like the sample design at the store, which is more sleek than pure wooden closets. also they offer free custom design. anyone had the experience?
check out my post here:
i used their customer design service. it is very convenient. they also package everything very well, so you can transport everything needed in a small car.
i used their customer design service. it is very convenient. they also package everything very well, so you can transport everything needed in a small car.
I think the installation is easy. Don't know how large your closet is, but I spent about $200 to install shelves on a wall that is 9x6ft. They can design for you and give you a quote.
Also they offer free custom design. Anyone had the experience?
like the sample design at the store, which is more sleek than pure wooden closets.
also they offer free custom design. anyone had the experience?
check out my post here:
i used their customer design service. it is very convenient. they also package everything very well, so you can transport everything needed in a small car.
check out my post here:
i used their customer design service. it is very convenient. they also package everything very well, so you can transport everything needed in a small car.
多谢mm。请问你们是让他们安装的还是自己装的呢?还有不同的closet space,最后的价格大概差别多大?谢谢。
多谢mm。请问你们是让他们安装的还是自己装的呢?还有不同的closet space,最后的价格大概差别多大?谢谢。
我是自己装的。大概花了大半天。我LG先用电钻帮我把top rack安装在墙上,然后就象搭积木一样把东西都装上。他们会给你很详细的安装说明,就照着装就好了.
我是自己装的。大概花了大半天。我LG先用电钻帮我把top rack安装在墙上,然后就象搭积木一样把东西都装上。他们会给你很详细的安装说明,就照着装就好了.
就是说自己安装也不太复杂了?一个比较大的closet space,大概2000刀能下来吗?
就是说自己安装也不太复杂了?一个比较大的closet space,大概2000刀能下来吗?
安装很简单. 就只有top track 需要打洞,其他就是挂上去的. 这个是安装的录像:
因为我还自己装了些closet maid的架子,比较下来那是省力多了.
至于价钱,我觉得最贵的就是那些fascia还有drawer frames. 如果装一个才2feet宽的fascia,是20块左右.但是walkin closet的宽度肯定不止2feet的.还不止一层架子. 你就算吧. 抽屉是越多越贵(一个frame 就要49块).
我的closet 不是很大, 6*9的吧. 左,右还有开门正对的墙上装了架子. 只有左右两面装了elfa的.还没有选择全部都装上fascia. 抽屉6个, 首饰盒一个. 大概1750左右吧.
安装很简单. 就只有top track 需要打洞,其他就是挂上去的. 这个是安装的录像:
因为我还自己装了些closet maid的架子,比较下来那是省力多了.
至于价钱,我觉得最贵的就是那些fascia还有drawer frames. 如果装一个才2feet宽的fascia,是20块左右.但是walkin closet的宽度肯定不止2feet的.还不止一层架子. 你就算吧. 抽屉是越多越贵(一个frame 就要49块).
我的closet 不是很大, 6*9的吧. 左,右还有开门正对的墙上装了架子. 只有左右两面装了elfa的.还没有选择全部都装上fascia. 抽屉6个, 首饰盒一个. 大概1750左右吧.
谢谢mm。This is very informative!
each year, they have 30% off SALE on elfa from dec. to next feb.
就是说自己安装也不太复杂了?一个比较大的closet space,大概2000刀能下来吗?
我觉得安装还是挺简单的。我上次买的时候正好他们家Elfa在on sale. 那些walnut的fascia什么的平时比较贵的部件都是50% off,其他的30% off。2000刀应该可以装一个挺大的closet。
不过我留了几个地方空着, 等着打折再买.