我买的2双黑色都被cancel了! As of 08/09/2009, the merchandise listed below has been canceled per your request. Your account will not be charged for the item(s), or you will receive a prompt refund if due. If you paid with a gift card, the debited amount will be returned to the original gift card(s) used.
Got the email from Macy today. The order is cancelled because of price error, not out of stock. It is said that you could call the customer service to get one pair of the shoes at $17.99. :P
If you would like to purchase one pair of the Dr. Martens Shoes at $17.99 we will honor that request. Please call us at the number listed below so we can place your order.
i order one pair 17.99 but the shipping fee is 5.99
do i need to cancel it?
just want to order one for my mom, but not sure the width. her feet are very wide.
If you would like to purchase one pair of the Dr. Martens Shoes at $17.99 we will honor that request. Please call us at the number listed below so we can place your order.
i order one pair 17.99 but the shipping fee is 5.99
do i need to cancel it?
just want to order one for my mom, but not sure the width. her feet are very wide.
Me too but I asked the shipping fee when I placed the order by telephone and complained about the $5.95 shipping fee , so the SA gave me 99 cents as shipping fee.
应该挺可爱的 :)
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-7 15:21:41编辑过]
以下是引用bufibufi在2009-8-7 15:32:00的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-7 19:54:19编辑过]
以下是引用d.orchid在2009-8-7 16:06:00的发言:
As of 08/09/2009, the merchandise listed below has been canceled per
your request. Your account will not be charged for the item(s), or you
will receive a prompt refund if due. If you paid with a gift card, the
debited amount will be returned to the original gift card(s) used.
The order is cancelled because of price error, not out of stock.
It is said that you could call the customer service to get one pair of the shoes at $17.99.
If you would like to purchase one pair of the Dr. Martens Shoes at
$17.99 we will honor that request. Please call us at the number listed
below so we can place your order.
i order one pair 17.99 but the shipping fee is 5.99
do i need to cancel it?
just want to order one for my mom, but not sure the width. her feet are very wide.
just received another email:
If you would like to purchase one pair of the Dr. Martens Shoes at
$17.99 we will honor that request. Please call us at the number listed
below so we can place your order.
i order one pair 17.99 but the shipping fee is 5.99
do i need to cancel it?
just want to order one for my mom, but not sure the width. her feet are very wide.
Me too but I asked the shipping fee when I placed the order by telephone and complained about the $5.95 shipping fee , so the SA gave me 99 cents as shipping fee.
The customer service gave me free shipping
我打电话SA也给我free shipping了,可是要expected shipping是8.20.
然后立刻收到信的order confirmation啦。