Has the donation been confirmed? if you do work extra hours, let them know--you deserve the respect from them!
BTW, I wonder if a kid can tell the difference of a custom-made cake from a mass-market one. :P I mean, he/she may not get disappointed at the latter choice.
Step 1: inform the parents about the behavior that you're not very comfortable with; if they do nothing, then Step 2: teach the child yourself in an objective and clam attitude--what he/she learns from you will benefit him/herself in the long run, especially if the parents are not doing the job.
Has the donation been confirmed? if you do work extra hours, let them know--you deserve the respect from them!
BTW, I wonder if a kid can tell the difference of a custom-made cake from a mass-market one. :P I mean, he/she may not get disappointed at the latter choice.
Step 1: inform the parents about the behavior that you're not very comfortable with; if they do nothing, then Step 2: teach the child yourself in an objective and clam attitude--what he/she learns from you will benefit him/herself in the long run, especially if the parents are not doing the job.
For danger, if you've warned the parents and there's witness around, you have not liability, I guess.
To stop the child, usually simply saying NO does not work. :P There has to be consequence of the behavior that he understands. When he started pouring water, I would immediately stop him and let him know what would happen if he keeps doing so--for example, time-out. And, it's his responsibility to wipe the water off. He has to learn that there are rules in your place and he has to follow. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 10:20:08编辑过]
For danger, if you've warned the parents and there's witness around, you have not liability, I guess.
To stop the child, usually simply saying NO does not work. :P There has to be consequence of the behavior that he understands. When he started pouring water, I would immediately stop him and let him know what would happen if he keeps doing so--for example, time-out. And, it's his responsibility to wipe the water off. He has to learn that there are rules in your place and he has to follow.
Everyone has the right to stop wrong behavior and promote correct behavior. In my own place, I would be very clear what the rules are with the kid. Most of the time, these spoiled kids do not listen to their parents, but do respect the authority of others--they know clearly who set limits and who do not.
For danger, if you've warned the parents and there's witness around, you have not liability, I guess.
To stop the child, usually simply saying NO does not work. :P There has to be consequence of the behavior that he understands. When he started pouring water, I would immediately stop him and let him know what would happen if he keeps doing so--for example, time-out. And, it's his responsibility to wipe the water off. He has to learn that there are rules in your place and he has to follow. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 10:20:08编辑过]
For danger, if you've warned the parents and there's witness around, you have not liability, I guess.这个home owner's insurance什么的怎么规定啊?证人,两边都是熟人,我没信心人家一定给我佐证,而不给对方做证的。。。。等真出了大事情哪里会有中立的朋友跑出来说证明亲眼看见我们教育娃,娃不听,娃摔破头所以主人没责任的啊。。。。。。。。。
hehe, 关小黑屋 is not the way to time out. Time out is to accompany him to sit in a quite place, calmly explain what he did wrong, why he's given this time-out, what his responsibility is to correct the wrong behavior. It's a way to calm down the child and a method to teach 'private' lessons. :P
I may say things like this in front of the parents: 'Honey you know we have certain rules here; if you don't follow, other people would get disturbed and we won't be able to enjoy the party together. So I hope that you can follow the rules like everyone else. If you don't, there are consequence that you have to take.'
hehe, 关小黑屋 is not the way to time out. Time out is to accompany him to sit in a quite place, calmly explain what he did wrong, why he's given this time-out, what his responsibility is to correct the wrong behavior. It's a way to calm down the child and a method to teach 'private' lessons. :P
I may say things like this in front of the parents: 'Honey you know we have certain rules here; if you don't follow, other people would get disturbed and we won't be able to enjoy the party together. So I hope that you can follow the rules like everyone else. If you don't, there are consequence that you have to take.'
hehe, 关小黑屋 is not the way to time out. Time out is to accompany him to sit in a quite place, calmly explain what he did wrong, why he's given this time-out, what his responsibility is to correct the wrong behavior. It's a way to calm down the child and a method to teach 'private' lessons. :P
I may say things like this in front of the parents: 'Honey you know we have certain rules here; if you don't follow, other people would get disturbed and we won't be able to enjoy the party together. So I hope that you can follow the rules like everyone else. If you don't, there are consequence that you have to take.'
Everyone has the right to stop wrong behavior and promote correct behavior. In my own place, I would be very clear what the rules are with the kid. Most of the time, these spoiled kids do not listen to their parents, but do respect the authority of others--they know clearly who set limits and who do not.
i doubt that... also wrong behavior you decided may not be viewed as wrong. for instance, some people eat with their mouth open (adults and children). to me, it is wrong/inapprociate. but i dont think i can tell a kid to close the mouth in front of his/her parents.
i doubt that... also wrong behavior you decided may not be viewed as wrong. for instance, some people eat with their mouth open (adults and children). to me, it is wrong/inapprociate. but i dont think i can tell a kid to close the mouth in front of his/her parents.
i doubt that... also wrong behavior you decided may not be viewed as wrong. for instance, some people eat with their mouth open (adults and children). to me, it is wrong/inapprociate. but i dont think i can tell a kid to close the mouth in front of his/her parents.
i doubt that... also wrong behavior you decided may not be viewed as wrong. for instance, some people eat with their mouth open (adults and children). to me, it is wrong/inapprociate. but i dont think i can tell a kid to close the mouth in front of his/her parents.
I'd say, wrong behavior include danger and damage. If the kid damage the floor, it's wrong. And everyone has the right to point it out; especially the owner. If I were there and even if I were not the owner, I would point it out too. Because in most cases I don't think that kids do things wrong because he likes to do things wrong. He simply does not know it's wrong--nobody tells him.
3/4 baking soda 是什么单位?
KP, 那个carrot cake,
3/4 baking soda 是什么单位?
KP, 那个carrot cake,
3/4 baking soda 是什么单位?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 8:30:41编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 9:18:08编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 9:18:08编辑过]
KP我去看了那个情诗, 那个不是很好么, 一点儿不暴露, 不黄啊。。。 偶写的比这个黄多了。。。。抖抖索索的小猴子。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 8:30:41编辑过]
不怪你, 我准备第一次做的话, 根据你的建议先把糖加倍。。 如果甜, 以后再减。。。菠萝, 你是买的罐头么? 我买的冷冻的, 化冻后很软, 一点儿不crunch 啊
不怪你, 我准备第一次做的话, 根据你的建议先把糖加倍。。 如果甜, 以后再减。。。菠萝, 你是买的罐头么? 我买的冷冻的, 化冻后很软, 一点儿不crunch 啊
写错了。。。。。。。。ft , typo好多呀。。。。。
不怪你, 我准备第一次做的话, 根据你的建议先把糖加倍。。 如果甜, 以后再减。。。菠萝, 你是买的罐头么? 我买的冷冻的, 化冻后很软, 一点儿不crunch 啊
以下内容需要威望达到7才可以浏览 刚刚ww7。。。。。。很久没遭遇这样的祸害了,这几年除了刚搬家的时候遇到过一个这样的,后来几年遇到的都是挺好的孩子。今天真是怒了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/13 21:55:51编辑过]
kp, I'm curious about it. Possible to lower the WW for a sec?
20 号
20 号
kp, I'm curious about it. Possible to lower the WW for a sec?
Hehe, went there to read--it does not sound very beautiful to me.
Hehe, went there to read--it does not sound very beautiful to me.
你也不幸跟我一样是看见砒霜没看见熊掌的。。。。我看回文里面也有人说是不是在ask for sex。。。。。。
今天一早来差点heart attack,收到email说要取蛋糕,还以为是我漏掉了别人之前定好的订单。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 8:30:41编辑过]
说说, 是不是很不甜?
你也不幸跟我一样是看见砒霜没看见熊掌的。。。。我看回文里面也有人说是不是在ask for sex。。。。。。
Hehe, sex can be beautiful... I just don't see the poem very elegant--too straight to me... ;P
还尝试过用mascarpone代替cream cheese的豪华版,个人觉得更加好吃。。。。。
或者butter, cream cheese都不要,改用打硬的鲜奶油也很不错。更light,但是会化。。。。
整体特点就是:做法简单no fail,材料都比较天然,胡萝卜比例超级大,口感moist,相对健康,低糖。没有太重的胡萝卜味。
如果做给老外,brown sugar, 和sugar都要加倍。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/15 22:30:04编辑过]
多谢你的recipe,那个擦丝用food processor打就好了吧?
后来那个楼主出来BSO了老公为她做的事情, 就没人再说话了。。。。
说说, 是不是很不甜?
多谢你的recipe,那个擦丝用food processor打就好了吧?
Has the donation been confirmed? if you do work extra hours, let them know--you deserve the respect from them!
BTW, I wonder if a kid can tell the difference of a custom-made cake from a mass-market one. :P I mean, he/she may not get disappointed at the latter choice.
恩, 我决定根据KP建议, 多加一些儿糖先。。 这个没什么trick吧,会发起来不?
能不能用cheese grater? 我做萝卜糕就是用那个擦丝。。
看看俺under pressure做的如何吧~~~~~
恩, 我决定根据KP建议, 多加一些儿糖先。。 这个没什么trick吧,会发起来不?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 9:36:11编辑过]
Read it. Thanks!
What I learned and understand:
Step 1: inform the parents about the behavior that you're not very comfortable with; if they do nothing, then
Step 2: teach the child yourself in an objective and clam attitude--what he/she learns from you will benefit him/herself in the long run, especially if the parents are not doing the job.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 9:58:23编辑过]
面对2010年复杂的经济环境,究竟投资什么才能增值保值,对此郎咸平回答,“08年底09年初,我会叫你炒房;09年三月以后我会让你买黄金;可是到了 2010年的2月这就是很差的时间,第一银行存款,第二买黄金,第三地产,第四股票,现在这四个选择都很糟糕。房地产作为保值增值的产品,也是不能确定的,因此2010年中国不存在能保证增值的投资产品。”
Has the donation been confirmed? if you do work extra hours, let them know--you deserve the respect from them!
BTW, I wonder if a kid can tell the difference of a custom-made cake from a mass-market one. :P I mean, he/she may not get disappointed at the latter choice.
其实偶觉得, 为啥一定要狗出来说是抄袭的呢。。。。 看到喜欢的诗(或者觉得老婆肯定喜欢的诗), 写下来, 给老婆, 不是很正常么? 我们不也常常引用唐诗么。。。 不过我理解可能LZ真的以为是自己写的。。。。。。 看到心版那个14天情人节的帖子, 也是好多人出来, 说什么不能这样啦, 我只等老公来情人节我啦。 我就挺不理解的。。 多好的老婆啊, 那么有心。。。 为什么就一定认定男人不喜欢那些道道呢, 为什么就一定男人不能对他这样好呢。。
后来那个楼主出来BSO了老公为她做的事情, 就没人再说话了。。。。
能不能用cheese grater? 我做萝卜糕就是用那个擦丝。。
Read it. Thanks!
What I learned and understand:
Step 1: inform the parents about the behavior that you're not very comfortable with; if they do nothing, then
Step 2: teach the child yourself in an objective and clam attitude--what he/she learns from you will benefit him/herself in the long run, especially if the parents are not doing the job.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 9:58:23编辑过]
等我上ww哈。。。。 [此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 10:11:23编辑过]
芥个, 我觉得cyprus的法子不行。 任何人没有权利随便教育别人的娃。。。 而且娃不会怕外人的。 芥个就是得拖着娃父母, 让他们擦地。KP太包子了。。 主要是自己没有画线啊。。。
人家对我家地板进水,以后吱嘎响,和地毯潮湿以后长霉又不介意,你拉人家擦,人家阳奉阴违的dab个几下,最后property damage也是我的损失。
芥个, 我觉得cyprus的法子不行。 任何人没有权利随便教育别人的娃。。。 而且娃不会怕外人的。 芥个就是得拖着娃父母, 让他们擦地。KP太包子了。。 主要是自己没有画线啊。。。
等我上ww哈。。。。 以下内容需要威望达到3才可以浏览
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 10:11:23编辑过]
等我上ww哈。。。。 以下内容需要威望达到3才可以浏览
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 10:11:23编辑过]
For danger, if you've warned the parents and there's witness around, you have not liability, I guess.
To stop the child, usually simply saying NO does not work. :P There has to be consequence of the behavior that he understands. When he started pouring water, I would immediately stop him and let him know what would happen if he keeps doing so--for example, time-out. And, it's his responsibility to wipe the water off. He has to learn that there are rules in your place and he has to follow.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 10:20:08编辑过]
For danger, if you've warned the parents and there's witness around, you have not liability, I guess.
To stop the child, usually simply saying NO does not work. :P There has to be consequence of the behavior that he understands. When he started pouring water, I would immediately stop him and let him know what would happen if he keeps doing so--for example, time-out. And, it's his responsibility to wipe the water off. He has to learn that there are rules in your place and he has to follow.
如果跟他说,“你要是再这样,以后我不欢迎你来我家。” 让他父母听到,这样行吗?
nod nod.
Kp,这么说吧,如果你跟着他,说no,就只要一次就够了,但凡你紧张,并重复,对于他就意味着你拿他没办法。no本身就是final word了,不需要合理,解释,这样的energy对方通常可以马上get the message。
Kp,这么说吧,如果你跟着他,说no,就只要一次就够了,但凡你紧张,并重复,对于他就意味着你拿他没办法。no本身就是final word了,不需要合理,解释,这样的energy对方通常可以马上get the message。
芥个, 我觉得cyprus的法子不行。 任何人没有权利随便教育别人的娃。。。 而且娃不会怕外人的。 芥个就是得拖着娃父母, 让他们擦地。KP太包子了。。 主要是自己没有画线啊。。。
Everyone has the right to stop wrong behavior and promote correct behavior. In my own place, I would be very clear what the rules are with the kid. Most of the time, these spoiled kids do not listen to their parents, but do respect the authority of others--they know clearly who set limits and who do not.
Kp,这么说吧,如果你跟着他,说no,就只要一次就够了,但凡你紧张,并重复,对于他就意味着你拿他没办法。no本身就是final word了,不需要合理,解释,这样的energy对方通常可以马上get the message。
下次请他们,注明adults only.哈哈
For danger, if you've warned the parents and there's witness around, you have not liability, I guess.
To stop the child, usually simply saying NO does not work. :P There has to be consequence of the behavior that he understands. When he started pouring water, I would immediately stop him and let him know what would happen if he keeps doing so--for example, time-out. And, it's his responsibility to wipe the water off. He has to learn that there are rules in your place and he has to follow.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/16 10:20:08编辑过]
For danger, if you've warned the parents and there's witness around, you have not liability, I guess.这个home owner's insurance什么的怎么规定啊?证人,两边都是熟人,我没信心人家一定给我佐证,而不给对方做证的。。。。等真出了大事情哪里会有中立的朋友跑出来说证明亲眼看见我们教育娃,娃不听,娃摔破头所以主人没责任的啊。。。。。。。。。
下次请他们,注明adults only.哈哈
对这样不自觉的,注明了adults only也没用,人家会装糊涂
如果跟他说,“你要是再这样,以后我不欢迎你来我家。” 让他父母听到,这样行吗?
hehe, 关小黑屋 is not the way to time out. Time out is to accompany him to sit in a quite place, calmly explain what he did wrong, why he's given this time-out, what his responsibility is to correct the wrong behavior. It's a way to calm down the child and a method to teach 'private' lessons. :P
I may say things like this in front of the parents: 'Honey you know we have certain rules here; if you don't follow, other people would get disturbed and we won't be able to enjoy the party together. So I hope that you can follow the rules like everyone else. If you don't, there are consequence that you have to take.'
如果跟他说,“你要是再这样,以后我不欢迎你来我家。” 让他父母听到,这样行吗?
i dont think you can time out other people's child either
I believe any adult has if one behaves so.
hehe, 关小黑屋 is not the way to time out. Time out is to accompany him to sit in a quite place, calmly explain what he did wrong, why he's given this time-out, what his responsibility is to correct the wrong behavior. It's a way to calm down the child and a method to teach 'private' lessons. :P
I may say things like this in front of the parents: 'Honey you know we have certain rules here; if you don't follow, other people would get disturbed and we won't be able to enjoy the party together. So I hope that you can follow the rules like everyone else. If you don't, there are consequence that you have to take.'
啊。。。。。。。。牛啊。。。。。。。要我LG来学习。我如果讨厌这样的娃,就无法平心静气去讲道理。。。。。恨不得shove out拉倒。。。。。。。
hehe, 关小黑屋 is not the way to time out. Time out is to accompany him to sit in a quite place, calmly explain what he did wrong, why he's given this time-out, what his responsibility is to correct the wrong behavior. It's a way to calm down the child and a method to teach 'private' lessons. :P
I may say things like this in front of the parents: 'Honey you know we have certain rules here; if you don't follow, other people would get disturbed and we won't be able to enjoy the party together. So I hope that you can follow the rules like everyone else. If you don't, there are consequence that you have to take.'
啊。。。。。。。。牛啊。。。。。。。要我LG来学习。我如果讨厌这样的娃,就无法平心静气去讲道理。。。。。恨不得shove out拉倒。。。。。。。
Everyone has the right to stop wrong behavior and promote correct behavior. In my own place, I would be very clear what the rules are with the kid. Most of the time, these spoiled kids do not listen to their parents, but do respect the authority of others--they know clearly who set limits and who do not.
i doubt that... also wrong behavior you decided may not be viewed as wrong. for instance, some people eat with their mouth open (adults and children). to me, it is wrong/inapprociate. but i dont think i can tell a kid to close the mouth in front of his/her parents.
i doubt that... also wrong behavior you decided may not be viewed as wrong. for instance, some people eat with their mouth open (adults and children). to me, it is wrong/inapprociate. but i dont think i can tell a kid to close the mouth in front of his/her parents.
i doubt that... also wrong behavior you decided may not be viewed as wrong. for instance, some people eat with their mouth open (adults and children). to me, it is wrong/inapprociate. but i dont think i can tell a kid to close the mouth in front of his/her parents.
ABC有个节目叫Nanny 911。都是巨专业的大妈nanny,来对付超级恶魔娃。我和zt可喜欢看了,觉得她们真有办法。
i doubt that... also wrong behavior you decided may not be viewed as wrong. for instance, some people eat with their mouth open (adults and children). to me, it is wrong/inapprociate. but i dont think i can tell a kid to close the mouth in front of his/her parents.
I'd say, wrong behavior include danger and damage. If the kid damage the floor, it's wrong. And everyone has the right to point it out; especially the owner. If I were there and even if I were not the owner, I would point it out too. Because in most cases I don't think that kids do things wrong because he likes to do things wrong. He simply does not know it's wrong--nobody tells him.