[replyview] feel tired. Had a fight with peanut dad last night over the phone. We were discussing what to do if peanut's daycare does not approve for the following week. I want him to persuad his father to come again sooner. Peanut's dad thinks we should send peanut to another full time daycare nearby for 2-3 weeks and wait for grandpa to come back. Neither of us has gone to check how good is that one yet. No time. And I feel it's too stressful for peanut to change daycare so frequently. Peanut dad can only take 3 days off next week. The rest is on me. My boss is chasing after me for data, data, data. I've told my boss about the situation. But boss don't think when he wants data. I feel life is already very stressful and hope peanut dad could be more supportive. But what he is good at is to make life more desperate.
[replyview] It's easy for peanut's dad to say "let's just switch daycare, bla bla....". I am the one who do the real job. I am the one who see peanut screaming for the first couple days. What about all the hidden work after daycare? I am not sure how long I can hang in. Everynight, my muscles are so sore when I go to bed.
morning! Peanut got another incident report yesterday... He slept on the edge of the cot for 2 hours and got a bad imprint from the cot. It looks like red bruise...... These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
i felt so bad yesterday and brought Vincent to Mall. Bought 2 pairs of SR shoes for Vincent. Not good price at all. But just want to spend some money on him....
morning! Peanut got another incident report yesterday... He slept on the edge of the cot for 2 hours and got a bad imprint from the cot. It looks like red bruise...... These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
Hopfully no incident or accident today. blesss~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
morning! Peanut got another incident report yesterday... He slept on the edge of the cot for 2 hours and got a bad imprint from the cot. It looks like red bruise...... These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
morning! Peanut got another incident report yesterday... He slept on the edge of the cot for 2 hours and got a bad imprint from the cot. It looks like red bruise...... These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
morning! Peanut got another incident report yesterday... He slept on the edge of the cot for 2 hours and got a bad imprint from the cot. It looks like red bruise...... These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
Hopfully no incident or accident today.
Accident does happen all the time in daycare and we can only hope it is not too bad when it happens. I just didn't tell you guys but TaoTao got three accident reports since this year. TaoTao had a bad accident two days ago. A kid accidentally hit her left face with a stool in the gym. It looked really bad and it is getting better now.
Accident does happen all the time in daycare and we can only hope it is not too bad when it happens. I just didn't tell you guys but TaoTao got three accident reports since this year. TaoTao had a bad accident two days ago. A kid accidentally hit her left face with a stool in the gym. It looked really bad and it is getting better now.
Accident does happen all the time in daycare and we can only hope it is not too bad when it happens. I just didn't tell you guys but TaoTao got three accident reports since this year. TaoTao had a bad accident two days ago. A kid accidentally hit her left face with a stool in the gym. It looked really bad and it is getting better now. bless taotao!
喜欢花生的名字,哈哈 [此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 8:55:52编辑过] oops! haha. By the way, the shoes I bought for him called TT vincent. I picked it without knowing the shoe name. The girl works there asks peanut's name and said wow, the shoes are called the same name. [此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 9:50:12编辑过]
[replyview]pat keke, I totally understand you, LD is hard, try to talk to LG more, let him know you are really stressed, taking care of peanut alone, pregnant, after all he should be more considerable[/replyview] [此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 10:42:59编辑过]
KeKe, it drove me crazy just by dropping TaoTao at daycare and picking her up on time and dealing with a pushy boss at the same time for the past few months. I don't know how I would keep my sanity if I were you.
You definitely need some help. Talk with your husband and urge him to get one of his parents to come soon. Or you will have to get some local help, at least for a few hours during the weekday so you could get a break.
好像是宸妈提起之后我才开始教的,以前我还感觉孩子小,教这个太早呢 [此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 9:09:51编辑过] thank you gfor giving me the credit。 宸宸现在认识有70多个汉字了,我发现,找不到合适的卡来教他了,剩下的都是些很奇怪的字,比如,他,呢,这类的,没法教。而且,现在上学了,没什么时间学卡片了。先放一阵子。 btw,我们还不会说句子。
我哭啊,我哭啊!jason今天又把前额撞了,昨天第一次去那个playground,我就发现太challenging,还特意交待老师,要看住要看住,jason is not old enough to handle those equipments. 结果今天,真的受伤了!这是6天来第二个ouch report了。 唉!真心痛。接到daycare的电话的时候,我的心都要提到嗓子眼了。老师们都很好,我也不怪她们,尤其刚昨天交待过,她们肯定觉得特不好意思。唉。。。当妈的哭只能自己往肚里咽了。
我哭啊,我哭啊!jason今天又把前额撞了,昨天第一次去那个playground,我就发现太challenging,还特意交待老师,要看住要看住,jason is not old enough to handle those equipments. 结果今天,真的受伤了!这是6天来第二个ouch report了。 唉!真心痛。接到daycare的电话的时候,我的心都要提到嗓子眼了。老师们都很好,我也不怪她们,尤其刚昨天交待过,她们肯定觉得特不好意思。唉。。。当妈的哭只能自己往肚里咽了。
我哭啊,我哭啊!jason今天又把前额撞了,昨天第一次去那个playground,我就发现太challenging,还特意交待老师,要看住要看住,jason is not old enough to handle those equipments. 结果今天,真的受伤了!这是6天来第二个ouch report了。 唉!真心痛。接到daycare的电话的时候,我的心都要提到嗓子眼了。老师们都很好,我也不怪她们,尤其刚昨天交待过,她们肯定觉得特不好意思。唉。。。当妈的哭只能自己往肚里咽了。 bless jason
Accident does happen all the time in daycare and we can only hope it is not too bad when it happens. I just didn't tell you guys but TaoTao got three accident reports since this year. TaoTao had a bad accident two days ago. A kid accidentally hit her left face with a stool in the gym. It looked really bad and it is getting better now.
thanks everyone for the comfort words. I feel much better yesterday after dining out and spending some money. I will talk to peanut dad again this weekend.
我哭啊,我哭啊!jason今天又把前额撞了,昨天第一次去那个playground,我就发现太challenging,还特意交待老师,要看住要看住,jason is not old enough to handle those equipments. 结果今天,真的受伤了!这是6天来第二个ouch report了。 唉!真心痛。接到daycare的电话的时候,我的心都要提到嗓子眼了。老师们都很好,我也不怪她们,尤其刚昨天交待过,她们肯定觉得特不好意思。唉。。。当妈的哭只能自己往肚里咽了。
乐乐的脚穿SR 6号有点小,7号正好(可以塞下小拇指)。 do you guys think buy shoes half size bigger that measured is good? I bought 9 while he measures 8.5. Hope it can last a while.
Peanut's drop off get little harder these two days. He again gets shy and cried a bit. I do not know why? He has been waving byebye for the first 3 days and had fun there. I just called and the teacher said he is a bit upset today. Please bless! Hope he do fine today.
Peanut's drop off get little harder these two days. He again gets shy and cried a bit. I do not know why? He has been waving byebye for the first 3 days and had fun there. I just called and the teacher said he is a bit upset today. Please bless! Hope he do fine today.
Bless Peanut Vincent!!!
It happened to TaoTao -- it is called retrogression. TaoTao did fine with the first daycare after a few weeks. It took her 7 months to get adjusted to the life in the current school though.
It happened to TaoTao -- it is called retrogression. TaoTao did fine with the first daycare after a few weeks. It took her 7 months to get adjusted to the life in the current school though.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/12 9:14:02编辑过] I see. Thanks Taoma
Peanut's drop off get little harder these two days. He again gets shy and cried a bit. I do not know why? He has been waving byebye for the first 3 days and had fun there. I just called and the teacher said he is a bit upset today. Please bless! Hope he do fine today.
Peanut's drop off get little harder these two days. He again gets shy and cried a bit. I do not know why? He has been waving byebye for the first 3 days and had fun there. I just called and the teacher said he is a bit upset today. Please bless! Hope he do fine today. BLESS!!!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 9:27:17编辑过]
矿矿今天从UK的NICU Graduate Clinic毕业了,做了很多测试,估计类似kiki做的那个。然后发了毕业证书,以后不用去做这个系列的检查啦。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 9:27:17编辑过]
矿矿今天从UK的NICU Graduate Clinic毕业了,做了很多测试,估计类似kiki做的那个。然后发了毕业证书,以后不用去做这个系列的检查啦。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 9:27:17编辑过]
矿矿今天从UK的NICU Graduate Clinic毕业了,做了很多测试,估计类似kiki做的那个。然后发了毕业证书,以后不用去做这个系列的检查啦。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 9:27:17编辑过]
Bless KuangKuang grandparents a safe trip home tomorrow!
矿矿今天从UK的NICU Graduate Clinic毕业了,做了很多测试,估计类似kiki做的那个。然后发了毕业证书,以后不用去做这个系列的检查啦。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 9:27:17编辑过]
Bless KuangKuang grandparents a safe trip home tomorrow!
今天捷报频传呀 (除了花生撞到额头)呵呵。 kiki、宸宸、花生在daycare表现的非常勇敢, 乐乐在老公在家的情况下 我去倒个垃圾也要哭。
congratulations to kuangkuang
feel tired. Had a fight with peanut dad last night over the phone.
We were discussing what to do if peanut's daycare does not approve for the following week.
I want him to persuad his father to come again sooner. Peanut's dad thinks we should send peanut to another full time daycare nearby for 2-3 weeks and wait for grandpa to come back. Neither of us has gone to check how good is that one yet. No time.
And I feel it's too stressful for peanut to change daycare so frequently. Peanut dad can only take 3 days off next week. The rest is on me. My boss is chasing after me for data, data, data. I've told my boss about the situation. But boss don't think when he wants data.
I feel life is already very stressful and hope peanut dad could be more supportive. But what he is good at is to make life more desperate.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 11:10:52编辑过]
[replyview] [/replyview]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 11:46:14编辑过]
It's easy for peanut's dad to say "let's just switch daycare, bla bla....". I am the one who do the real job. I am the one who see peanut screaming for the first couple days. What about all the hidden work after daycare? I am not sure how long I can hang in.
Everynight, my muscles are so sore when I go to bed.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 12:05:42编辑过]
I feel tired and hopeless.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 12:17:36编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 11:46:14编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 12:12:45编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/10 15:42:28编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 8:18:26编辑过]
Peanut got another incident report yesterday...
These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
Hopfully no incident or accident today.
sweet Kuangkuang
Peanut got another incident report yesterday...
These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
Hopfully no incident or accident today.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 8:55:52编辑过]
by the way, peanut's feet measure for 8.5 now.
Peanut got another incident report yesterday...
These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
Hopfully no incident or accident today.
by the way, peanut's feet measure for 8.5 now.
still 6.5 here
so sweet
sweet Kuangkuang
Peanut got another incident report yesterday...
These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
Hopfully no incident or accident today.
Peanut got another incident report yesterday...
These two days, Vincent is the only kid there with 4 teachers..... 2 incidents.....
Hopfully no incident or accident today.
Accident does happen all the time in daycare and we can only hope it is not too bad when it happens. I just didn't tell you guys but TaoTao got three accident reports since this year. TaoTao had a bad accident two days ago. A kid accidentally hit her left face with a stool in the gym. It looked really bad and it is getting better now.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 9:09:51编辑过]
Accident does happen all the time in daycare and we can only hope it is not too bad when it happens. I just didn't tell you guys but TaoTao got three accident reports since this year. TaoTao had a bad accident two days ago. A kid accidentally hit her left face with a stool in the gym. It looked really bad and it is getting better now.
Accident does happen all the time in daycare and we can only hope it is not too bad when it happens. I just didn't tell you guys but TaoTao got three accident reports since this year. TaoTao had a bad accident two days ago. A kid accidentally hit her left face with a stool in the gym. It looked really bad and it is getting better now. bless taotao!
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 8:55:52编辑过]
oops! haha. By the way, the shoes I bought for him called TT vincent. I picked it without knowing the shoe name. The girl works there asks peanut's name and said wow, the shoes are called the same name.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 9:50:12编辑过]
This is great!!!
I don't think TaoTao knows any word though. She does say, 'Read a book' a few times/day
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 10:42:59编辑过]
KeKe, it drove me crazy just by dropping TaoTao at daycare and picking her up on time and dealing with a pushy boss at the same time for the past few months. I don't know how I would keep my sanity if I were you.
You definitely need some help. Talk with your husband and urge him to get one of his parents to come soon. Or you will have to get some local help, at least for a few hours during the weekday so you could get a break.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 11:15:40编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/11 9:09:51编辑过]
thank you gfor giving me the credit。
结果今天,真的受伤了!这是6天来第二个ouch report了。
我哭啊,我哭啊!jason今天又把前额撞了,昨天第一次去那个playground,我就发现太challenging,还特意交待老师,要看住要看住,jason is not old enough to handle those equipments.
结果今天,真的受伤了!这是6天来第二个ouch report了。
答辩的日子就要近了,论文才开始写,也不能总是这样半天半天的逃班了,明天还得去两岁check up。唉,我还是赶快写论文去吧。安下心来。孩子摔摔难免的。
我哭啊,我哭啊!jason今天又把前额撞了,昨天第一次去那个playground,我就发现太challenging,还特意交待老师,要看住要看住,jason is not old enough to handle those equipments.
结果今天,真的受伤了!这是6天来第二个ouch report了。
bless jason
Accident does happen all the time in daycare and we can only hope it is not too bad when it happens. I just didn't tell you guys but TaoTao got three accident reports since this year. TaoTao had a bad accident two days ago. A kid accidentally hit her left face with a stool in the gym. It looked really bad and it is getting better now.
bless taotao
I feel much better yesterday after dining out and spending some money.
Big kiss to everyone.
我哭啊,我哭啊!jason今天又把前额撞了,昨天第一次去那个playground,我就发现太challenging,还特意交待老师,要看住要看住,jason is not old enough to handle those equipments.
结果今天,真的受伤了!这是6天来第二个ouch report了。
bless jason
by the way, peanut's feet measure for 8.5 now.
乐乐的脚穿SR 6号有点小,7号正好(可以塞下小拇指)。
乐乐的脚穿SR 6号有点小,7号正好(可以塞下小拇指)。
do you guys think buy shoes half size bigger that measured is good?
I bought 9 while he measures 8.5. Hope it can last a while.
Peanut's drop off get little harder these two days. He again gets shy and cried a bit. I do not know why? He has been waving byebye for the first 3 days and had fun there. I just called and the teacher said he is a bit upset today. Please bless!
Hope he do fine today.
Morning everyone!!!
Peanut's drop off get little harder these two days. He again gets shy and cried a bit. I do not know why? He has been waving byebye for the first 3 days and had fun there. I just called and the teacher said he is a bit upset today. Please bless!
Hope he do fine today.
Bless Peanut Vincent!!!
It happened to TaoTao -- it is called retrogression. TaoTao did fine with the first daycare after a few weeks. It took her 7 months to get adjusted to the life in the current school though.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/12 9:14:02编辑过]
Bless Peanut Vincent!!!
It happened to TaoTao -- it is called retrogression. TaoTao did fine with the first daycare after a few weeks. It took her 7 months to get adjusted to the life in the current school though.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/3/12 9:14:02编辑过]
I see. Thanks Taoma
Morning everyone!!!
Peanut's drop off get little harder these two days. He again gets shy and cried a bit. I do not know why? He has been waving byebye for the first 3 days and had fun there. I just called and the teacher said he is a bit upset today. Please bless!
Hope he do fine today.
have you checked this post?
Morning everyone!!!
Peanut's drop off get little harder these two days. He again gets shy and cried a bit. I do not know why? He has been waving byebye for the first 3 days and had fun there. I just called and the teacher said he is a bit upset today. Please bless!
Hope he do fine today.
How are you doing at home with Kuangkuang?