Paypal can issue a check, then endorse it to the lawyer.
The biggest problem with PayPal is that the names of both sender and receiver are revealed. lzlzy should stay anonymous. Some donors may also prefer being anonymous. A bank memorial fund should solve this problem. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/14 17:31:48编辑过]
Ziyi Zhang Foundation Makes A Significant Financial Contribution Towards Care For Children's Ongoing Earthquake Relief Work In Sichuan
Care For Children's Training And Resource Centre In De Yang, Sichuan Receives Great Financial Support From Chinese Actress, Ms. Zhang Ziyi And The Ziyi Zhang Foundation. Beijing, China (February 08, 2010) / — Care for Children was one of the first international NGOs on the scene to help with various relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in Sichuan in May 2008. As part of a long-term commitment to support child welfare development in the region, Care for Children agreed to fund a re-building project in the city of De Yang. The project plans are for a training and resource centre for the management and development of foster care, special education needs, and support for street children in the region. The project plans received local government approval in April 2009, following which Care for Children made an initial deposit of RMB 1,500,000. In November 2009, the project received national approval from the City Planning & Construction Bureau. Tenders to contractors have been submitted, and construction work will commence following Chinese New Year holiday period, 2010. Following a visit to De Yang in May 2009, Ms. Zhang Ziyi expressed her personal interest in supporting long-term, sustainable initiatives for the development of child welfare in the region and pledged her foundation's support at that time. With the approval of the local government to begin work, Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to donate US$400,000 towards the construction of the De Yang Children's Centre, and becomes one of the biggest sponsors of this project. Care for Children is very pleased that the Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to financially support the De Yang children's re-building project with a donation of US$ 400,000. The donation will be transferred to Care for Children within three weeks of the ground-breaking ceremony. Care for Children is excited about the potential this project has to transform thousands of children's lives, and make a positive impact on the development of child welfare in De Yang, Sichuan, and the surrounding region. Care for Children is very grateful for the significant contribution of Ziyi Zhang's foundation to make this project possible. About Care for Children Care for Children exists to relieve hardship, distress and sickness in abandoned and orphaned children in China by the introduction of strategic initiatives in child care practice, at the request of, and in cooperation with, the Chinese national and local children welfare authorities. To date, Care for Children's National Foster Care Project has trained staff from over 220 orphanages across 38 project sites in 27 provinces, and has helped place thousands of Chinese children into local Chinese long-term foster families as an alternative to institutional care. About Ziyi Zhang Foundation Ziyi Zhang Foundation is a non-profit charity organization, created in May 2008 by Chinese actress Ms. Zhang Ziyi to respond to the needs of her community in the wake of the Sichuan Earthquake. It is a 501(c)(3) charity registered under the laws of California, USA. Source: Care for Children ======================================================
Following a visit to De Yang in May 2009, Ms. Zhang Ziyi expressed her personal interest in supporting long-term, sustainable initiatives for the development of child welfare in the region and pledged her foundation's support at that time. ---------------------------------------------------- 连这种公告都含含糊糊,章子怡表达了儿童福利的支持,这个和地震什么关系? pledged her foundation's support at that time, 是说这40万美元的支持?签约的合同在哪里?章子怡需要的是实事求是把原始文件都亮出来!
Ziyi Zhang Foundation Makes A Significant Financial Contribution Towards Care For Children's Ongoing Earthquake Relief Work In Sichuan
Care For Children's Training And Resource Centre In De Yang, Sichuan Receives Great Financial Support From Chinese Actress, Ms. Zhang Ziyi And The Ziyi Zhang Foundation. Beijing, China (February 08, 2010) / — Care for Children was one of the first international NGOs on the scene to help with various relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in Sichuan in May 2008. As part of a long-term commitment to support child welfare development in the region, Care for Children agreed to fund a re-building project in the city of De Yang. The project plans are for a training and resource centre for the management and development of foster care, special education needs, and support for street children in the region. The project plans received local government approval in April 2009, following which Care for Children made an initial deposit of RMB 1,500,000. In November 2009, the project received national approval from the City Planning & Construction Bureau. Tenders to contractors have been submitted, and construction work will commence following Chinese New Year holiday period, 2010. Following a visit to De Yang in May 2009, Ms. Zhang Ziyi expressed her personal interest in supporting long-term, sustainable initiatives for the development of child welfare in the region and pledged her foundation's support at that time. With the approval of the local government to begin work, Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to donate US$400,000 towards the construction of the De Yang Children's Centre, and becomes one of the biggest sponsors of this project. Care for Children is very pleased that the Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to financially support the De Yang children's re-building project with a donation of US$ 400,000. The donation will be transferred to Care for Children within three weeks of the ground-breaking ceremony. Care for Children is excited about the potential this project has to transform thousands of children's lives, and make a positive impact on the development of child welfare in De Yang, Sichuan, and the surrounding region. Care for Children is very grateful for the significant contribution of Ziyi Zhang's foundation to make this project possible. About Care for Children Care for Children exists to relieve hardship, distress and sickness in abandoned and orphaned children in China by the introduction of strategic initiatives in child care practice, at the request of, and in cooperation with, the Chinese national and local children welfare authorities. To date, Care for Children's National Foster Care Project has trained staff from over 220 orphanages across 38 project sites in 27 provinces, and has helped place thousands of Chinese children into local Chinese long-term foster families as an alternative to institutional care. About Ziyi Zhang Foundation Ziyi Zhang Foundation is a non-profit charity organization, created in May 2008 by Chinese actress Ms. Zhang Ziyi to respond to the needs of her community in the wake of the Sichuan Earthquake. It is a 501(c)(3) charity registered under the laws of California, USA. Source: Care for Children ======================================================
my little addition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 枪手又来混淆视听来了.真顽强 . 不过这里没人想听你的,还是出门吧
Ziyi Zhang Foundation Makes A Significant Financial Contribution Towards Care For Children's Ongoing Earthquake Relief Work In Sichuan
Care For Children's Training And Resource Centre In De Yang, Sichuan Receives Great Financial Support From Chinese Actress, Ms. Zhang Ziyi And The Ziyi Zhang Foundation. Beijing, China (February 08, 2010) / — Care for Children was one of the first international NGOs on the scene to help with various relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in Sichuan in May 2008. As part of a long-term commitment to support child welfare development in the region, Care for Children agreed to fund a re-building project in the city of De Yang. The project plans are for a training and resource centre for the management and development of foster care, special education needs, and support for street children in the region. The project plans received local government approval in April 2009, following which Care for Children made an initial deposit of RMB 1,500,000. In November 2009, the project received national approval from the City Planning & Construction Bureau. Tenders to contractors have been submitted, and construction work will commence following Chinese New Year holiday period, 2010. Following a visit to De Yang in May 2009, Ms. Zhang Ziyi expressed her personal interest in supporting long-term, sustainable initiatives for the development of child welfare in the region and pledged her foundation's support at that time. With the approval of the local government to begin work, Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to donate US$400,000 towards the construction of the De Yang Children's Centre, and becomes one of the biggest sponsors of this project. Care for Children is very pleased that the Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to financially support the De Yang children's re-building project with a donation of US$ 400,000. The donation will be transferred to Care for Children within three weeks of the ground-breaking ceremony. Care for Children is excited about the potential this project has to transform thousands of children's lives, and make a positive impact on the development of child welfare in De Yang, Sichuan, and the surrounding region. Care for Children is very grateful for the significant contribution of Ziyi Zhang's foundation to make this project possible. About Care for Children Care for Children exists to relieve hardship, distress and sickness in abandoned and orphaned children in China by the introduction of strategic initiatives in child care practice, at the request of, and in cooperation with, the Chinese national and local children welfare authorities. To date, Care for Children's National Foster Care Project has trained staff from over 220 orphanages across 38 project sites in 27 provinces, and has helped place thousands of Chinese children into local Chinese long-term foster families as an alternative to institutional care. About Ziyi Zhang Foundation Ziyi Zhang Foundation is a non-profit charity organization, created in May 2008 by Chinese actress Ms. Zhang Ziyi to respond to the needs of her community in the wake of the Sichuan Earthquake. It is a 501(c)(3) charity registered under the laws of California, USA. Source: Care for Children ======================================================
就算用paypal 也许要把钱 withdraw到银行账户啊。 没听过律师收paypal的。
Paypal can issue a check, then endorse it to the lawyer.
The biggest problem with PayPal is that the names of both sender and receiver are revealed. lzlzy should stay anonymous. Some donors may also prefer being anonymous. A bank memorial fund should solve this problem.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/14 17:31:48编辑过]
cctv12大家看法 嘉宾 很早以前看过他的文字采访 不像个坏人 专门做慈善 好像现在在上海住 有个特别大的别墅 据说早年继承了好莱坞30 40年代一个著名艳星的大笔遗产 后来好像90年代回国后就专门做慈善
cctv12大家看法 嘉宾 很早以前看过他的文字采访 不像个坏人 专门做慈善 好像现在在上海住 有个特别大的别墅 据说早年继承了好莱坞30 40年代一个著名艳星的大笔遗产 后来好像90年代回国后就专门做慈善
这里有很多mm做了大量的工作,就是leader,我觉得也没必要让别人take credit。
今天早上从9:30以后到现在天涯善款楼回不了贴了, 还不知是什么原因. 看来凑钱请律师这一行动
使章很害怕, 可能买通天涯了,北美的TX大家加油啊,加大宣传力度, 让所有华人都知道这事,以期获
Paypal有特殊帐号吗,如果一般的帐号短时间内好多汇款进来,会不会被查啊?有不怀好意的再file claim什么的。
cctv12大家看法 嘉宾 很早以前看过他的文字采访 不像个坏人 专门做慈善 好像现在在上海住 有个特别大的别墅 据说早年继承了好莱坞30 40年代一个著名艳星的大笔遗产 后来好像90年代回国后就专门做慈善
PayPal好处是只要一个email地址就可以寄钱,比较方便。但确实有其他麻烦,比如有人不用paypal,国内汇款不容易,还有file claim相对容易。
Ziyi Zhang Foundation Makes A Significant Financial Contribution Towards Care For Children's Ongoing Earthquake Relief Work In Sichuan
Care For Children's Training And Resource Centre In De Yang, Sichuan Receives Great Financial Support From Chinese Actress, Ms. Zhang Ziyi And The Ziyi Zhang Foundation.
Beijing, China (February 08, 2010) / — Care for Children was one of the first international NGOs on the scene to help with various relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in Sichuan in May 2008. As part of a long-term commitment to support child welfare development in the region, Care for Children agreed to fund a re-building project in the city of De Yang.
The project plans are for a training and resource centre for the management and development of foster care, special education needs, and support for street children in the region. The project plans received local government approval in April 2009, following which Care for Children made an initial deposit of RMB 1,500,000. In November 2009, the project received national approval from the City Planning & Construction Bureau. Tenders to contractors have been submitted, and construction work will commence following Chinese New Year holiday period, 2010.
Following a visit to De Yang in May 2009, Ms. Zhang Ziyi expressed her personal interest in supporting long-term, sustainable initiatives for the development of child welfare in the region and pledged her foundation's support at that time.
With the approval of the local government to begin work, Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to donate US$400,000 towards the construction of the De Yang Children's Centre, and becomes one of the biggest sponsors of this project.
Care for Children is very pleased that the Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to financially support the De Yang children's re-building project with a donation of US$ 400,000. The donation will be transferred to Care for Children within three weeks of the ground-breaking ceremony.
Care for Children is excited about the potential this project has to transform thousands of children's lives, and make a positive impact on the development of child welfare in De Yang, Sichuan, and the surrounding region. Care for Children is very grateful for the significant contribution of Ziyi Zhang's foundation to make this project possible.
About Care for Children
Care for Children exists to relieve hardship, distress and sickness in abandoned and orphaned children in China by the introduction of strategic initiatives in child care practice, at the request of, and in cooperation with, the Chinese national and local children welfare authorities. To date, Care for Children's National Foster Care Project has trained staff from over 220 orphanages across 38 project sites in 27 provinces, and has helped place thousands of Chinese children into local Chinese long-term foster families as an alternative to institutional care.
About Ziyi Zhang Foundation
Ziyi Zhang Foundation is a non-profit charity organization, created in May 2008 by Chinese actress Ms. Zhang Ziyi to respond to the needs of her community in the wake of the Sichuan Earthquake. It is a 501(c)(3) charity registered under the laws of California, USA. Source: Care for Children
my little addition
Beijing, China (February 08, 2010)
Following a visit to De Yang in May 2009, Ms. Zhang Ziyi expressed her personal interest in supporting long-term, sustainable initiatives for the development of child welfare in the region and pledged her foundation's support at that time.
pledged her foundation's support at that time, 是说这40万美元的支持?签约的合同在哪里?章子怡需要的是实事求是把原始文件都亮出来!
小将, 无需吵架无需激动, 我在这里给你楼添砖加瓦呢。反正FBI世界上最牛的调查机构在查拉,何必逞这一时嘴快。 哈哈。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/15 10:56:36编辑过]
Ziyi Zhang Foundation Makes A Significant Financial Contribution Towards Care For Children's Ongoing Earthquake Relief Work In Sichuan
Care For Children's Training And Resource Centre In De Yang, Sichuan Receives Great Financial Support From Chinese Actress, Ms. Zhang Ziyi And The Ziyi Zhang Foundation.
Beijing, China (February 08, 2010) / — Care for Children was one of the first international NGOs on the scene to help with various relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in Sichuan in May 2008. As part of a long-term commitment to support child welfare development in the region, Care for Children agreed to fund a re-building project in the city of De Yang.
The project plans are for a training and resource centre for the management and development of foster care, special education needs, and support for street children in the region. The project plans received local government approval in April 2009, following which Care for Children made an initial deposit of RMB 1,500,000. In November 2009, the project received national approval from the City Planning & Construction Bureau. Tenders to contractors have been submitted, and construction work will commence following Chinese New Year holiday period, 2010.
Following a visit to De Yang in May 2009, Ms. Zhang Ziyi expressed her personal interest in supporting long-term, sustainable initiatives for the development of child welfare in the region and pledged her foundation's support at that time.
With the approval of the local government to begin work, Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to donate US$400,000 towards the construction of the De Yang Children's Centre, and becomes one of the biggest sponsors of this project.
Care for Children is very pleased that the Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to financially support the De Yang children's re-building project with a donation of US$ 400,000. The donation will be transferred to Care for Children within three weeks of the ground-breaking ceremony.
Care for Children is excited about the potential this project has to transform thousands of children's lives, and make a positive impact on the development of child welfare in De Yang, Sichuan, and the surrounding region. Care for Children is very grateful for the significant contribution of Ziyi Zhang's foundation to make this project possible.
About Care for Children
Care for Children exists to relieve hardship, distress and sickness in abandoned and orphaned children in China by the introduction of strategic initiatives in child care practice, at the request of, and in cooperation with, the Chinese national and local children welfare authorities. To date, Care for Children's National Foster Care Project has trained staff from over 220 orphanages across 38 project sites in 27 provinces, and has helped place thousands of Chinese children into local Chinese long-term foster families as an alternative to institutional care.
About Ziyi Zhang Foundation
Ziyi Zhang Foundation is a non-profit charity organization, created in May 2008 by Chinese actress Ms. Zhang Ziyi to respond to the needs of her community in the wake of the Sichuan Earthquake. It is a 501(c)(3) charity registered under the laws of California, USA. Source: Care for Children
my little addition
枪手又来混淆视听来了.真顽强 . 不过这里没人想听你的,还是出门吧
Ziyi Zhang Foundation Makes A Significant Financial Contribution Towards Care For Children's Ongoing Earthquake Relief Work In Sichuan
Care For Children's Training And Resource Centre In De Yang, Sichuan Receives Great Financial Support From Chinese Actress, Ms. Zhang Ziyi And The Ziyi Zhang Foundation.
Beijing, China (February 08, 2010) / — Care for Children was one of the first international NGOs on the scene to help with various relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in Sichuan in May 2008. As part of a long-term commitment to support child welfare development in the region, Care for Children agreed to fund a re-building project in the city of De Yang.
The project plans are for a training and resource centre for the management and development of foster care, special education needs, and support for street children in the region. The project plans received local government approval in April 2009, following which Care for Children made an initial deposit of RMB 1,500,000. In November 2009, the project received national approval from the City Planning & Construction Bureau. Tenders to contractors have been submitted, and construction work will commence following Chinese New Year holiday period, 2010.
Following a visit to De Yang in May 2009, Ms. Zhang Ziyi expressed her personal interest in supporting long-term, sustainable initiatives for the development of child welfare in the region and pledged her foundation's support at that time.
With the approval of the local government to begin work, Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to donate US$400,000 towards the construction of the De Yang Children's Centre, and becomes one of the biggest sponsors of this project.
Care for Children is very pleased that the Ziyi Zhang Foundation has committed to financially support the De Yang children's re-building project with a donation of US$ 400,000. The donation will be transferred to Care for Children within three weeks of the ground-breaking ceremony.
Care for Children is excited about the potential this project has to transform thousands of children's lives, and make a positive impact on the development of child welfare in De Yang, Sichuan, and the surrounding region. Care for Children is very grateful for the significant contribution of Ziyi Zhang's foundation to make this project possible.
About Care for Children
Care for Children exists to relieve hardship, distress and sickness in abandoned and orphaned children in China by the introduction of strategic initiatives in child care practice, at the request of, and in cooperation with, the Chinese national and local children welfare authorities. To date, Care for Children's National Foster Care Project has trained staff from over 220 orphanages across 38 project sites in 27 provinces, and has helped place thousands of Chinese children into local Chinese long-term foster families as an alternative to institutional care.
About Ziyi Zhang Foundation
Ziyi Zhang Foundation is a non-profit charity organization, created in May 2008 by Chinese actress Ms. Zhang Ziyi to respond to the needs of her community in the wake of the Sichuan Earthquake. It is a 501(c)(3) charity registered under the laws of California, USA. Source: Care for Children
my little addition
这里有很多mm做了大量的工作,就是leader,我觉得也没必要让别人take credit。
这人的钱我觉得来历很奇怪 还是不招的好
这人的钱我觉得来历很奇怪 还是不招的好
以下是引用夕雾公子在4/15/2010 1:20:00 AM的发言:
你们还是把钱给我把 ,我去把ZZY 搞臭了她,保证完成任务。
the link is here:
page 1523. 作者:小鸭黄 回复日期:2010-04-16 19:05:10
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/16 10:22:51编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/16 10:02:49编辑过]
.....(the 2 pics above)
授 权 委 托 书
集活动细则》(以下简称《细则》)的内容,本人完全同意该《细则》的各项规定,并自愿向 网友代表“小鸭黄”“蚕蚁如焚”公布的指定帐户支付活动经费
元人民币,本人 授权网友代表“小鸭黄”“蚕蚁如焚”支配我个人支付的上述经费,授权网友代表“小鸭黄” “蚕蚁如焚”行使《细则》规定的所有权利。
2010年 月 日
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/16 10:30:25编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/16 10:30:25编辑过]
me too
good to know
MM 辛苦了
不是非得打印委托书吧 我不会啊 我就直接把钱汇到天涯指定的工行账号上行吗
支持支持,lz mm辛苦了。
我不会注册天涯 所以才在这里注册的 我是国内的 我有工行卡 直接按天涯上公布的账号打钱就可以了吧 我只有一个小要求 我汇款后请天涯的同学通知下这里的同学 免得说我诺而不捐 明天太忙 后天汇款
作者:godnature 回复日期:2010-04-17 08:23:36
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/17 10:45:47编辑过]
早就知道会有人出来这么说了,对于想说这句话的人在这里一并回了。章利用地震天灾给自己炒作假新闻,在捐款问题上极不诚实,连串谎话话如今一一曝光,这个你不能否认吧。如果你连这个也不承认, 那咱们就不用再多说了。
救灾捐款不论多少,在个人手中存放长达将近两年。如果这个你也承认, 那么你是怎么知道这些的?没有这些被你冷嘲热讽的人一直追问, 你是怎么知道有人捐给地震灾区的钱并没有真的到达灾区?国家公信机构把根本没有到位的灾款给公正成到位,并且堂而皇之的发表在民众面前,你又是怎么知道的?被你冷嘲热讽的人,目前使章补捐16万,钱没到华人网也没到天涯网,16万是给灾区的。没有这些你看不顺眼的人, 这16万从哪来?
最近天灾频繁, 名人艺人给灾区捐款, 明里暗里多有抱怨,开收据诉冤枉。我不管你捐款的时候怎样jjww, 至少你不敢再信口开河,不再敢给灾区打白条,这些被监督的压力从哪里来?抱怨民众监督的名人,文化素质不够明白一件事:信用和脸一样,是自己,不是别人给的,到今天这个地步,名人们应该问问自己做过什么乱起八糟的事。
从这些意义来讲,章违法不违法要调查才定论, 但是调查是必需的。 其他的名人也收敛点。不过有想继续以身试法拿慈善谋名利的,尽管来。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/17 11:46:47编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/17 15:03:06编辑过]
早就知道会有人出来这么说了,对于想说这句话的人在这里一并回了。章利用地震天灾给自己炒作假新闻,在捐款问题上极不诚实,连串谎话话如今一一曝光,这个你不能否认吧。如果你连这个也不承认, 那咱们就不用再多说了。
救灾捐款不论多少,在个人手中存放长达将近两年。如果这个你也承认, 那么你是怎么知道这些的?没有这些被你冷嘲热讽的人一直追问, 你是怎么知道有人捐给地震灾区的钱并没有真的到达灾区?国家公信机构把根本没有到位的灾款给公正成到位,并且堂而皇之的发表在民众面前,你又是怎么知道的?被你冷嘲热讽的人,目前使章补捐16万,钱没到华人网也没到天涯网,16万是给灾区的。没有这些你看不顺眼的人, 这16万从哪来?
最近天灾频繁, 名人艺人给灾区捐款, 明里暗里多有抱怨,开收据诉冤枉。我不管你捐款的时候怎样jjww, 至少你不敢再信口开河,不再敢给灾区打白条,这些被监督的压力从哪里来?抱怨民众监督的名人,文化素质不够明白一件事:信用和脸一样,是自己,不是别人给的,到今天这个地步,名人们应该问问自己做过什么乱起八糟的事。
从这些意义来讲,章违法不违法要调查才定论, 但是调查是必需的。 其他的名人也收敛点。不过有想继续以身试法拿慈善谋名利的,尽管来。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/17 11:46:47编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/17 17:02:08编辑过]
早就知道会有人出来这么说了,对于想说这句话的人在这里一并回了。章利用地震天灾给自己炒作假新闻,在捐款问题上极不诚实,连串谎话话如今一一曝光,这个你不能否认吧。如果你连这个也不承认, 那咱们就不用再多说了。
救灾捐款不论多少,在个人手中存放长达将近两年。如果这个你也承认, 那么你是怎么知道这些的?没有这些被你冷嘲热讽的人一直追问, 你是怎么知道有人捐给地震灾区的钱并没有真的到达灾区?国家公信机构把根本没有到位的灾款给公正成到位,并且堂而皇之的发表在民众面前,你又是怎么知道的?被你冷嘲热讽的人,目前使章补捐16万,钱没到华人网也没到天涯网,16万是给灾区的。没有这些你看不顺眼的人, 这16万从哪来?
最近天灾频繁, 名人艺人给灾区捐款, 明里暗里多有抱怨,开收据诉冤枉。我不管你捐款的时候怎样jjww, 至少你不敢再信口开河,不再敢给灾区打白条,这些被监督的压力从哪里来?抱怨民众监督的名人,文化素质不够明白一件事:信用和脸一样,是自己,不是别人给的,到今天这个地步,名人们应该问问自己做过什么乱起八糟的事。
从这些意义来讲,章违法不违法要调查才定论, 但是调查是必需的。 其他的名人也收敛点。不过有想继续以身试法拿慈善谋名利的,尽管来。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/17 11:46:47编辑过]
算我一个!!! $20