9944 includes several of my fav e/s: kalahari, bellissima. but I have to say that it is not for everyone....now I am crazy for neutrals and slowly learned how to master neutral looks and this palette is a must. however, it took me a long time to appreciate neutrals.
it is ok to collect NARS with a life time. I think it is just AS fun as my dizzyingly collecting. I am a very very impatient person by nature.
I know a group of NARS fanatics on MUA, lots of them in their 40s... probably some in 50s, their enthusiasm and collection for NARS last for years if not decades. :)...
I mean I plan to only update my lip products....blush and e/s I don't mind using a bit old products.
加点心得吧? Alhambra在pan里非常美丽,不过总觉得挺难用好。一是上眼以后,两个颜色很接近,看不出变化。而是很metallic,我一用,远看就只见金光一片。 the colors are very subtle, pretty metallic..Used as duo, I think it is supposed to be like that.. just to brighten your eyes without much colors. I actually like such effect if I am not in the mood for obvious MU
Another way to use Alhambra is to pair one of its colors with other stronger colors... both colors in this duo are really great for inner corner of the eye. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-22 18:19:57编辑过]
太震撼啦 那些大盘子里面有单品里面不包含的颜色么?看上去都没有必要收啦 I swapped away the duos and singles in those palettes. so i have to have the palettes. they are a lot cheaper than duos and singles.
Alhambra (metallic rose mist, golden champagne): a palace and fortress complex of the Moorish rulers of Granada in southern Spain 此主题相关图片如下alhambra.3.jpg:
Metallic rose mist at inner half; golden champagne outer half.
I love Multiples...love them more than powder blushes. However, cream based blush is not for everyone. You have to use fingers. Application is not precise even with brush. They don't perform well on oily skin or skin with big pores... They emphasize the pores. They are not as long lasting. Sometimes they are streaky...
That said, I love love love multiples. Their colors have more dimensions than powder blushes... Try Souch Beach and you will see how complicated the effects are..
I like lacquer since I have very wrinkled dry lips. The cons are: bad smell, have to use lip brush. The pros are: interesting texture which is between lip gloss and lip stick, pretty colors, and smooth out/hide your wrinkles. extremely moisturizing.
以下是引用Chic在2008-11-24 8:29:00的发言: UPload one lip stain/gloss duo on P16
Metis (Sheer Mulberry on top of Victoire): The first spouse of Zeus, Goddess of wisdom and deep thought in Greek mythology. Victoire (plum brow stain): Name of a French actress in a 1996 film, Ponette. 这个好看!!!!!!!lip stain真的会很持久么?
same here, another blind gengfeng
我是个彻头彻尾无可救药的NARS junkie。 I think I've lost my head..
这里有试色,NARS名字的来由和灵感,零星的妆容。欢迎大家贴上我没有的NARS item的试色。
基本是按照字母顺序, 目录我慢慢做。全家福照片可惜小有不全。。大憾。。好些被我落在我另一个apt了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-20 23:15:09编辑过]
顺便问一下,是不是有3个lip pallette是完全一样的,而且都用过了?
顺便问一下,是不是有3个lip pallette是完全一样的,而且都用过了?
i have two homes. so I place one at each. another one in purse since this palette is my absolute fav.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-21 8:38:38编辑过]
I just realized i have swapped away quite a lot of blushes..Or i just couldn't find them anymore..
not as complete as some of other huaren mm's collection of blush.
a little less than a year.
以下是引用pipitu在2008-11-21 1:21:00的发言:
same here, another blind gengfeng
9944 includes several of my fav e/s: kalahari, bellissima. but I have to say that it is not for everyone....now I am crazy for neutrals and slowly learned how to master neutral looks and this palette is a must. however, it took me a long time to appreciate neutrals.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-21 8:59:13编辑过]
a little less than a year.
it is ok to collect NARS with a life time. I think it is just AS fun as my dizzyingly collecting. I am a very very impatient person by nature.
I know a group of NARS fanatics on MUA, lots of them in their 40s... probably some in 50s, their enthusiasm and collection for NARS last for years if not decades. :)...
I mean I plan to only update my lip products....blush and e/s I don't mind using a bit old products.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-21 9:21:19编辑过]
很诡异么?我怎么觉得是true color。尤其是没有flash的。 嘻嘻。
很诡异么?我怎么觉得是true color。尤其是没有flash的。 嘻嘻。
sorry。说错了。尤其是有flash的。是比较true color的。 日光自然光太白了。
it is ok to collect NARS with a life time. I think it is just AS fun as my dizzyingly collecting. I am a very very impatient person by nature.
I know a group of NARS fanatics on MUA, lots of them in their 40s... probably some in 50s, their enthusiasm and collection for NARS last for years...
I mean I plan to only update my lip products....blush and e/s I don't mind using a bit old products.
Hand hand
there are soooo many of us are hooked and experienced the same journey as you do.
that's why I was so happy to find another cult here, to share and to enjoy...
if one is not hooked by NARS, I can absolutely understand that he would think I am completely out of my mind
土人一个,这个一般要多少钱呀,generally speaking?
chic 啥时候贴试色啊。。。偶急着等你blonde venus,roman holiday,honolulu honey,还有turkish delight的试色
mingo mm
我先搞两张turkish delight 试色。。
我时间有限。。其他试色估计要慢慢来。。bear with me呀。。
mingo mm
我先搞两张turkish delight 试色。。
我时间有限。。其他试色估计要慢慢来。。bear with me呀。。
好个好个。。太谢谢啦。。。。你觉得turkish delight会不会涂着颜色发白,值得收吗??
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 13:40:57编辑过]
好个好个。。太谢谢啦。。。。你觉得turkish delight会不会涂着颜色发白,值得收吗??
you judge from my pics bah. hahahaha
for reference: I between NC15 - NC20 or NW20 (depends on seasons), slight yellow undertone, with pigmented lips.
辛苦chic mm了。。。。
辛苦chic mm了。。。。
i looooooooooove turkish delight. isn't it cool yet lovely?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-21 11:34:09编辑过]
我放在盒子里面以后,也就一个抽屉。。。。一点千军万马的感觉都没有呢。。我老这么安慰自己。。买几个designer bags 占的地方还更大。。
i looooooooooove turkish delight. isn't it cool yet lovely?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-21 11:34:09编辑过]
我放在盒子里面以后,也就一个抽屉。。。。一点千军万马的感觉都没有呢。。我老这么安慰自己。。买几个designer bags 占的地方还更大。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 13:45:03编辑过]
昨天谁问起roman holiday lippie来着? 嘻嘻。 正好下午吃饭以后用了。 update 一张在15页。
Roman Holiday: 1954 Audrey Hepburn movie.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-21 15:18:24编辑过]
believe me, i have pigmented lips.... nars lip products have good coverage.
haha, beauty's DA SHA FA
Love all your collections!!
haha, beauty's DA SHA FA
xixi...thx mm!
how much are all these together??
thanks for reminding me, sweetie!. xixi, changed all.
i am shocked~~
how much are all these together??
i dont know...how much are all your clothes together.. these are tough questions to answer..
alhambra look is up P1.
the colors are very subtle, pretty metallic..Used as duo, I think it is supposed to be like that.. just to brighten your eyes without much colors. I actually like such effect if I am not in the mood for obvious MU
Another way to use Alhambra is to pair one of its colors with other stronger colors... both colors in this duo are really great for inner corner of the eye.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-22 18:19:57编辑过]
I swapped away the duos and singles in those palettes. so i have to have the palettes. they are a lot cheaper than duos and singles.
make-up 确实很神奇啊,我也要开始沦陷了。。。。
对了,还要了primer和foundation的小样,以前我都不用foundation的,不过nars的这个很清爽,balanced foundation
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-22 18:39:21编辑过]
Chic mm,一个小小要求,眼妆秀能包含眉毛部分么?想看看整体效果
Alhambra (metallic rose mist, golden champagne): a palace and fortress complex of the Moorish rulers of Granada in southern Spain
Metallic rose mist at inner half; golden champagne outer half.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-22 16:02:52编辑过]
NARS的lip lacquer和multiples好用吗? 我有点草multiple的orgasm :), 但是不知道用做blush会不会太creamy了.
Lip lacquer图里面的第二排第一个是什么色号?好漂亮.
Chic MM的眼影用什么打底?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-22 23:03:23编辑过]
Wicked Wicked Wicked
我今天刚买了april fools, 好自然啊,每天都可以用。这是我第一个nars眼影
make-up 确实很神奇啊,我也要开始沦陷了。。。。
对了,还要了primer和foundation的小样,以前我都不用foundation的,不过nars的这个很清爽,balanced foundation
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-22 18:39:21编辑过]
exactly, a little bid of makeup can do the magic... make you more beautiful than carrying a Chanel purse...
april fools is really nice in summer and spring, innocent and naive...i really adore the green side of this duo.
NARS的lip lacquer和multiples好用吗? 我有点草multiple的orgasm :), 但是不知道用做blush会不会太creamy了.
Lip lacquer图里面的第二排第一个是什么色号?好漂亮.
Chic MM的眼影用什么打底?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-22 23:03:23编辑过]
I love Multiples...love them more than powder blushes. However, cream based blush is not for everyone. You have to use fingers. Application is not precise even with brush. They don't perform well on oily skin or skin with big pores... They emphasize the pores. They are not as long lasting. Sometimes they are streaky...
That said, I love love love multiples. Their colors have more dimensions than powder blushes... Try Souch Beach and you will see how complicated the effects are..
I like lacquer since I have very wrinkled dry lips. The cons are: bad smell, have to use lip brush. The pros are: interesting texture which is between lip gloss and lip stick, pretty colors, and smooth out/hide your wrinkles. extremely moisturizing.
NARS的lip lacquer和multiples好用吗? 我有点草multiple的orgasm :), 但是不知道用做blush会不会太creamy了.
Lip lacquer图里面的第二排第一个是什么色号?好漂亮.
Chic MM的眼影用什么打底?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-22 23:03:23编辑过]
The lacqure color you were asking is Chica Boom.... it is a dark purple shimmering color, very vampy
I use Too Faced Shadow Insurance most of the time.... I have watery eyes, UDPP is not very water resistant.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-23 1:34:48编辑过]
sure. will do it the next since you ask. =)
我可以回了吧~~~我看到一个kelly ~
xixi...a kelly is sooooo expensive!
Chic mm,一个小小要求,眼妆秀能包含眉毛部分么?想看看整体效果
....... my DC is not performing well if i include eyebrow since it gets too far from my eye....my brows are sooooo far from my eyes....
xixi...a kelly is sooooo expensive!
yeah..that is what i meant. i got so much stuff to play around...a kelly is not gonna be as much fun...
yeah..that is what i meant. i got so much stuff to play around...a kelly is not gonna be as much fun...
exactly, a little bid of makeup can do the magic... make you more beautiful than carrying a Chanel purse...
april fools is really nice in summer and spring, innocent and naive...i really adore the green side of this duo.
innocent and naive,哎,不是我要的效果,不过我的眼睛用大地色的显得很肿。蓝绿系列的还可以,这个系列里成熟点,适合秋冬天用的可以推荐一下吗?我可以再去店里试试。谢谢,学习中
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-5-10 13:46:11编辑过]
UPload one lip stain/gloss duo on P16
Metis (Sheer Mulberry on top of Victoire): The first spouse of Zeus, Goddess of wisdom and deep thought in Greek mythology.
Victoire (plum brow stain): Name of a French actress in a 1996 film, Ponette.
这个好看!!!!!!!lip stain真的会很持久么?