oh my god..bless bless.....what's the english name of this disease? hand, foot, mouth disease...一般要隔离7-10天..我妈说国内要去的..这边我看大家都无所谓..俺们其实明天倒是也能去..可是就一天..礼拜五又不去..干脆算了...猪乐乐已经好了..又开始像一头活驴了..
我觉得胖头鱼恐怕也没有给她做啥..lp要安抚好了一般不会这么奋力追打小三的..只要lg站对了..外面三多的是也打不过来就会let it go了.. i just very 8 to look at the old posts...........dont know why any of them, especially 面团 wanted to post it in public..........didn't follow all the posts...too long!
me, too. i was the shortest in the class until chu er. by the time i am in chu san, i was almost the tallest one. :) 俺也是.初一坐第一排..初三坐最后一排..到不是因为个高..虽然也长了不少..是眼睛太好了..结果老师让我前面做了个180+的男生..上课累死我了..啥也看不见..
i just very 8 to look at the old posts...........dont know why any of them, especially 面团 wanted to post it in public..........didn't follow all the posts...too long! 这还不明白..小K肯定就是BSO..喜欢玩暧昧证明自己有魅力...面团是不份儿...小k跟胖头鱼心里还有一席之地贝..要是胖头鱼根本不鸟小k..面团值当的么...lg要是柳下惠女儿国国王也勾引不了....要是小鹿乱撞了再给个tback谁能抗的住啊..虽说攘外必先安内..内安不了..只好灭外..
I didn't realized the AJ/JA coincidences (initials-wise) until u mentioned it. I think AJ is prettier than JA. JA was fine when she was young, but she didn't age well.
I couldn't figure out the sequence of the development of the story even though I spent hours to follow the posts. 面团 has the t-back snapshot for a while. This event was triggered by what? 小k's post? I couldn't find 小k's post though....
这还不明白..小K肯定就是BSO..喜欢玩暧昧证明自己有魅力...面团是不份儿...小k跟胖头鱼心里还有一席之地贝..要是胖头鱼根本不鸟小k..面团值当的么...lg要是柳下惠女儿国国王也勾引不了....要是小鹿乱撞了再给个tback谁能抗的住啊..虽说攘外必先安内..内安不了..只好灭外.. which guy would not fan beauties?
I couldn't figure out the sequence of the development of the story even though I spent hours to follow the posts. 面团 has the t-back snapshot for a while. This event was triggered by what? 小k's post? I couldn't find 小k's post though....
never saw the famous t-back snapshot, btw, does t-back mean the thone panties?
because only 胖头鱼 saw the picture... 小k declared so... hahah........no wonder his wife gets mad............guess it's hard for the couple to live a normal life now.... -
以下是引用pmtng在2009-8-26 17:49:00的发言: I was wondering which gc gave me the 6th ww. 6x800=4800 I haven't posted enough posts yet.... you are so lucky.....just laugh by yourself ba
I couldn't figure out the sequence of the development of the story even though I spent hours to follow the posts. 面团 has the t-back snapshot for a while. This event was triggered by what? 小k's post? I couldn't find 小k's post though....
Today i peeked mimi at daycare after the grandma sent her there. They are having the circle time. But I saw mimi sat back, not looking at the teacher. The teacher didn't try to involve her too. Since she doesn't understand English but she can speak a lot of Chinese, I can imagine how frustrated she is in daycare.
However, every time when we ask her if she wants to go to daycare, she always says she wants.
How can I ask the teacher to involve her to the activities? Mimi usually is a very active girl. feel so sad this morning.
Today i peeked mimi at daycare after the grandma sent her there. They are having the circle time. But I saw mimi sat back, not looking at the teacher. The teacher didn't try to involve her too. Since she doesn't understand English but she can speak a lot of Chinese, I can imagine how frustrated she is in daycare.
However, every time when we ask her if she wants to go to daycare, she always says she wants.
How can I ask the teacher to involve her to the activities? Mimi usually is a very active girl. feel so sad this morning.
no worry. my daughter was the same for the first 3 weeks, but she is now involving with other kids/teachers. It just takes a little time.
no worry. my daughter was the same for the first 3 weeks, but she is now involving with other kids/teachers. It just takes a little time.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-27 13:00:51编辑过] but mimi's been in day care for 6 weeks already.......i think she's more frustrated because she can understand all the chinese.......
but mimi's been in day care for 6 weeks already.......i think she's more frustrated because she can understand all the chinese.......
give her some time ba. my daughter's daycare teacher said her transition is done after 1 month. she does feel more comfortable after 1 month. if you want, u can teach mimi some English at home, but she will pick up sooner or later.
does she speak english? 不会..她中文还不会讲呢..就算会讲也没用..我看美国小孩互相之间也不讲话..她们自己enjoy就行了..其实我觉得小孩circle 不circle无所谓..有的小孩喜欢大家一起有的小孩喜欢自己玩..其实美国小孩对老师说什么也一知半解..她们都是从众心理..跟着学..大家去哪我去哪大家干嘛我干嘛...不一定真的明白老师说啥..
give her some time ba. my daughter's daycare teacher said her transition is done after 1 month. she does feel more comfortable after 1 month. if you want, u can teach mimi some English at home, but she will pick up sooner or later.
does your daycare teacher allow the patients to watch how your daughter's doing ? our daycare teacher is very against us watching because mimi cries everytime she saw us.....her eyes are sharp
my daughter likes a boy named Baker, she mentioned his name 50 times at home, even in her dreams. she goes: Baker, xi shou!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-27 15:58:10编辑过] hahah.........mimi used to like a chinese boy there named lele but he moved out. and mimi often says "lele, buyao" means lele dont go.....
不会..她中文还不会讲呢..就算会讲也没用..我看美国小孩互相之间也不讲话..她们自己enjoy就行了..其实我觉得小孩circle 不circle无所谓..有的小孩喜欢大家一起有的小孩喜欢自己玩..其实美国小孩对老师说什么也一知半解..她们都是从众心理..跟着学..大家去哪我去哪大家干嘛我干嘛...不一定真的明白老师说啥.. ok ba....feel a lot better now!
Today i peeked mimi at daycare after the grandma sent her there. They are having the circle time. But I saw mimi sat back, not looking at the teacher. The teacher didn't try to involve her too. Since she doesn't understand English but she can speak a lot of Chinese, I can imagine how frustrated she is in daycare.
However, every time when we ask her if she wants to go to daycare, she always says she wants.
How can I ask the teacher to involve her to the activities? Mimi usually is a very active girl. feel so sad this morning. 别担心, 2岁了的还喜欢自己玩呢. 你以为她不懂英语, 其实他们明白着呢.
does your daycare teacher allow the patients to watch how your daughter's doing ? our daycare teacher is very against us watching because mimi cries everytime she saw us.....her eyes are sharp
腹部的松皮一层层的, 能运动紧下去么?
啊,好可怜。。。那就只有多喝水慢慢扛了。。。小孩子病了大人跟着一块受罪。。。BLESS BLESS
腹部的松皮一层层的, 能运动紧下去么?
mimi's a little over 80cm too...........dont worry. kids grow in different time
wow sai............xiao bao is so tall!!! very handsome .....he's been handsome all the time!
co- cry
just saw it......no......she's adjusting fine....thanks doudou mom :)
bless Emma 妈能拿下豪宅!
bless too! the house's very beautiful
刚才接到 realtor 的电话,他们口头接受了我们的 offer 了,明天签字,虽然另外有个人他是第一个 bidder, 他也 up 了 offer, 但是还比我们少一千块,卖方其实很不喜欢这个人,愿意卖给我们,这样皆大欢喜。一切顺利的话,9月底就 closing 了。
haha......just blessed you and you got the house already!
is lele ok now? mimi's been coughing for 3 weeks already. threw up almost every night.......bless!
oh my god..bless bless.....what's the english name of this disease?
我现在运动的很有成就, 虽然没减肥, 可肌肉见长, 尤其是胳膊肩膀. 等哪天我奔奔. 等我腹肌练成了, 就奔个清凉的.
i think emma is pretty tall, too. probably 36in. she can reach lots of things on the table which she couldn't before.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-26 13:39:58编辑过]
不会过不下去, 面团一付全是3勾引胖鱼的样子, 基本上是不问责老公, 全力追打小K. 看来这次胖鱼是毫发无损.
我觉得胖头鱼恐怕也没有给她做啥..lp要安抚好了一般不会这么奋力追打小三的..只要lg站对了..外面三多的是也打不过来就会let it go了..
oh my god..bless bless.....what's the english name of this disease?
hand, foot, mouth disease...一般要隔离7-10天..我妈说国内要去的..这边我看大家都无所谓..俺们其实明天倒是也能去..可是就一天..礼拜五又不去..干脆算了...猪乐乐已经好了..又开始像一头活驴了..
me, too. i was the shortest in the class until chu er. by the time i am in chu san, i was almost the tallest one. :)
面团五官好看, 可是小K很有风情的样子. 时间越长, 或者年纪越大,风情比长象重要.
but I think 小K's mouth is too large, also her nose.
男模 is very handsome, lives a happy life in China! the playgrounds look so good, I want to go there to play myself!
我觉得胖头鱼恐怕也没有给她做啥..lp要安抚好了一般不会这么奋力追打小三的..只要lg站对了..外面三多的是也打不过来就会let it go了..
i just very 8 to look at the old posts...........dont know why any of them, especially 面团 wanted to post it in public..........didn't follow all the posts...too long!
hand, foot, mouth disease...一般要隔离7-10天..我妈说国内要去的..这边我看大家都无所谓..俺们其实明天倒是也能去..可是就一天..礼拜五又不去..干脆算了...猪乐乐已经好了..又开始像一头活驴了..
good. good....
me, too. i was the shortest in the class until chu er. by the time i am in chu san, i was almost the tallest one. :)
but I think 小K's mouth is too large, also her nose.
i just very 8 to look at the old posts...........dont know why any of them, especially 面团 wanted to post it in public..........didn't follow all the posts...too long!
I didn't realized the AJ/JA coincidences (initials-wise) until u mentioned it. I think AJ is prettier than JA. JA was fine when she was young, but she didn't age well.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-26 16:19:35编辑过]
I couldn't figure out the sequence of the development of the story even though I spent hours to follow the posts. 面团 has the t-back snapshot for a while. This event was triggered by what? 小k's post? I couldn't find 小k's post though....
I was 1.55 when I was in 5th grade.
which guy would not fan beauties?
I couldn't figure out the sequence of the development of the story even though I spent hours to follow the posts. 面团 has the t-back snapshot for a while. This event was triggered by what? 小k's post? I couldn't find 小k's post though....
never saw the famous t-back snapshot, btw, does t-back mean the thone panties?
I was 1.55 when I was in 5th grade.
how tall are you now?
never saw the famous t-back snapshot, btw, does t-back mean the thone panties?
how tall are you now?
1.68 I didn't grow much in high school ( I was 1.65 in junior high)
never saw the famous t-back snapshot, btw, does t-back mean the thone panties?
because only 胖头鱼 saw the picture... 小k declared so...
because only 胖头鱼 saw the picture... 小k declared so...
hahah........no wonder his wife gets mad............guess it's hard for the couple to live a normal life now....
I haven't posted enough posts yet....
I was wondering which gc gave me the 6th ww. 6x800=4800 I haven't posted enough posts yet....
you are so lucky.....just laugh by yourself ba
这大坑你都MISS 了, 遗憾, 遗憾.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-26 2:35:39编辑过]
我到初一也还矮着, 然后一直矮到现在.
I got 口蹄疫 myself... almost gone le.
面团 said he said so ya.
where to read posts from 小k?
who do you gals think is prettier? 小k or 面团?
不会过不下去, 面团一付全是3勾引胖鱼的样子, 基本上是不问责老公, 全力追打小K. 看来这次胖鱼是毫发无损.
不会过不下去, 面团一付全是3勾引胖鱼的样子, 基本上是不问责老公, 全力追打小K. 看来这次胖鱼是毫发无损.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-26 2:35:39编辑过]
I couldn't figure out the sequence of the development of the story even though I spent hours to follow the posts. 面团 has the t-back snapshot for a while. This event was triggered by what? 小k's post? I couldn't find 小k's post though....
不是triggered by小k的发言,小k是很后面才发贴的
I was telling the story to my lg, he asked: who took the t-back picture of 小k?
猪乐乐好了没?bless bless
which guy would not fan beauties?
I was 1.55 when I was in 5th grade.
Today i peeked mimi at daycare after the grandma sent her there. They are having the circle time. But I saw mimi sat back, not looking at the teacher. The teacher didn't try to involve her too. Since she doesn't understand English but she can speak a lot of Chinese, I can imagine how frustrated she is in daycare.
However, every time when we ask her if she wants to go to daycare, she always says she wants.
How can I ask the teacher to involve her to the activities? Mimi usually is a very active girl. feel so sad this morning.
cry cry.....and help
Today i peeked mimi at daycare after the grandma sent her there. They are having the circle time. But I saw mimi sat back, not looking at the teacher. The teacher didn't try to involve her too. Since she doesn't understand English but she can speak a lot of Chinese, I can imagine how frustrated she is in daycare.
However, every time when we ask her if she wants to go to daycare, she always says she wants.
How can I ask the teacher to involve her to the activities? Mimi usually is a very active girl. feel so sad this morning.
no worry. my daughter was the same for the first 3 weeks, but she is now involving with other kids/teachers. It just takes a little time.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-27 13:00:51编辑过]
u don't have to ask teachers to do anything, they are more experienced than us, they know it's a phase thing.
我也觉得家长不要干预..我小时候比这还不合群呢.别的小朋友听老师讲故事我搬一凳子对着旮旯坐着..凡人不理...我还挺enjoy myself..可惜那时候没有蒙事教育..不然我好适合蒙一蒙...
no worry. my daughter was the same for the first 3 weeks, but she is now involving with other kids/teachers. It just takes a little time.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-27 13:00:51编辑过]
but mimi's been in day care for 6 weeks already.......i think she's more frustrated because she can understand all the chinese.......
我也觉得家长不要干预..我小时候比这还不合群呢.别的小朋友听老师讲故事我搬一凳子对着旮旯坐着..凡人不理...我还挺enjoy myself..可惜那时候没有蒙事教育..不然我好适合蒙一蒙...
does she speak english?
but mimi's been in day care for 6 weeks already.......i think she's more frustrated because she can understand all the chinese.......
give her some time ba. my daughter's daycare teacher said her transition is done after 1 month. she does feel more comfortable after 1 month.
if you want, u can teach mimi some English at home, but she will pick up sooner or later.
我也觉得家长不要干预..我小时候比这还不合群呢.别的小朋友听老师讲故事我搬一凳子对着旮旯坐着..凡人不理...我还挺enjoy myself..可惜那时候没有蒙事教育..不然我好适合蒙一蒙...
my daughter likes a boy named Baker, she mentioned his name 50 times at home, even in her dreams. she goes: Baker, xi shou!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-27 15:58:10编辑过]
my daughter likes a boy named Baker, she mentioned his name 50 times at home, even in her dreams. she goes: Baker, xi shou!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-27 15:58:10编辑过]
哈哈哈哈.so cute..小孩之间也是有chemistry的..我lg说mckenna老抱她..
does she speak english?
不会..她中文还不会讲呢..就算会讲也没用..我看美国小孩互相之间也不讲话..她们自己enjoy就行了..其实我觉得小孩circle 不circle无所谓..有的小孩喜欢大家一起有的小孩喜欢自己玩..其实美国小孩对老师说什么也一知半解..她们都是从众心理..跟着学..大家去哪我去哪大家干嘛我干嘛...不一定真的明白老师说啥..
give her some time ba. my daughter's daycare teacher said her transition is done after 1 month. she does feel more comfortable after 1 month.
if you want, u can teach mimi some English at home, but she will pick up sooner or later.
does your daycare teacher allow the patients to watch how your daughter's doing ? our daycare teacher is very against us watching because mimi cries everytime she saw us.....her eyes are sharp
my daughter likes a boy named Baker, she mentioned his name 50 times at home, even in her dreams. she goes: Baker, xi shou!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-8-27 15:58:10编辑过]
hahah.........mimi used to like a chinese boy there named lele but he moved out. and mimi often says "lele, buyao" means lele dont go.....
不会..她中文还不会讲呢..就算会讲也没用..我看美国小孩互相之间也不讲话..她们自己enjoy就行了..其实我觉得小孩circle 不circle无所谓..有的小孩喜欢大家一起有的小孩喜欢自己玩..其实美国小孩对老师说什么也一知半解..她们都是从众心理..跟着学..大家去哪我去哪大家干嘛我干嘛...不一定真的明白老师说啥..
ok ba....feel a lot better now!
哈哈哈哈.so cute..小孩之间也是有chemistry的..我lg说mckenna老抱她..
so true. 小肥他们班有个Peter, 是part time, 才上幼儿园不久, 刚来就和小肥对上眼了. 成了好朋友.基本没哭就适应幼儿园了. 不过如果他到了, 我们还没送小肥到, peter就会 JJWW的不爽, 直到小肥来.
小肥现在天天说buddy peter, peter buddy. Peter 他爸说他送Peter, 在车上一说去和Ethan玩,Peter 就笑个不停.
太瘦, 而且是不是精神不对啊.
cry cry.....and help
Today i peeked mimi at daycare after the grandma sent her there. They are having the circle time. But I saw mimi sat back, not looking at the teacher. The teacher didn't try to involve her too. Since she doesn't understand English but she can speak a lot of Chinese, I can imagine how frustrated she is in daycare.
However, every time when we ask her if she wants to go to daycare, she always says she wants.
How can I ask the teacher to involve her to the activities? Mimi usually is a very active girl. feel so sad this morning.
别担心, 2岁了的还喜欢自己玩呢. 你以为她不懂英语, 其实他们明白着呢.
米米现在在幼儿园睡的怎么样了. 小肥现在不好好睡, 还净干扰别人. 小朋友都上床了, 他在地上一个个的叫名字, Nadia, Mike, Lucy ...尤其喜欢一遍遍的叫 Peter, 跑, Peter, 跑. Peter也不是个省事的, 皮的跟猴似的, 一听老朋友招呼乐,就想翻下来跑去. 小肥昨天, 今天都是老师抱睡的. 这两天肥爸一到, 老师就告状. 我心说跟我们说有什么用, 他如果不听老师的话就没人的话可听了. 在家里我们早就是:你再XXX, 我就告诉 Lori.
feel 小肥's EQ and social ability is very high ne.........
Mimi sleeps a lot better now, usually she sleeps for about 1.3 hours everyday........
so true. 小肥他们班有个Peter, 是part time, 才上幼儿园不久, 刚来就和小肥对上眼了. 成了好朋友.基本没哭就适应幼儿园了. 不过如果他到了, 我们还没送小肥到, peter就会 JJWW的不爽, 直到小肥来.
小肥现在天天说buddy peter, peter buddy. Peter 他爸说他送Peter, 在车上一说去和Ethan玩,Peter 就笑个不停.
does your daycare teacher allow the patients to watch how your daughter's doing ? our daycare teacher is very against us watching because mimi cries everytime she saw us.....her eyes are sharp
米米现在在幼儿园睡的怎么样了. 小肥现在不好好睡, 还净干扰别人. 小朋友都上床了, 他在地上一个个的叫名字, Nadia, Mike, Lucy ...尤其喜欢一遍遍的叫 Peter, 跑, Peter, 跑. Peter也不是个省事的, 皮的跟猴似的, 一听老朋友招呼乐,就想翻下来跑去. 小肥昨天, 今天都是老师抱睡的. 这两天肥爸一到, 老师就告状. 我心说跟我们说有什么用, 他如果不听老师的话就没人的话可听了. 在家里我们早就是:你再XXX, 我就告诉 Lori.
小肥很聪聪啊。我今天说胖妞喜欢baker, 整天念叨着baker。老师说不是因为他俩关系特好,而是baker这个名字好发音。
早上吃蛋糕吃的津津有味,不停的说more more,我又给了他一块。小朋友高兴的说谢谢,我说不客气。他听到个“不”字,以为我在批评他,立马翻脸,捶胸顿足的大哭起来。
上来诉苦啊~~ 昊昊脾气太大了!
早上吃蛋糕吃的津津有味,不停的说more more,我又给了他一块。小朋友高兴的说谢谢,我说不客气。他听到个“不”字,以为我在批评他,立马翻脸,捶胸顿足的大哭起来。
提前进入 terrible two 了哈。不过挺好玩的。
上来诉苦啊~~ 昊昊脾气太大了!
早上吃蛋糕吃的津津有味,不停的说more more,我又给了他一块。小朋友高兴的说谢谢,我说不客气。他听到个“不”字,以为我在批评他,立马翻脸,捶胸顿足的大哭起来。