美东时间1日晚,记者收到一封英文报料信,就章子怡涉及的诈捐门提供了一些细节,报料信全文如下: she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
美东时间1日晚,记者收到一封英文报料信,就章子怡涉及的诈捐门提供了一些细节,报料信全文如下: she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
美东时间1日晚,记者收到一封英文报料信,就章子怡涉及的诈捐门提供了一些细节,报料信全文如下: she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
美东时间1日晚,记者收到一封英文报料信,就章子怡涉及的诈捐门提供了一些细节,报料信全文如下: she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
美东时间1日晚,记者收到一封英文报料信,就章子怡涉及的诈捐门提供了一些细节,报料信全文如下: she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
“I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked”
瞎猜哈,会不会是dwd爆的料?否则是哪里来的closest sources??
以下是引用statefarm在2/3/2010 12:47:00 AM的发言:
zz from tianya
美东时间1日晚,记者收到一封英文报料信,就章子怡涉及的诈捐门提供了一些细节,报料信全文如下: she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
美东时间1日晚,记者收到一封英文报料信,就章子怡涉及的诈捐门提供了一些细节,报料信全文如下: she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
美东时间1日晚,记者收到一封英文报料信,就章子怡涉及的诈捐门提供了一些细节,报料信全文如下: she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked 这下章得放下焦头烂额的作假账工作,察内奸去了,无间道啊无间道
其实我个人的感觉,即使他找到CFC愿意帮他们忽悠,这个一个天大的漏洞(就是号称募捐了多少钱,但是现在没有任何和地震相关的组织在合理的时间内收到), 怎么圆谎都圆不全的。我觉得他们就是可能就是大概齐给个说法,然后利用上面有人从上往下地压制舆论,利用所谓的公关和名记从旁边把水搅浑。一般老百姓这样可能就被忽悠了,反正蒙一个算一个。
作者:妩十三 回复日期:2010-02-03 02:48:01
你还是把上面这段话删了吧。你也是专家了,no need to offer free consulting online. 每个人都可以看到你写的东西呢。
你还是把上面这段话删了吧。你也是专家了,no need to offer free consulting online. 每个人都可以看到你写的东西呢。
作者:纳容兰菊爆维哥哥 回复日期:2010-02-03 09:12:05
作者:zq的猫 回复日期:2010-02-03 13:17:39
以下是引用loveklins在2/2/2010 8:06:00 PM的发言:
我觉得是不是最开始定的三个人是:于兰,章子怡,副局长,分别代表老青年演员和领导。后来由于章的丑闻,把她替下,由徐帆补上代表年轻一代的。结果章抱着“不让老娘上老娘偏要上”的蛮劲硬是上了。也许铜菊提前做过章的工作:为你好,你暂时避一避风声吧,这次活动你就别出席了! 谁知章就不吃这一套,精心打扮高调亮相。既然来了,铜菊当然只能忍着,总不能两个人当场对掐吧?
作者:先生的猫 回复日期:2010-02-03 14:24:47
zz from tianya
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
zz from tianya
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
以下是引用statefarm在2/3/2010 12:47:00 AM的发言:
zz from tianya
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
zz from tianya
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
不过这信可信度值得怀疑。里面写的都是Zhang Ziyi。既然是中国人,干吗写英文?还是说这本来就是写给美国媒体,然后美国媒体管不了,转发给中国同事了?
zz from tianya
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
瞎猜哈,会不会是dwd爆的料?否则是哪里来的closest sources??
以下是引用statefarm在2/3/2010 12:47:00 AM的发言:
zz from tianya
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
以下是引用statefarm在2/3/2010 12:53:00 AM的发言:
不过这信可信度值得怀疑。里面写的都是Zhang Ziyi。既然是中国人,干吗写英文?还是说这本来就是写给美国媒体,然后美国媒体管不了,转发给中国同事了?
很想知道到底是什么closest sources 把国际给卖了,
很想知道到底是什么closest sources 把国际给卖了,
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 1:18:35编辑过]
以下是引用Lantern在2/2/2010 10:08:00 PM的发言:
乖乖 那也难怪要死要活娶李过门了 合口味的女王难找啊
咱们可以找到Robert Glover。我觉得Care for Children不敢做假账,他们应该知道利害的,不应该像jll那样不学无术胆大包天那种。如果他们账本出来,肯定有人会盯上找茬。如果他们照实做,那章子怡的钱就是最近几天到账,那章子怡就更惨了。如果他们改收据,显示章子怡的钱两年前到账,那他们就惨了。如果jll拿出来的是ZYZ Foundation的账目,不管怎么做他们都会很惨。他们要是做假账,这里肯定有人能看出来,到时候就算charity fraud没事儿,做假账都能被定罪。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/2 22:10:26编辑过]
1 李是公开的谈恋爱,虽然是小三,也公开,章是偷偷摸摸做小三
2 李本人没有劈腿,章劈腿很多条,明腿是美国猴子,暗腿是n个中国达官贵人
3 李的目的是嫁豪门,章的目的是钱和名
4 李没有标榜自己,章标榜三个代表和国际
以下是引用蕾丝内衣在2/2/2010 7:02:00 PM的发言:
作者:amanda_1978 回复日期:2010-02-03 00:05:59
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 3:19:28编辑过]
作者:可口不可口 回复日期:2010-02-03 14:40:31
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
南都娱乐周刊还采访了北京京都律师事务所律师杨大民,杨律师认为不管章子怡如何解释,目前善款任被截留在她的个人账户上这已是一个既成事实,从法理上来讲她的这种行为已涉嫌刑事犯罪,按照中国的法律来讲她涉嫌 “侵占罪”,中国的法条规定:如果侵占的是救灾款项,将会被从重处罚,如果这些善款被章子怡进行个人使用,她还涉嫌触犯“侵占特定款项罪”。
zz from tianya
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
这篇看句式是中国人写的, 为啥写英文, &为啥用英文发给记者? 发给哪个报的记者, 贴里没提.
划黄线的那句尤其是常见的错误, both... were not...
我觉得咱们8卦归8卦, 8的有根据才有说服力.
这篇看句式是中国人写的, 为啥写英文, &为啥用英文发给记者? 发给哪个报的记者, 贴里没提.
划黄线的那句尤其是常见的错误, both... were not...
我觉得咱们8卦归8卦, 8的有根据才有说服力.
zz from tianya
she received close to 1.7m USD or more than 10m RMB in funds from overseas sources with mostly checks into her personal account on and after her Cannes fundraising. Although she claimed that 5m was pledged but she got about 1.7m. That is what she meant by a lot of people did not pay up In her statement. However, she has kept those received funds in entirety in her personal account for 21 months since the earthquake without putting them into her foundation accounts. (Actually, even if she had had deposited those funds into her accounts, that would have constituted embezzlement according to laws anywhere in the world as she was not an authorized charity at the time of fundraising so she must immediately submit those funds to the earthquake area) in fact, she never seriously proceeded with the "Deyang Resource Center" project. Both Deyang government and Care for Children Foundation announced that they were not aware of such a project. So the simple fact is: Zhang Ziyi kept the 1.7m USD in her own accounts and failed to provide it to the earthquake area. Her excuses are false. Unbelievable. I got those info from her closest sources and therefore shocked
我没明白大家为啥对那封信激动, 它只是把已知的情况翻译成了英文. 我不觉得它是evidence或者爆料, 只是个总结. 还有那个错, 导致它意思都变了. //睡觉去了...
一大早起来,定错表了.... 没赶上课,来看8卦... 账本出来了么?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 6:59:56编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 6:59:56编辑过]
号外号外~~ 同学们今天估计出不了账本了
作者:wl1232009 回复日期:2010-02-03 19:44:48
作者:33333322 回复日期:2010-02-03 20:35:45
骗骗好委屈好委屈 你们都是坏人 都75我 李安导演只抱杨紫琼 于蓝老师只牵徐帆 555555
啊,就这?!不是要拿帐本出来啊... 这算是哪门子的答复,哪怕她章子怡今天当选了人大常委我也不管,账本拿出来先~~~ 这么着糊弄p民,太恶心了
国际脏和鸡00没句真话 吹到现在还挺着呢 人家上面有银~有银~~
作者:马甲密码6个o 回复日期:2010-02-02 16:34:44
作者:笑笑跳 回复日期:2010-02-02 16:27:40
国际脏和鸡00没句真话 吹到现在还挺着呢 人家上面有银~有银~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 7:46:58编辑过]
十年了,都没人和这2个诈骗犯较真。大家一开炮,妖怪就现行啦 哈哈
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 7:46:38编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 3:19:28编辑过]
作者:先生的猫 回复日期:2010-02-03 14:24:47
以下是引用loveklins在2/2/2010 2:10:00 PM的发言:
作者:真真是假假 回复日期:2010-02-03 03:57:34
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/2 18:01:52编辑过]
作者:amanda_1978 回复日期:2010-02-03 00:05:59
作者:翡冷翠的眼泪 回复日期:2010-02-03 23:04:52
搞了半天这个care for children 居然是干这个寄养孤儿的国际业务的阿!
地震后有很多孤儿需要领养~ 歪楼,N年前,喃就在江西某地看到过一个美国的旅行团,实际都是去领养孩子的~
这哪里算真正钓的大鱼,人家也就是和她xxoo, 不会真的娶她。如果真的是喜欢她,还会把她发的又骚又媚的短信在餐桌上和人分享?
1 李是公开的谈恋爱,虽然是小三,也公开,章是偷偷摸摸做小三
2 李本人没有劈腿,章劈腿很多条,明腿是美国猴子,暗腿是n个中国达官贵人
3 李的目的是嫁豪门,章的目的是钱和名
4 李没有标榜自己,章标榜三个代表和国际
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 10:08:23编辑过]
en ,像啥邓姐姐的老公呀,比尔盖茨呀,李嘉诚或者儿子呀,No1或者2的儿子呀
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 10:08:23编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/2/3 10:08:23编辑过]
佩服啊。 她的心理素质很强大。