各部分的设计装修买材料是不是需要找不同的contractor呢?比如walk in closet, 是买整体买了然后有人负责安装吗?
We installed the walk in closet ourselves but the rest of the house (described in this post) was done by the same contractor. But you can buy it and let the same contractor install it for you as well.
I have been looking to have my bathroom remodeled now for years. I literally have a hundreds of pictures saved for ideas that I want done. I have plenty of room to work with for the redesign and I have picked and chose what I want. I want a shower with a shower head right on top and centered in the shower. Glass doors of course with a decorative creative tile design. I also want a free standing bathtub white and plain. Behind the sinks I want another similar creative tile design. Last year we had this company redo our kitchen and it looked great! I plan on going through them again for the bathroom redesign. I want to post some photos of my ideas and see your opion but I cant figure out how. Anyways I love yours and if someone could show me how to post photos I'll show you some of my plans.
你的towel rack或者shelf,目的是用来干什么呢?挂常用的擦手的毛巾,还是放备用的毛巾(就是每次擦手都要一个新的毛巾,擦过的就放到一个筐里洗了再用),还是放浴巾啊什么的?
如果是放浴巾,既然你把客浴本来就布置成hotel style,那么可以考虑用train rack,search一下,好多店都有,丰简由人。上面可以放浴巾(要叠好),下方的钩子可以挂衣服,方便洗澡时挂浴袍啊或者换洗的衣服什么的。
如果是放擦手的毛巾,那么也有很多选择,关键就是:一定要离洗手池比较近,免得洗完手了滴滴答答的去拿毛巾,还要把别的地方弄湿。我看到你洗手池旁边已经有一个杆,上面有毛巾。但是这个毛巾对于擦手而言,有些大。你可以把洗手池正上方的小架子上(现在放蜡烛?),摆上一些卷成卷儿的hand towel,然后在洗手池左边的小柜子上方,或者加一个小bar来晾湿了的hand towel,或者放个小筐来把湿毛巾扔进去。
各部分的设计装修买材料是不是需要找不同的contractor呢?比如walk in closet, 是买整体买了然后有人负责安装吗?
We installed the walk in closet ourselves but the rest of the house (described in this post) was done by the same contractor. But you can buy it and let the same contractor install it for you as well.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-9-13 20:38:36编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-9-13 20:38:36编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-9-13 20:38:36编辑过]
Similar to what described here. You will find more instructions by Googling "How To Stretch Your Own Canvas"
温馨简洁清新,还看了lz 2011年厨房改造,风格实在是太协调了!而且lz淘的vintage质感很高,我也喜欢淘可惜水准不一。lz的房子现在应该增值很多啊