I think MM's title need to be adjusted, I think what you have been doing is to "regulate baby's schedule" not sleep training (I hope not). Because if you start observing baby's eat/sleep pattern, after a few weeks, you will find one, then gradually you start fine tune it, eventually you will have a good sleeper, no need cry-out. My son is a terrible sleeper, I start record his feed/sleep on daily basis, and adjust it he started sleep much better this way (also very natrually) when he turns 3 months, he could sleep overnight around month 4.5, but we want to gradually adjust his schedule. so month 6, he eventually sleep overnight all by himself.
*******own experience*************I think the key is to take it slow.
for infant younger than 4 months, it is recommended to "let him cry", they are still fetus and need cuddle, love and attached to adults, all normal, you would not spoil a baby.........my son never got spoil, it is a process to build his trust and ensure him that he is being taken care/loved. Right now he is such a happy guy, he can play by himself, he can sleep by himself. We never let him cry when he needs attention for the 1st three months. Even the daycare we sent him, the owner told all the infant teachers that "when baby cries, pick him/her up, they need a cuddle"!!
我不是辩解什么。可是楼上说我cry it out的mm,你有认真看过我的帖子吗? 我并没有用cry it out。也不是简单的follow clb,而是在那个基础上根据我家宝宝的pattern 来帮助她建立好的作息时间和习惯。 而且我一开始就说了,这个topic就是有争议,见仁见智的。我只是希望自己的一些经验,对有相同想法的妈妈们有帮助
但是, 当10个月左右,有的宝宝有可能不要自己睡。 sleep training 也许需要, 也要因宝宝而定。
*******own experience*************I think the key is to take it slow.
顶!我家娃是6周sleep train的,终身受益啊
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