you paypaled me $1 more a. What can I do? paypal you back? not familiar with paypal No ah. I remember it's 10.80+5.40. Queen will pay you the additional shipping of .20.
The pictures are so funny. The babies are so capable now so they can fight with each other. :-). Another interesting thing i observe is that they love other's food. They all have their own yogurt melts but they prefer to get from other's bags.
以下是引用eaieeaie在4/6/2010 11:05:00 AM的发言: The pictures are so funny. The babies are so capable now so they can fight with each other. :-). Another interesting thing i observe is that they love other's food. They all have their own yogurt melts but they prefer to get from other's bags. no we didn't have ym we ate others purely...
haha. Sorry, she instructed me to pay for 15. I thought she rounded down. Then I just rounded up. When I was replying her post, i did the calculation and found she told me to pay too little. Even rounding up cannot cover her cost. So i allocate this .20 short to you. :-)
The pictures are so funny. The babies are so capable now so they can fight with each other. :-). Another interesting thing i observe is that they love other's food. They all have their own yogurt melts but they prefer to get from other's bags.
at my place. pd grandma already wants to put it on pd. :-)
sorry sorry, I mailed it out too quickly. Also, I totally forgot pd can wear the onesies too. I always think pd is about 2 years old [此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 11:45:17编辑过]
haha. Sorry, she instructed me to pay for 15. I thought she rounded down. Then I just rounded up. When I was replying her post, i did the calculation and found she told me to pay too little. Even rounding up cannot cover her cost. So i allocate this .20 short to you. :-) confused le
sorry sorry, I mailed it out too quickly. Also, I totally forgot pd can wear the onesies too. I always think pd is about 2 years old [此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 11:45:17编辑过] I know it's for Matt. :-)
i went to Gap and ATL with 90 degree temp! i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price the hat fits Matt well!
i went to Gap and ATL with 90 degree temp! i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price the hat fits Matt well!
i went to Gap and ATL with 90 degree temp! i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price the hat fits Matt well!
i went to Gap and ATL with 90 degree temp! i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price the hat fits Matt well!
i went to Gap and ATL with 90 degree temp! i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price the hat fits Matt well!
morning, queen I looked all pics from the back door, 太好玩了!!!!!!!!!!!
waiting for yours!
i think little perfect likes pd
queen,I boaed you.
everything is clear?
i sometimes mess up with the numbers
u show urself so we can compare
no,i mean baby's
以下是引用飘缥在4/6/2010 9:55:00 AM的发言:
morning, queen I looked all pics from the back door, 太好玩了!!!!!!!!!!!
waiting for yours!
i think little perfect likes pd
怎么给宝宝理发呢,我都是他洗澡时偷偷从后面用剪刀剪两下,特别难看,还怕碎头发被他抓走, 那种电动的剃刀太响了,他也不让用,大家用什么工具亚?
怎么给宝宝理发呢,我都是他洗澡时偷偷从后面用剪刀剪两下,特别难看,还怕碎头发被他抓走, 那种电动的剃刀太响了,他也不让用,大家用什么工具亚?
赫赫, 我剪的实在是太影响形象了
im going to walk after lunch
if any baicai
do you still want to pai?
of course
waiting for yours!
i think little perfect likes pd
ok, I think my daughter likes his stroller more
long time no see la
where have you been?
pat, pat, 总有这个过程的。这几天你辛苦了!
im going to walk after lunch
if any baicai
do you still want to pai?
morning, queen I looked all pics from the back door, 太好玩了!!!!!!!!!!!
怎么给宝宝理发呢,我都是他洗澡时偷偷从后面用剪刀剪两下,特别难看,还怕碎头发被他抓走, 那种电动的剃刀太响了,他也不让用,大家用什么工具亚?
我们就用电动推子推的,娃很安静啊。不过不知道现在还会不会那么老实了,最近越来越闹,terrible two的迹象都出来了!
im going to walk after lunch
if any baicai
do you still want to pai?
pai, atl s
ok, I think my daughter likes his stroller more
en, that's how i feel.
lili, i paypaled you. please check. Sorry for the delay.
you paypaled me $1 more a. What can I do? paypal you back? not familiar with paypal
lili, i paypaled you. please check. Sorry for the delay.
where is my oneiese?
you paypaled me $1 more a. What can I do? paypal you back? not familiar with paypal
take it
where is my oneiese?
at my place. pd grandma already wants to put it on pd. :-)
you paypaled me $1 more a. What can I do? paypal you back? not familiar with paypal
No ah. I remember it's 10.80+5.40. Queen will pay you the additional shipping of .20.
No ah. I remember it's 10.80+5.40. Queen will pay you the additional shipping of .20.
at my place. pd grandma already wants to put it on pd. :-)
The pictures are so funny. The babies are so capable now so they can fight with each other. :-). Another interesting thing i observe is that they love other's food. They all have their own yogurt melts but they prefer to get from other's bags.
we didn't have ym
we ate others purely...
haha. Sorry, she instructed me to pay for 15. I thought she rounded down. Then I just rounded up. When I was replying her post, i did the calculation and found she told me to pay too little. Even rounding up cannot cover her cost. So i allocate this .20 short to you. :-)
we didn't have ym
we ate others purely...
haha, who says Matt doesn't like it.
u show urself so we can compare
The pictures are so funny. The babies are so capable now so they can fight with each other. :-). Another interesting thing i observe is that they love other's food. They all have their own yogurt melts but they prefer to get from other's bags.
ok, I think my daughter likes his stroller more
tk from water building
atl has 4.88 sales
morning, queen I looked all pics from the back door, 太好玩了!!!!!!!!!!!
no need no need, I still owe you money
at my place. pd grandma already wants to put it on pd. :-)
sorry sorry, I mailed it out too quickly. Also, I totally forgot pd can wear the onesies too. I always think pd is about 2 years old
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 11:45:17编辑过]
haha. Sorry, she instructed me to pay for 15. I thought she rounded down. Then I just rounded up. When I was replying her post, i did the calculation and found she told me to pay too little. Even rounding up cannot cover her cost. So i allocate this .20 short to you. :-)
confused le
haha, who says Matt doesn't like it.
he dont when he's home
exchange with your cai yuan zi
sorry sorry, I mailed it out too quickly. Also, I totally forgot pd can wear the onesies too. I always think pd is about 2 years old
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/4/6 11:45:17编辑过]
I know it's for Matt. :-)
nothing here either
but i am very dan ding
exchange with your back door
No ah. I remember it's 10.80+5.40. Queen will pay you the additional shipping of .20.
do you have other big clothes you want to dump?
exchange with your cai yuan zi
no need no need
next time ba
I know it's for Matt. :-)
pd can have it if it fits...
exchange with your back door
ok a
no need no need
next time ba
i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu
they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time
the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price
the hat fits Matt well!
I know it's for Matt. :-)
I have more at home a
i went to Gap and ATL with 90 degree temp!
i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu
they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time
the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price
the hat fits Matt well!
what? You bought a girl's hat for matt?
i went to Gap and ATL with 90 degree temp!
i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu
they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time
the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price
the hat fits Matt well!
what? You bought a girl's hat for matt?
i let him try last time for niuniu
so cute so cute
i was you yan bu shi tai shan
00 is such a cai nv!!!!!!
i went to Gap and ATL with 90 degree temp!
i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu
they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time
the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price
the hat fits Matt well!
wo de ma ya
i was you yan bu shi tai shan
00 is such a cai nv!!!!!!
exchange with your back door
wo de ma ya
i was you yan bu shi tai shan
00 is such a cai nv!!!!!!
i dont care la
it looks great on him
and it has a big shade!
en,so hot
i was thinking let matt play with water la
另外,hulahula 让你讲讲托马斯小火车
you are you are
you are prettier and prettier
you and someone here are xiaoyou and have overlap too!
i went to Gap and ATL with 90 degree temp!
i saw the same hat i bought for niuniu,perfect and xifu
they told me it's 3.97! i showed them the 70 cents receipt i bought last time
the man cold smiled at me and honored me the 70 cents price
the hat fits Matt well!
wo de ma ya
i was you yan bu shi tai shan
00 is such a cai nv!!!!!!
另外,hulahula 让你讲讲托马斯小火车
sorry, sorry,我看错了。
sorry, sorry,我看错了。
you and someone here are xiaoyou and have overlap too!
i have to ask her permission ba
grandpa and grandma help
grandpa and grandma help
i have to ask her permission ba
no problem!
你的确是太忙了!你已经super super能干了!现在牛宝小,等他大一点,就可以兄弟俩一起学。
我现在的问题是,姐姐英文很差,因为刚刚开始上DC, 所以我需要教她些英文。大家都说不用教,自己就学会了,但她毕竟大了,看她经常什么也不懂傻站着,还是让人很心疼的