另一个TPF上的POST: Black caviar jumbo with gold hardware is available at SCP Bloomingdales. I just returned it completely brand new. The tag is there, but it is just detached from the bag. If anybody wants it, call for Erin at (714) 824-4721.
我在phoenix saks看到一个 large black lamb classic flip。不过那个sales很变态,说价格已经涨了,不帮我找包,还要让我去开卡,我晕倒。 还有一个1650的,黑色camera. 反正我是买不到了楼主的包的,叹口气。有个小的10c 羊皮红的,不过是小挎包,要2100。
不少MM送短信给我问我这个包包的购买情况, 昨天和我的SA打过电话, 她说SAKS已经涨价了, 但据TPF, 有些SA还是CHARGE OLD PRICE, 所以还在找包的MM要抓紧了, 这是我在TPF上开来的一个POST: I want to share this with you. I just received this from my SA in Columbus, Ohio. She's in Saks and she said she's still able to ring the old price.
-"jumbo" brown with silver hardware $2650 -"large" navy, brown, beige caviar with gold hardware $2425 -beige GST with gold $2125 -red GST with silver $2125 -black large tote gold and silver "surf" styleA15206 $2400 -beige large tote bag style A15206 "surf" with gold hardware $2400 -small tote bag with gold hardware style A20994 $1495 -small tote bag with gold hardware $2125 style A18004 -caviar classic bag with flap gold or silver hardware style A35731 $1895 -classic caviar black with silver chain style A35200 $1850 -"marine" large lamb with silver chair $2695 -rouge lamb with silver chain $2695 -mini black, rouge & dark blue lamb skin with silver chain style #A35200 $1995 -black and beige tote bag with silver style #A01804 -beige tote with gold hardware style A01804 $2125
Her cell phone number is 614 581 3142 and her work number is 614 430 3500 ext 360
Black caviar jumbo with gold hardware is available at SCP Bloomingdales. I just returned it completely brand new. The tag is there, but it is just detached from the bag. If anybody wants it, call for Erin at (714) 824-4721.
反正我是买不到了楼主的包的,叹口气。有个小的10c 羊皮红的,不过是小挎包,要2100。
I want to share this with you. I just received this from my SA in Columbus, Ohio. She's in Saks and she said she's still able to ring the old price.
-"jumbo" brown with silver hardware $2650
-"large" navy, brown, beige caviar with gold hardware $2425
-beige GST with gold $2125
-red GST with silver $2125
-black large tote gold and silver "surf" styleA15206 $2400
-beige large tote bag style A15206 "surf" with gold hardware $2400
-small tote bag with gold hardware style A20994 $1495
-small tote bag with gold hardware $2125 style A18004
-caviar classic bag with flap gold or silver hardware style A35731 $1895
-classic caviar black with silver chain style A35200 $1850
-"marine" large lamb with silver chair $2695
-rouge lamb with silver chain $2695
-mini black, rouge & dark blue lamb skin with silver chain style #A35200 $1995
-black and beige tote bag with silver style #A01804
-beige tote with gold hardware style A01804 $2125
Her cell phone number is 614 581 3142 and her work number is 614 430 3500 ext 360
her name is Mojie Baharlou
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