I owned a ford for 3+ years, a Honda 2+ year, drove Corolla (but dislike it) in the past too.
Ford- if you are lucky you can get a nice one, but I am not, it is crap, my fluid was burned a hole and there is no indication in the electronic system. I spent more money fixing it but many of the problems never get fixed. My in-law owned a SUV, seldom have problem. My concolusion is that Ford's quality is not stable at all.
I drove Coralla, it is light and quiet but when I speed up to 60 or higher MPH, I feel the car is not stable, it floats left and right, and I feel I cannot control where it goes, a bit like leave flying in the air, seriously. After a few days I decided it is not safe for me.
Honda, quieter but more stable and solid, I love it. I cannot comment on "how if accident" because I do not have such experience but comparing to Corolla and Malibu (also drove it for a few days, too heavy for small car and noisy. When you start and stop the car, require lots of efforts), Honda is much better.
I heard it is a very good car, kind of boring and ugly though. Just be aware that the maintanance cost and repair cost is much higher than American/Japanese cars. One of my ex-boss had one. She love it for its safty reputation but she hate it for spending too much to maintain and repair.
I owned a ford for 3+ years, a Honda 2+ year, drove Corolla (but dislike it) in the past too.
Ford- if you are lucky you can get a nice one, but I am not, it is crap, my fluid was burned a hole and there is no indication in the electronic system. I spent more money fixing it but many of the problems never get fixed. My in-law owned a SUV, seldom have problem. My concolusion is that Ford's quality is not stable at all.
I drove Coralla, it is light and quiet but when I speed up to 60 or higher MPH, I feel the car is not stable, it floats left and right, and I feel I cannot control where it goes, a bit like leave flying in the air, seriously. After a few days I decided it is not safe for me.
Honda, quieter but more stable and solid, I love it. I cannot comment on "how if accident" because I do not have such experience but comparing to Corolla and Malibu (also drove it for a few days, too heavy for small car and noisy. When you start and stop the car, require lots of efforts), Honda is much better.
LUCK is the most important thing when it comes to owning a Ford... I know a "LUCKY" guy had a Mustang for 7 years, didn't have one single problem with it; other extreme examples might be "having to replace intercooler after three months of purchase"
Corolla made in recent 8 years is a joke and shame of Toyota, they used the cheapest parts and matiatial possible for this car, of course Toyota made tons of money out of this model. I personally believe the manufacturing cost of a Corolla is around $8000.
MM不能掉以轻心 现在可能没什么感觉 也许过几天会有 肌肉紧张等原因造成的 我的经验是这样
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/25 17:23:36编辑过]
really? good
最近也想买volvo,比较中意xc60,可是看了JD POWER上报告对其reliability /dependability 评价一般,也就是说,在luxury brand中的比较不靠谱的了,偶就很犹豫了。
想买个5人的SUV, 不考虑日韩车,有的给推荐一下吧?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/26 12:07:36编辑过]
Bless! Corolla这么小的车还雨天开快车?老老实实就该趴在慢车道才对。还是美国车结实,赞!
最近也想买volvo,比较中意xc60,可是看了JD POWER上报告对其reliability /dependability 评价一般,也就是说,在luxury brand中的比较不靠谱的了,偶就很犹豫了。
想买个5人的SUV, 不考虑日韩车,有的给推荐一下吧?
sabura outback
最近也想买volvo,比较中意xc60,可是看了JD POWER上报告对其reliability /dependability 评价一般,也就是说,在luxury brand中的比较不靠谱的了,偶就很犹豫了。
想买个5人的SUV, 不考虑日韩车,有的给推荐一下吧?
Volvo其实作的最好的是cross country wagon, V70系列的,多年的款了,结实也耐用
而且Volvo都是7500 miles才需要换一次油的
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/26 12:09:54编辑过]
最近也想买volvo,比较中意xc60,可是看了JD POWER上报告对其reliability /dependability 评价一般,也就是说,在luxury brand中的比较不靠谱的了,偶就很犹豫了。
想买个5人的SUV, 不考虑日韩车,有的给推荐一下吧?
还真有人信JD Power的评测?JD Power就是一群从洗衣服到卫生巾,从避孕套到马桶盖什么都评的非专业人士大妈及大叔们。dealer里的机械师都说,JD Power的人连自己换个机油都不会,都出来把天下车评一遍。
一个车是否reliable是在新车最初8000英里的使用和保养情况决定的。即使看评测要看MotorTrend, Fifth Gear的专业评测。
Volvo其实作的最好的是cross country wagon, V70系列的,多年的款了,结实也耐用
而且Volvo都是7500 miles才需要换一次油的
出来说VOLVO返修率高的媒体其实都是没有开过VOLVO的,VOLVO是少数几个品牌拥有最忠实的顾客的,这说明了车主对VOLVO的满意度很高,如果一个车总是坏人家肯定不会再买了。美国的媒体都很搞笑,出来评车的都是什么Yahoo Auto,MSN Auto,JD Power这些鬼,这些人就是评评是Always好用还是CareFree好用的水平。
sabura outback
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/26 12:07:36编辑过]
You only get what you pay for.
还真有人信JD Power的评测?JD Power就是一群从洗衣服到卫生巾,从避孕套到马桶盖什么都评的非专业人士大妈及大叔们。dealer里的机械师都说,JD Power的人连自己换个机油都不会,都出来把天下车评一遍。
一个车是否reliable是在新车最初8000英里的使用和保养情况决定的。即使看评测要看MotorTrend, Fifth Gear的专业评测。
bless! 看来日本车不能买了
我的车也是VOLVO S40 2000年的model。。。。看了这个帖子心里很安心啊
sabura outback
Sabura是日本车,所有不会买。Thanks anyway.
还真有人信JD Power的评测?JD Power就是一群从洗衣服到卫生巾,从避孕套到马桶盖什么都评的非专业人士大妈及大叔们。dealer里的机械师都说,JD Power的人连自己换个机油都不会,都出来把天下车评一遍。
一个车是否reliable是在新车最初8000英里的使用和保养情况决定的。即使看评测要看MotorTrend, Fifth Gear的专业评测。
我不了解JD Power, 但是我觉得不一定要会换机油才能评车。
我的感觉,所有的新车有了问题都会去找dealer修,因为有warranty. JD Power的人不会换机油,如果有一定的统计学信息和知识,也是可以评一下的,我没觉得有什么问题。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/26 15:18:03编辑过]
Ford- if you are lucky you can get a nice one, but I am not, it is crap, my fluid was burned a hole and there is no indication in the electronic system. I spent more money fixing it but many of the problems never get fixed. My in-law owned a SUV, seldom have problem. My concolusion is that Ford's quality is not stable at all.
I drove Coralla, it is light and quiet but when I speed up to 60 or higher MPH, I feel the car is not stable, it floats left and right, and I feel I cannot control where it goes, a bit like leave flying in the air, seriously. After a few days I decided it is not safe for me.
Honda, quieter but more stable and solid, I love it. I cannot comment on "how if accident" because I do not have such experience but comparing to Corolla and Malibu (also drove it for a few days, too heavy for small car and noisy. When you start and stop the car, require lots of efforts), Honda is much better.
我不了解JD Power, 但是我觉得不一定要会换机油才能评车。
我的感觉,所有的新车有了问题都会去找dealer修,因为有warranty. JD Power的人不会换机油,如果有一定的统计学信息和知识,也是可以评一下的,我没觉得有什么问题。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/26 15:18:03编辑过]
JD Power的问题是评车的和评洗衣份的是同一群人,这群人没有专业的机械背景也没有专业的化工背景。MotorTrend和Fifth Gear评车的都是几十年的机械师和专业试车人员,你信那个?
I owned a ford for 3+ years, a Honda 2+ year, drove Corolla (but dislike it) in the past too.
Ford- if you are lucky you can get a nice one, but I am not, it is crap, my fluid was burned a hole and there is no indication in the electronic system. I spent more money fixing it but many of the problems never get fixed. My in-law owned a SUV, seldom have problem. My concolusion is that Ford's quality is not stable at all.
I drove Coralla, it is light and quiet but when I speed up to 60 or higher MPH, I feel the car is not stable, it floats left and right, and I feel I cannot control where it goes, a bit like leave flying in the air, seriously. After a few days I decided it is not safe for me.
Honda, quieter but more stable and solid, I love it. I cannot comment on "how if accident" because I do not have such experience but comparing to Corolla and Malibu (also drove it for a few days, too heavy for small car and noisy. When you start and stop the car, require lots of efforts), Honda is much better.
LUCK is the most important thing when it comes to owning a Ford... I know a "LUCKY" guy had a Mustang for 7 years, didn't have one single problem with it; other extreme examples might be "having to replace intercooler after three months of purchase"
Corolla made in recent 8 years is a joke and shame of Toyota, they used the cheapest parts and matiatial possible for this car, of course Toyota made tons of money out of this model. I personally believe the manufacturing cost of a Corolla is around $8000.