Did't get it, any relationship btw the two? [replyview]no relationship. well, people in that industry do make more money compared to other industries with a Ph.D. degree. he called me this because most his classmates were in deep debt and I paid all his tuition... you know usually girls like to marry to sugar daddy, not the other way around. [/replyview]
以下是引用orangetea在10/26/2010 5:39:00 PM的发言: So envy of mm, it looks like it is very easy to find a job for you I just think I'm very lucky. This industry didn't get affected as much as a lot of other industries. When economy was in the bottom back in 2008, I got laid off. But at that time, I was extremely lucky too to find a new job within 2 months even though I did want to stay at home with my son at that time. But my hubby was still in school and I had to work to provide health insurance for the family.
Anyway, the company that laid off me now gives me a consultant job so I can still do some work from home, keep my resume updated, and of course make some extra money for the family. I'm happy with my current situation.
I just think I'm very lucky. This industry didn't get affected as much as a lot of other industries. When economy was in the bottom back in 2008, I got laid off. But at that time, I was extremely lucky too to find a new job within 2 months even though I did want to stay at home with my son at that time. But my hubby was still in school and I had to work to provide health insurance for the family.
Anyway, the company that laid off me now gives me a consultant job so I can still do some work from home, keep my resume updated, and of course make some extra money for the family. I'm happy with my current situation. continue to
I see, so are you planning to work after your second baby is born? I do want to continue to work - full time or part time. But I really want to keep my daughter in the house until she is 1 or 2 at least. I feel bad to send my son to daycare when he was only 3 months old - as you know I had no choice at that time.
I don't feel comfortable to have a nanny by herself with the baby at home. So unless I can find a work-from-home job (in this way, I can have a nanny at home), I will be the nanny for the first two years.
I do want to continue to work - full time or part time. But I really want to keep my daughter in the house until she is 1 or 2 at least. I feel bad to send my son to daycare when he was only 3 months old - as you know I had no choice at that time.
I don't feel comfortable to have a nanny by herself with the baby at home. So unless I can find a work-from-home job (in this way, I can have a nanny at home), I will be the nanny for the first two years. Totally understand ......
I am using school computer, it is more convenient, but not convenient to input Chinese. It's very slow for me to use inputking.com. Got to go to pick up my son soon. Talk to you, maybe tomorrow (I will have an OB visit tomorrow in downtown area and then I want to go to magnificient miles for shopping), or Thursday. Well, I did get some new projects last weekend I should work on soon...
It's very slow for me to use inputking.com. Got to go to pick up my son soon. Talk to you, maybe tomorrow (I will have an OB visit tomorrow in downtown area and then I want to go to magnificient miles for shopping), or Thursday. Well, I did get some new projects last weekend I should work on soon... Sure, talk to you whenever we meet again
[replyview]pharma industry. my hubby used to call me "sugar mommy" :-)[/replyview]
my hubby used to call me "sugar mommy" :-)
Did't get it, any relationship btw the two?
Did't get it, any relationship btw the two?
[replyview]no relationship. well, people in that industry do make more money compared to other industries with a Ph.D. degree. he called me this because most his classmates were in deep debt and I paid all his tuition... you know usually girls like to marry to sugar daddy, not the other way around. [/replyview]
no relationship.
I see, so are you planning to work after your second baby is born?
So envy of mm, it looks like it is very easy to find a job for you
I just think I'm very lucky. This industry didn't get affected as much as a lot of other industries. When economy was in the bottom back in 2008, I got laid off. But at that time, I was extremely lucky too to find a new job within 2 months even though I did want to stay at home with my son at that time. But my hubby was still in school and I had to work to provide health insurance for the family.
Anyway, the company that laid off me now gives me a consultant job so I can still do some work from home, keep my resume updated, and of course make some extra money for the family. I'm happy with my current situation.
I just think I'm very lucky. This industry didn't get affected as much as a lot of other industries. When economy was in the bottom back in 2008, I got laid off. But at that time, I was extremely lucky too to find a new job within 2 months even though I did want to stay at home with my son at that time. But my hubby was still in school and I had to work to provide health insurance for the family.
Anyway, the company that laid off me now gives me a consultant job so I can still do some work from home, keep my resume updated, and of course make some extra money for the family. I'm happy with my current situation.
continue to
新作的相册...过两天撤. http://app.picaboo.com/WebView/Project.aspx?clientID=a0b5086d2237d68ebfa0e6a0056a0ab9&version=58618
I see, so are you planning to work after your second baby is born?
I do want to continue to work - full time or part time. But I really want to keep my daughter in the house until she is 1 or 2 at least. I feel bad to send my son to daycare when he was only 3 months old - as you know I had no choice at that time.
I don't feel comfortable to have a nanny by herself with the baby at home. So unless I can find a work-from-home job (in this way, I can have a nanny at home), I will be the nanny for the first two years.
那啥, 弟弟长的好帅哦。 幸福啊, 嫉妒啊。 有儿有女的感觉好像真的特别特别让人觉得甜美。
continue to
From Anthropoligie?
I do want to continue to work - full time or part time. But I really want to keep my daughter in the house until she is 1 or 2 at least. I feel bad to send my son to daycare when he was only 3 months old - as you know I had no choice at that time.
I don't feel comfortable to have a nanny by herself with the baby at home. So unless I can find a work-from-home job (in this way, I can have a nanny at home), I will be the nanny for the first two years.
Totally understand ......
I am using school computer, it is more convenient, but not convenient to input Chinese.
I am using school computer, it is more convenient, but not convenient to input Chinese.
It's very slow for me to use inputking.com. Got to go to pick up my son soon. Talk to you, maybe tomorrow (I will have an OB visit tomorrow in downtown area and then I want to go to magnificient miles for shopping), or Thursday. Well, I did get some new projects last weekend I should work on soon...
It's very slow for me to use inputking.com. Got to go to pick up my son soon. Talk to you, maybe tomorrow (I will have an OB visit tomorrow in downtown area and then I want to go to magnificient miles for shopping), or Thursday. Well, I did get some new projects last weekend I should work on soon...
Sure, talk to you whenever we meet again
每天努力中, 大家都很累。 你们就bless我吧, 毕竟我只有25%的几率。
Cindy 39 inches, 38lbs (which was measured before she poopooed, she actually weight 36lbs.)
养的好啊, 当当已经吃的比我多了, 就是不沉称,我也没法。 呵呵。
其实我们没生老大之前,的确是想要三四个孩子的。生完老大被吓着了,现在是好了伤疤忘了疼。我觉得大学这事,如果我们没条件,孩子可以take loan或do some part-time job阿。
没啥限制,我想生4个啊。 但是我这条件,再来一个,我人生就别无所求了。 呵呵
每天努力中, 大家都很累。 你们就bless我吧, 毕竟我只有25%的几率。
养的好啊, 当当已经吃的比我多了, 就是不沉称,我也没法。 呵呵。
没啥限制,我想生4个啊。 但是我这条件,再来一个,我人生就别无所求了。 呵呵
没啥限制,我想生4个啊。 但是我这条件,再来一个,我人生就别无所求了。 呵呵
Just joined 2010 June/july group for 2nd baby
右侧的管子没有了, 左侧的上次宫外孕, 没有remove,但是有个伤疤啊。 所以我只有25%的几率自然怀,医生说的。
say hi to our old group.
Just joined 2010 June/july group for 2nd baby
右侧的管子没有了, 左侧的上次宫外孕, 没有remove,但是有个伤疤啊。 所以我只有25%的几率自然怀,医生说的。
右侧的管子没有了, 左侧的上次宫外孕, 没有remove,但是有个伤疤啊。 所以我只有25%的几率自然怀,医生说的。
bless... I believe you will have another handsome boy or pretty girl.
当当明年6月就有妹妹了。 祝大家圣诞快乐! 要生22,33的赶紧啊。 这个年纪大了,做羊穿,很不舒服阿。
谢谢。 mua
当当明年6月就有妹妹了。 祝大家圣诞快乐! 要生22,33的赶紧啊。 这个年纪大了,做羊穿,很不舒服阿。
Congrats! And Cindy will have a baby brother next May
Congrats! And Cindy will have a baby brother next May
当当明年6月就有妹妹了。 祝大家圣诞快乐! 要生22,33的赶紧啊。 这个年纪大了,做羊穿,很不舒服阿。
Thanks, your little one grows amazingly
Congrats! And Cindy will have a baby brother next May
tong xi
当当明年6月就有妹妹了。 祝大家圣诞快乐! 要生22,33的赶紧啊。 这个年纪大了,做羊穿,很不舒服阿。 恭喜,心想事成了。
Congrates! You already know it? I know Dang Ma had Yangchuan, did u do the same thing?
Congrats! And Cindy will have a baby brother next May
tong xi
Wei,我们把炉子换好了,food disposal他爸爸也换了一个。还去walmart买了一个跟萱萱一样的小床。那天忘了问你床垫哪里买了,明天出去转转看看:)
Wei,我们把炉子换好了,food disposal他爸爸也换了一个。还去walmart买了一个跟萱萱一样的小床。那天忘了问你床垫哪里买了,明天出去转转看看:) 效率很高啊。萱爸这两天装了一个stormdoor. 我们的床垫就是sam's买的。我们不想买太好的,因为萱萱那时还在potty training.
Congrates! You already know it? I know Dang Ma had Yangchuan, did u do the same thing?
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/4/18 17:06:33编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/4/18 17:06:33编辑过]
xiaolan mom should put the pictures into our picasa :)
xiaolan mom should put the pictures into our picasa :)
3 more weeks for c-section.
I went to your blog from time to time .
xiaolan mom should put the pictures into our picasa :)
3 more weeks for c-section.
3 more weeks for c-section.
Bless bless, 我怎么也很激动!
I went to your blog from time to time .
我不叫的,熊熊大多时候半夜不起来,偶尔憋不住, 他就自己下床去potty, 我给他房间放了个小马桶。
3 more weeks for c-section.
我不叫的,熊熊大多时候半夜不起来,偶尔憋不住, 他就自己下床去potty, 我给他房间放了个小马桶。
so sweet....
already one year younger than your guys' second .
already one year younger than your guys' second .