screenshot of where the error occurs. Guess iTunes. Device ID: in iTunes, select your device in the Devices section and navigate to the Summary tab. Click on the Serial Number label to reveal the Identifier field and the 40 character UDID. UDID is the device ID. Message on HuaRen may not work with pics. His email is [email protected]. :)
OK he just told me that he found out there is a place to change hardware requirement. So he changed it to allow iTouch 1st generation. He is not sure if that did the trick. The Apple App Store page is not updated yet.
OK he just told me that he found out there is a place to change hardware requirement. So he changed it to allow iTouch 1st generation. He is not sure if that did the trick. The Apple App Store page is not updated yet.
did you mean it doesn't show the top post? 置顶帖子? that is by design. he used a quick way to load the list. reading from some stream of HuaRen. and that stream doesn't include those top posts.
收藏某个帖子 is a nice feature to have. I will bug him to make sure it appears in version 2.0 also. :)
以下是引用thinktoomuch在2009-10-17 2:46:00的发言: did you mean it doesn't show the top post? ? that is by design. he used a quick way to load the list. reading from some stream of HuaRen. and that stream doesn't include those top posts. 收藏某个帖子 is a nice feature to have. I will bug him to make sure it appears in version 2.0 also. :)
no, i mean the regular posts. It misses some regular posts.
no, i mean the regular posts. It misses some regular posts.
I like there are no 置顶帖子.
hmm... that is a new one. I never noticed that. I asked him. He said when you first come to the list page, it used the cached one from your last visit and does reloading at the background. So if you click on one post before the reload finishes, it would be missing some newer posts. That made sense to me. Happened to me too. Now I got used to it and always wait a few seconds to let it reload itself.
For some reason, if I open my iphone and then go to ihuanren right afterward, it always says '"cannot Open page" Not connected to the Internet, cached list used.' But I have a data plan on my iphone??
以下是引用homeoneday在2009-10-19 16:53:00的发言: Thanks mm for posting this.
For some reason, if I open my iphone and then go to ihuanren right afterward, it always says '"cannot Open page" Not connected to the Internet, cached list used.' But I have a data plan on my iphone??
Glad that you found out. :) BTW he is working on version 2.0. Should be able to release it soon. Version 2.0 will include the feature to post reply/publish new post, save your favorite post etc. :-) Just FYI. Let me know if there is something else desired.
Glad that you found out. :) BTW he is working on version 2.0. Should be able to release it soon. Version 2.0 will include the feature to post reply/publish new post, save your favorite post etc. :-) Just FYI. Let me know if there is something else desired.
Somehow my ihuaren doesn't work after I upgraded to 3.1. The screen stayed for a while then back to home screen right away. Anyone knows why? Maybe I'll just wait for the Version 2.0.
2.0 is being tested by Apple currently. :) I have the new version myself and it works great. with many new features. since this app is Free, Apple tests with lower priority because Apple won't get any revenue. that's unfortunate.
sorry that I haven't checked this post for a long time. Yes version 2.0 will let you edit Fav and many other new features. I am using 2.0 on my phone everyday and it is great. in fact it is the most often app I use on my iPhone. frankly I am quite proud of his work.
yes I have noticed that and asked him to add this board too. version 2.0 is being tested right now by Apple app store. as I said before, since Apple doesn't get any revenue from Free apps, so they test them on a lower priority.
sorry that I haven't checked this post for a long time. Yes version 2.0 will let you edit Fav and many other new features. I am using 2.0 on my phone everyday and it is great. in fact it is the most often app I use on my iPhone. frankly I am quite proud of his work.
Somehow my ihuaren doesn't work after I upgraded to 3.1. The screen stayed for a while then back to home screen right away. Anyone knows why? Maybe I'll just wait for the Version 2.0.
was it working before? what version you had before? I think my iPhone version is 3.x too.
这个lock rotation feature, 就是有个setting. 可以off 或者on。像我这样总是喜欢horizontal看iPhone的人,我就先转到horizontal然后set lock rotation to be off. 这样我怎么动都不用担心phone会转过来。太好用了!如果哪天想转成vertical的就再set lock rotation to be on.
不知道Apple App Store test 要多久。上次好几个星期。老公说因为是Free App, Apple不会分到钱,所以测试是priority比较低的,要久一些。大家耐心等待哦。
这个lock rotation feature, 就是有个setting. 可以off 或者on。像我这样总是喜欢horizontal看iPhone的人,我就先转到horizontal然后set lock rotation to be off. 这样我怎么动都不用担心phone会转过来。太好用了!如果哪天想转成vertical的就再set lock rotation to be on.
不知道Apple App Store test 要多久。上次好几个星期。老公说因为是Free App, Apple不会分到钱,所以测试是priority比较低的,要久一些。大家耐心等待哦。
我有那个,但是只纪录当天吃的东西,不能按菜谱计算nutrition。就是说,同时既纪录recipe又计算并且纪录nutrition。我其实还查过独立软件,这方面功能也很差。比如号称免费的sparkpeople,就连简单的filter功能也没有,想从几百个含cake or flour字的entry里把cake flour这个东西挑出来,居然难的要死
我有那个,但是只纪录当天吃的东西,不能按菜谱计算nutrition。就是说,同时既纪录recipe又计算并且纪录nutrition。我其实还查过独立软件,这方面功能也很差。比如号称免费的sparkpeople,就连简单的filter功能也没有,想从几百个含cake or flour字的entry里把cake flour这个东西挑出来,居然难的要死
我有那个,但是只纪录当天吃的东西,不能按菜谱计算nutrition。就是说,同时既纪录recipe又计算并且纪录nutrition。我其实还查过独立软件,这方面功能也很差。比如号称免费的sparkpeople,就连简单的filter功能也没有,想从几百个含cake or flour字的entry里把cake flour这个东西挑出来,居然难的要死
I have asked him. He said it looks like the most difficult part is to get the database of the nutritions of food. He will look more into it. I will keep you posted. :-)
I have asked him. He said it looks like the most difficult part is to get the database of the nutritions of food. He will look more into it. I will keep you posted. :-)
唉 。。。 为了ihuaren升级到3.0可惜itouch一代用不了啊~~~~~~ 麻烦lz帮帮忙问问你lg啊~~~~~~~
OK will ask him. :)
我是老iphone 不行。
yes please upgrade to iPhone 3.0.
謝謝LZMM!! IPOD TOUCH也可以用伐拉?
yes. please upgrade to iPhone 3.0 :)
请教大家itouch升级的问题,我ms下载了(已经被charge了$4.95),然后连上itouch,然后就开始自动backing up了,结果run 了一晚上连三分之一都没弄完。大家知道这是为什么吗?
它们每次restore以后back up的时间都比较久。
或者如果愿意的话, 短信我你的iTouch第一代的device ID, 他来做一个distribution package to patch。然后就可以从邮件里发给你,你再当到iTune里,就应该是hot fix了。这样的好处,不用等待Apple Store 来测试第二代版本,会等好久的。
maybe version 2.0 :-P
maybe version 2.0 :-P
关于那个iTouch第一代不能用的问题,据老公最新调查,好像是那个发送email(当前页URL)的功能需要这个。老公说如果哪位可以发个screenshot,比较有利他debug. 我们没有iTouch第一代。
或者如果愿意的话, 短信我你的iTouch第一代的device ID, 他来做一个distribution package to patch。然后就可以从邮件里发给你,你再当到iTune里,就应该是hot fix了。这样的好处,不用等待Apple Store 来测试第二代版本,会等好久的。
在哪能找到device id呢?是序列号么?
The App is incompatible with this ipod touch............:-(, why?
Seems only the first generation of iTouch. We are working on it. :)
在哪能找到device id呢?是序列号么?
screenshot of where the error occurs. Guess iTunes.
Device ID: in iTunes, select your device in the Devices section and navigate to the Summary tab. Click on the Serial Number label to reveal the Identifier field and the 40 character UDID.
UDID is the device ID.
Message on HuaRen may not work with pics. His email is [email protected]. :)
The Apple App Store page is not updated yet.
OK he just told me that he found out there is a place to change hardware requirement. So he changed it to allow iTouch 1st generation. He is not sure if that did the trick.
The Apple App Store page is not updated yet.
great news!
yes that's by design. :-)
Convenient for browsing.
太棒了!! 谢谢
Please wait for version 2.0. :)
Please wait for version 2.0. :)
ok, will wait. Please give a pat on your LG's shoulder, this is really cool app.
ok, will wait. Please give a pat on your LG's shoulder, this is really cool app.
thanks. will do. :)
did you mean it doesn't show the top post? 置顶帖子? that is
by design. he used a quick way to load the list. reading from some
stream of HuaRen. and that stream doesn't include those top posts.
收藏某个帖子 is a nice feature to have. I will bug him to make sure it appears in version 2.0 also. :)
did you mean it doesn't show the top post? ? that is by design. he used a quick way to load the list. reading from some stream of HuaRen. and that stream doesn't include those top posts.
收藏某个帖子 is a nice feature to have. I will bug him to make sure it appears in version 2.0 also. :)
no, i mean the regular posts. It misses some regular posts.
I like there are no 置顶帖子.
no, i mean the regular posts. It misses some regular posts.
I like there are no 置顶帖子.
hmm... that is a new one. I never noticed that. I asked him. He said when you first come to the list page, it used the cached one from your last visit and does reloading at the background. So if you click on one post before the reload finishes, it would be missing some newer posts. That made sense to me. Happened to me too. Now I got used to it and always wait a few seconds to let it reload itself.
that's to send the URL of the current web page via email, to any email address. just like the way built in Safari. :)
For some reason, if I open my iphone and then go to ihuanren right afterward, it always says '"cannot Open page" Not connected to the Internet, cached list used.' But I have a data plan on my iphone??
If I go to email/google first, then it is fine.
Thanks mm for posting this.
For some reason, if I open my iphone and then go to ihuanren right afterward, it always says '"cannot Open page" Not connected to the Internet, cached list used.' But I have a data plan on my iphone??
If I go to email/google first, then it is fine.
5555555555555 土人我老了,这些东西居然不能一下就会用了!!还自诩不怕新东西的。。。。。。。。。55555555555555
I am using it everyday
thanks so much
Glad that you found out. :)
BTW he is working on version 2.0. Should be able to release it soon.
Version 2.0 will include the feature to post reply/publish new post, save your favorite post etc. :-)
Just FYI. Let me know if there is something else desired.
Glad that you found out. :)
BTW he is working on version 2.0. Should be able to release it soon.
Version 2.0 will include the feature to post reply/publish new post, save your favorite post etc. :-)
Just FYI. Let me know if there is something else desired.
2.0好了吗?还有华人主页改版后主页的热贴看不到了,我还去app store找update呢
Maybe I'll just wait for the Version 2.0.
2.0好了吗?还有华人主页改版后主页的热贴看不到了,我还去app store找update呢
2.0 is being tested by Apple currently. :) I have the new version myself and it works great. with many new features.
since this app is Free, Apple tests with lower priority because Apple won't get any revenue. that's unfortunate.
sorry that I haven't checked this post for a long time. Yes version 2.0 will let you edit Fav and many other new features. I am using 2.0 on my phone everyday and it is great. in fact it is the most often app I use on my iPhone. frankly I am quite proud of his work.
yes I have noticed that and asked him to add this board too. version 2.0 is being tested right now by Apple app store. as I said before, since Apple doesn't get any revenue from Free apps, so they test them on a lower priority.
sorry that I haven't checked this post for a long time. Yes version 2.0 will let you edit Fav and many other new features. I am using 2.0 on my phone everyday and it is great. in fact it is the most often app I use on my iPhone. frankly I am quite proud of his work.
Somehow my ihuaren doesn't work after I upgraded to 3.1. The screen stayed for a while then back to home screen right away. Anyone knows why?
Maybe I'll just wait for the Version 2.0.
was it working before? what version you had before? I think my iPhone version is 3.x too.
2.0 里可以看到了华人首页热贴 - 原来1.0在华人改版以后不能用了。
2.0 里可以编辑你的收藏夹,可以收藏热贴。
2.0 里可以回复帖子。
2.0里我最最最满意的功能,就是lock rotation。像我这样,老是用iPhone, 特别是躺下的时候,有时候手一动,那个phone就转过了,太灵敏了。我还得转回来,有的时候拧着了,我就得扭着脖子看,累死了。
这个lock rotation feature, 就是有个setting. 可以off
或者on。像我这样总是喜欢horizontal看iPhone的人,我就先转到horizontal然后set lock rotation to
be off. 这样我怎么动都不用担心phone会转过来。
不知道Apple App Store test 要多久。上次好几个星期。老公说因为是Free App, Apple不会分到钱,所以测试是priority比较低的,要久一些。
对了对了对了,mm今天在哈,问问如果写一个把菜谱按成分弄出nutrition facts表的apps难不难啊?
I have no idea.
I have no idea.
对了对了对了,mm今天在哈,问问如果写一个把菜谱按成分弄出nutrition facts表的apps难不难啊?
就是特地给大家update一下。那个iHuaren二代已经交到Apple App Store在测试。
2.0 里可以看到了华人首页热贴 - 原来1.0在华人改版以后不能用了。
2.0 里可以编辑你的收藏夹,可以收藏热贴。
2.0 里可以回复帖子。
2.0里我最最最满意的功能,就是lock rotation。像我这样,老是用iPhone, 特别是躺下的时候,有时候手一动,那个phone就转过了,太灵敏了。我还得转回来,有的时候拧着了,我就得扭着脖子看,累死了。
这个lock rotation feature, 就是有个setting. 可以off
或者on。像我这样总是喜欢horizontal看iPhone的人,我就先转到horizontal然后set lock rotation to
be off. 这样我怎么动都不用担心phone会转过来。
不知道Apple App Store test 要多久。上次好几个星期。老公说因为是Free App, Apple不会分到钱,所以测试是priority比较低的,要久一些。
我有那个,但是只纪录当天吃的东西,不能按菜谱计算nutrition。就是说,同时既纪录recipe又计算并且纪录nutrition。我其实还查过独立软件,这方面功能也很差。比如号称免费的sparkpeople,就连简单的filter功能也没有,想从几百个含cake or flour字的entry里把cake flour这个东西挑出来,居然难的要死
我有那个,但是只纪录当天吃的东西,不能按菜谱计算nutrition。就是说,同时既纪录recipe又计算并且纪录nutrition。我其实还查过独立软件,这方面功能也很差。比如号称免费的sparkpeople,就连简单的filter功能也没有,想从几百个含cake or flour字的entry里把cake flour这个东西挑出来,居然难的要死
我有那个,但是只纪录当天吃的东西,不能按菜谱计算nutrition。就是说,同时既纪录recipe又计算并且纪录nutrition。我其实还查过独立软件,这方面功能也很差。比如号称免费的sparkpeople,就连简单的filter功能也没有,想从几百个含cake or flour字的entry里把cake flour这个东西挑出来,居然难的要死
I have asked him. He said it looks like the most difficult part is to get the database of the nutritions of food. He will look more into it. I will keep you posted. :-)
I have asked him. He said it looks like the most difficult part is to get the database of the nutritions of food. He will look more into it. I will keep you posted. :-)
哇,大家动作真快! 我就是来喊一嗓子,今天测试已经通过。正式发布1.1版。可以下载了。呵呵,没想到大家都用上了。
哦,pat pat...这样好像没办法了哦。其实我老公说iHuaren不要求3.0的。大概是OS自己的要求。
"2.0里我最最最满意的功能,就是lock rotation。像我这样,老是用iPhone, 特别是躺下的时候,有时候手一动,那个phone就转过了,太灵敏了。我还得转回来,有的时候拧着了,我就得扭着脖子看,累死了。"
哇,大家动作真快! 我就是来喊一嗓子,今天测试已经通过。正式发布1.1版。可以下载了。呵呵,没想到大家都用上了。
oh sorry! let me talk to him tomorrow and see what he can do.
Replying from iHuaRen