那他给你说放养的时候, 你立刻打断, excuse me, i dont have a child, and I dont EVER plan to have one. so please save your speech. now i ask your child do not damage my property.
Yes it's more difficult to educate the parents than the kids. I just think that for the sake of the innocent kid, I should try to make some difference. Hopefully a simply gesture would have some tiny impact.
Yes it's more difficult to educate the parents than the kids. I just think that for the sake of the innocent kid, I should try to make some difference. Hopefully a simply gesture would have some tiny impact.
I agree that it's never right to take over any parents' parenting right.
But I think that kids learn not only from their parents, but from the world all around. So I believe it's good to show case some good manner and explain how the world outside home works do them benefits.
I agree that it's never right to take over any parents' parenting right.
But I think that kids learn not only from their parents, but from the world all around. So I believe it's good to show case some good manner and explain how the world outside home works do them benefits.
我认为应该由父母决定什么是do them benefits, 什么不是。。。 因为我知道你是确实是想do them benefit。 但是很多人, 借 do benefit会做别的事情。。。 所以这个口子, 我本人是不会喜欢开的。。
enen, do you see anything that I believe now may not be the best way -- as for educating other kids? I just learn and practice, there must be aspects that I'm not seeing.
Yes I see your concern--I have the same concern all the time. The reality is, kids go to school and learn all different things from different people. Perhaps that I should say that I'm willing to show them how I understand the world, and how they understand is their own choice. As for damaging behavior, I still feel that I want to stop it even if I'm not the owner because it has the cost to the whole group--the hostess gets annoyed and the party is ruined.
I don't mean to educate kids that they should do this or that because that I think it's correct. I totally agree with you that we have no right to force our own belief on kids. I never ask my own little one to do this or that because it's right or wrong. I always give real reasons behind it--drawing on the wall is difficult to clean, etc. And she understands it very well, and always feels good knowing these reasoning and uses them to educate her Dad. :P My rule is, stop damaging behavior because of the damage. Follow the rules of the house because we don't have the right to disturb others in the group.
enen, do you see anything that I believe now may not be the best way -- as for educating other kids? I just learn and practice, there must be aspects that I'm not seeing.
Yes I see your concern--I have the same concern all the time. The reality is, kids go to school and learn all different things from different people. Perhaps that I should say that I'm willing to show them how I understand the world, and how they understand is their own choice. As for damaging behavior, I still feel that I want to stop it even if I'm not the owner because it has the cost to the whole group--the hostess gets annoyed and the party is ruined.
I don't mean to educate kids that they should do this or that because that I think it's correct. I totally agree with you that we have no right to force our own belief on kids. I never ask my own little one to do this or that because it's right or wrong. I always give real reasons behind it--drawing on the wall is difficult to clean, etc. And she understands it very well, and always feels good knowing these reasoning and uses them to educate her Dad. :P My rule is, stop damaging behavior because of the damage. Follow the rules of the house because we don't have the right to disturb others in the group.
I have a guess--you are too used to the positive feedback from your parents, hubby, friends... So it's difficult to adapt to people who don't give praise that often. Well, sort of culture difference.For a while, I really wondered if I should give my daughter too much praise...
I have a guess--you are too used to the positive feedback from your parents, hubby, friends... So it's difficult to adapt to people who don't give praise that often. Well, sort of culture difference.For a while, I really wondered if I should give my daughter too much praise...
I didn't because I thought that you had a perfect day to enjoy, wonderful enough. My praise won't make any difference...Hehe, I put my own preference on you, which is obviously not right.
I didn't because I thought that you had a perfect day to enjoy, wonderful enough. My praise won't make any difference...Hehe, I put my own preference on you, which is obviously not right.
playdough is disaster--I still have some leftover in my carpet now...
I think that DVDs and books are safe choices. :)
再说一遍。 要有坚定的defend自己权利的气场。。。 说3遍, 还不行, 跟着她,推着他, 教他们擦地, 嫌弃他们擦的不干净, 就和他们一起擦。。。 我要是你, 我不会到第3 遍, 估摸父母就会自己去擦地了。。。
不要说孩子危险啥的, 那是人家要worry的事情。 就说自己的沙发, 请大家爱惜,不要跳。
em , em , 这个fake关心的情绪,我想我能清晰的传达出fake但是传达不出关心;。。。。。。。。。
所以focus在他的娃娃, 是没什么用的。。
再说一遍。 要有坚定的defend自己权利的气场。。。 说3遍, 还不行, 跟着她,推着他, 教他们擦地, 嫌弃他们擦的不干净, 就和他们一起擦。。。 我要是你, 我不会到第3 遍, 估摸父母就会自己去擦地了。。。
那他给你说放养的时候, 你立刻打断, excuse me, i dont have a child, and I dont EVER plan to have one. so please save your speech. now i ask your child do not damage my property.
没有片片。。 芥个事情是这样开始的
美的我冒大大的彩色泡泡。。 开心坏了
我最大的party就是若干年前, 8个人, 没娃。全是大人, 很和谐。。
Yes it's more difficult to educate the parents than the kids. I just think that for the sake of the innocent kid, I should try to make some difference. Hopefully a simply gesture would have some tiny impact.
Yes it's more difficult to educate the parents than the kids. I just think that for the sake of the innocent kid, I should try to make some difference. Hopefully a simply gesture would have some tiny impact.
话说没来, 我这段时间好好研究了一下, 中国这个富国强民, 估计在50-80年内, 还只能是个传说。。 就是中国确实会越来越强大的, 但是要到能和美国抗衡的强大, 估计本世纪结束也做不到。。 要到超过美国, 我感觉肯定至少要150年以后。。。
最近读了不少历史,其实觉得有历史, 很多时候未必是一件好事情。。。 今天早上看文学城新闻提到日本的拆婚行业,就是雇佣一个人, 勾引伴侣, 这样可以离婚。 分析也是因为日本人非常不喜欢正面直接对抗。。 所以以这样的方式。。。
这件事情孩子到底是个什么心理过程, 我一点儿不懂。。。 我就是觉得对别人的孩子外人没啥权利。。。即使自己真的认为自己是对的, 也没权利去教育娃。大人听的进去, 最好, 听不进去, 那就别的办法。。 但是总之我觉得是要通过大人走。。
I agree that it's never right to take over any parents' parenting right.
But I think that kids learn not only from their parents, but from the world all around. So I believe it's good to show case some good manner and explain how the world outside home works do them benefits.
I agree that it's never right to take over any parents' parenting right.
But I think that kids learn not only from their parents, but from the world all around. So I believe it's good to show case some good manner and explain how the world outside home works do them benefits.
我认为应该由父母决定什么是do them benefits, 什么不是。。。 因为我知道你是确实是想do them benefit。 但是很多人, 借 do benefit会做别的事情。。。 所以这个口子, 我本人是不会喜欢开的。。
我们可以在孩子面前在自己的行为上,做自己认为是对的(以不要求孩子做任何事情为前提), 但是我不认为, 我们有权利明确对别人的孩子说, 我这样的行为是对的, 世界是这样work的。。 。 特别我觉得没有权利让孩子做一件事情, 然后告诉他, 这个行为才是对的。。。
对呀, 多好啊。。。 还要教孩子该说对不起就说对不起。。。美国好的, 咱们就学。
没有片片。。 芥个事情是这样开始的
美的我冒大大的彩色泡泡。。 开心坏了
真美呀, 怪不得冒大大的彩色泡泡.
enen, do you see anything that I believe now may not be the best way -- as for educating other kids? I just learn and practice, there must be aspects that I'm not seeing.
不用找借口啊。。自己家的财产,自己有权利的, 何必找借口, 那人家摸摸, 跳跳, 说, 你这个沙发质量很好啊。 你怎么办
真美呀, 怪不得冒大大的彩色泡泡.
偶仰天长笑啊。。哈哈哈哈。。。 谢谢concord
不用找借口啊。。自己家的财产,自己有权利的, 何必找借口, 那人家摸摸, 跳跳, 说, 你这个沙发质量很好啊。 你怎么办
顶。。。。。借口never works....
我最大的party就是若干年前, 8个人, 没娃。全是大人, 很和谐。。
不用找借口啊。。自己家的财产,自己有权利的, 何必找借口, 那人家摸摸, 跳跳, 说, 你这个沙发质量很好啊。 你怎么办
偶也想不通啊。。。。 为毛啊,嗯嗯也还没有表扬我呢。。。是不是我错啦, 可我没错啊
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 12:49:58编辑过]
偶也想不通啊。。。。 为毛啊,嗯嗯也还没有表扬我呢。。。是不是我错啦
不表扬你就是你错了? 这个逻辑不太通呀.
偶觉得偶真的还是小孩子脾气, BSO完了之后哦,就等着表扬, 等了老半天。。。哈哈哈。。。给表扬一下好像夏天吃了冰激凌一样舒服。。。
偶也想不通啊。。。。 为毛啊,嗯嗯也还没有表扬我呢。。。是不是我错啦, 可我没错啊
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 12:49:58编辑过]
我认为应该由父母决定什么是do them benefits, 什么不是。。。 因为我知道你是确实是想do them benefit。 但是很多人, 借 do benefit会做别的事情。。。 所以这个口子, 我本人是不会喜欢开的。。
我们可以在孩子面前在自己的行为上,做自己认为是对的(以不要求孩子做任何事情为前提), 但是我不认为, 我们有权利明确对别人的孩子说, 我这样的行为是对的, 世界是这样work的。。 。 特别我觉得没有权利让孩子做一件事情, 然后告诉他, 这个行为才是对的。。。
Yes I see your concern--I have the same concern all the time. The reality is, kids go to school and learn all different things from different people. Perhaps that I should say that I'm willing to show them how I understand the world, and how they understand is their own choice. As for damaging behavior, I still feel that I want to stop it even if I'm not the owner because it has the cost to the whole group--the hostess gets annoyed and the party is ruined.
I don't mean to educate kids that they should do this or that because that I think it's correct. I totally agree with you that we have no right to force our own belief on kids. I never ask my own little one to do this or that because it's right or wrong. I always give real reasons behind it--drawing on the wall is difficult to clean, etc. And she understands it very well, and always feels good knowing these reasoning and uses them to educate her Dad. :P My rule is, stop damaging behavior because of the damage. Follow the rules of the house because we don't have the right to disturb others in the group.
偶也想不通啊。。。。 为毛啊,嗯嗯也还没有表扬我呢。。。是不是我错啦, 可我没错啊
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 12:49:58编辑过]
enen, do you see anything that I believe now may not be the best way -- as for educating other kids? I just learn and practice, there must be aspects that I'm not seeing.
Haha, forgot your need again...
Thank you for sharing the whole story--I felt like having a very pleasant day with you when reading the words.
Yes I see your concern--I have the same concern all the time. The reality is, kids go to school and learn all different things from different people. Perhaps that I should say that I'm willing to show them how I understand the world, and how they understand is their own choice. As for damaging behavior, I still feel that I want to stop it even if I'm not the owner because it has the cost to the whole group--the hostess gets annoyed and the party is ruined.
I don't mean to educate kids that they should do this or that because that I think it's correct. I totally agree with you that we have no right to force our own belief on kids. I never ask my own little one to do this or that because it's right or wrong. I always give real reasons behind it--drawing on the wall is difficult to clean, etc. And she understands it very well, and always feels good knowing these reasoning and uses them to educate her Dad. :P My rule is, stop damaging behavior because of the damage. Follow the rules of the house because we don't have the right to disturb others in the group.
除非一个小孩的行为确实实实在在的损害了同group其他小孩, 而且当时没有监护人,或者老师在场。 否则我坚持应该直接和监护人, 老师等负责人谈。
不表扬你就是你错了? 这个逻辑不太通呀.
不表扬你就是你错了? 这个逻辑不太通呀.
Interesting point. I really wondered why empty has this need... ;P
你支持我了。 你还没表扬我的彩色大泡泡呢
If I see damaging behavior in other kids, do I have the right to stop him/her?
Interesting point. I really wondered why empty has this need... ;P
现在我一个不知道为毛没被表扬, 第二个不明白为毛我有这个需求。。
Haha, forgot your need again...
Thank you for sharing the whole story--I felt like having a very pleasant day with you when reading the words.
你支持我了。 你还没表扬我的彩色大泡泡呢
谢谢表扬, 谢谢表扬啊。。。。
可是真的就是个大泡泡啊。。 别的不是啥啊。。 所以确实就破了啊。。。 要是每天那么过, 我会很闷啊。。。 就是难得,才享受啊。。。
I have a guess--you are too used to the positive feedback from your parents, hubby, friends... So it's difficult to adapt to people who don't give praise that often. Well, sort of culture difference.For a while, I really wondered if I should give my daughter too much praise...
Interesting point. I really wondered why empty has this need... ;P
it's against all my presumptions about kongkong
I have a guess--you are too used to the positive feedback from your parents, hubby, friends... So it's difficult to adapt to people who don't give praise that often. Well, sort of culture difference.For a while, I really wondered if I should give my daughter too much praise...
真的呢。。。 你来我家看过么。。。
在家里面, 我要表扬的时候,要是老公没意识到, 我会直接说, praise please. 现在这样的情况非常少了。。。 反正我要啥, 就说。。 然后被表扬后, 我就又蹦又跳, 他以后也会特别喜欢表扬我。。。 酱紫。。
现在我一个不知道为毛没被表扬, 第二个不明白为毛我有这个需求。。
I didn't because I thought that you had a perfect day to enjoy, wonderful enough. My praise won't make any difference...Hehe, I put my own preference on you, which is obviously not right.
2010年2月10号注册的, 也叫老id?
I didn't because I thought that you had a perfect day to enjoy, wonderful enough. My praise won't make any difference...Hehe, I put my own preference on you, which is obviously not right.
你们昨天都看双人滑了没有? 真好看.
看了, 好棒
If I see damaging behavior in other kids, do I have the right to stop him/her?
嗯,我是这样看,you have the rights to speak up,那是必要的,好的就是好的,对的就是对的;一定要"stop"我觉得这个就是跨线了。恐怕最好的方式就是把事实摆在那里,由做的人自己"决定"是否自己要继续"破坏"或"伤害"的行为。
嗯,我是这样看,you have the rights to speak up,那是必要的,好的就是好的,对的就是对的;一定要"stop"我觉得这个就是跨线了。恐怕最好的方式就是把事实摆在那里,由做的人自己"决定"是否自己要继续"破坏"或"伤害"的行为。
看了, 好棒
是呀, 最后真为中国的两对选手捏着一把汗呢.
申雪和赵宏博真不容易呀, 一起练了18年了.
真的呢。。。 你来我家看过么。。。
在家里面, 我要表扬的时候,要是老公没意识到, 我会直接说, praise please. 现在这样的情况非常少了。。。 反正我要啥, 就说。。 然后被表扬后, 我就又蹦又跳, 他以后也会特别喜欢表扬我。。。 酱紫。。
Haha, and my hubby always complains that I don't praise him...
It's your (and my) theory, not Kongkong's; not my hubby's, either. :)
It's your (and my) theory, not Kongkong's; not my hubby's, either. :)
I guess it feels like a great performance without loud long-lasting applaud from the audience... :)
嗯,我是这样看,you have the rights to speak up,那是必要的,好的就是好的,对的就是对的;一定要"stop"我觉得这个就是跨线了。恐怕最好的方式就是把事实摆在那里,由做的人自己"决定"是否自己要继续"破坏"或"伤害"的行为。
Got it! Yeah, thanks for making it so simple and clear! :)
Yes, and I can see my daughter really enjoys making her own decision once knowing the reasons behind.
I'm right with myself--I don't need praise to be happier; but not right with Kongkong--she needs. And I'm very happy to make her happier.
是呀, 最后真为中国的两对选手捏着一把汗呢.
申雪和赵宏博真不容易呀, 一起练了18年了.
完美的谢幕。。 真的, 人到这一步, 恐怕真的没太多遗憾了
是呀, 最后真为中国的两对选手捏着一把汗呢.
申雪和赵宏博真不容易呀, 一起练了18年了.
偶不是通过表扬来肯定自己的, 这个我很肯定。。
但是我也疑惑为什么我等表扬。。估计cyprus说的有道理, 我习惯了。 所以自然就等, 结果没等来, 反而疑惑为毛没有。。。
Haha, and my hubby always complains that I don't praise him...
偶和偶老公相互之间两个事情不吝啬, 一个是表扬, 一个是说对不起
是呀, 最后真为中国的两对选手捏着一把汗呢.
申雪和赵宏博真不容易呀, 一起练了18年了.