Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity. 这个写得很全面呀,真不错。
另外我想了个title: Daily prize, $1000; Bright future for 20 kids, priceless!
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
非常赞 一点小建议。据我所知,一般continued education老美的理解相当于我们的成教,post-secondary learning activities and programs。so how about just eduction(as I know, ocef supports elementary, secondary and college education? )
非常赞 一点小建议。据我所知,一般continued education老美的理解相当于我们的成教,post-secondary learning activities and programs。so how about just eduction(as I know, ocef supports elementary, secondary and college education? ) continued education 的确有成教的意思,可能用uninterrupted 比较好。
David Xu 11 minutes ago 128 high school students OCEF sponsored have been admitted to colleges this past summer thanks to the support from donors like you. Hopefully, these kids who are from the poorest rural areas will have a brighter future and a better life. Your warm heart makes their dreams come true!
Please visit our web site to share their joy: 根据09秋考学生总表统计考入大学的孩子计128名,录取通知书不断 更新中 [此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-22 11:37:00编辑过]
非常赞 一点小建议。据我所知,一般continued education老美的理解相当于我们的成教,post-secondary learning activities and programs。so how about just eduction(as I know, ocef supports elementary, secondary and college education? ) 我觉得改成to continue their education 比较好点
Thanks to all our efforts, OSCCF will become the new $25,000 leader in less than 48 hours. That's so exciting and encouraging!
What next? Let's redefine success and our goals. May I humbly suggest these new goals: Goal #1. Every day, win at least $500, from now all the way till 11/6. Goal #2. By 11/6, let's outdo the "Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka Floods Relief Fund" by 2,500 donations.
Thanks to all our efforts, OSCCF will become the new $25,000 leader in less than 48 hours. That's so exciting and encouraging!
What next? Let's redefine success and our goals. May I humbly suggest these new goals: Goal #1. Every day, win at least $500, from now all the way till 11/6. Goal #2. By 11/6, let's outdo the "Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka Floods Relief Fund" by 2,500 donations.
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
超赞,“with no highly paid executives”,可以把highly去掉,从上到下没有人是有一分钱报酬的,好多往里倒贴的。
”Please donate $10 before Friday 23rd Oct. 3pm eastern time & help us win $1000 challenge for Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka Floods Relief We need your HELP! Please spread the word about the Facebook Cause Challenge far and wide! We need more than 300 donations before 3pm Friday EST (tomorrow i.e. 23rd october) and this is a tough challenge!! “
”Please donate $10 before Friday 23rd Oct. 3pm eastern time & help us win $1000 challenge for Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka Floods Relief We need your HELP! Please spread the word about the Facebook Cause Challenge far and wide! We need more than 300 donations before 3pm Friday EST (tomorrow i.e. 23rd october) and this is a tough challenge!! “
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
Thank you for your donations! We ask for your continued support for our single mission -- to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers without 1-cent payment. It is held together by people with a warm heart just like yours. We care every dollar we collected because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver the most to the children in need.
Thank you for your donations! We ask for your continued support for our single mission -- to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers without 1-cent payment. It is held together by people with a warm heart just like yours. We care every dollar we collected because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver the most to the children in need.
Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
Main Entry: 2care Function: verb Inflected Form(s): cared; car·ing Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1 a : to feel trouble or anxiety b : to feel interest or concern 2 : to give care 3 a : to have a liking, fondness, or taste b : to have an inclination transitive verb 1 : to be concerned about or to the extent of 2 : wish — car·er noun — care less : not to care —used positively and negatively with the same meaning
Thank you for your donations! We ask for your continued support for our single mission -- to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donations during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship. You have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers without any payment. It is held together by people with a warm heart just like yours. We care about every dollar you donated because we understand it is your hard earned money, and we want to deliver the most to the children in need.
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
另外我想了个title: Daily prize, $1000; Bright future for 20 kids, priceless!
ocef的捐款网站的发言,可以被大家看做是官方发言。如果是OCEF老大写的,恕我直言,我看到的是"win!win!win!", 看到的是斗狠和给别人点儿颜色看看。作为慈善机构,我们的最终目的不是赢,而是救助需要帮助的人,如果斗狠的话,会把一些人推走的。我赞成竞赛就拿出竞赛的样子来,不要放水,但是我觉得赢了之后的发言,也要有理有利有节。最近的发言太个人化了,不合适做官方发言。显得不够大气。
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-22 10:49:58编辑过]
有没有收到email receipt
下面引用由furuth在 2009/10/22 11:42am 发表的内容:
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-22 10:49:58编辑过]
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
一点小建议。据我所知,一般continued education老美的理解相当于我们的成教,post-secondary learning activities and programs。so how about just eduction(as I know, ocef supports elementary, secondary and college education? )
一点小建议。据我所知,一般continued education老美的理解相当于我们的成教,post-secondary learning activities and programs。so how about just eduction(as I know, ocef supports elementary, secondary and college education? )
continued education 的确有成教的意思,可能用uninterrupted 比较好。
David Xu 11 minutes ago
128 high school students OCEF sponsored have been admitted to colleges this past summer thanks to the support from donors like you. Hopefully, these kids who are from the poorest rural areas will have a brighter future and a better life. Your warm heart makes their dreams come true!
Please visit our web site to share their joy:
根据09秋考学生总表统计考入大学的孩子计128名,录取通知书不断 更新中
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-22 11:37:00编辑过]
一点小建议。据我所知,一般continued education老美的理解相当于我们的成教,post-secondary learning activities and programs。so how about just eduction(as I know, ocef supports elementary, secondary and college education? )
我觉得改成to continue their education 比较好点
过路的OCEF老大,请看看pinkdoggy mm在408楼的发言,写得真好呀。希望能被采用呢。
事先弄好了几个模板,滚动copy paste好了。
From mitbbs.
what are you doing? i don't understand the first floor...
有没有收到email receipt
shy..i did not even scroll down...
thank you!
William Lu
27 minutes
to all our efforts, OSCCF will become the new $25,000 leader in less
than 48 hours. That's so exciting and encouraging!
What next? Let's redefine success and our goals. May I humbly suggest these new goals:
Goal #1. Every day, win at least $500, from now all the way till 11/6.
#2. By 11/6, let's outdo the "Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka Floods
Relief Fund" by 2,500 donations.
Yes, we can!
William Lu
27 minutes
to all our efforts, OSCCF will become the new $25,000 leader in less
than 48 hours. That's so exciting and encouraging!
What next? Let's redefine success and our goals. May I humbly suggest these new goals:
Goal #1. Every day, win at least $500, from now all the way till 11/6.
#2. By 11/6, let's outdo the "Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka Floods
Relief Fund" by 2,500 donations.
Yes, we can!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-22 19:12:27编辑过]
ocef的捐款网站的发言,可以被大家看做是官方发言。如果是OCEF老大写的,恕我直言,我看到的是"win!win!win!", 看到的是斗狠和给别人点儿颜色看看。作为慈善机构,我们的最终目的不是赢,而是救助需要帮助的人,如果斗狠的话,会把一些人推走的。我赞成竞赛就拿出竞赛的样子来,不要放水,但是我觉得赢了之后的发言,也要有理有利有节。最近的发言太个人化了,不合适做官方发言。显得不够大气。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-22 19:47:15编辑过]
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
超赞,“with no highly paid executives”,可以把highly去掉,从上到下没有人是有一分钱报酬的,好多往里倒贴的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-22 19:32:57编辑过]
举手~想做志愿者,可以做 学生信息、成绩整理
”Please donate $10 before Friday 23rd Oct. 3pm eastern time &
help us win $1000 challenge for Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka Floods
We need your HELP! Please spread
the word about the Facebook Cause Challenge far and wide! We need more
than 300 donations before 3pm Friday EST (tomorrow i.e. 23rd october)
and this is a tough challenge!!
”Please donate $10 before Friday 23rd Oct. 3pm eastern time &
help us win $1000 challenge for Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka Floods
We need your HELP! Please spread
the word about the Facebook Cause Challenge far and wide! We need more
than 300 donations before 3pm Friday EST (tomorrow i.e. 23rd october)
and this is a tough challenge!!
就我对印度人的了解, 他们能吹, 能结成小团伙, 这种大的协调, 没有见过做得像样的.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-22 19:47:15编辑过]
谢谢ocef老大。看见你改的帖子了, 谢谢你这么认真地接受大家的不同意见.
谢谢ocef老大。看见你改的帖子了, 谢谢你这么认真地接受大家的不同意见.
网宣组:起到吹鼓手的作用。主要配合OCEF的每年1-2次的大范围募捐活动在网上造势。平时不时转发点OCEF相关的新闻、进展,汇报给网友、捐款人。主要阵地有mitbbs、huaren、西西河、文学城、facebook等。我以前专盯mitbbs。huaren我们还缺少长期值守的宣传员,(Jolin等是其它组的,配合我们宣传)。另外,如果能主动发现并推动大的网络募捐机会,还是很风光的、很有成就感的。(例如前年的fatwallet charity bucks活动,现在的facebook causes Giving challenge活动,都能有$10万级别的收入,都是由网宣组发现、牵头进行的。)
ocef最新义工招募具体岗位 :
另外我想了个title: Daily prize, $1000; Bright future for 20 kids, priceless!
这个不错,不过是不是可以改成daily donation, $10; bright future for 20 kids and their families, priceless.
Thank you for your donations, which made us number one four days in a row and kept us at the top of the running totals. We ask for your continued support for our single mission, to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers with no highly paid executives with no paid staff; it is held together by people with a big heart just like yours. We watch every dollar we spend because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver it all to the children in need. The result is for every dollar you donate, 98 cents goes directly to your intended recipient.
The daily prize alone in the past 4 days, $4000, will enable 80 children the opportunity for continued education. The final prize of $50,000 will provide the same for 1,000 children! We want it, as much as 1,000 children dream of a better tomorrow, and we need your help. Thanks again for your generosity.
我们今天新的bulletin post是在你的草稿基础上改的,进一步弱化竞争意味,强调我们的助学本质。谢谢了!见
A better tomorrow for Children!
Thank you for your donations! We ask for your continued support for our single mission -- to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers without 1-cent payment. It is held together by people with a warm heart just like yours. We care every dollar we collected because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver the most to the children in need.
If you want to be a volunteer of OCEF, please visit
Do you know, online purchases through can provide OCEF more than $20,000 in 1 year?
kp, jolin, 我今天最后一个小时可能没时间盯着了,家里病号太多了,到现在大家还没吃午饭呢,都起不来了。到时候你们帮忙盯着点儿,可能你们需要发个新贴子号召大家捐款了。
我们今天新的bulletin post是在你的草稿基础上改的,进一步弱化竞争意味,强调我们的助学本质。谢谢了!见
A better tomorrow for Children!
Thank you for your donations! We ask for your continued support for our single mission -- to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donation during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship; you have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers without 1-cent payment. It is held together by people with a warm heart just like yours. We care every dollar we collected because we understand it is your hard earned money and we want to deliver the most to the children in need.
If you want to be a volunteer of OCEF, please visit
Do you know, online purchases through can provide OCEF more than $20,000 in 1 year?
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers (with only 1.85% executive expenses.) 志愿者本来就是不拿payment的,所以从英文讲,意思有点冗余。不过我不确定要不要加运营费用的具体信息,或许不加更好。
We care every dollar we collected 是不是用 We care every dollar you donated好一点,强调捐款人的行为而不是ocef的募捐行为。
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers (with only 1.85% executive expenses.) 志愿者本来就是不拿payment的,所以从英文讲,意思有点冗余。不过我不确定要不要加运营费用的具体信息,或许不加更好。
We care every dollar we collected 是不是用
We care every dollar you donated好一点,强调捐款人的行为而不是ocef的募捐行为。
我愚钝。。。。。难道不是care about?
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers (with only 1.85% executive expenses.) 志愿者本来就是不拿payment的,所以从英文讲,意思有点冗余。不过我不确定要不要加运营费用的具体信息,或许不加更好。
We care every dollar we collected 是不是用 We care every dollar you donated好一点,强调捐款人的行为而不是ocef的募捐行为。
你好好休息吧。 家里面大的小的。。。好些儿了没?发烧了么?
你好好休息吧。 家里面大的小的。。。好些儿了没?发烧了么?
我愚钝。。。。。难道不是care about?
我倒是一直用care about. 一同呼唤达人。
Save Chinese Children (OSCCF)
265 donations
我倒是一直用care about. 一同呼唤达人。
目前觉得care+从句;care about+noun。
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): cared; car·ing
Date: before 12th century
intransitive verb
1 a : to feel trouble or anxiety b : to feel interest or concern
2 : to give care
3 a : to have a liking, fondness, or taste b : to have an inclination
transitive verb
1 : to be concerned about or to the extent of
2 : wish
— car·er noun
— care less : not to care —used positively and negatively with the same meaning
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers (with only 1.85% executive expenses.) 志愿者本来就是不拿payment的,所以从英文讲,意思有点冗余。不过我不确定要不要加运营费用的具体信息,或许不加更好。
We care every dollar we collected 是不是用 We care every dollar you donated好一点,强调捐款人的行为而不是ocef的募捐行为。
更新版本见此。最后还是加了句废话without any payment,运营费用每年都不一样,1.85%是2007年的数据。
不需要大家花时间再提修改意见了,这个causes bulletin系统不好用。
A better tomorrow for children!
Thank you for your donations! We ask for your continued support for our single mission -- to bring the opportunity of education along with all its potentials to children who otherwise cannot afford it. Your donations during the past 16 years have given 28,000 children in rural China a path out of extreme economical hardship. You have changed their lives!
OCEF is run entirely by volunteers without any payment. It is held together by people with a warm heart just like yours. We care about every dollar you donated because we understand it is your hard earned money, and we want to deliver the most to the children in need.
If you want to be a volunteer of OCEF, please visit
Do you know, online purchases through can provide OCEF more than $20,000 in 1 year?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-23 15:43:21编辑过]
我明天要出门 已经先捐了
落后了 顶出来
我明天要出门 已经先捐了
谢谢,刚刚忙着到处copy mit的风向标过来,没来得及捞起贴子。
发此帖时:R2R 294;OCEF 219;OSCCF 162。
发信人: IloveI (哦爱哦), 信区: Military
标 题: 紧急呼吁!我们光明正大地比赛!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 24 01:40:10 2009, 美东)
例如,一张卡或几张卡甚至是Gift Card不登录facebook帐号,不停的捐,例如做个机器人,等等不规范的行为。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-24 1:54:41编辑过]
susie about 5 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 5 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 5 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 5 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 5 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 5 hours ago
Donated $10.
susie about 5 hours ago
Donated $10.
susie about 5 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago
Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago
Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $25.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
susie about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
judy about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
kim about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
tina about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
ruby about 6 hours ago Donated $10.
发此帖时:R2R 294;OCEF 219;OSCCF 162。
发信人: IloveI (哦爱哦), 信区: Military
标 题: 紧急呼吁!我们光明正大地比赛!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Oct 24 01:40:10 2009, 美东)
例如,一张卡或几张卡甚至是Gift Card不登录facebook帐号,不停的捐,例如做个机器人,等等不规范的行为。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-10-24 1:54:41编辑过]
捐款风向标:捐给OCEF,2:45 PM EST集体开火
发信人: bkbuq287 (NDUAS), 信区: Military
标 题: 捐款风向标:捐给OCEF,2:45 PM EST集体开火
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 23 17:11:57 2009, 美东)
当前(Oct 24 11:15 am)
┃ 最佳捐款行动是:A ┃
简评:R2R机器人军团异军突起,我们最基本目标是保证一个华人组织总排名第一,请先捐给OCEF,如有时间请举报r2r;同时今天印度军团开始集结,准备冲击第一。对于机器人,建议大家先忍而不发,到东部时间下午2:45至3:00PM EST再集中开火。
行动A: 捐给OCEF
原因:指标1未满足 或 指标2未满足
原因:指标3未满足 或 让OSCCF向总票数亚军冲击
行动C:暂时保留实力,EST 2:00 PM后看情况再捐
现在就担心ride 2 recovery最后时间再搞点啥手段“刷票”。