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  unfortunatly, I think it is ture. Basically, cord blood can not be used for self.
  I tried to explain in other post, but nobody care.
  The reason:   1. if cord blood is saved and the child is sick at very young age (hope not), the stem cells saved most posiblely was alrreaday has defect. So the cells from cord blood is ill already and can not be used for therapy.
                     2. If when the child grow up and sick (hope not), the amount of stem cells saved from the new born cord blood (even with culture) will not be enough to used in therapy for an adult (here we assume the cord cells were healthy when collected, there is still possible the cells may not be healthy).
                     3. The only cases i have heard of is the cells from cordblood cells of one child was used to treat the sibling when the sibling is little and sick.
                      So I thinik it is ture that the cells from the cord blood can not be used by self, maybe can be used by the sibling when the sibling is still a child. or can be used by other child that somehow matches.
                 Hopefully, I explain it clear. But here is only my opinion based on my knowledge learned from multiple researchers and noncologists. you still need to make your own desition and nobodyelse can be responsible for your dicision.
                Please don't 恨死国内报纸杂志 by default, sometime they are telling the truth.
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   In addtion, if the cells from cordblood of one child are used by a sibling. Then the child can donate the stem cells the sibling anytime when the cells is needed. So, in my opinion, there is no need to save cord blood cells at all.
   especially, the facility saving blood cord cells is not good. there are cases about very low cell count samples(unqulified samples) and comtaminations. Some people found out they were cheated by the facility and they are trying to sue the facility.
  Again, here is my own opinion and you make your own dicision and i am not responsible for your decitions.
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以下是引用superball在2009-4-24 11:12:00的发言:

                     2. If when the child grow up and sick (hope not), the amount of stem cells saved from the new born cord blood (even with culture) will not be enough to used in therapy for an adult (here we assume the cord cells were healthy when collected, there is still possible the cells may not be healthy).
That is not true 我咨询过ob还有其他的医生
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Not all the diseases are caused by genetics.  Some are caused by infection, yes stem cells can be used on oneself.  Also even if it can not cure it can buy time, I don't consider that a waste of money.  Last, technology is advancing fast, in time there will be more use for them.
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以下是引用cauchy在2009-4-24 11:29:00的发言:

That is not true 我咨询过ob还有其他的医生
  Are they absolutely sure about this or they just want to encourage you to do this? Ask them again, Is there any single successful case to use cord blood cells to treat an adult at all? It is very difficult to amplify stem cells and prevent them from differentiation to use them in therapy in reality.
  All the cases I knew is to use blood cells to young child. let me know if there are actually a case for adult therapy.  I am using frozen cells myself, yiou will have some loss of cell counts even during the retriving step. And actually, If you are in the research field, you can totally 预想几十年后的科技发展速度.
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以下是引用longnine在2009-4-24 12:28:00的发言:
I discussed this with three OBs and they all recommended saving it.
  Did you ask for the reason? I discussed with more than 3 oncologist, none of them recommended it.
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 my ob doesn't recommended it. Besides, I read the article that because Obama is "promoting" stem cell research, it is possible that pretty soon we don't need biblical blood, just stem cell from regular blood to do the same thing -- I am not doctor and don't understand everything but I didn't save it.
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以下是引用reflect在2009-4-24 12:34:00的发言:
 my ob doesn't recommended it. Besides, I read the article that because Obama is "promoting" stem cell research, it is possible that pretty soon we don't need biblical blood, just stem cell from regular blood to do the same thing -- I am not doctor and don't understand everything but I didn't save it.

  I agree with you.
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以下是引用superball在2009-4-24 12:26:00的发言:

  Are they absolutely sure about this or they just want to encourage you to do this? Ask them again, Is there any single successful case to use cord blood cells to treat an adult at all? It is very difficult to amplify stem cells and prevent them from differentiation to use them in therapy in reality.
  All the cases I knew is to use blood cells to young child. let me know if there are actually a case for adult therapy.  I am using frozen cells myself, yiou will have some loss of cell counts even during the retriving step. And actually, If you are in the research field, you can totally 预想几十年后的科技发展速度.
Agree with this. Have thought about this for my not yet born baby too. I am in clinical medicine and my husband is doing stem cell research. We personally think there won't be much use, even if technology advances in the future. The newest research is to develop regenerated tissue out of already differentiated cells, e.g. skin cells, not stem cells. There are just too few clinical cases to make the argument for cord blood use convincing. But--you know--when it comes to your own children, you always think twice and twice and again. We haven't decided yet, but likely will not save it.
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以下是引用superball在2009-4-24 12:33:00的发言:

  Did you ask for the reason? I discussed with more than 3 oncologist, none of them recommended it.
I asked my oncologist friends too (whom are saving cord blood for their own children) so it doesn't really mean anything.  I guess it is a personal choice, no one banks cord blood hoping to use it one day, at least not me, i hope i don't have to use it at all, but at least i know that if one day I need it, at least it will be available.  So, if people have the money and wants to do it, why not?
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以下是引用lilymoo在2009-4-24 14:20:00的发言:

I asked my oncologist friends too (whom are saving cord blood for their own children) so it doesn't really mean anything.  I guess it is a personal choice, no one banks cord blood hoping to use it one day, at least not me, i hope i don't have to use it at all, but at least i know that if one day I need it, at least it will be available.  So, if people have the money and wants to do it, why not?
right, 迄今为止我知道选择不做得,很多还是因为经济因素的考虑。如果它花费很少,相信很多家庭都会选择储存cord blood。
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以下是引用lilymoo在2009-4-24 14:20:00的发言:

I asked my oncologist friends too (whom are saving cord blood for their own children) so it doesn't really mean anything.  I guess it is a personal choice, no one banks cord blood hoping to use it one day, at least not me, i hope i don't have to use it at all, but at least i know that if one day I need it, at least it will be available.  So, if people have the money and wants to do it, why not?
  Thank you for the comment. The problem is that when needed one day, it will not be useful or available for real use because of the reason I discuss in previous replies, also look aroamer and her husband'opinnion at floor 16. They are in stem cell research field. Some People who choose not to save it is because of money issue, but a lot of others don't do it because they understand it will be useless cause they have some knowledge of the technology. Some OB suggest it because they don't really know about the stem cells research today.
   However, I agree it is really a personal choice. Everybody should make a decision of his own. Here we just discuss and share some information.
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以下是引用superball在2009-4-24 15:13:00的发言:

  Thank you for the comment. The problem is that when needed one day, it will not be useful or available for real use because of the reason I discuss in previous replies, also look aroamer and her husband'opinnion at floor 16. They are in stem cell research field. Some People who choose not to save it is because of money issue, but a lot of others don't do it because they understand it will be useless cause they have some knowledge of the technology. Some OB suggest it because they don't really know about the stem cells research today.
   However, I agree it is really a personal choice. Everybody should make a decision of his own. Here we just discuss and share some information.
well, that's still personal opinion, like i said other professionals in the field may very well disagree.  who knows what's exactly gonna happen in 10, or 20 years.  At the end of the day, the people who can afford it and wants to bank will still bank, the people who can't afford it or don't believe in it still won't bank, no one can convince anyone else.  however, i don't think the decision to bank cord blood stems from lack of understanding.  I know plenty of people also in the research field/medical field who deals with stem cell hands on and still choose to bank.  But thanks for providing all the info. you know, i am sure it is helpful to some people in making their decision.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-4-24 15:46:20编辑过]
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以下是引用bingxuecongming在2009-4-24 16:12:00的发言:
对你来说有没有经济负担? 不便宜啊。
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以下是引用cauchy在2009-4-24 11:28:00的发言:

re zhe ge!
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以下是引用cauchy在2009-4-24 14:58:00的发言:

right, 迄今为止我知道选择不做得,很多还是因为经济因素的考虑。如果它花费很少,相信很多家庭都会选择储存cord blood。
agree! Just in case...(knock knock wood)
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i made the decision : NO..
my OB said it depends on my own desicion, she wont' give me any suggestion.
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就跟life insurance一样,有人坚决不买,有人一定要买,但买的人也一定不想用. 对我来说每年$125也就是全家出去多吃两顿饭,为了将来不后悔,想都不想就买了.就算没用,不也就少吃两顿饭吗?没啥好可惜的.
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以下是引用清风闲云在2009-4-25 16:07:00的发言:

就跟life insurance一样,有人坚决不买,有人一定要买,但买的人也一定不想用. 对我来说每年$125也就是全家出去多吃两顿饭,为了将来不后悔,想都不想就买了.就算没用,不也就少吃两顿饭吗?没啥好可惜的.
是啊,又不是需要砸锅卖铁才存得起的,就算有人告诉我,这个东东只有千万分之一的用途,为了我自己的娃娃,我也会存的。。。而且我确实看到了用CORD BLOOD治疗brain damage的宝宝的报道,在baby center上面,NBC新闻,不能是忽悠人的吧。。。
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以下是引用celia5006在2009-4-25 0:45:00的发言:


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