萱儿也不跟小男生一起玩,可能这个年纪的小朋友都是这样吧。就小肥一个小男生太单了点。 Brody 还要多久才能升班啊?他们升班要达到什么条件啊?要是Brody 也很快能升班就好了。 还有,他们这个班只有一个group么,要是还有一个的话能不能把他转到那一个group去啊? 乐乐倒是男女通吃。。俺们邻居刚好有个小哥哥一个小妹妹。。晚上吃完饭要是带她出去就扯着嗓子喊小涵哥哥萱萱妹妹出来跟我玩啊。。。。有次去gym玩碰到她同学aiden也追着人pg后面。。she is such a follower..never a leader...
Sorry, can't type in Chinese, just a few question about day care ~~
Today is Da Bao's first day in the day care center. He started playing the toys right away and did not cry at all. He waved bye-bye when I left after watching him play for about 10 min. When I picked him up at noon, the teacher told me that he had breakfast, snacks, and lunch, and used the bathroom. Everything went well. But I found on the slip that the day care gave him milk and juice.
I do not want him to have juice because it is not good for his teeth, can I ask the teacher to give him just water instead of juice? And do I need to find out if they give him regular milk? We give him organic milk at home, I do not feel very comfortable that he drinks regular milk. So, can we bring our own milk for him?
Please kindly share your experiences, many thanks! :)
Sorry, can't type in Chinese, just a few question about day care ~~
Today is Da Bao's first day in the day care center. He started playing the toys right away and did not cry at all. He waved bye-bye when I left after watching him play for about 10 min. When I picked him up at noon, the teacher told me that he had breakfast, snacks, and lunch, and used the bathroom. Everything went well. But I found on the slip that the day care gave him milk and juice.
I do not want him to have juice because it is not good for his teeth, can I ask the teacher to give him just water instead of juice? And do I need to find out if they give him regular milk? We give him organic milk at home, I do not feel very comfortable that he drinks regular milk. So, can we bring our own milk for him?
Please kindly share your experiences, many thanks! :) I have the same concern for juice. So the next open house meeting I am going to raise the issue. I think it is impractical to ask the teacher to give water to Xiaofei and give others juice, cause Xiaofei will cry for jucie and he will think he is treated unfairly. At his age, he is very cautions that he gets everything Brody gets, and he knows that juice is more tasty than water. I don't want to lie to him that he is allergy to apple/orange too.
So I want the daycare to give all the children water/milk and save Juice for once a week treat, just as the daycare we attended in Chicago.
For milk, I checked the milk and think it is brought from Kroger, since all milk from Kroger and walmart is free from the growth hermone, I think it is fine. Xiaofei only drinks about 3 oz in daycare. Xiaofei drinks fat free oganic milk at home. At school, I think it is OK for Xiaofei to fit in and drink/eat the same thing as other kids.
现在daycare snack time从原来的2点半,5点改成了只有3点一次。我去接她的时候都6点了,她看起来都很饿。最近我总是带点东西去接她,饼干和酸奶。 她还总是ask for more.
今天晚上米饭就吃了几口,一个蛋羹,2口肉,一杯牛奶,然后吃了半个桃子,基本就这么多了。 最近体重有点减轻的趋势。 本来就是个瘦子,这样更愁了。。。 Xiaofei has snack around 3 too. He is hungry but since I am home, when he arrives at home, dinner is ready.
Sigh, they have juice and sugar cracker twice every day, and they watch TV after they are brought in from playground. Since we pick up Xiaofei around 6, he has watched at least 1 hr TV at school.
Our daycare in Chicago doesn't have TV at all. I miss that one so much.
Sigh, they have juice and sugar cracker twice every day, and they watch TV after they are brought in from playground. Since we pick up Xiaofei around 6, he has watched at least 1 hr TV at school.
Our daycare in Chicago doesn't have TV at all. I miss that one so much. No TV in Jiajia's daycare. But she asks for Qiaohu every night although she had watched them thousands of times.
以下是引用VOD在8/30/2010 10:45:00 PM的发言: Xiaofei has outgrow Qiaohu. He was addicated to Dora later. But now he is completedly obssessed with Busy Busy World. where did you get all those videos?
以下是引用VOD在8/30/2010 10:45:00 PM的发言: Xiaofei has outgrow Qiaohu. He was addicated to Dora later. But now he is completedly obssessed with Busy Busy World. 俺们还是巧虎呢。。看小配角的毛病还是没改。。
Sorry, can't type in Chinese, just a few question about day care ~~
Today is Da Bao's first day in the day care center. He started playing the toys right away and did not cry at all. He waved bye-bye when I left after watching him play for about 10 min. When I picked him up at noon, the teacher told me that he had breakfast, snacks, and lunch, and used the bathroom. Everything went well. But I found on the slip that the day care gave him milk and juice.
I do not want him to have juice because it is not good for his teeth, can I ask the teacher to give him just water instead of juice? And do I need to find out if they give him regular milk? We give him organic milk at home, I do not feel very comfortable that he drinks regular milk. So, can we bring our own milk for him?
Please kindly share your experiences, many thanks! :) 我不知道幼儿园给啥都。。我们是常年喝juicy的。。orange juice乐恨喜欢。。还有apple的。。牛奶我也没关心过。。我觉得她吃的level越低抵抗力越好。。不光是juice们平时都很少喝白水。。基本跟着我喝vitamin water之类的。。牙齿就是早晚两次狠刷。偶尔牙线。。没准cavity就是这么整出来的。呵呵。。她还狂爱吃巧克力啥的。。totally my way grow up..我从小就不喝白水的。。。
Sorry, can't type in Chinese, just a few question about day care ~~
Today is Da Bao's first day in the day care center. He started playing the toys right away and did not cry at all. He waved bye-bye when I left after watching him play for about 10 min. When I picked him up at noon, the teacher told me that he had breakfast, snacks, and lunch, and used the bathroom. Everything went well. But I found on the slip that the day care gave him milk and juice.
I do not want him to have juice because it is not good for his teeth, can I ask the teacher to give him just water instead of juice? And do I need to find out if they give him regular milk? We give him organic milk at home, I do not feel very comfortable that he drinks regular milk. So, can we bring our own milk for him?
Please kindly share your experiences, many thanks! :) 大宝适应能力真是强啊! 萱儿的day care是能自己带牛奶去的,以前的小班是一定会给她喝自己的牛奶的。现在的班上不确信,但是牛奶有被打开,所以我们assume他们还是给喝自己的牛奶的,只是偶尔会给喝。果汁他们day care偶尔给的,我们也没怎么管,在家也没怎么喝。但是现在我们开始给她喝苹果汁了,因为发现对她poo poo有帮助。要的时候就给,基本每天一小杯的样子吧。 你可以问问他们能否自带牛奶。
是啊我听说了。我们是要排那个大一点的班。乐乐就快去了吧。 他们现在不管哪个班,都是明年才有空位子给我们这些外面的人。 已经升了。。。第一天回家我问乐乐school如何。。她还纠正我是preschool..然后我问她。。what did u do today..她说。。I go pee pee and potty....我分特死。。
我GGPP礼拜一来。。。hohoho..今天早上我lg叫乐乐起床她一直赖床。。大头在我身上来回砸想让我起来。。我就是不起。。然后我就想。。。only 2 days left...我就要翻身了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats!!!!! I did whatever I can to please my Mom to keep her here.... only because I am not capable of handling my sweet daughter. I will invite my inlaws here after my parents leave on 11/18.
我GGPP礼拜一来。。。hohoho..今天早上我lg叫乐乐起床她一直赖床。。大头在我身上来回砸想让我起来。。我就是不起。。然后我就想。。。only 2 days left...我就要翻身了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are better Mom than me, when I was co-sleeping with pangniu, I couldn't get a good sleep, so I let my Mom to cosleep with her against pangniu's wish.
you are better Mom than me, when I was co-sleeping with pangniu, I couldn't get a good sleep, so I let my Mom to cosleep with her against pangniu's wish. 乐乐据大部分时间不做噩梦都是一觉到天亮。。所以我OK。。呵呵
congrats!!!!! I did whatever I can to please my Mom to keep her here.... only because I am not capable of handling my sweet daughter. I will invite my inlaws here after my parents leave on 11/18. 让我们俩个面面团结在一起~~~~~~~~~蛤蛤
thanks for the info! I like this one because it can be used cross-body.... I will go to SF sometimes to check it out.... b家今年超多cross body。。town, messenger..velo..u should go check them out..
下周大宝就上day care了,他没去过纯英文的环境,不知道怎么样。第一周我打算先送半天看看,希望他可以很快适应。
大家以后到Boston/Cape Cod玩记得联系我。
对了,我们房子short sale总算做好了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/8/30 13:41:10编辑过]
NND,为了哄昊昊晚上早点上床睡觉,特意从amazon上one-day shipping一个小海龟的night light,结果人刚才嘴里嘟囔着“小海龟不好玩”,把小海龟从房间扔到客厅里了。
看了很多daycare,唯一一个满意的是一个EARLY INTERVEN CENTER,他们把正常孩子和发育迟滞的孩子混在一起。
Brody 还要多久才能升班啊?他们升班要达到什么条件啊?要是Brody 也很快能升班就好了。
乐乐倒是男女通吃。。俺们邻居刚好有个小哥哥一个小妹妹。。晚上吃完饭要是带她出去就扯着嗓子喊小涵哥哥萱萱妹妹出来跟我玩啊。。。。有次去gym玩碰到她同学aiden也追着人pg后面。。she is such a follower..never a leader...
sorry sorry,没注意到。
他们一个年级就一个班。要fully potty trained的才能升。Brody已经带了大半年pull up了,看来还要带下去。他妈妈也很愁阿。
要potty train,就要咬牙直接穿内裤,pull up是不行的。
他们一个年级就一个班。要fully potty trained的才能升。Brody已经带了大半年pull up了,看来还要带下去。他妈妈也很愁阿。
要potty train,就要咬牙直接穿内裤,pull up是不行的。
是, 有pull up他自己也就放松了, 不过我没办法可能发生的accident, 所以一直没训练好他。
Today is Da Bao's first day in the day care center. He started playing the toys right away and did not cry at all. He waved bye-bye when I left after watching him play for about 10 min. When I picked him up at noon, the teacher told me that he had breakfast, snacks, and lunch, and used the bathroom. Everything went well. But I found on the slip that the day care gave him milk and juice.
I do not want him to have juice because it is not good for his teeth, can I ask the teacher to give him just water instead of juice? And do I need to find out if they give him regular milk? We give him organic milk at home, I do not feel very comfortable that he drinks regular milk. So, can we bring our own milk for him?
Please kindly share your experiences, many thanks! :)
Sorry, can't type in Chinese, just a few question about day care ~~
我们daycare 的牛奶不是organic的,加加上小小班的时候,可以自己带牛奶,还有snack. 当时加加早饭在家吃,中午她只喝一点牛奶,所以我们就没给她带,反正也喝不了多少。现在的班级,不让自己带 food。我们在家照样喝 organic的,在daycare就是regular 的。
你可以和daycare 老师商量一下。
Sorry, can't type in Chinese, just a few question about day care ~~
Today is Da Bao's first day in the day care center. He started playing the toys right away and did not cry at all. He waved bye-bye when I left after watching him play for about 10 min. When I picked him up at noon, the teacher told me that he had breakfast, snacks, and lunch, and used the bathroom. Everything went well. But I found on the slip that the day care gave him milk and juice.
I do not want him to have juice because it is not good for his teeth, can I ask the teacher to give him just water instead of juice? And do I need to find out if they give him regular milk? We give him organic milk at home, I do not feel very comfortable that he drinks regular milk. So, can we bring our own milk for him?
Please kindly share your experiences, many thanks! :)
I have the same concern for juice. So the next open house meeting I am going to raise the issue. I think it is impractical to ask the teacher to give water to Xiaofei and give others juice, cause Xiaofei will cry for jucie and he will think he is treated unfairly. At his age, he is very cautions that he gets everything Brody gets, and he knows that juice is more tasty than water. I don't want to lie to him that he is allergy to apple/orange too.
So I want the daycare to give all the children water/milk and save Juice for once a week treat, just as the daycare we attended in Chicago.
For milk, I checked the milk and think it is brought from Kroger, since all milk from Kroger and walmart is free from the growth hermone, I think it is fine. Xiaofei only drinks about 3 oz in daycare. Xiaofei drinks fat free oganic milk at home. At school, I think it is OK for Xiaofei to fit in and drink/eat the same thing as other kids.
现在daycare snack time从原来的2点半,5点改成了只有3点一次。我去接她的时候都6点了,她看起来都很饿。最近我总是带点东西去接她,饼干和酸奶。
她还总是ask for more.
现在daycare snack time从原来的2点半,5点改成了只有3点一次。我去接她的时候都6点了,她看起来都很饿。最近我总是带点东西去接她,饼干和酸奶。
她还总是ask for more.
Xiaofei has snack around 3 too. He is hungry but since I am home, when he arrives at home, dinner is ready.
Xiaofei has snack around 3 too. He is hungry but since I am home, when he arrives at home, dinner is ready.
Since we pick up Xiaofei around 6, he has watched at least 1 hr TV at school.
Our daycare in Chicago doesn't have TV at all. I miss that one so much.
Sigh, they have juice and sugar cracker twice every day, and they watch TV after they are brought in from playground.
Since we pick up Xiaofei around 6, he has watched at least 1 hr TV at school.
Our daycare in Chicago doesn't have TV at all. I miss that one so much.
No TV in Jiajia's daycare. But she asks for Qiaohu every night although she had watched them thousands of times.
Xiaofei is already way too fat, we want him to drop a few pounds.
Xiaofei has outgrow Qiaohu. He was addicated to Dora later. But now he is completedly obssessed with Busy Busy World.
where did you get all those videos?
where did you get all those videos?
No TV in Jiajia's daycare. But she asks for Qiaohu every night although she had watched them thousands of times.
Xiaofei has outgrow Qiaohu. He was addicated to Dora later. But now he is completedly obssessed with Busy Busy World.
Sorry, can't type in Chinese, just a few question about day care ~~
Today is Da Bao's first day in the day care center. He started playing the toys right away and did not cry at all. He waved bye-bye when I left after watching him play for about 10 min. When I picked him up at noon, the teacher told me that he had breakfast, snacks, and lunch, and used the bathroom. Everything went well. But I found on the slip that the day care gave him milk and juice.
I do not want him to have juice because it is not good for his teeth, can I ask the teacher to give him just water instead of juice? And do I need to find out if they give him regular milk? We give him organic milk at home, I do not feel very comfortable that he drinks regular milk. So, can we bring our own milk for him?
Please kindly share your experiences, many thanks! :)
我不知道幼儿园给啥都。。我们是常年喝juicy的。。orange juice乐恨喜欢。。还有apple的。。牛奶我也没关心过。。我觉得她吃的level越低抵抗力越好。。不光是juice们平时都很少喝白水。。基本跟着我喝vitamin water之类的。。牙齿就是早晚两次狠刷。偶尔牙线。。没准cavity就是这么整出来的。呵呵。。她还狂爱吃巧克力啥的。。totally my way grow up..我从小就不喝白水的。。。
sorry sorry,没注意到。
我们daycare 的牛奶不是organic的,加加上小小班的时候,可以自己带牛奶,还有snack. 当时加加早饭在家吃,中午她只喝一点牛奶,所以我们就没给她带,反正也喝不了多少。现在的班级,不让自己带 food。我们在家照样喝 organic的,在daycare就是regular 的。
你可以和daycare 老师商量一下。
小朋友的故事,小肥说:不是小朋友,是princess, (s)no white, cinderella, bella(?),然后叉叉叉画三下,要求都买回来。
Sorry, can't type in Chinese, just a few question about day care ~~
Today is Da Bao's first day in the day care center. He started playing the toys right away and did not cry at all. He waved bye-bye when I left after watching him play for about 10 min. When I picked him up at noon, the teacher told me that he had breakfast, snacks, and lunch, and used the bathroom. Everything went well. But I found on the slip that the day care gave him milk and juice.
I do not want him to have juice because it is not good for his teeth, can I ask the teacher to give him just water instead of juice? And do I need to find out if they give him regular milk? We give him organic milk at home, I do not feel very comfortable that he drinks regular milk. So, can we bring our own milk for him?
Please kindly share your experiences, many thanks! :)
萱儿的day care是能自己带牛奶去的,以前的小班是一定会给她喝自己的牛奶的。现在的班上不确信,但是牛奶有被打开,所以我们assume他们还是给喝自己的牛奶的,只是偶尔会给喝。果汁他们day care偶尔给的,我们也没怎么管,在家也没怎么喝。但是现在我们开始给她喝苹果汁了,因为发现对她poo poo有帮助。要的时候就给,基本每天一小杯的样子吧。
可怜的孩子, 你们还是搬家吧.
可怜的孩子, 你们还是搬家吧.
$4000 买多少好衣服玩具呀.
小朋友的故事,小肥说:不是小朋友,是princess, (s)no white, cinderella, bella(?),然后叉叉叉画三下,要求都买回来。
你买什么啦?对了,你要是看到forever 21有啥好咚咚,能推荐一下吗?我手上有好几百credit,想花出去。
i want to buy this bag!!!!!
$4000 买多少好衣服玩具呀.
是啊,能不能好好想想办法啊。太不公平了。能不能先离职再重新开始啊。。。问一下吧。好几千哩,不是小数。要真是不行那也没办法了。pat pat.
小朋友的故事,小肥说:不是小朋友,是princess, (s)no white, cinderella, bella(?),然后叉叉叉画三下,要求都买回来。
我一直有严重的颈椎疼痛和背痛。好些年了。试过按摩,chiropractor, 还有自己做瑜伽,都没有明显效果。就差吃止疼药了。现在搬家来了这里,有幸找到一个好的针灸医师,才看了大概8次,已经好了非常多了。每天在病痛里度过不能放松真是太痛苦了。要是早点针灸就好了。不过也得有好的针灸医师才行。我对我现在的针灸医师很满意。她是中国人,所以交流完全没有问题。偶尔也讨论一下穴位,以及时下流行的种种养生书籍。
不过这几个月我长了好几磅。难道我把西雅图的水分都吸收到我身上来了吗?怎么唰唰地长啊。。。太可怕了。。。也可能是虚胖。。。等我身体养好一点了我再下功夫减去。555 我好不容易减回来的,长的时候怎么那么容易啊。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/3 1:44:54编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/3 1:44:23编辑过]
已经升了。。。第一天回家我问乐乐school如何。。她还纠正我是preschool..然后我问她。。what did u do today..她说。。I go pee pee and potty....我分特死。。
女人的guts 是巨大的
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/9/3 1:44:23编辑过]
我GGPP礼拜一来。。。hohoho..今天早上我lg叫乐乐起床她一直赖床。。大头在我身上来回砸想让我起来。。我就是不起。。然后我就想。。。only 2 days left...我就要翻身了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to buy this bag!!!!!
thanks for the info! I like this one because it can be used cross-body.... I will go to SF sometimes to check it out....
我GGPP礼拜一来。。。hohoho..今天早上我lg叫乐乐起床她一直赖床。。大头在我身上来回砸想让我起来。。我就是不起。。然后我就想。。。only 2 days left...我就要翻身了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
congrats!!!!! I did whatever I can to please my Mom to keep her here.... only because I am not capable of handling my sweet daughter. I will invite my inlaws here after my parents leave on 11/18.
我GGPP礼拜一来。。。hohoho..今天早上我lg叫乐乐起床她一直赖床。。大头在我身上来回砸想让我起来。。我就是不起。。然后我就想。。。only 2 days left...我就要翻身了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you are better Mom than me, when I was co-sleeping with pangniu, I couldn't get a good sleep, so I let my Mom to cosleep with her against pangniu's wish.
you are better Mom than me, when I was co-sleeping with pangniu, I couldn't get a good sleep, so I let my Mom to cosleep with her against pangniu's wish.
congrats!!!!! I did whatever I can to please my Mom to keep her here.... only because I am not capable of handling my sweet daughter. I will invite my inlaws here after my parents leave on 11/18.
thanks for the info! I like this one because it can be used cross-body.... I will go to SF sometimes to check it out....
b家今年超多cross body。。town, messenger..velo..u should go check them out..
我GGPP礼拜一来。。。hohoho..今天早上我lg叫乐乐起床她一直赖床。。大头在我身上来回砸想让我起来。。我就是不起。。然后我就想。。。only 2 days left...我就要翻身了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
你买什么啦?对了,你要是看到forever 21有啥好咚咚,能推荐一下吗?我手上有好几百credit,想花出去。
do you like the 小红包? I don't have any feeling towards it....