回来了,中午错过了好多精彩的内容。在补课呢。 先问个问题,我有娃后就买了term life insurance. 我想了解一下,30 年的,如果我在A公司买了,以后价格会不会降低呢?如果想换到另外一家,那么是不是要重新来,还是直接update. 问题二,收入超过16万,是不是只能买 traditional ,这个有限制么?如果我已经有401K. 我的taxman 好像不怎么推荐呀,话说我已经max out 401k, 公司也match 10%, 我还有必要再买 traditional ? 谢谢!!
如果收入超过16万(确切地说是MAGI超过167k),你只能买non-deductible traditional IRA。也就是说你放进traditional IRA当年不抵税,以后退休了盈利拿出来还是要交税。但是今年你可以把non-deductible traditional IRA转换成roth IRA,只要盈利那部分今年一次缴税就可以了。或者还有一个法子,就是max out 401k之后继续contribute,这部分after-tax 401k今年也可以转换成roth IRA,而且不受roth IRA那5千的限制(我自己是打算这样做的)。
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
如果收入超过16万(确切地说是MAGI超过167k),你只能买non-deductible traditional IRA。也就是说你放进traditional IRA当年不抵税,以后退休了盈利拿出来还是要交税。但是今年你可以把non-deductible traditional IRA转换成roth IRA,只要盈利那部分今年一次缴税就可以了。或者还有一个法子,就是max out 401k之后继续contribute,这部分after-tax 401k今年也可以转换成roth IRA,而且不受roth IRA那5千的限制(我自己是打算这样做的)。
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
如果收入超过16万(确切地说是MAGI超过167k),你只能买non-deductible traditional IRA。也就是说你放进traditional IRA当年不抵税,以后退休了盈利拿出来还是要交税。但是今年你可以把non-deductible traditional IRA转换成roth IRA,只要盈利那部分今年一次缴税就可以了。或者还有一个法子,就是max out 401k之后继续contribute,这部分after-tax 401k今年也可以转换成roth IRA,而且不受roth IRA那5千的限制(我自己是打算这样做的)。
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
no no no .. tax tax tax...
if she and her hubby max out from when they start working and investment went really well, they could easily end up with 2mi in 401k, then if they had to take say 200k every year, then tax is a big big problem.
如果收入超过16万(确切地说是MAGI超过167k),你只能买non-deductible traditional IRA。也就是说你放进traditional IRA当年不抵税,以后退休了盈利拿出来还是要交税。但是今年你可以把non-deductible traditional IRA转换成roth IRA,只要盈利那部分今年一次缴税就可以了。或者还有一个法子,就是max out 401k之后继续contribute,这部分after-tax 401k今年也可以转换成roth IRA,而且不受roth IRA那5千的限制(我自己是打算这样做的)。
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
if she and her hubby max out from when they start working and investment went really well, they could easily end up with 2mi in 401k, then if they had to take say 200k every year, then tax is a big big problem.
if she and her hubby max out from when they start working and investment went really well, they could easily end up with 2mi in 401k, then if they had to take say 200k every year, then tax is a big big problem.
your pretax account should not be too big
Is there a requirement which requires you to take certain minimum amount of money from your 401k after retirement?
Do you know what the minimum is? I understand one will need to take out money from 401k after certain age, but haven't be able to find out if there is a minimum requirement.
wiki: Required minimum distributions An account owner must begin making distributions from their accounts by April 1 of the calendar year after turning age 70? or April 1 of the calendar year after retiring, whichever is later. The amount of distributions is based on life expectancy according to the relevant factors from the appropriate IRS tables. The only exception to minimum distribution are for people still working once they reach that age, and the exception only applies to the current plan they are participating in. Required minimum distributions apply to both pre-tax and after-tax Roth contributions. Only a Roth IRA is not subject to minimum distribution rules. Other than the exception for continuing to work after age 70? differs from the rules for IRA minimum distributions. The same penalty applies to the failure to make the minimum distribution. The penalty is 50% of the amount that should have been distributed, one of the most severe penalties the IRS applies. In response to the economic crisis, Congress suspended the RMD requirement for 2009.
wiki: Required minimum distributions An account owner must begin making distributions from their accounts by April 1 of the calendar year after turning age 70? or April 1 of the calendar year after retiring, whichever is later. The amount of distributions is based on life expectancy according to the relevant factors from the appropriate IRS tables. The only exception to minimum distribution are for people still working once they reach that age, and the exception only applies to the current plan they are participating in. Required minimum distributions apply to both pre-tax and after-tax Roth contributions. Only a Roth IRA is not subject to minimum distribution rules. Other than the exception for continuing to work after age 70? differs from the rules for IRA minimum distributions. The same penalty applies to the failure to make the minimum distribution. The penalty is 50% of the amount that should have been distributed, one of the most severe penalties the IRS applies. In response to the economic crisis, Congress suspended the RMD requirement for 2009.
I found this 401k minimum distribution calculator online:
according to this calculator, if one has 1mil in 401k and plans to take out money when turning 70, the minimum distribution is only about $36k. Not too bad ah.
if she and her hubby max out from when they start working and investment went really well, they could easily end up with 2mi in 401k, then if they had to take say 200k every year, then tax is a big big problem.
Required minimum distributions An account owner must begin making distributions from their accounts by April 1 of the calendar year after turning age 70? or April 1 of the calendar year after retiring, whichever is later. The amount of distributions is based on life expectancy according to the relevant factors from the appropriate IRS tables. The only exception to minimum distribution are for people still working once they reach that age, and the exception only applies to the current plan they are participating in. Required minimum distributions apply to both pre-tax and after-tax Roth contributions. Only a Roth IRA is not subject to minimum distribution rules. Other than the exception for continuing to work after age 70? differs from the rules for IRA minimum distributions. The same penalty applies to the failure to make the minimum distribution. The penalty is 50% of the amount that should have been distributed, one of the most severe penalties the IRS applies. In response to the economic crisis, Congress suspended the RMD requirement for 2009.
那段红字真的假的?那就是说roth 401k也有minimum distribution requirement? 我还以为和roth ira一样没有呢。
你前面说max out 401k then you can continue to contribute?
yes, that's your after-tax contribution. You do not get any current tax benefit for after-tax contribution, but in the year 2010, you can convert the entire amount to Roth IRA.
以下是引用burlington3在1/8/2010 4:46:00 PM的发言: 继续抓住问,401k fidelity,如果2009 年已经max out,现在还可以继续往里面投钱,可以买任何股票么?还算2009年,然后4月之前就可以转roth? 我的理解对么?而且没有5000限制?too good to be true?
Here is what I found online about after tax 401k contribution.
After-Tax / Total 401k Contributions In addition to the pre-tax or tax-deferred contributions you can make to your 401k plan, your plan may also allow employees to make after tax-contributions. When after-tax contributions are added to pre-tax contributions, this becomes your total 401k contribution - which also has a limit. In 2009, the total that can be contributed to a 401k plan is $49,000 or 100% of your compensation - whichever is less. In 2010, this total 401k contribution limit could have been indexed to inflation and could have move up in $1,000 increments. However, the 2010 limit remained the same at $49,000. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/8 17:53:58编辑过]
早上看见了summer的话,来说说lv 这次去主要收获是吃uffet和看show,美食我喜欢,而且现在吃buffet成了专业人士,少量多样不过量坚持得非常好~show看的o,很享受光影色彩(包括水的舞台)和音乐,对杂技本身倒是一般般。看了jubilee,很闪、有美女,也有身材不太好的。几个有名hotel的内部景致尚可,看个意思,venetian坐gondola也不错,过桥的时候看不到外面,可以yy一下真的威尼斯。可惜没看到我最感兴趣的埃及味儿luxor。bellagio的喷泉很好,只要音乐好就很有感觉。\ 总体来说,要想在LV玩得爽,得有冒险和敬玩精神。尤其是东海岸过去的,有时差,好多东西都是晚上才开,或者开到很晚,要投入不少精力体力。冒险精神比如SKYDIVE啊、plane tour to Grand Canyon啊,我都是想想风险就算了。赌也是,只玩了不到10刀的slot machine,也没有很投入。 总结,我的激情水平不太适合lv
早上看见了summer的话,来说说lv 这次去主要收获是吃uffet和看show,美食我喜欢,而且现在吃buffet成了专业人士,少量多样不过量坚持得非常好~show看的o,很享受光影色彩(包括水的舞台)和音乐,对杂技本身倒是一般般。看了jubilee,很闪、有美女,也有身材不太好的。几个有名hotel的内部景致尚可,看个意思,venetian坐gondola也不错,过桥的时候看不到外面,可以yy一下真的威尼斯。可惜没看到我最感兴趣的埃及味儿luxor。bellagio的喷泉很好,只要音乐好就很有感觉。\ 总体来说,要想在LV玩得爽,得有冒险和敬玩精神。尤其是东海岸过去的,有时差,好多东西都是晚上才开,或者开到很晚,要投入不少精力体力。冒险精神比如SKYDIVE啊、plane tour to Grand Canyon啊,我都是想想风险就算了。赌也是,只玩了不到10刀的slot machine,也没有很投入。 总结,我的激情水平不太适合lv
三宝妈, 你那个么有必要再买了。
好像这两年traditional 可以转 roth。 但是我印象中2010 就结束了, 你再问问。
我的roth 现在是roth 401k, 所以对roth ira好久不关注了。。
六腑(空心的容器):小肠、胆、胃、大肠、膀胱, 三焦(是胸腔腹腔的合并)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/8 16:15:28编辑过]
先问个问题,我有娃后就买了term life insurance. 我想了解一下,30 年的,如果我在A公司买了,以后价格会不会降低呢?如果想换到另外一家,那么是不是要重新来,还是直接update.
问题二,收入超过16万,是不是只能买 traditional ,这个有限制么?如果我已经有401K. 我的taxman 好像不怎么推荐呀,话说我已经max out 401k, 公司也match 10%, 我还有必要再买 traditional ?
如果收入超过16万(确切地说是MAGI超过167k),你只能买non-deductible traditional IRA。也就是说你放进traditional IRA当年不抵税,以后退休了盈利拿出来还是要交税。但是今年你可以把non-deductible traditional IRA转换成roth IRA,只要盈利那部分今年一次缴税就可以了。或者还有一个法子,就是max out 401k之后继续contribute,这部分after-tax 401k今年也可以转换成roth IRA,而且不受roth IRA那5千的限制(我自己是打算这样做的)。
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
三宝妈, 你那个么有必要再买了。
好像这两年traditional 可以转 roth。 但是我印象中2010 就结束了, 你再问问。
我的roth 现在是roth 401k, 所以对roth ira好久不关注了。。
Do you mean after 2010 I can't convert a T. IRA to Roth?
如果收入超过16万(确切地说是MAGI超过167k),你只能买non-deductible traditional IRA。也就是说你放进traditional IRA当年不抵税,以后退休了盈利拿出来还是要交税。但是今年你可以把non-deductible traditional IRA转换成roth IRA,只要盈利那部分今年一次缴税就可以了。或者还有一个法子,就是max out 401k之后继续contribute,这部分after-tax 401k今年也可以转换成roth IRA,而且不受roth IRA那5千的限制(我自己是打算这样做的)。
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
她已经max out了401, 我假设她那个是traditional 401, 就是睡前。 那如果地下30年的话, 她到时候这儿一块就很大了。 要是再加IRA, 到时候必须按照什么提出来, 是个big tax headache.
如果收入超过16万(确切地说是MAGI超过167k),你只能买non-deductible traditional IRA。也就是说你放进traditional IRA当年不抵税,以后退休了盈利拿出来还是要交税。但是今年你可以把non-deductible traditional IRA转换成roth IRA,只要盈利那部分今年一次缴税就可以了。或者还有一个法子,就是max out 401k之后继续contribute,这部分after-tax 401k今年也可以转换成roth IRA,而且不受roth IRA那5千的限制(我自己是打算这样做的)。
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
ira, roth ira, roth 401k,具体哪个和167k有关?是不是超过了167k就没有任何tax benefit了?
她已经max out了401, 我假设她那个是traditional 401, 就是睡前。 那如果地下30年的话, 她到时候这儿一块就很大了。 要是再加IRA, 到时候必须按照什么提出来, 是个big tax headache.
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
no no no .. tax tax tax...
if she and her hubby max out from when they start working and investment went really well, they could easily end up with 2mi in 401k, then if they had to take say 200k every year, then tax is a big big problem.
your pretax account should not be too big
这个我也一直是这么理解的,昨天看"smart woman finish rich"他提到价格会每年变化的,可以要求更新价格,这点我要再确认一下。
如果收入超过16万(确切地说是MAGI超过167k),你只能买non-deductible traditional IRA。也就是说你放进traditional IRA当年不抵税,以后退休了盈利拿出来还是要交税。但是今年你可以把non-deductible traditional IRA转换成roth IRA,只要盈利那部分今年一次缴税就可以了。或者还有一个法子,就是max out 401k之后继续contribute,这部分after-tax 401k今年也可以转换成roth IRA,而且不受roth IRA那5千的限制(我自己是打算这样做的)。
至于你要不要在401k max out的情况下继续投入退休金就看你的家庭的财务状况了。如果你觉得这笔钱在你退休之前你会用到,那就不要放进去。
after tax 401k 是啥? 第一次听说。。。
三宝妈, 你那个么有必要再买了。
好像这两年traditional 可以转 roth。 但是我印象中2010 就结束了, 你再问问。
我的roth 现在是roth 401k, 所以对roth ira好久不关注了。。
什么是roth 401k?
什么是roth 401k?
你们公司还没有? 就是401里面加了roth. 上线就是15500啥的。。 记不的了, 我是两个一起有的。
no no no .. tax tax tax...
if she and her hubby max out from when they start working and investment went really well, they could easily end up with 2mi in 401k, then if they had to take say 200k every year, then tax is a big big problem.
your pretax account should not be too big
不是59 以后取出来不交税么?还有我们家两个人投资理念不同,我老公只交公司match的部分,所以现在他的帐户里的钱少的可怜,2M那可太遥远了。
不是59 以后取出来不交税么?还有我们家两个人投资理念不同,我老公只交公司match的部分,所以现在他的帐户里的钱少的可怜,2M那可太遥远了。
no no no .. tax tax tax...
if she and her hubby max out from when they start working and investment went really well, they could easily end up with 2mi in 401k, then if they had to take say 200k every year, then tax is a big big problem.
your pretax account should not be too big
Is there a requirement which requires you to take certain minimum amount of money from your 401k after retirement?
Is there a requirement which requires you to take certain minimum amount of money from your 401k after retirement?
Do you know what the minimum is? I understand one will need to take out money from 401k after certain age, but haven't be able to find out if there is a minimum requirement.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/8 16:28:10编辑过]
不是59 以后取出来不交税么?还有我们家两个人投资理念不同,我老公只交公司match的部分,所以现在他的帐户里的钱少的可怜,2M那可太遥远了。
i did a calculation for you, if you are 35, retire 65, max out annually, 401k balance is now 30k.
annual return 8%, company match half up to 6%,
at age 65, you have 2.4m
Do you know what the minimum is?
Required minimum distributions
An account owner must begin making distributions
from their accounts by April 1 of the calendar year after turning age
70? or April 1 of the calendar year after retiring, whichever is later.
The amount of distributions is based on life expectancy according to
the relevant factors from the appropriate IRS tables. The only
exception to minimum distribution are for people still working once
they reach that age, and the exception only applies to the current plan
they are participating in. Required minimum distributions apply to both
pre-tax and after-tax Roth contributions. Only a Roth IRA
is not subject to minimum distribution rules. Other than the exception
for continuing to work after age 70? differs from the rules for IRA
minimum distributions. The same penalty applies to the failure to make
the minimum distribution. The penalty is 50% of the amount that should
have been distributed, one of the most severe penalties the IRS
applies. In response to the economic crisis, Congress suspended the RMD
requirement for 2009.
i did a calculation for you, if you are 35, retire 65, max out annually, 401k balance is now 30k.
annual return 8%, company match half up to 6%,
at age 65, you have 2.4m
Do you mean after 2010 I can't convert a T. IRA to Roth?
嗯,这个roth conversion没有收入上限只有2010,至于以后还会不会延长这个benefit不好说。要看政府了。
Required minimum distributions
An account owner must begin making distributions
from their accounts by April 1 of the calendar year after turning age
70? or April 1 of the calendar year after retiring, whichever is later.
The amount of distributions is based on life expectancy according to
the relevant factors from the appropriate IRS tables. The only
exception to minimum distribution are for people still working once
they reach that age, and the exception only applies to the current plan
they are participating in. Required minimum distributions apply to both
pre-tax and after-tax Roth contributions. Only a Roth IRA
is not subject to minimum distribution rules. Other than the exception
for continuing to work after age 70? differs from the rules for IRA
minimum distributions. The same penalty applies to the failure to make
the minimum distribution. The penalty is 50% of the amount that should
have been distributed, one of the most severe penalties the IRS
applies. In response to the economic crisis, Congress suspended the RMD
requirement for 2009.
I found this 401k minimum distribution calculator online:
according to this calculator, if one has 1mil in 401k and plans to take out money when turning 70, the minimum distribution is only about $36k. Not too bad ah.
ira, roth ira, roth 401k,具体哪个和167k有关?是不是超过了167k就没有任何tax benefit了?
roth ira投入的上限。超过167k了不能买满5千,超过了177k就没有任何benefit了。
嗯,这个roth conversion没有收入上限只有2010,至于以后还会不会延长这个benefit不好说。要看政府了。
你前面说max out 401k then you can continue to contribute?
no no no .. tax tax tax...
if she and her hubby max out from when they start working and investment went really well, they could easily end up with 2mi in 401k, then if they had to take say 200k every year, then tax is a big big problem.
your pretax account should not be too big
是啊,所以我让她今年max out之后放after tax,然后转到roth ira里,既没有5前的上限,到时候退休取出来还不用缴税啦。
2010可是tax planning的好时机呀。
after tax 401k 是啥? 第一次听说。。。
普通的401k有before tax和after tax 之分呀,就是超过了16,500的就算after-tax contributions了。
roth ira投入的上限。超过167k了不能买满5千,超过了177k就没有任何benefit了。
不是59 以后取出来不交税么?还有我们家两个人投资理念不同,我老公只交公司match的部分,所以现在他的帐户里的钱少的可怜,2M那可太遥远了。
你得regular 401k取出来的时候要缴税的。但是如果有after-tax contribution然后你转到roth ira里了,那么59岁取出来就不缴税了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/8 16:41:33编辑过]
i did a calculation for you, if you are 35, retire 65, max out annually, 401k balance is now 30k.
annual return 8%, company match half up to 6%,
at age 65, you have 2.4m
annual return 8%有点高吧。
是啊,所以我让她今年max out之后放after tax,然后转到roth ira里,既没有5前的上限,到时候退休取出来还不用缴税啦。
2010可是tax planning的好时机呀。
嗯,这个roth conversion没有收入上限只有2010,至于以后还会不会延长这个benefit不好说。要看政府了。
I c. Really need to give this a thought this year! Thank very much for the info!
I c. Really need to give this a thought this year! Thank very much for the info!
roth conversion,一辈子只能convert一次吧?
普通的401k有before tax和after tax 之分呀,就是超过了16,500的就算after-tax contributions了。
My lg's new 401k has this after tax option. But mine and his old one don't have that option.
Required minimum distributions
An account owner must begin making distributions from their accounts by April 1 of the calendar year after turning age 70? or April 1 of the calendar year after retiring, whichever is later. The amount of distributions is based on life expectancy according to the relevant factors from the appropriate IRS tables. The only exception to minimum distribution are for people still working once they reach that age, and the exception only applies to the current plan they are participating in. Required minimum distributions apply to both pre-tax and after-tax Roth contributions. Only a Roth IRA is not subject to minimum distribution rules. Other than the exception for continuing to work after age 70? differs from the rules for IRA minimum distributions. The same penalty applies to the failure to make the minimum distribution. The penalty is 50% of the amount that should have been distributed, one of the most severe penalties the IRS applies. In response to the economic crisis, Congress suspended the RMD requirement for 2009.
那段红字真的假的?那就是说roth 401k也有minimum distribution requirement? 我还以为和roth ira一样没有呢。
你前面说max out 401k then you can continue to contribute?
yes, that's your after-tax contribution. You do not get any current tax benefit for after-tax contribution, but in the year 2010, you can convert the entire amount to Roth IRA.
Umm, banks or brokers don't care, but IRS does.
roth conversion,一辈子只能convert一次吧?
没有啊,以前也是每年都可以convert,但是如果MAGI高于10万就不行。然后就出来那个2010年roth conversion没有收入限制规定,所以今年大伙都憋着等着convert呢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/8 17:10:03编辑过]
没有啊,以前也是每年都可以convert,但是如果MAGI高于10万就不行。然后就出来哪个2010年roth conversion没有收入限制规定,所以今年大伙都憋着等着convert呢。
Good to know! I'm thinking if I should convert my lg's rollover to roth. Headache!
继续抓住问,401k fidelity,如果2009 年已经max out,现在还可以继续往里面投钱,可以买任何股票么?还算2009年,然后4月之前就可以转roth? 我的理解对么?而且没有5000限制?too good to be true?
但是你2010年的max out之后可以继续投,然后转roth没有5千限制,conversion今年12/31之前转就可以。
我当时看了以后也是以为too good to be true,兴奋得不得了。我会再去查一边确定可以这样操作。
My lg's new 401k has this after tax option. But mine and his old one don't have that option.
哦,对了,谢谢你的补充。401k有没有after-tax option要看公司具体的plan.
放after tax IRA好像没有什么意义啊,是不是就是为了convert这一把呢?
If one has this after tax 401k, then there is no need for T. IRA, right?
你是说non-deductible traditional IRA? 可以这么说。不过IRA的投资选择性比一般公司的401k要多么,更灵活些。
放after tax IRA好像没有什么意义啊,是不是就是为了convert这一把呢?
after-tax 401k,然后convert成roth IRA。是这么个意思。
你想想啊,你现在放进去的钱转成了Roth IRA,以后所有的盈利都不用缴税了,也没人逼着你到了一定年龄就要拿出来,你遗传给孩子孙子他们也不用缴税,多好呀。
after-tax 401k,然后convert成roth IRA。是这么个意思。
你想想啊,你现在放进去的钱转成了Roth IRA,以后所有的盈利都不用缴税了,也没人逼着你到了一定年龄就要拿出来,你遗传给孩子孙子他们也不用缴税,多好呀。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/8 17:23:04编辑过]
after-tax 401k,然后convert成roth IRA。是这么个意思。
你想想啊,你现在放进去的钱转成了Roth IRA,以后所有的盈利都不用缴税了,也没人逼着你到了一定年龄就要拿出来,你遗传给孩子孙子他们也不用缴税,多好呀。
Hahaha, good thing I don't need to worry about this.
你是说non-deductible traditional IRA? 可以这么说。不过IRA的投资选择性比一般公司的401k要多么,更灵活些。
普通的401k有before tax和after tax 之分呀,就是超过了16,500的就算after-tax contributions了。
after tax就是罗斯401啊, 这两个在一起有一个上限, 超过就不能再放了。 一般的plan都自动会不让你在放的
这个是个人自己要负责的, 开户的地方是不查的, 不过你要是违反规定的话, 以后IRS会找你麻烦的
Hahaha, good thing I don't need to worry about this.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/8 17:23:04编辑过]
不用谢,不过那个after-tax 401k转roth的你先别放总结里,我今晚回家再好好查查,确定是可行的,误导大家就不好了。
不用谢,不过那个after-tax 401k转roth的你先别放总结里,我今晚回家再好好查查,确定是可行的,误导大家就不好了。
after tax就是罗斯401啊, 这两个在一起有一个上限, 超过就不能再放了。 一般的plan都自动会不让你在放的
跟roth 401k不太一样,就是超过了上限制后的钱,将来拿出来的时候盈利还是要缴税的。
啊妙, 你确定这个after tax 401想放多少就放多少? 一般计划,你到了就根本不给你放的
就我们公司来说,pre-tax和after tax总数不超过工资的40%就可以。但是空空说得也对,有可能没办法放after tax的。
After-Tax / Total 401k Contributions
In addition to the pre-tax or tax-deferred contributions you can
make to your 401k plan, your plan may also allow employees to make
after tax-contributions. When after-tax contributions are added to
pre-tax contributions, this becomes your total 401k contribution -
which also has a limit.
In 2009, the total that can be contributed to a 401k plan is $49,000
or 100% of your compensation - whichever is less. In 2010, this total
401k contribution limit could have been indexed to inflation and could
have move up in $1,000 increments. However, the 2010 limit remained
the same at $49,000.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/8 17:53:58编辑过]
总体来说,要想在LV玩得爽,得有冒险和敬玩精神。尤其是东海岸过去的,有时差,好多东西都是晚上才开,或者开到很晚,要投入不少精力体力。冒险精神比如SKYDIVE啊、plane tour to Grand Canyon啊,我都是想想风险就算了。赌也是,只玩了不到10刀的slot machine,也没有很投入。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/8 18:58:26编辑过]
在看fight club,Edward Norton演的,蓬蓬的大爱啊
总体来说,要想在LV玩得爽,得有冒险和敬玩精神。尤其是东海岸过去的,有时差,好多东西都是晚上才开,或者开到很晚,要投入不少精力体力。冒险精神比如SKYDIVE啊、plane tour to Grand Canyon啊,我都是想想风险就算了。赌也是,只玩了不到10刀的slot machine,也没有很投入。
在看fight club,Edward Norton演的,蓬蓬的大爱啊
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/9 6:37:00编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/9 9:29:38编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/9 9:29:38编辑过]