yeah, initially the sales said that she tried to order this last week but didn't succeed. Then she said she can order some from "distribution centers".
Coach online still have it, but u will have to pay shipping.
I ended up with paying $300+tax, but other people bought the same one (hot pink instead of the light pink I got) from Macy's for $200, and other people bought similar one (coated canvas leah, not patent one I got) from Dillard for $100.
But still.... I got what I wanted... It's priceless
yeah, initially the sales said that she tried to order this last week but didn't succeed. Then she said she can order some from "distribution centers".
Coach online still have it, but u will have to pay shipping.
I ended up with paying $300+tax, but other people bought the same one (hot pink instead of the light pink I got) from Macy's for $200, and other people bought similar one (coated canvas leah, not patent one I got) from Dillard for $100.
But still.... I got what I wanted... It's priceless
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news! 啊? shocked. Bless his family.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
we are so anticipated to the hawaii trip and wanted to show her a good time, we also bought her a new digital camera, so she could take nice pictures during the trip. now she just left us forever, emma didn't even have a chance to call her "grandma" yet.
we are so anticipated to the hawaii trip and wanted to show her a good time, we also bought her a new digital camera, so she could take nice pictures during the trip. now she just left us forever, emma didn't even have a chance to call her "grandma" yet.
we are so anticipated to the hawaii trip and wanted to show her a good time, we also bought her a new digital camera, so she could take nice pictures during the trip. now she just left us forever, emma didn't even have a chance to call her "grandma" yet. such a sad news............oh's full of surprises, good and bad......bless
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news! Oh, God, so sorry about that. Bless the family.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news! 啊?! 刚看到。太震惊了。bless, bless!
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news! So sorry to hear that. May she rest in peace. She must have so much great time with Emma. And I am sure she left with smiles. My heart goes out to your family and take care.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
bless bless, may his mom rest in peace, so sorry to hear that.....
谢谢大家的祝福,75岁的老太太,其实身体很好的,牙齿还是全的,平时自己料理一个房子,还有一个大院子,弄得漂漂亮亮的。她住的离我们不算远,但也有一百迈的样子,我总跟老公说,让你妈把房子卖了,我们买个大房子住一起好照顾,可人家老太太自己住习惯了,爱自由,家人朋友也都在那边,不愿意啊,说觉得自己不能照顾自己的时候,就上养老院去,不拖累儿女。而且他们家人都特别长寿,Ken 的外公外婆都活到九十多岁的,他妈也是姐妹中最年轻的,身体最好的,我一直想着她活到 Emma 结婚都没问题,所以好突然的。说是也没有什么症状,就是有一天晚上睡下了就再没有醒,很平静的样子。
老人家差不多每两个月左右见一次,所以 Emma 跟她也不是很熟很亲,我一直安慰她等 Emma 大一点了就好了,可是她没等到。原来每次她都买无数的衣服,玩具,书给 Emma,我都要头大,因为太多了,没地方放,可是现在想到少了个这么宠她的奶奶,好难过的。
May her rest in peace! [此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 8:19:48编辑过]
以下是引用奶糖在2009-5-10 9:49:00的发言: So sorry to hear this may her rest in pease god bless the family 真让人伤心这么好的一个老太太 Hawaii trip也没等到 她这样是真正有福气的人 活着的时候健康快乐离开的时候平静安详没有疾病折磨的痛苦 这是多大的福气啊
以下是引用inbetween在2009-5-10 11:01:00的发言: 老公到那边了,说婆婆的箱子都理了一大半了,桌上还有她为旅行特地买的常用药,防晒霜,水池里还有几个碗没有洗,邻居前两天还看到她在院子里练习拍照片,就是她平时普普通通的一天,没想到睡下去了就没再醒过来,唉,人生太无常了。。。 MM别太伤心了. 你婆婆很幸福啊. She was deeply loved and will always be remembered. She passed without any pain.
谢谢大家的祝福,75岁的老太太,其实身体很好的,牙齿还是全的,平时自己料理一个房子,还有一个大院子,弄得漂漂亮亮的。她住的离我们不算远,但也有一百迈的样子,我总跟老公说,让你妈把房子卖了,我们买个大房子住一起好照顾,可人家老太太自己住习惯了,爱自由,家人朋友也都在那边,不愿意啊,说觉得自己不能照顾自己的时候,就上养老院去,不拖累儿女。而且他们家人都特别长寿,Ken 的外公外婆都活到九十多岁的,他妈也是姐妹中最年轻的,身体最好的,我一直想着她活到 Emma 结婚都没问题,所以好突然的。说是也没有什么症状,就是有一天晚上睡下了就再没有醒,很平静的样子。
老人家差不多每两个月左右见一次,所以 Emma 跟她也不是很熟很亲,我一直安慰她等 Emma 大一点了就好了,可是她没等到。原来每次她都买无数的衣服,玩具,书给 Emma,我都要头大,因为太多了,没地方放,可是现在想到少了个这么宠她的奶奶,好难过的。
May her rest in peace! [此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 8:19:48编辑过]
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
Should I go to SF RM sample sale this Saturday? if yes, should I drive or take the BART? good thing about driving is that I don't need my LG to drop me off at BART and it takes less time. but I will find out parking info around the sample sale place.
Since I already bought a coach handbag, I am not that crazy about RM bag, and I heard quality issues about RM bags.
So I am debating very very hard.
Ideally, if I have some friends to go with me, then I can have some fun after the sample sale, it would be nice. I am not sure if my LG is willing to go with me and leave baby at home.
Should I go to SF RM sample sale this Saturday? if yes, should I drive or take the BART? good thing about driving is that I don't need my LG to drop me off at BART and it takes less time. but I will find out parking info around the sample sale place.
Since I already bought a coach handbag, I am not that crazy about RM bag, and I heard quality issues about RM bags.
So I am debating very very hard.
Ideally, if I have some friends to go with me, then I can have some fun after the sample sale, it would be nice. I am not sure if my LG is willing to go with me and leave baby at home.
以下是引用lilkiki777在2009-5-12 16:11:00的发言: 座BART去吧, 旧金山市中心很难停车的, 你不能自己开车到bart station然后停车座BART吗? LG跟你一起去估计他也觉得没劲, 你也没办法好好购物。。。 lg可以拎包结帐啊。。抢sale lg很有用。。我今天拿到包跟sale说我要checkout然后就交给lg自己看别的去了。。sales找包装袋还说你要买个配套wallet啥的不。。回头一看我lg站后边。。说..I guess you do not need....oh no..I do need your wallet...
lg可以拎包结帐啊。。抢sale lg很有用。。我今天拿到包跟sale说我要checkout然后就交给lg自己看别的去了。。sales找包装袋还说你要买个配套wallet啥的不。。回头一看我lg站后边。。说..I guess you do not need....oh no..I do need your wallet...
淘宝可以买啊。。有啥好带的。。我不知道哪打折。。我pp offer说去买。。我想说算了。。折腾。。
yeah, initially the sales said that she tried to order this last week but didn't succeed.
Then she said she can order some from "distribution centers".
Coach online still have it, but u will have to pay shipping.
I ended up with paying $300+tax, but other people bought the same one (hot pink instead of the light pink I got) from Macy's for $200, and other people bought similar one (coated canvas leah, not patent one I got) from Dillard for $100.
But still.... I got what I wanted... It's priceless
是outlet 么?
no, regular store
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-8 16:03:05编辑过]
yeah, initially the sales said that she tried to order this last week but didn't succeed.
Then she said she can order some from "distribution centers".
Coach online still have it, but u will have to pay shipping.
I ended up with paying $300+tax, but other people bought the same one (hot pink instead of the light pink I got) from Macy's for $200, and other people bought similar one (coated canvas leah, not patent one I got) from Dillard for $100.
But still.... I got what I wanted... It's priceless
你这种想法非常值得鼓励阿, 买自己想要的而不是只检白菜
你这种想法非常值得鼓励阿, 买自己想要的而不是只检白菜
vely vely supported
me co-喜欢你!
me co 喜欢4~
俺们也小小bso 一下:
对了,我们带了CAR SEAT,两程机上都有用,我觉得还是挺有用的。。。定位的时候我们定的那排A,C,D。。。我和小宝中间的空位果然没人坐,所以小宝醒时坐CAR SEAT看DVD,或者被我卡在座位上玩(机上有人咳嗽,我不敢让他乱跑)。。。睡就打横睡在座位上。。。小子绝对VIP享受,一路上都好象很舒服很兴奋的样子,呵呵。。。不要定BUCKHEAD,就是头排,前面没人的那排。。。手柄拿不起来,孩子没办法打横睡的
记下了! 昨天打电话跟我爸妈说,他们死活不让我回。说怕飞机上传染。。。
喂奶对我来说那是很久很久以前的事了, 不过我家小子这几天有个怪毛病, 手往我衣服里掏, 咋教育呢?
I C...我觉得南瓜是懂NO的, 可是他通常都是扭头假装没听到, 也不看着我, 一批评他就这样, 这样他也算可以get away from 他犯的错误呢。 小孩子很狡猾的阿~~~
这个时候,我会拉着乐乐的手,说:看着妈妈眼睛。然后等他看着我的眼睛的时候很严肃地说:NO. 如果他选择不看我,我就按住他动不了,重复我的话,直到他看着我的眼睛。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-8 16:03:05编辑过] 我老公老说的一句话:没事儿,吃亏是福。
到时候就说没空贝。。其实每个朋友都有credit line的。。有的人太take it for granted..
天啊。。你lg比我还fashion 呢。。。。。。。。:)
me three
天暖了, 孩子们的活动也丰富了.
First Bike Day of Summer
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
啊? shocked. Bless his family.
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
sorry to hear that... bless bless...
啊? shocked. Bless his family.
we are so anticipated to the hawaii trip and wanted to show her a good time, we also bought her a new digital camera, so she could take nice pictures during the trip. now she just left us forever, emma didn't even have a chance to call her "grandma" yet.
we are so anticipated to the hawaii trip and wanted to show her a good time, we also bought her a new digital camera, so she could take nice pictures during the trip. now she just left us forever, emma didn't even have a chance to call her "grandma" yet.
i just realized that no one is going to buy emma gifts left and right any more...... so sad...
we are so anticipated to the hawaii trip and wanted to show her a good time, we also bought her a new digital camera, so she could take nice pictures during the trip. now she just left us forever, emma didn't even have a chance to call her "grandma" yet.
such a sad news............oh's full of surprises, good and bad......bless
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
oh god! bless bless
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
Oh, God, so sorry about that. Bless the family.
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
啊?! 刚看到。太震惊了。bless, bless!
just cancelled all our hawaii trip......
when is your hawaii trip?
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
So sad to hear this! Bless!
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
So sorry to hear that. May she rest in peace. She must have so much great time with Emma. And I am sure she left with smiles. My heart goes out to your family and take care.
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
so sorry~~~~~多好的一个婆婆啊,可怜的美国老太太,一个人走了,sigh~~~~~~
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
bless bless, may his mom rest in peace, so sorry to hear that.....
when is your hawaii trip?
老人家差不多每两个月左右见一次,所以 Emma 跟她也不是很熟很亲,我一直安慰她等 Emma 大一点了就好了,可是她没等到。原来每次她都买无数的衣服,玩具,书给 Emma,我都要头大,因为太多了,没地方放,可是现在想到少了个这么宠她的奶奶,好难过的。
May her rest in peace!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 8:19:48编辑过]
真让人伤心这么好的一个老太太 Hawaii trip也没等到
她这样是真正有福气的人 活着的时候健康快乐
离开的时候平静安详没有疾病折磨的痛苦 这是多大的福气啊
So sorry to hear this may her rest in pease god bless the family 真让人伤心这么好的一个老太太 Hawaii trip也没等到 她这样是真正有福气的人 活着的时候健康快乐离开的时候平静安详没有疾病折磨的痛苦 这是多大的福气啊
我也是这么想,心里好过一点,可怜 Ken,独生子,父亲早世,跟母亲相依为命这么多年,感情不是一般的好。
Ken bought me and my mom flowers for mother's day. This morning he said happy mother's day to me, and burst into crying.
MM别太伤心了. 你婆婆很幸福啊. She was deeply loved and will always be remembered. She passed without any pain.
I called my mom to say happy momther's day to her. But when I saw this i just want to call her again to tell her I love her.
谢谢大家的祝福,75岁的老太太,其实身体很好的,牙齿还是全的,平时自己料理一个房子,还有一个大院子,弄得漂漂亮亮的。她住的离我们不算远,但也有一百迈的样子,我总跟老公说,让你妈把房子卖了,我们买个大房子住一起好照顾,可人家老太太自己住习惯了,爱自由,家人朋友也都在那边,不愿意啊,说觉得自己不能照顾自己的时候,就上养老院去,不拖累儿女。而且他们家人都特别长寿,Ken 的外公外婆都活到九十多岁的,他妈也是姐妹中最年轻的,身体最好的,我一直想着她活到 Emma 结婚都没问题,所以好突然的。说是也没有什么症状,就是有一天晚上睡下了就再没有醒,很平静的样子。
老人家差不多每两个月左右见一次,所以 Emma 跟她也不是很熟很亲,我一直安慰她等 Emma 大一点了就好了,可是她没等到。原来每次她都买无数的衣服,玩具,书给 Emma,我都要头大,因为太多了,没地方放,可是现在想到少了个这么宠她的奶奶,好难过的。
May her rest in peace!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 8:19:48编辑过]
Just got a call from Ken, his mom passed away.
Still in shock, can't believe that. She's always in very good health. Only had some minor problem last week, and we last talked to her last sun. she's supposed to go back to the doctor monday, and ken tried to reach her since wed, he left a few messages, and we never heard back from her. so today we called the local police and they broke into the house and we had the sad news!
so sorry to hear this...
我也是这么想,心里好过一点,可怜 Ken,独生子,父亲早世,跟母亲相依为命这么多年,感情不是一般的好。
So sorry to hear your loss. May she rest in heaven. She sounds like a loving mother and grandma and a strong woman. Take care.
我奶奶经常说。。这要积好多福气才可以的。。一定要很好很好的人才会rest in peace。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-11 11:58:45编辑过]
bless bless
我奶奶经常说。。这要积好多福气才可以的。。一定要很好很好的人才会rest in peace。。。
co wish..我觉得emma奶奶走的时候肯定很安详。。带着很愉快的准备去旅行的心情。。毫无病痛。。真的子孙都有福气。。看着亲人生病suffer其实也很痛苦。。
Should I go to SF RM sample sale this Saturday?
if yes, should I drive or take the BART?
good thing about driving is that I don't need my LG to drop me off at BART and it takes less time.
but I will find out parking info around the sample sale place.
Since I already bought a coach handbag, I am not that crazy about RM bag, and I heard quality issues about RM bags.
So I am debating very very hard.
Ideally, if I have some friends to go with me, then I can have some fun after the sample sale, it would be nice.
I am not sure if my LG is willing to go with me and leave baby at home.
LG跟你一起去估计他也觉得没劲, 你也没办法好好购物。。。
座BART去吧, 旧金山市中心很难停车的, 你不能自己开车到bart station然后停车座BART吗?
LG跟你一起去估计他也觉得没劲, 你也没办法好好购物。。。
I can drive to BART station.
but it's Saturday, so I would imagine it's relatively easy to find a parking.
I am debating now.
Should I go to SF RM sample sale this Saturday?
if yes, should I drive or take the BART?
good thing about driving is that I don't need my LG to drop me off at BART and it takes less time.
but I will find out parking info around the sample sale place.
Since I already bought a coach handbag, I am not that crazy about RM bag, and I heard quality issues about RM bags.
So I am debating very very hard.
Ideally, if I have some friends to go with me, then I can have some fun after the sample sale, it would be nice.
I am not sure if my LG is willing to go with me and leave baby at home.
you already got 2 ba?
我晚上买了一个juicy china C satchel..
座BART去吧, 旧金山市中心很难停车的, 你不能自己开车到bart station然后停车座BART吗? LG跟你一起去估计他也觉得没劲, 你也没办法好好购物。。。
lg可以拎包结帐啊。。抢sale lg很有用。。我今天拿到包跟sale说我要checkout然后就交给lg自己看别的去了。。sales找包装袋还说你要买个配套wallet啥的不。。回头一看我lg站后边。。说..I guess you do not need....oh no..I do need your wallet...
lg可以拎包结帐啊。。抢sale lg很有用。。我今天拿到包跟sale说我要checkout然后就交给lg自己看别的去了。。sales找包装袋还说你要买个配套wallet啥的不。。回头一看我lg站后边。。说..I guess you do not need....oh no..I do need your wallet...
估计你家老公很有用, 换我家那个, 估计我抢到的他都一不小心拱手让出去了~~~
OK~~~ 我周五奔:)
我晚上买了一个juicy china C satchel..
you already got 2 ba?
OK~~~ 我周五奔:)
which one is that?
I want to buy a MAB and a MAC.
I like the red color for MAC.
which color do you like for MAB? navy/purple?