If a kid genuinely is interested in business regardless of the
major(s) he/she will be, Penn is the top choice. There are four options: 1) admitted to the coordinated dual-degreee program as a freshman (extremely competitive); 2) interal transfer to the coordinated dual-degree program as a sophormore (very rare); 3) do by yourself as a non coordinated dual-degree candidate (very very tough in the schedule); 4) take courses in Wharton for your career (lots of kids follow this way). Penn can provide all possibilties for your adventures in there...
是真的吗?在两天看你们黑Penn, 想问问还有其他任何学校的所有专业都能排在top 10 里吗?
major(s) he/she will be, Penn is the top choice. There are four options: 1) admitted to the coordinated dual-degreee program as a freshman (extremely competitive); 2) interal transfer to the coordinated dual-degree program as a sophormore (very rare); 3) do by yourself as a non coordinated dual-degree candidate (very very tough in the schedule); 4) take courses in Wharton for your career (lots of kids follow this way). Penn can provide all possibilties for your adventures in there...
admitted CAS/SEAS/...kids interested in business; if Wharton kids are interested in others, they can do the same thing...
and MCAT (one got a perfect score of MCAT last year: 528).
In the LSM program
~5/25 LSMers got in top medical schools after graduation (additional ~2-3 after 1-2 gap yr)
You can ask the program director to verify the infomation provided in here
有个叫Elon Musk的据说多念了一年。
non coordinated dual-degree kids' schedule is more tough.
You are right. EM was not coordinated M&T but the non coorniated dual-degree student.
"In 1992, after spending two years at Queen's University, Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where in May 1997 he received a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from its College of Arts and Sciences, and a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from its Wharton School of Business."
Seems you are a parent of Penn kid(s)
courses from Wharton) went to WS...
by yourself, opinion(s) may belong to individuals...