is offering 15% off Pampers and Luvs Diapers with coupon code PMPRSJN9. Plus save additional 15% off when you use Subscribe & Save (on product page, click on Subscribe Now button in the right column). You can cancel your subscription right after submitting your order.
以下是引用motherdog在2009-5-20 21:45:00的发言: Does the "Subscribe & Save" mean that you must buy the same item every 1-6 month? Here is the lists I must choose if I sign in "subscribe & save":
Subscribe & Save Delivery Schedule: Delivery every 1 month Delivery every 2 months Delivery every 3 months Delivery every 6 months Subscribe & Save Automatic delivery and extra savings for your most frequent purchases
So if I use the 15% off this time, then amazon will send the item to me every 6 month automatically?
Thanks for answer.
没有一定要买, 你可以等收到尿布以后, 在Log in 到你的帐号, 取消这个服务, 他们就不会自己邮寄给你了 is offering 15% off Pampers and Luvs Diapers with coupon code PMPRSJN9. Plus save additional 15% off when you use Subscribe & Save (on product page, click on Subscribe Now button in the right column). You can cancel your subscription right after submitting your order. is offering 15% off Pampers and Luvs Diapers with coupon code PMPRSJN9. Plus save additional 15% off when you use Subscribe & Save (on product page, click on Subscribe Now button in the right column). You can cancel your subscription right after submitting your order.
我怎么看不到subcribe and save?那种原价45的最后多少钱一箱啊?
我怎么看不到subcribe and save?那种原价45的最后多少钱一箱啊?
i did not see it either...
我怎么看不到subcribe and save?那种原价45的最后多少钱一箱啊?
这个subscribe and save只适用于select pamper diapers的
这个subscribe and save只适用于select pamper diapers的
bru更便宜是吗?我刚刚order了size 1的216count的,34。84刀。没有用那个subscribe and save
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-20 20:55:59编辑过]
Here is the lists I must choose if I sign in "subscribe & save":
Subscribe & Save Delivery Schedule:
Delivery every 1 month
Delivery every 2 months
Delivery every 3 months
Delivery every 6 months Subscribe & Save
Automatic delivery and extra savings for your most frequent purchases
So if I use the 15% off this time, then amazon will send the item to me every 6 month automatically?
Thanks for answer.
Does the "Subscribe & Save" mean that you must buy the same item every 1-6 month?
Here is the lists I must choose if I sign in "subscribe & save":
Subscribe & Save Delivery Schedule:
Delivery every 1 month
Delivery every 2 months
Delivery every 3 months
Delivery every 6 months Subscribe & Save
Automatic delivery and extra savings for your most frequent purchases
So if I use the 15% off this time, then amazon will send the item to me every 6 month automatically?
Thanks for answer.
没有一定要买, 你可以等收到尿布以后, 在Log in 到你的帐号, 取消这个服务, 他们就不会自己邮寄给你了 is offering 15% off Pampers and Luvs Diapers with coupon code PMPRSJN9. Plus save additional 15% off when you use Subscribe & Save (on product page, click on Subscribe Now button in the right column). You can cancel your subscription right after submitting your order.
下蛋了, works for Pampers cruisers, thx much.
just bought 3 boxes of size 5. it is about 20 cents each.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-21 9:19:22编辑过]