环境不好有关?
Yes I think so--和生存环境不好有关. It's the welfare system that does the magic. :)
Same as ur hubby--50% A & 50% C? :) You two are soul-mates. :)
Well, socially it's normal. But physically, beta is more attractive FOR SURE!
偶到现在不知道偶老公是alpha 还是beta。。。。 这几年, 他 evolve 很多。。。
Was he more beta but becomes more and more alpha now? Or the opposite?
偶意思为啥没看到欧洲不结婚的女人都跟alpha male。。。 中国这个情况很普遍吧, 不过多少是不是还是和生存环境不好有关?
偶意思为啥没看到欧洲不结婚的女人都跟alpha male。。。 中国这个情况很普遍吧, 不过多少是不是还是和生存环境不好有关?
你看武则天的面首是alpha 还是beta
Wow, if so, it's like that you claimed urself WS. :P
那为毛没有出现alpha male 很多伴侣, bete male没有?
good question
女人有没有alpha beta 之说啊
I believe women has IT, too; not so obvious though...
Well, socially it's normal. But physically, beta is more attractive FOR SURE!
为啥?beta在我的理解中就是nerd,怎么会physically attractive?
偶到现在不知道偶老公是alpha 还是beta。。。。 这几年, 他 evolve 很多。。。
How I understand alpha/beta:
alpha: strong socially;
beta: good at house chores, flirting with women, physically attractive.
为啥?beta在我的理解中就是nerd,怎么会physically attractive?
How I understand alpha/beta:
alpha: strong socially;
beta: good at house chores, flirting with women, physically attractive.
What? I never thought beta is nerd. In my mind, beta is more like gay... :)
为啥?beta在我的理解中就是nerd,怎么会physically attractive?
What? I never thought beta is nerd. In my mind, beta is more like gay... :)
How I understand alpha/beta:
alpha: strong socially;
beta: good at house chores, flirting with women, physically attractive.