这个SA的问题不在做法,在态度。要么别答应,要么答应了没做到说声sorry。 但人家面对很多顾客,他不可能人人都纠缠上10分钟说我们不HOLD的,人都说了不留货你是不是还在那里说我一会就回来?那怎么办,只能敷衍你一下说放一边,难道跟你看店规?搬经理? ======================================== you may refer to this one.
吃着锅里占着盆里的,如果进店的每个顾客都这么不交钱却先要求HOLD,那人家不要卖货了,都坐地上看摊算了 I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed.
I didn't use 10 mintes to beg her to do that, she took it and told me they will be there when I go back. The shoe is not the point, the point is she ignored me after I ask to check in the warehouse for me, she just doesn't care about me as a customer.
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
When a customer feel being treated unfair, does he or she have the right to let them know???????Or should he or she just swallow down and lie to themslef that nothing had happened?????
To those MM, I don't care about your opoin, we have totally different personality.I have lived like you before, and later find out that the more nicer you are, the meaner the other person are.I do not want to be pushed around and take crap!
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself? Why are u so defensive? this is ridiculous!
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed.
I didn't use 10 mintes to beg her to do that, she took it and told me they will be there when I go back. The shoe is not the point, the point is she ignored me after I ask to check in the warehouse for me, she just doesn't care about me as a customer.
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
When a customer feel being treated unfair, does he or she have the right to let them know???????Or should he or she just swallow down and lie to themslef that nothing had happened?????
To those MM, I don't care about your opoin, we have totally different personality.I have lived like you before, and later find out that the more nicer you are, the meaner the other person are.I do not want to be pushed around and take crap!
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed.
I didn't use 10 mintes to beg her to do that, she took it and told me they will be there when I go back. The shoe is not the point, the point is she ignored me after I ask to check in the warehouse for me, she just doesn't care about me as a customer.
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
When a customer feel being treated unfair, does he or she have the right to let them know???????Or should he or she just swallow down and lie to themslef that nothing had happened?????
To those MM, I don't care about your opoin, we have totally different personality.I have lived like you before, and later find out that the more nicer you are, the meaner the other person are.I do not want to be pushed around and take crap!
re, some people are really mean. Being nice just make them meaner and meaner
Don’t see LZ’s logic here. If the saleslady has discrimination against Chinese customers, she wouldn’t agree to give you a favor to hold those shoes though it is against the store policy. Second, she already made it clear to you that it is against store policy and the possibilities of not having these two pairs of shoes when you come back. She agreed to do you a favor under your insistence. This favor is conditional because you are fully aware of the risk associate with it. Don’t think she owes you an apology because she was not able to accomplish it. After all, she was doing you a favor. Third, when you went back after a half hour, she was helping other customers to get shoes. No reason for her to stop whatever she is doing and start looking for shoes for you. You are cutting off line here. She is not your personal shopper, and Her job is to serve Dillard’s customers, not only you.
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed. 既然楼主自己做过SALES,那你说说如果是你你会怎么做?答应你然后帮你HOLD?很明显,作为一个SALES你违反了店规,你可能错过很多销售的机会,但是答应你不帮你HOLD,会被你COMPLAIN,那是不是只能不答应你,不帮你HOLD?才是对的?你到底想让人怎样,你错在先还要人家跟你道歉,花钱找上帝的感觉是吧,去爱马仕店让人给你HOLD BIRKIN然后COMPLAIN啊,看看有没有人摆出一堆给你挑然后给你打折。 看到你说人家嫉妒你拿折扣这句话,就明白你的小家子气程度已经超出了我可以沟通人群的临界值。不过确实要多几个楼主这样的人华人待遇才会提高,楼主办事风格和效果跟黑人大妈差不多的,当时你有没有说你是中国人?还是说人家歧视亚洲人了?怎么你给我感觉跟那种一上来就大嗓门表示我不好惹,还有一来就说表看不起我们农村的很像啊,人没把你怎样你先把自己降一等。用脚丫子都想得出来当时经理跪在地上请你试穿的时候很爽吧,我欺负老美了,我为国争光了。 [此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 13:47:57编辑过]
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed. 既然楼主自己做过SALES,那你说说如果是你你会怎么做?答应你然后帮你HOLD?很明显,作为一个SALES你违反了店规,你可能错过很多销售的机会,但是答应你不帮你HOLD,会被你COMPLAIN,那是不是只能不答应你,不帮你HOLD?才是对的?你到底想让人怎样,你错在先还要人家跟你道歉,最烦这种拿钱找上帝感觉的顾客了,要显示权威要撒娇回家去。 不过看到你说人家嫉妒你拿折扣这句话,就明白跟你沟通无能了,你跟大多数华人MM不在一个层次,不过确实华人中要多几个楼主这样的人华人待遇才会提高啊,楼主办事风格和效果跟黑人大妈差不多的。
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed. 既然楼主自己做过SALES,那你说说如果是你你会怎么做?答应你然后帮你HOLD?很明显,作为一个SALES你违反了店规,你可能错过很多销售的机会,但是答应你不帮你HOLD,会被你COMPLAIN,那是不是只能不答应你,不帮你HOLD?才是对的?你到底想让人怎样,你错在先还要人家跟你道歉,花钱找上帝的感觉是吧,去爱马仕店让人给你HOLD BIRKIN然后COMPLAIN啊,看看有没有人摆出一堆给你挑然后给你打折。 看到你说人家嫉妒你拿折扣这句话,就明白你的小家子气程度已经超出了我可以沟通人群的临界值。不过确实要多几个楼主这样的人华人待遇才会提高,楼主办事风格和效果跟黑人大妈差不多的,当时你有没有说你是中国人?还是说人家歧视亚洲人了?怎么你给我感觉跟那种一上来就大嗓门表示我不好惹,还有一来就说表看不起我们农村的很像啊,人没把你怎样你先把自己降一等。用脚丫子都想得出来当时经理跪在地上请你试穿的时候很爽吧,我欺负老美了,我为国争光了。 [此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 13:47:57编辑过]
you can get your point across without being mean and degrading
Don’t see LZ’s logic here. If the saleslady has discrimination against Chinese customers, she wouldn’t agree to give you a favor to hold those shoes though it is against the store policy. Second, she already made it clear to you that it is against store policy and the possibilities of not having these two pairs of shoes when you come back. She agreed to do you a favor under your insistence. This favor is conditional because you are fully aware of the risk associate with it. Don’t think she owes you an apology because she was not able to accomplish it. After all, she was doing you a favor. Third, when you went back after a half hour, she was helping other customers to get shoes. No reason for her to stop whatever she is doing and start looking for shoes for you. You are cutting off line here. She is not your personal shopper, and Her job is to serve Dillard’s customers, not only you. 我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect.. re
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself? This is so mean! 我一开始觉得就是大家执不同观点而已。但是这句话觉得象人身攻击了.
Yes, it is about personality. I don't think it is about some mms would choose standing up for your rights and other mms giving up their rights. There is nothing principle, and no rights involved, just a SA failed to deliver the additional help she promised and didn't say sorry to lzmm.
Yes, it is about personality. I don't think it is about some mms would choose standing up for your rights and other mms giving up their rights. There is nothing principle, and no rights involved, just a SA failed to deliver the additional help she promised and didn't say sorry to lzmm.
我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
Don’t see LZ’s logic here. If the saleslady has discrimination against Chinese customers, she wouldn’t agree to give you a favor to hold those shoes though it is against the store policy. Second, she already made it clear to you that it is against store policy and the possibilities of not having these two pairs of shoes when you come back. She agreed to do you a favor under your insistence. This favor is conditional because you are fully aware of the risk associate with it. Don’t think she owes you an apology because she was not able to accomplish it. After all, she was doing you a favor. Third, when you went back after a half hour, she was helping other customers to get shoes. No reason for her to stop whatever she is doing and start looking for shoes for you. You are cutting off line here. She is not your personal shopper, and Her job is to serve Dillard’s customers, not only you. 我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
要想别人尊重你,首先应想想如何尊重别人? 首先是楼主无视店家的规矩,对SA提出为难要求的。店家应该使客人满意,前提是客人遵守店家的规矩。如果您不喜欢这家店的规矩,可以不去。去了,就要尊重店家的规矩,这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个人最起码应该有的decency么?The sales already told her there is possibility that shoes will be gone when she is back and it is against store policy. 为什么要店员为她无视规矩的行为后果道歉?
Don’t see LZ’s logic here. If the saleslady has discrimination against Chinese customers, she wouldn’t agree to give you a favor to hold those shoes though it is against the store policy. Second, she already made it clear to you that it is against store policy and the possibilities of not having these two pairs of shoes when you come back. She agreed to do you a favor under your insistence. This favor is conditional because you are fully aware of the risk associate with it. Don’t think she owes you an apology because she was not able to accomplish it. After all, she was doing you a favor. Third, when you went back after a half hour, she was helping other customers to get shoes. No reason for her to stop whatever she is doing and start looking for shoes for you. You are cutting off line here. She is not your personal shopper, and Her job is to serve Dillard’s customers, not only you. 我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
要想别人尊重你,首先应想想如何尊重别人? 首先是楼主无视店家的规矩,对SA提出为难要求的。店家应该使客人满意,前提是客人遵守店家的规矩。如果您不喜欢这家店的规矩,可以不去。去了,就要尊重店家的规矩,这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个人最起码应该有的decency么?The sales already told her there is possibility that shoes will be gone when she is back and it is against store policy. 为什么要店员为她无视规矩的行为后果道歉?
我觉得,SA对中国人的态度普遍比较冷淡,其中一方面的原因就是,咱们从来不抱怨,要是同样的事情发生在一个黑人的身上,可能连官司都打出来了,说是种族歧视, BLABLA的。。。。。 咱们倒好,从小到大都是很乖很听话的履行责任,即便买东西也是,小心翼翼,别踩别人的尾巴,人家对你NICE一点点,倒是非常局促了。。。还有一方面就是对自己没有自信,怕英语不好啦,怕不明白规则啦,觉得能躲就躲,惹不起还躲不起么?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/27 16:04:31编辑过]
后来经理说,你穿几号,想要什么样子的鞋子,我说,真的不用,我本来就看中黑色皮高跟鞋可以穿着去PARTY的,他说,你一定等我一下,在他帮我的同时,那两个Sa真是绕道走啊~~我继续填写我的COMPLAIN,也不忘同时表扬鞋子经理的高效率办事。 这时候看到经理从仓库里捧了大概7双出来,单脚跪下,让我试穿。。。。人家年纪这么大,还帮我试穿,让我真不好意思,就很快的试了其中两双,然后说“我要这双!”他说,好,去柜台打了价格,是120到89的,然后他继续给我打3折,到了27块,我当时都没有想到的,他说,“我真的想让你开心的离开”我说“ 谢谢,这是我填好的COMPLAIN,我抱怨的目的不是为了拿到便宜的东西,就是觉得有些行为不能姑息!!” 然后把另外一双BCBG也买了,当时就付了现金,有点担心用信用卡,会被那两个sa会屏蔽,或者做些什么小动作, 然后经理很肯定的跟我说“ 你的抱怨,我一定会严肃处理”,然后我回家了。 故事完
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/27 14:44:46编辑过]
我就是觉得那个SA不够专业,不能冷静思考她的职责和店规,好心做出了错事…… 还一时不能认识到自己的错误……
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 8:59:09编辑过]
你这种顾客很讨厌你知道么,从来不站在别人的角度考虑问题,不是中国人外国人的问题,你说放一边再付款,你面对的是一个SALES,但人家面对很多顾客,他不可能人人都纠缠上10分钟说我们不HOLD的,人都说了不留货你是不是还在那里说我一会就回来?那怎么办,只能敷衍你一下说放一边,难道跟你看店规?搬经理?你以为SALES就是站在那里服务顾客么,人家有库存,搬货,整理很多事情要做,人人都说要HOLD 不来拿怎么办,答应你那其他顾客是不是也可以HOLD?人家是不是应该放回货架,如果几个顾客HOLD几双,人还卖不卖?如果有顾客看上鞋了,她说不卖。我们HOLD了?你要人家怎么做。这种要求本来就不是人家份内之事,做到就FAVOR,没做到你还不爽。好像人家是你的PERSONAL ASSISTANT似的,,还书面COMPLAIN人家,小到买书,大到买房,是不是说了我要就给留货啊。我都不愿意伺候你这样的顾客,极品一只。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 8:59:09编辑过]
说的有点不太好听。。 但是~~ 我觉得说的有理。
SA面对的是很多很多顾客。也许MM后来去的时候,她认为和你说清楚了,就去忙别的顾客了。 如果她来照顾你,不理别的顾客,其他人又会觉得她不理自己了。周末一般都很忙,稍微怠慢点我觉得也情有可原。
这个SA的问题不在做法,在态度。要么别答应,要么答应了没做到说声sorry。 但人家面对很多顾客,他不可能人人都纠缠上10分钟说我们不HOLD的,人都说了不留货你是不是还在那里说我一会就回来?那怎么办,只能敷衍你一下说放一边,难道跟你看店规?搬经理?
you may refer to this one.
以下是引用hanagirl在1/27/2010 6:18:00 PM的发言:
你这种顾客很讨厌你知道么,从来不站在别人的角度考虑问题,不是中国人外国人的问题,你说放一边再付款,你面对的是一个SALES,但人家面对很多顾客,他不可能人人都纠缠上10分钟说我们不HOLD的,人都说了不留货你是不是还在那里说我一会就回来?那怎么办,只能敷衍你一下说放一边,难道跟你看店规?搬经理?你以为SALES就是站在那里服务顾客么,人家有库存,搬货,整理很多事情要做,人人都说要HOLD 不来拿怎么办,答应你那其他顾客是不是也可以HOLD?人家是不是应该放回货架,如果几个顾客HOLD几双,人还卖不卖?如果有顾客看上鞋了,她说不卖。我们HOLD了?你要人家怎么做。这种要求本来就不是人家份内之事,做到就FAVOR,没做到你还不爽。好像人家是你的PERSONAL ASSISTANT似的,,还书面COMPLAIN人家,小到买书,大到买房,是不是说了我要就给留货啊。我都不愿意伺候你这样的顾客,极品一只。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 8:59:09编辑过]
RE 话糙理不糙
RE 话糙理不糙
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 10:18:12编辑过]
以下是引用hanagirl在1/27/2010 6:18:00 PM的发言:
Agree. My friend deal with SA/managers a lot. She once told me dont' expect the manager on your side, even she act like this way.
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed.
I didn't use 10 mintes to beg her to do that, she took it and told me they will be there when I go back.
The shoe is not the point, the point is she ignored me after I ask to check in the warehouse for me, she just doesn't care about me as a customer.
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
When a customer feel being treated unfair, does he or she have the right to let them know???????Or should he or she just swallow down and lie to themslef that nothing had happened?????
To those MM, I don't care about your opoin, we have totally different personality.I have lived like you before, and later find out that the more nicer you are, the meaner the other person are.I do not want to be pushed around and take crap!
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
Why are u so defensive? this is ridiculous!
刚才回第一个帖的时候,没仔细看其他人的留言。ls的那位你也太会揣度了吧。 华人里有的mm真的好可怕。 最让我觉得可怕的一次是我在换班发了一个local craigslist 上卖2手名牌包的照片询问这包真假。结果都有人跳出来揣度我是来换班探路的。意思就是等我侦察清楚了,如果没人发觉,我就会来换班卖假包。真是跳进黄河也洗不清啊。
IIs that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
IIs that because I got the discount that you couldn't get?
re this one.... 真没必要这么说。就这么一句就可以看出楼主的personality了。也不是不好,就是挺aggressive。
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed.
I didn't use 10 mintes to beg her to do that, she took it and told me they will be there when I go back.
The shoe is not the point, the point is she ignored me after I ask to check in the warehouse for me, she just doesn't care about me as a customer.
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
When a customer feel being treated unfair, does he or she have the right to let them know???????Or should he or she just swallow down and lie to themslef that nothing had happened?????
To those MM, I don't care about your opoin, we have totally different personality.I have lived like you before, and later find out that the more nicer you are, the meaner the other person are.I do not want to be pushed around and take crap!
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
其实很多MM也没觉得是你不对,只是大周末的SALES也很忙,忙起来了可能很多事做的不周全。他们肯定是有一些过失才让MM这么不高兴。只是觉得Mm反应有点过激了,小题大做。。 换句话就是,得理不饶人。
结果看到上面的话,更彻底。。。 还是溜走吧
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed.
I didn't use 10 mintes to beg her to do that, she took it and told me they will be there when I go back.
The shoe is not the point, the point is she ignored me after I ask to check in the warehouse for me, she just doesn't care about me as a customer.
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
When a customer feel being treated unfair, does he or she have the right to let them know???????Or should he or she just swallow down and lie to themslef that nothing had happened?????
To those MM, I don't care about your opoin, we have totally different personality.I have lived like you before, and later find out that the more nicer you are, the meaner the other person are.I do not want to be pushed around and take crap!
re, some people are really mean. Being nice just make them meaner and meaner
RE 话糙理不糙
RE 话糙理不糙
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 12:03:00编辑过]
要我遇到这种态度的sa,我也生气。其实都不是hold不hold的事情了。我不觉得lz mm是无理取闹来着。
有一次去买车,有个老资格的sa爱理不理的,还很美好脸色地说不能还价。我跟老公回头就找了个华人的团购,总共14辆suv,每辆车起码5000刀的折扣,0 down, 0 interest, 全部给了一个新来的最年轻的华人sa,看得那群老资格的sa们嘴都合不拢了。听说那个新sa第二天就升了职,一个月内又接了一次华人团购。。。。愚蠢的洋人sa啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 12:38:24编辑过]
有一次去买车,有个老资格的sa爱理不理的,还很美好脸色地说不能还价。我跟老公回头就找了个华人的团购,总共14辆suv,每辆车起码5000刀的折扣,0 down, 0 interest, 全部给了一个新来的最年轻的华人sa,看得那群老资格的sa们嘴都合不拢了。听说那个新sa第二天就升了职,一个月内又接了一次华人团购。。。。愚蠢的洋人sa啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 12:38:24编辑过]
Don’t see LZ’s logic here. If the saleslady has discrimination against Chinese customers, she wouldn’t agree to give you a favor to hold those shoes though it is against the store policy. Second, she already made it clear to you that it is against store policy and the possibilities of not having these two pairs of shoes when you come back. She agreed to do you a favor under your insistence. This favor is conditional because you are fully aware of the risk associate with it. Don’t think she owes you an apology because she was not able to accomplish it. After all, she was doing you a favor. Third, when you went back after a half hour, she was helping other customers to get shoes. No reason for her to stop whatever she is doing and start looking for shoes for you. You are cutting off line here. She is not your personal shopper, and Her job is to serve Dillard’s customers, not only you.
老美的抱怨也不少。TPF上忘了哪个版面有个前Dillards 的人就说那里的工作环境很不好,新人没有特别好的培训,老人会欺负新人 BLAH BLAH,她就是忍受不了做了没多久就换工作了。那里员工的turnover rate也高,所以好多人都没什么如何好好handle Customer的经验吧
所以那第一个Sales也可能是确实是忙着别的了,也没什么handle customer complaint的经验,顾不上管LZ。她要真是冷淡LZ,一开始可能就不会答应帮LZ放着。以前在TPF看一个老美说在Dillards发飙的经历好像也是跟HOLD有关,她那个比LZ还恶。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 13:21:01编辑过]
既然楼主自己做过SALES,那你说说如果是你你会怎么做?答应你然后帮你HOLD?很明显,作为一个SALES你违反了店规,你可能错过很多销售的机会,但是答应你不帮你HOLD,会被你COMPLAIN,那是不是只能不答应你,不帮你HOLD?才是对的?你到底想让人怎样,你错在先还要人家跟你道歉,花钱找上帝的感觉是吧,去爱马仕店让人给你HOLD BIRKIN然后COMPLAIN啊,看看有没有人摆出一堆给你挑然后给你打折。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 13:47:57编辑过]
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed.
有一次去买车,有个老资格的sa爱理不理的,还很美好脸色地说不能还价。我跟老公回头就找了个华人的团购,总共14辆suv,每辆车起码5000刀的折扣,0 down, 0 interest, 全部给了一个新来的最年轻的华人sa,看得那群老资格的sa们嘴都合不拢了。听说那个新sa第二天就升了职,一个月内又接了一次华人团购。。。。愚蠢的洋人sa啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 12:38:24编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 13:36:53编辑过]
哇,你好凶啊, 我说了我纯粹是表明我对hold 的看法,我又没说你,你吃炸药了?
I am not the employee there, but she is, so she is responsible to Not make a commitment to me something she can't garuntee to get me out of her hair as quick as she can. And plus to applogygize when she failed.
既然楼主自己做过SALES,那你说说如果是你你会怎么做?答应你然后帮你HOLD?很明显,作为一个SALES你违反了店规,你可能错过很多销售的机会,但是答应你不帮你HOLD,会被你COMPLAIN,那是不是只能不答应你,不帮你HOLD?才是对的?你到底想让人怎样,你错在先还要人家跟你道歉,花钱找上帝的感觉是吧,去爱马仕店让人给你HOLD BIRKIN然后COMPLAIN啊,看看有没有人摆出一堆给你挑然后给你打折。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 13:47:57编辑过]
you can get your point across without being mean and degrading
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 14:01:46编辑过]
Don’t see LZ’s logic here. If the saleslady has discrimination against Chinese customers, she wouldn’t agree to give you a favor to hold those shoes though it is against the store policy. Second, she already made it clear to you that it is against store policy and the possibilities of not having these two pairs of shoes when you come back. She agreed to do you a favor under your insistence. This favor is conditional because you are fully aware of the risk associate with it. Don’t think she owes you an apology because she was not able to accomplish it. After all, she was doing you a favor. Third, when you went back after a half hour, she was helping other customers to get shoes. No reason for her to stop whatever she is doing and start looking for shoes for you. You are cutting off line here. She is not your personal shopper, and Her job is to serve Dillard’s customers, not only you.
我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
我在国内也客串在朋友的外贸童装店里玩一天,可以告诉你,那一个下午,5个小时的时间,我帮她卖掉4000人名币的童装,她都呆了,当时很多客人在店里打电话叫她们的朋友马上来,我很明白做SA跟做人一样,要有礼有节,答应客人的事情,她能忘掉,我不能,我通常看到有瑕疵的东西就算客人没有看到我也马上指出,然后如果她还要,我立马打折,这样以后这个客人会是非常牢固的客户。当然在国内那个是玩的,朋友很高兴,请我大吃一顿。在美国我也开EBAY, AMAZON过,客人一下单子,我一定当晚打包好,第二天寄出去,第三天还没有寄的,我一定通知她们,后来孩子多了,就改行了。
mm不要生气了, 我觉得mm没有做错, 有理走遍天下, 有理更加不用委屈自己. 很多中国人怕麻烦, 就算受了欺负也不敢说, 我觉得这点真的要跟黑人学习学习...
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
其实很多MM也没觉得是你不对,只是大周末的SALES也很忙,忙起来了可能很多事做的不周全。他们肯定是有一些过失才让MM这么不高兴。只是觉得Mm反应有点过激了,小题大做。。 换句话就是,得理不饶人。
结果看到上面的话,更彻底。。。 还是溜走吧
本来没想爬楼的,现在都爬完了,同一这个mm 说的话,agressive, 易激怒
btw, 误入这个楼,现在我要离开了, 楼主不要亲我
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/28 14:21:42编辑过]
我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
I don't understand Why some MM are so mad about me?
Is that because I got the discount that you couldn't get? Is that because I use the store policy to defend myself?
This is so mean! 我一开始觉得就是大家执不同观点而已。但是这句话觉得象人身攻击了.
楼主连一个脸色都看不了,那你这样说人家MM, 人家会不会很不舒服?
Yes, it is about personality. I don't think it is about some mms would choose standing up for your rights and other mms giving up their rights. There is nothing principle, and no rights involved, just a SA failed to deliver the additional help she promised and didn't say sorry to lzmm.
我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
re, what's wrong with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lz是美女…… 不过照片删了,楼里看过的都说是美女,而且很能淘deal
Post By:1/28/2010 2:02:00 PM
以下是引用javacity在1/28/2010 1:10:00 PM的发言:
Don’t see LZ’s logic here. If the saleslady has discrimination against Chinese customers, she wouldn’t agree to give you a favor to hold those shoes though it is against the store policy. Second, she already made it clear to you that it is against store policy and the possibilities of not having these two pairs of shoes when you come back. She agreed to do you a favor under your insistence. This favor is conditional because you are fully aware of the risk associate with it. Don’t think she owes you an apology because she was not able to accomplish it. After all, she was doing you a favor. Third, when you went back after a half hour, she was helping other customers to get shoes. No reason for her to stop whatever she is doing and start looking for shoes for you. You are cutting off line here. She is not your personal shopper, and Her job is to serve Dillard’s customers, not only you.
我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
要想别人尊重你,首先应想想如何尊重别人? 首先是楼主无视店家的规矩,对SA提出为难要求的。店家应该使客人满意,前提是客人遵守店家的规矩。如果您不喜欢这家店的规矩,可以不去。去了,就要尊重店家的规矩,这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个人最起码应该有的decency么?The sales already told her there is possibility that shoes will be gone when she is back and it is against store policy. 为什么要店员为她无视规矩的行为后果道歉?
Post By:1/28/2010 2:02:00 PM
以下是引用javacity在1/28/2010 1:10:00 PM的发言:
Don’t see LZ’s logic here. If the saleslady has discrimination against Chinese customers, she wouldn’t agree to give you a favor to hold those shoes though it is against the store policy. Second, she already made it clear to you that it is against store policy and the possibilities of not having these two pairs of shoes when you come back. She agreed to do you a favor under your insistence. This favor is conditional because you are fully aware of the risk associate with it. Don’t think she owes you an apology because she was not able to accomplish it. After all, she was doing you a favor. Third, when you went back after a half hour, she was helping other customers to get shoes. No reason for her to stop whatever she is doing and start looking for shoes for you. You are cutting off line here. She is not your personal shopper, and Her job is to serve Dillard’s customers, not only you.
我才没看到logic..lz问一下起码SA应该说哎呀不好意思卖掉了..抱歉..什么discrimination..什么cut off the line..什么hold policy..都无所谓..你答应一个人的事没有做到应该有起码的歉意..如果说声sorry..我觉得lz也肯定就算了..这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个SA最起码的professional么...lz压根没要求personal shopper any special service..她不过要求一个customer基本的权利罢了..或者做人最基本的被respect..
要想别人尊重你,首先应想想如何尊重别人? 首先是楼主无视店家的规矩,对SA提出为难要求的。店家应该使客人满意,前提是客人遵守店家的规矩。如果您不喜欢这家店的规矩,可以不去。去了,就要尊重店家的规矩,这难道不是做人基本的礼貌..一个人最起码应该有的decency么?The sales already told her there is possibility that shoes will be gone when she is back and it is against store policy. 为什么要店员为她无视规矩的行为后果道歉?
有为sales consider的心,也为lz considerate一点吧。
有为sales consider的心,也为lz considerate一点吧。
這個不同店家規定不同,有的店sale 的東西就不給hold 滴
我理解樓主,她就是因為sa 的不以為然的態度生氣。。。
我理解樓主,她就是因為sa 的不以為然的態度生氣。。。
对呀 我也理解
对呀 我也理解
俺不是去shopping滴 俺穷。。。