Si Shao and Lai Bu Ji are still my favorite, not only because Wallace and LXR had superb acting and take the most credit of this drama, but also for Wallace' dominating role in this one, not like Shanghaiwang or NiShuiHan in which he could at most be counted as co-starring and did not show up as much as we expect. I am also very touched by Si Shao and Jing Wan's love, which are wonderfully depicted by them. Episodes 19 - 25 are my favorite parts of this drama. The script was not so bad at all, esp in comparison to FWSC's novels which are normally full of details but lack of story plots. It could be better if shortend to 30 episodes instead of 36. The supporting roles are another problem, the characters are mostly too single-sided, Tan Kai does not have the look of a young man from a small southern town and Qi Fang needs to improve a lot in her acting skills.
Si Shao and Lai Bu Ji are still my favorite, not only because Wallace and LXR had superb acting and take the most credit of this drama, but also for Wallace' dominating role in this one, not like Shanghaiwang or NiShuiHan in which he could at most be counted as co-starring and did not show up as much as we expect. I am also very touched by Si Shao and Jing Wan's love, which are wonderfully depicted by them. Episodes 19 - 25 are my favorite parts of this drama. The script was not so bad at all, esp in comparison to FWSC's novels which are normally full of details but lack of story plots. It could be better if shortend to 30 episodes instead of 36. The supporting roles are another problem, the characters are mostly too single-sided, Tan Kai does not have the look of a young man from a small southern town and Qi Fang needs to improve a lot in her acting skills.
Si Shao and Lai Bu Ji are still my favorite, not only because Wallace and LXR had superb acting and take the most credit of this drama, but also for Wallace' dominating role in this one, not like Shanghaiwang or NiShuiHan in which he could at most be counted as co-starring and did not show up as much as we expect. I am also very touched by Si Shao and Jing Wan's love, which are wonderfully depicted by them. Episodes 19 - 25 are my favorite parts of this drama. The script was not so bad at all, esp in comparison to FWSC's novels which are normally full of details but lack of story plots. It could be better if shortend to 30 episodes instead of 36. The supporting roles are another problem, the characters are mostly too single-sided, Tan Kai does not have the look of a young man from a small southern town and Qi Fang needs to improve a lot in her acting skills.
Tan Kai simply does not look like a man from the south, not a Shu Sheng look, his acting is not bad at all but his look make his role much less convincing. Qi Fang's role is a big bug from the script but also a problem from her acting, a good actor would design more details to make the role more standing out, obviously she is too young and less experienced to do so. Anyway Wallace and LXR should take the majority of the credits for Lai Bu Ji, it is true that without these two great actors, this drama would be much less touching more plain than it actually turns out to be. Wallace has much more room and time in this drama to establish an outstanding role.
Tan Kai simply does not look like a man from the south, not a Shu Sheng look, his acting is not bad at all but his look make his role much less convincing. Qi Fang's role is a big bug from the script but also a problem from her acting, a good actor would design more details to make the role more standing out, obviously she is too young and less experienced to do so. Anyway Wallace and LXR should take the majority of the credits for Lai Bu Ji, it is true that without these two great actors, this drama would be much less touching more plain than it actually turns out to be. Wallace has much more room and time in this drama to establish an outstanding role.
Like this Wallace with this simple look, like him in those gorgeous costumes too. Wallace has a crystal heart and that makes him always look pure and young and warm. Wish him another wonderful year in 2012.
Tan Kai simply does not look like a man from the south, not a Shu Sheng look, his acting is not bad at all but his look make his role much less convincing. Qi Fang's role is a big bug from the script but also a problem from her acting, a good actor would design more details to make the role more standing out, obviously she is too young and less experienced to do so. Anyway Wallace and LXR should take the majority of the credits for Lai Bu Ji, it is true that without these two great actors, this drama would be much less touching more plain than it actually turns out to be. Wallace has much more room and time in this drama to establish an outstanding role.
哈哈哈 我好喜欢看那部剧 看到后来要攒着看 怕给看完了没的看了 哈哈哈
但是也没攒下 还是诱惑大 忍不住看完了 很短的时间又看了一遍
那时候我跟我家ZT追着看地. 有次我跟他说谁谁谁看着蛮帅的, 他说没有钟汉良帅. 哈哈哈..
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 18:38:50编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 18:40:09编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 18:41:35编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 18:52:37编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 19:05:25编辑过]
Si Shao and Lai Bu Ji are still my favorite, not only because Wallace and LXR had superb acting and take the most credit of this drama, but also for Wallace' dominating role in this one, not like Shanghaiwang or NiShuiHan in which he could at most be counted as co-starring and did not show up as much as we expect. I am also very touched by Si Shao and Jing Wan's love, which are wonderfully depicted by them. Episodes 19 - 25 are my favorite parts of this drama. The script was not so bad at all, esp in comparison to FWSC's novels which are normally full of details but lack of story plots. It could be better if shortend to 30 episodes instead of 36. The supporting roles are another problem, the characters are mostly too single-sided, Tan Kai does not have the look of a young man from a small southern town and Qi Fang needs to improve a lot in her acting skills.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 19:44:16编辑过]
Si Shao and Lai Bu Ji are still my favorite, not only because Wallace and LXR had superb acting and take the most credit of this drama, but also for Wallace' dominating role in this one, not like Shanghaiwang or NiShuiHan in which he could at most be counted as co-starring and did not show up as much as we expect. I am also very touched by Si Shao and Jing Wan's love, which are wonderfully depicted by them. Episodes 19 - 25 are my favorite parts of this drama. The script was not so bad at all, esp in comparison to FWSC's novels which are normally full of details but lack of story plots. It could be better if shortend to 30 episodes instead of 36. The supporting roles are another problem, the characters are mostly too single-sided, Tan Kai does not have the look of a young man from a small southern town and Qi Fang needs to improve a lot in her acting skills.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 19:53:52编辑过]
点懵,眼睛滴溜溜地乱转的样子好可爱。事后他的工作人员告诉中歌榜“保密工作做得很好,给了他十足的惊喜”。 音频部分从18分钟开始。
WOW WOW, cannot wait to see this one! Looking forward to it.
Si Shao and Lai Bu Ji are still my favorite, not only because Wallace and LXR had superb acting and take the most credit of this drama, but also for Wallace' dominating role in this one, not like Shanghaiwang or NiShuiHan in which he could at most be counted as co-starring and did not show up as much as we expect. I am also very touched by Si Shao and Jing Wan's love, which are wonderfully depicted by them. Episodes 19 - 25 are my favorite parts of this drama. The script was not so bad at all, esp in comparison to FWSC's novels which are normally full of details but lack of story plots. It could be better if shortend to 30 episodes instead of 36. The supporting roles are another problem, the characters are mostly too single-sided, Tan Kai does not have the look of a young man from a small southern town and Qi Fang needs to improve a lot in her acting skills.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 19:53:52编辑过]
Tan Kai simply does not look like a man from the south, not a Shu Sheng look, his acting is not bad at all but his look make his role much less convincing. Qi Fang's role is a big bug from the script but also a problem from her acting, a good actor would design more details to make the role more standing out, obviously she is too young and less experienced to do so. Anyway Wallace and LXR should take the majority of the credits for Lai Bu Ji, it is true that without these two great actors, this drama would be much less touching more plain than it actually turns out to be. Wallace has much more room and time in this drama to establish an outstanding role.
Tan Kai simply does not look like a man from the south, not a Shu Sheng look, his acting is not bad at all but his look make his role much less convincing. Qi Fang's role is a big bug from the script but also a problem from her acting, a good actor would design more details to make the role more standing out, obviously she is too young and less experienced to do so. Anyway Wallace and LXR should take the majority of the credits for Lai Bu Ji, it is true that without these two great actors, this drama would be much less touching more plain than it actually turns out to be. Wallace has much more room and time in this drama to establish an outstanding role.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 19:05:25编辑过]
Like this Wallace with this simple look, like him in those gorgeous costumes too. Wallace has a crystal heart and that makes him always look pure and young and warm. Wish him another wonderful year in 2012.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 20:27:20编辑过]
2011年小哇的公开活动比起以前算是多了很多,原因呢,当然是《视觉动物》的发行,让我们有了这么多机会和他近距离接触。今年音乐上的奖项也拿了一些,初步算算, 中歌榜最佳舞台演绎男歌手,Music Radio校园最具人气男歌手,中国原创歌曲排行榜两个,台湾的MTV十大人气歌手,音乐先锋榜3个,已经有八座奖杯了。希望明年新专辑,演唱会筹备一切顺利。
Tan Kai simply does not look like a man from the south, not a Shu Sheng look, his acting is not bad at all but his look make his role much less convincing. Qi Fang's role is a big bug from the script but also a problem from her acting, a good actor would design more details to make the role more standing out, obviously she is too young and less experienced to do so. Anyway Wallace and LXR should take the majority of the credits for Lai Bu Ji, it is true that without these two great actors, this drama would be much less touching more plain than it actually turns out to be. Wallace has much more room and time in this drama to establish an outstanding role.
我觉得谭凯演的不错 长相也跟角色没什么不和谐 他心态那么老 面相老些硬些也可以相配 、
这剧本跟很多琼瑶剧一样 角色都是很极端的 无论好坏 这是我不喜欢言情剧的原因之一 所以男二和女二的情节才那么恶劣。 女二的剧本太差了, 齐芳的表演后来很单一 很难说是演员不到位 还是导演剧本就这么要求的 因为她就是用来炮灰反衬的, 她在舞会上的盘发造型可以说是惊鸿一瞥 后来婚后的造型那么难看 真是可惜了这么漂亮的一个演员
就像好多人说小钟在流星里面很土 那只能说如果导演生生不让你好看 你就算天仙也就只能认了
女二后来被安排了太多令人生厌的情节 但是她偶尔的真情流露 就可以让我恨她不来 可怜她爱错了方法 离爱越来越远 我觉得这是演员表演成功的地方。最后她随四少战死 音乐响起 回放镜头 我还很是感触唏嘘 她要的爱情 就像手里的沙 抓得越紧散落得越快
静琬和四少 在旗袍店和领事馆重逢 及其前后的段落 这剧里让我最动容的地方 演员表演得深情而有节制 我很喜欢
我也觉得剧里有很多地方可以精简些 甚至包括静琬劝四少抗日不但拖沓而且扯多了, 剧本对四少和静琬的感情描述 有时也让我觉得过于用力 反而不如有节制更让人感动 好在演员没有用力过猛 不然就是秦汉和刘雪华的琼瑶戏码了
我看到倒数第二集 就没有继续看了 在我看来这个结局更像结局 就像 cold mountain, 四少和静琬相爱的人终于久别重逢享受短暂的甜蜜 谨之重现本色和四少并肩作战 那一刻爱和恨都不再重要 四少英勇殉国 静琬在战后的废墟哭喊着爱人的名字。。。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 21:33:38编辑过]
我觉得谭凯演的不错 长相也跟角色没什么不和谐 他心态那么老 面相老些硬些也可以相配 、
这剧本跟很多琼瑶剧一样 角色都是很极端的 无论好坏 这是我不喜欢言情剧的原因之一 所以男二和女二的情节才那么恶劣。 女二的剧本太差了, 齐芳的表演后来很单一 很难说是演员不到位 还是导演剧本就这么要求的 因为她就是用来炮灰反衬的, 她在舞会上的盘发造型可以说是惊鸿一瞥 后来婚后的造型那么难看 真是可惜了这么漂亮的一个演员
就像好多人说小钟在流星里面很土 那只能说如果导演生生不让你好看 你就算天仙也就只能认了
女二后来被安排了太多令人生厌的情节 但是她偶尔的真情流露 就可以让我恨她不来 可怜她爱错了方法 离爱越来越远 我觉得这是演员表演成功的地方。最后她随四少战死 音乐响起 回放镜头 我还很是感触唏嘘 她要的爱情 就像手里的沙 抓得越紧散落得越快
静琬和四少 在旗袍店和领事馆重逢 及其前后的段落 这剧里让我最动容的地方 演员表演得深情而有节制 我很喜欢
我也觉得剧里有很多地方可以精简些 甚至包括静琬劝四少抗日不但拖沓而且扯多了, 剧本对四少和静琬的感情描述 有时也让我觉得过于用力 反而不如有节制更让人感动 好在演员没有用力过猛 不然就是秦汉和刘雪华的琼瑶戏码了
我看到倒数第二集 就没有继续看了 在我看来这个结局更像结局 就像 cold mountain, 四少和静琬相爱的人终于久别重逢 谨之重现本色和四少并肩作战 那一刻爱和恨都不再重要 四少英勇殉国 静琬在战后的废墟哭喊着爱人的名字。。。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 21:31:30编辑过]
真是各花入各眼, 我对谨之这个角色从头到尾都只有厌恶, 好偏执扭曲的一个人...
真是各花入各眼, 我对谨之这个角色从头到尾都只有厌恶, 好偏执扭曲的一个人...
男二女二都是这样 只能说编剧太简单化极端化了 好像言情剧大都这样
其实男三更惨 太单调了
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 22:03:58编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 19:44:16编辑过]
我觉得谭凯演的不错 长相也跟角色没什么不和谐 他心态那么老 面相老些硬些也可以相配 、
这剧本跟很多琼瑶剧一样 角色都是很极端的 无论好坏 这是我不喜欢言情剧的原因之一 所以男二和女二的情节才那么恶劣。 女二的剧本太差了, 齐芳的表演后来很单一 很难说是演员不到位 还是导演剧本就这么要求的 因为她就是用来炮灰反衬的, 她在舞会上的盘发造型可以说是惊鸿一瞥 后来婚后的造型那么难看 真是可惜了这么漂亮的一个演员
就像好多人说小钟在流星里面很土 那只能说如果导演生生不让你好看 你就算天仙也就只能认了
女二后来被安排了太多令人生厌的情节 但是她偶尔的真情流露 就可以让我恨她不来 可怜她爱错了方法 离爱越来越远 我觉得这是演员表演成功的地方。最后她随四少战死 音乐响起 回放镜头 我还很是感触唏嘘 她要的爱情 就像手里的沙 抓得越紧散落得越快
静琬和四少 在旗袍店和领事馆重逢 及其前后的段落 这剧里让我最动容的地方 演员表演得深情而有节制 我很喜欢
我也觉得剧里有很多地方可以精简些 甚至包括静琬劝四少抗日不但拖沓而且扯多了, 剧本对四少和静琬的感情描述 有时也让我觉得过于用力 反而不如有节制更让人感动 好在演员没有用力过猛 不然就是秦汉和刘雪华的琼瑶戏码了
我看到倒数第二集 就没有继续看了 在我看来这个结局更像结局 就像 cold mountain, 四少和静琬相爱的人终于久别重逢享受短暂的甜蜜 谨之重现本色和四少并肩作战 那一刻爱和恨都不再重要 四少英勇殉国 静琬在战后的废墟哭喊着爱人的名字。。。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 21:33:38编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/31 12:58:27编辑过]
另外 百度有小顾的港普花絮 sina上的 我说什么都看不了 哭死了
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真是各花入各眼, 我对谨之这个角色从头到尾都只有厌恶, 好偏执扭曲的一个人...
我主要没喜欢静宛 白莲花的老套角色也够烦人的,昨天在家看了一会儿逆水寒 如果导演剧本和演员给力 谨之也可以是类似小顾那样的反角 不过导演和编剧是一根筋
me 2, 还有和林志颖一起拍的那个也不错
男二女二都是这样 只能说编剧太简单化极端化了 好像言情剧大都这样
其实男三更惨 太单调了
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/30 22:03:58编辑过]
我主要没喜欢静宛 白莲花的老套角色也够烦人的,昨天在家看了一会儿逆水寒 如果导演剧本和演员给力 谨之也可以是类似小顾那样的反角 不过导演和编剧是一根筋
恩. 是.所以我只喜欢小哇...
一触即发什么时候播啊 等不及了!!!!!
另外 百度有小顾的港普花絮 sina上的 我说什么都看不了 哭死了
我也最喜欢逆水寒 我觉得的整部剧都非常好 虽然也有瑕疵 例如无视情境就突然出现的插曲 (射向你芳心的剑 哈哈哈)
但是整体很大气 武侠剧里难得的作品 连女演员都选得很大气 好几个演员都可圈可点 角色设计也很好够鲜明
这部剧没真的红 真是可惜 也许是武侠剧过气了? 小钟角色里我最爱小顾 但是这是一部我愿意完完整整欣赏 不需要为看帅哥忍耐其他的作品
另外个火线追凶 我也觉得是国内的破案悬疑片里面很出色的作品 节奏把握很好 情节真的很吸引人
你说的对 还是小言观众群比较大 嘻嘻 四少在钟家村帅不进3甲 也就混个中上等 但是拿出去还是横扫的 哈哈哈
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/12/29 23:52:13编辑过]
俺的list 小顾和佑和哥哥并列 然后是公子
俺的list 小顾和佑和哥哥并列 然后是公子
haha 你和我的喜好差不多啊!!! 其实这3个都是差不多同一时期的 哈哈哈
最爱的小顾就不用说了! 我那满满两张DVD的小顾MV就说明问题了
佑和 开始是看照片 就把我迷的晕头转向的 后来看剧的时候 觉得被骗了 发现会动的才最销魂呢 哈哈
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/5 0:16:25编辑过]
对了 我还很喜欢南星
我没看过小教主的剧 所以没感觉 就看MV 不喜欢发型
这两天看粉丝做的MV 神雕侠侣 和刘亦菲 用的陆逸造型 真好看 突然想去看看陆逸
我闺蜜念叨了好几次 神雕应该找小钟演啊
不过 人不同年龄还是不一样的 原来的感觉不会再有了
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/5 0:10:38编辑过]
我看到了 骗子啊 只有前面一点点 “慢点” 吼吼
俺的list 小顾和佑和哥哥并列 然后是公子
haha 你和我的喜好差不多啊!!! 其实这3个都是差不多同一时期的 哈哈哈
最爱的小顾就不用说了! 我那满满两张DVD的小顾MV就说明问题了
佑和 开始是看照片 就把我迷的晕头转向的 后来看剧的时候 觉得被骗了 发现会动的才最销魂呢 哈哈
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/5 0:16:25编辑过]
哈........我也不知道为啥, 觉得每个角色都有每个角色的特点, 好吧, 前面说过了, 我最喜欢老虎探长. 我其实说过很多遍了,相对电视居, 我更喜欢跳舞.
这胡子造型真是太差了 毁自己
胡子配表情帝 真是懒得吐糟
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/1/8 12:54:47编辑过]
话糙理不糙,本是山珍海味 清清淡淡简单修饰就对众男星 一骑绝尘了 不用跟那些肠子肚子一样狂下猛料
哈........我也不知道为啥, 觉得每个角色都有每个角色的特点, 好吧, 前面说过了, 我最喜欢老虎探长. 我其实说过很多遍了,相对电视居, 我更喜欢跳舞.
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/1 13:00:36编辑过]
ha ha ha ..我见一次笑一次...可爱死了.
So handsome and cute.
以下是引用水妹在3/1/2012 1:46:00 PM的发言:
看他拍火线追踪 时候的一些花絮,在火车上奔跑啊,跳车什么的,拍完后他和记者说 很怕 的时候, 我觉得他那一刻像个女孩子。。。。
以下是引用米修米修在3/1/2012 6:03:00 PM的发言:
虽然我相信他不是 也不纠结不care倒底是不是。但是我觉得我们俩喜欢的是同一个类型的小哇。四少 初初 次次这种!很man的!!!
Will Wallace join 被时光掩埋的秘密 by Tonghua?
以下是引用moonriver08在3/1/2012 2:05:00 PM的发言:
以下是引用weit在2/26/2012 8:34:00 PM的发言:
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/1 20:52:36编辑过]
科普一下 被时光掩埋的秘密 什么东西 大概故事 好吧 我放狗了 传说演苏还是陆啊? 哪个是男主啊,现在的小说电视剧好像都是女性题材的 能占70% 都是给女性观众自我代入YY的吗? 我最喜欢没有女主的剧 士兵突击 黎明之前 这类的 所以我喜欢逆水寒和一触即发 其实女主都是女配 女人戏太墨迹
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/1 20:52:19编辑过]