3。travel system 太贵太重,可以考虑买个50刀左右的 kolcrft universal car seat carrier stroller frame, , or the Snap n Go from baby trend,or Combi's strolee,把infant car seat 放上去就行了。
第四章:各个牌子的评比,review (A-excellent,top picks; B-good, above average quality,prices, creativity; C-fair, could stand some improvement; D-poor, could stand some major improvement) 我只抄C以上的;各个品牌下面的各个型号的review我就省了:
baby trend: B- bugaboo: A on design n style, for value, F. bumbleRide: A- Combi: A Graco: B- Inglesina: A Kalcraft: B+ Maclaren: A- Moutain Buggy: A Peg Perego: A Phil & Ted Most Excellent Buggy Company: A- Schwinn: B Stokke: D+ (没想到这么低,实在太贵了) Valco: A Zooper: A [此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 22:58:47编辑过]
3. Green Acres (for dirt or gravel road, or in a neighbood w/o sidewalks) Zooper Boogie ($290) Jeep Liberty Urban Terrain ($120) Moutain Buggy Urban Single ($400) Phil & Ted e3 Explorer Version 2 ($300) entry level jogging stroller like Baby Trend or Instep ($100)
眼见我们楼女宝多起来,可是我却来歪楼了。。。。今天也去大B超,tech听说我们要知道性别,上来就直奔主题,我们还看得晕晕乎乎的,她就说,this is the boy part,我们愣了一会儿才问,so, it's a boy? 她说是的,然后还全方位,多角度的给我们看了小花生。。。 本来还以为是女儿的,因为我和siyuewu MM的反应很像,而且用那个据说很准的清宫表算也是女儿,看样子那个不靠谱哈。。。 祝大家感恩节愉快。
以下是引用飘飘在2008-11-26 22:05:00的发言: 眼见我们楼女宝多起来,可是我却来歪楼了。。。。今天也去大B超,tech听说我们要知道性别,上来就直奔主题,我们还看得晕晕乎乎的,她就说,this is the boy part,我们愣了一会儿才问,so, it's a boy? 她说是的,然后还全方位,多角度的给我们看了小花生。。。 本来还以为是女儿的,因为我和siyuewu MM的反应很像,而且用那个据说很准的清宫表算也是女儿,看样子那个不靠谱哈。。。 祝大家感恩节愉快。
今天做了回后妈,在CRAIGSLIST上给宝宝买了个二手的FISHER PRICE KICK N PLAY BOUNCER,$12. 卖家刚好也是中国人,ABC。看样子用东西挺仔细的,BOUNCER基本上象新的,而且套子可以摘下来机洗。
她还有个GRACO的INFANT CAR SEAT WITH BASE,问我要不要,看样子也保护得很好,连原来的盒子和说明书都在,15块。还有个SNAP AND GO,12块。我试了一下,挺轻便的。在版上也看其他妈妈推荐过。我考虑了一下,跟她说买下来。这两样宝宝只能用前面几个月。不是说男孩要粗养嘛,咱这就将就了。
今天做了回后妈,在CRAIGSLIST上给宝宝买了个二手的FISHER PRICE KICK N PLAY BOUNCER,$12. 卖家刚好也是中国人,ABC。看样子用东西挺仔细的,BOUNCER基本上象新的,而且套子可以摘下来机洗。
她还有个GRACO的INFANT CAR SEAT WITH BASE,问我要不要,看样子也保护得很好,连原来的盒子和说明书都在,15块。还有个SNAP AND GO,12块。我试了一下,挺轻便的。在版上也看其他妈妈推荐过。我考虑了一下,跟她说买下来。这两样宝宝只能用前面几个月。不是说男孩要粗养嘛,咱这就将就了。
以下是引用飘飘在2008-11-26 22:05:00的发言: 眼见我们楼女宝多起来,可是我却来歪楼了。。。。今天也去大B超,tech听说我们要知道性别,上来就直奔主题,我们还看得晕晕乎乎的,她就说,this is the boy part,我们愣了一会儿才问,so, it's a boy? 她说是的,然后还全方位,多角度的给我们看了小花生。。。 本来还以为是女儿的,因为我和siyuewu MM的反应很像,而且用那个据说很准的清宫表算也是女儿,看样子那个不靠谱哈。。。 祝大家感恩节愉快。
babyinabag.com Code: 200820 Discount: 20% off when you buy at least 2 bags 我跳了两个。MINKY现在有30%OFF,原价格45块,现在31。5。买两个用这个CODE还有20%OFF。我买了一个小号的(3-11MONTHS)和一个中号的(12-24MONTHS)。中号的是36。5块。
以下是引用飘飘在2008-11-26 22:05:00的发言: 眼见我们楼女宝多起来,可是我却来歪楼了。。。。今天也去大B超,tech听说我们要知道性别,上来就直奔主题,我们还看得晕晕乎乎的,她就说,this is the boy part,我们愣了一会儿才问,so, it's a boy? 她说是的,然后还全方位,多角度的给我们看了小花生。。。 本来还以为是女儿的,因为我和siyuewu MM的反应很像,而且用那个据说很准的清宫表算也是女儿,看样子那个不靠谱哈。。。 祝大家感恩节愉快。 恭喜恭喜!
CVS is offering 10 off $50 for non-prescription items + extra $10 off with any Mastercard using code MASTERCARD, Plus get additional $5 off using code REDHOT5. If you don't have an account, just create a new account.
CVS is offering 10 off $50 for non-prescription items + extra $10 off with any Mastercard using code MASTERCARD, Plus get additional $5 off using code REDHOT5. If you don't have an account, just create a new account.
CVS is offering 10 off $50 for non-prescription items + extra $10 off with any Mastercard using code MASTERCARD, Plus get additional $5 off using code REDHOT5. If you don't have an account, just create a new account.
好像可以用来屯几包尿布吧? 谢谢MM! 囤了两包HUGGIES, 一包40个的NEW BORN (UP TO 10B),和一包44个的STEP 1 (UP TO 14B)。应该够了吧!看到好多MM说,太小的DIAPER不能多囤。宝宝一下下就长大了! 又买了DR.BROWN'S的一套奶瓶。 算下来51块,扣完胖子27! 啦啦啦……感觉好幸福啊!
谢谢MM! 囤了两包HUGGIES, 一包40个的NEW BORN (UP TO 10B),和一包44个的STEP 1 (UP TO 14B)。应该够了吧!看到好多MM说,太小的DIAPER不能多囤。宝宝一下下就长大了! 又买了DR.BROWN'S的一套奶瓶。 算下来51块,扣完胖子27! 啦啦啦……感觉好幸福啊!
我现在又没上班,天天在家,不是躺着就是坐着,还越发的没有精神,到下午还头疼。是该加强锻炼了! JM们也来练哈!为了宝宝也为了自己!喔霍! I have two DVDs - one is "Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea" and the othet one "Leisa Hart's FitMama - Prenatal Workout". Both got good reviews. Lazy me....The DVDs have been sitting in front of the TV for weeks and I haven't done anything with either of the two DVDs...
After seeing Siyuewu MM talking about the book "Baby Bargains", I ordered the most recent version (7th. version) from Amazon last week along with another book called "The baby book: Everything you need to know about your baby from birth to age two". It took no time to receive the books.
So....I've been doing a lot of reading over the weekend, primarily the "Baby Bargains". It's a great book!!! I too, highly recommend this one!
So far, I've read 6 chapters out of 11. The discussions on cribs, dressers, car seats, stroller and bedding are especially helpful. I have a feeling that this book will become my "Bible" in the next a few months.
我昨天晚上也下蛋了。很怕2007款的很快就没了。买得是这款: http://www.babyuniverse.com/Pliko-P3--Soleo/PID/4785743/ctid/17/INstock/Y/D/ 用了个20% off coupon,加上邮费才171。价格已经很不错了。 You got an even better deal! This one is very pretty! I saw it in USA Baby store last weekend. BabyUniverse' shipping is fast. You should be able to receive it soon.
I was just talking to my boss at lunch about the stroller and told her that I have not been able to find a matching car seat. She told me that if I want, I can borrow her Peg Perego car seat with matching stroller (in Moka) AND two car seat bases! Of course I didn't turn the offer down, Duh...
She also has a bassinet and a couple other things that she thinks that I may be interested....lucky me~~:)
You got an even better deal! This one is very pretty! I saw it in USA Baby store last weekend. BabyUniverse' shipping is fast. You should be able to receive it soon.
I was just talking to my boss at lunch about the stroller and told her that I have not been able to find a matching car seat. She told me that if I want, I can borrow her Peg Perego car seat with matching stroller (in Moka) AND two car seat bases! Of course I didn't turn the offer down, Duh...
She also has a bassinet and a couple other things that she thinks that I may be interested....lucky me~~:) 你不要太幸福了哈。PP家的 infant car seat 太贵了。朋友要给我一个graco的,浅灰绿色,凑合吧。他们家也是买的那款橘色的。 不过没有car seat base,好像这个东西也不便宜,麻烦。
You got an even better deal! This one is very pretty! I saw it in USA Baby store last weekend. BabyUniverse' shipping is fast. You should be able to receive it soon.
I was just talking to my boss at lunch about the stroller and told her that I have not been able to find a matching car seat. She told me that if I want, I can borrow her Peg Perego car seat with matching stroller (in Moka) AND two car seat bases! Of course I didn't turn the offer down, Duh...
She also has a bassinet and a couple other things that she thinks that I may be interested....lucky me~~:) How nice...
I just picked up the Graco infant car seat with base and a snap and go frame. Both are almost brand-new. The seller gave me a winter car seat cover for free. I got a Fisher Price Kick-n-Play Bouncer before Thanksgiving for $12. My cousin will give me a PP3 stroller and a highchair.
So infant car seat, snap-n-go frame, winter car seat cover, bouncer, stroller, highchair ...paid $39 in total
Nice seller, she said she will have some toys for sale in spring, and ask if I will be interested, I told her "please email me". She has a 7-month old daughter, but she got everything in blue, it is nice color for boys too.
You got an even better deal! This one is very pretty! I saw it in USA Baby store last weekend. BabyUniverse' shipping is fast. You should be able to receive it soon.
I was just talking to my boss at lunch about the stroller and told her that I have not been able to find a matching car seat. She told me that if I want, I can borrow her Peg Perego car seat with matching stroller (in Moka) AND two car seat bases! Of course I didn't turn the offer down, Duh...
She also has a bassinet and a couple other things that she thinks that I may be interested....lucky me~~:) MM don't need to buy a matching car seat. PP3 can be used with newborns, it reclines flat. Or you can purchase a graco carseat for cheaper and get a snap n go. Car seat on stroller is not necessary and it is very heavy.
MM don't need to buy a matching car seat. PP3 can be used with newborns, it reclines flat. Or you can purchase a graco carseat for cheaper and get a snap n go. Car seat on stroller is not necessary and it is very heavy. 我想着别人要送我一个infant car seat, 所以我就有钱去买个snap n go,可是去店里看了看,那个东西也要17磅,和我的pp3 stroller 一样重了,看来就可以免了。
But...if we are having a boy, Pali, Bonavi and Baby's Dreams each has a collection that I can consider. I will probably go with expresso color. I was told that the delivery takes 12-16 weeks!!! Oh my....that means that for May due date, we should order the furniture next month. Unbelievable...
I just knew that I was taken out from another job. The client is a tobacco company and they have permit to somke inside the building. So some people smoke there in the building, although this one is not as bad as the one my partner told me before. Anyway, they took me out of the field work just don't want me to be around by smokers when i am pregnant. ...
They put more job on my schedule since I am free out from that job. I have triple schedule now.... Somebody has to resolve it. And they are working on resolving the conflicts on my schedule.
MM don't need to buy a matching car seat. PP3 can be used with newborns, it reclines flat. Or you can purchase a graco carseat for cheaper and get a snap n go. Car seat on stroller is not necessary and it is very heavy. I am very particular about matching... Anyone around me knows:(
Snag n go is a good idea. I think I am all set in the infant stroller department. Two strollers (one borrowed) + car seat. Probably need to get an umbrella stroller later on.... [此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-2 15:49:42编辑过]
I just picked up the Graco infant car seat with base and a snap and go frame. Both are almost brand-new. The seller gave me a winter car seat cover for free. I got a Fisher Price Kick-n-Play Bouncer before Thanksgiving for $12. My cousin will give me a PP3 stroller and a highchair.
So infant car seat, snap-n-go frame, winter car seat cover, bouncer, stroller, highchair ...paid $39 in total
Nice seller, she said she will have some toys for sale in spring, and ask if I will be interested, I told her "please email me". She has a 7-month old daughter, but she got everything in blue, it is nice color for boys too. wow...what a deal!!! You are saving a ton of money, girl!
I just knew that I was taken out from another job. The client is a tobacco company and they have permit to somke inside the building. So some people smoke there in the building, although this one is not as bad as the one my partner told me before. Anyway, they took me out of the field work just don't want me to be around by smokers when i am pregnant. ...
They put more job on my schedule since I am free out from that job. I have triple schedule now.... Somebody has to resolve it. And they are working on resolving the conflicts on my schedule. Hopefully they won't overwhelm you this coming busy season. I am booked solid, as usual, until late March...
3。travel system 太贵太重,可以考虑买个50刀左右的 kolcrft universal car seat carrier stroller frame, , or the Snap n Go from baby trend,or Combi's strolee,把infant car seat 放上去就行了。
6。有些厂家会有factory sale,卖factory seconds,质量没问题,只是外观有小的瑕疵。Peg perego 在 indiana的总部就时不时有这个sale,到他们网站查电话问问。
7。别盲目攀比,别 over buy, try to avoid stroller envy
9。sam's club, costco 时不时有好deals
10。 go ebay
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 22:11:18编辑过]
1. give the "boot" the boot: boot是指某些高段型号提供的给宝宝的脚防雨保暖的东东,其实盖块毯子就好了。
2. silly accessories: 例如 snack trays, clip-on bug repellent, extra seat cushion or head supports (另外配便宜多了)
3. "new" old stock: 购买时注意制造年份,网站写着的new,指的不是used的,可能是5年前的货啦
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 21:55:51编辑过]
(A-excellent,top picks; B-good, above average quality,prices, creativity; C-fair, could stand some improvement; D-poor, could stand some major improvement) 我只抄C以上的;各个品牌下面的各个型号的review我就省了:
baby trend: B-
bugaboo: A on design n style, for value, F.
bumbleRide: A-
Combi: A
Graco: B-
Inglesina: A
Kalcraft: B+
Maclaren: A-
Moutain Buggy: A
Peg Perego: A
Phil & Ted Most Excellent Buggy Company: A-
Schwinn: B
Stokke: D+ (没想到这么低,实在太贵了)
Valco: A
Zooper: A
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 22:58:47编辑过]
1. mall crawler ( 适合住郊区,平时上哪都开车的mm,stroller在室外用的不多,讲求轻便, 容易折叠放车里)
过去推荐travel system, 现在不推荐了,太重太贵,改推荐买轻便的可以放infant car seat的简易推车:
Baby Trend Snap N Go (~$50)
Kolcraft Universal Car Seat Carrier (~$50)
Combi Flash (~$50)
Strolee Streak (~$50)
travel system: Graco MetroLite ($200)
2nd stroller:
Graco LiteRider($60-70)
Chicco London (aka Tuscany, $70-80,15lb)
Peg Perego Aria ($170, 12 lb)
Inglesina's Espresso (16 lb)
Combi Savvy Soho DX ($120, 12 lb)
Inglesina Zippy ($230 to $270, 17lb)
Maclaren Techno XT ($289)
Peg Perego Pilko P3 Classical MT ($270)
Combi I-Thru ($300)
2. Urban Jungle (适合住大城市比如 NYC, Boston, DC 里,需要推着车到处去的mm,讲求stroller够结实,重量合适,并且适合当地气候条件)
Valco Runabout ($350, 25lb)
Bugaboo frog ($700~1000)
2nd stroller:
Maclaren Triumph ($150, 12lb)
Chicco London (aka Tuscany, $70-80)
Combi Savvy Soho DX ($120, 12 lb)
Inglesina Zippy ($230 to $270, 17 lb)
3. Green Acres (for dirt or gravel road, or in a neighbood w/o sidewalks)
Zooper Boogie ($290)
Jeep Liberty Urban Terrain ($120)
Moutain Buggy Urban Single ($400)
Phil & Ted e3 Explorer Version 2 ($300)
entry level jogging stroller like Baby Trend or Instep ($100)
4. jogging/sport ,估计大家用到这个的不多,懒得抄了
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 23:17:39编辑过]
本来还以为是女儿的,因为我和siyuewu MM的反应很像,而且用那个据说很准的清宫表算也是女儿,看样子那个不靠谱哈。。。
眼见我们楼女宝多起来,可是我却来歪楼了。。。。今天也去大B超,tech听说我们要知道性别,上来就直奔主题,我们还看得晕晕乎乎的,她就说,this is the boy part,我们愣了一会儿才问,so, it's a boy? 她说是的,然后还全方位,多角度的给我们看了小花生。。。
本来还以为是女儿的,因为我和siyuewu MM的反应很像,而且用那个据说很准的清宫表算也是女儿,看样子那个不靠谱哈。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 22:43:47编辑过]
strollers with height-adjustable handles and one-hand-folds (黑体是品牌,下面是型号):
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 23:13:55编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 23:16:37编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 23:18:43编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 23:18:43编辑过]
她还有个GRACO的INFANT CAR SEAT WITH BASE,问我要不要,看样子也保护得很好,连原来的盒子和说明书都在,15块。还有个SNAP AND GO,12块。我试了一下,挺轻便的。在版上也看其他妈妈推荐过。我考虑了一下,跟她说买下来。这两样宝宝只能用前面几个月。不是说男孩要粗养嘛,咱这就将就了。
回完卖家的EMAIL,就接到表嫂的电话,说要给我个PP3的STROLLER,还有HIGH CHAIR。表哥有个两岁多的女儿,前段时间,那时候我还没怀孕,他们把小孩东西都处理掉了很多。只剩下STROLLER和HIGH CHAIR了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 23:18:43编辑过]
今天做了回后妈,在CRAIGSLIST上给宝宝买了个二手的FISHER PRICE KICK N PLAY BOUNCER,$12. 卖家刚好也是中国人,ABC。看样子用东西挺仔细的,BOUNCER基本上象新的,而且套子可以摘下来机洗。
她还有个GRACO的INFANT CAR SEAT WITH BASE,问我要不要,看样子也保护得很好,连原来的盒子和说明书都在,15块。还有个SNAP AND GO,12块。我试了一下,挺轻便的。在版上也看其他妈妈推荐过。我考虑了一下,跟她说买下来。这两样宝宝只能用前面几个月。不是说男孩要粗养嘛,咱这就将就了。
回完卖家的EMAIL,就接到表嫂的电话,说要给我个PP3的STROLLER,还有HIGH CHAIR。表哥有个两岁多的女儿,前段时间,那时候我还没怀孕,他们把小孩东西都处理掉了很多。只剩下STROLLER和HIGH CHAIR了。
Code: 200820
Discount: 20% off when you buy at least 2 bags
总结一下baby bargins 读到的关于stroller的东东 (注意:我的书是version 6, 2005年的,不是最新的,里面的信息可能有过时的哦):
第一章:safe tips:
2。别忘了推车里睡着的宝宝,有时候宝宝的 头会卡到leg opening里
3。别太相信刹车,尤其是推车停在有斜坡的 地方
5。买有JPMA(the juvenile products manufacturers association)认证的,在www.jpma.org 上可以查到认证的list
6。jogging stroller 最好用于1岁以上的宝宝。
7。如何查recall记录:800-638-2772, www.cpsc.gov
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 22:48:06编辑过]
太棒啦! 谢谢!!!
眼见我们楼女宝多起来,可是我却来歪楼了。。。。今天也去大B超,tech听说我们要知道性别,上来就直奔主题,我们还看得晕晕乎乎的,她就说,this is the boy part,我们愣了一会儿才问,so, it's a boy? 她说是的,然后还全方位,多角度的给我们看了小花生。。。
本来还以为是女儿的,因为我和siyuewu MM的反应很像,而且用那个据说很准的清宫表算也是女儿,看样子那个不靠谱哈。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 22:43:47编辑过]
Code: 200820
Discount: 20% off when you buy at least 2 bags
CANCEL原来的ORDER,重新订了MINKY YELLOW中号和一个夏天的大号。中号明年秋冬用,大号后年夏天用。
眼见我们楼女宝多起来,可是我却来歪楼了。。。。今天也去大B超,tech听说我们要知道性别,上来就直奔主题,我们还看得晕晕乎乎的,她就说,this is the boy part,我们愣了一会儿才问,so, it's a boy? 她说是的,然后还全方位,多角度的给我们看了小花生。。。
本来还以为是女儿的,因为我和siyuewu MM的反应很像,而且用那个据说很准的清宫表算也是女儿,看样子那个不靠谱哈。。。
总结一下baby bargins 读到的关于stroller的东东 (注意:我的书是version 6, 2005年的,不是最新的,里面的信息可能有过时的哦):
第一章:safe tips:
2。别忘了推车里睡着的宝宝,有时候宝宝的 头会卡到leg opening里
3。别太相信刹车,尤其是推车停在有斜坡的 地方
5。买有JPMA(the juvenile products manufacturers association)认证的,在www.jpma.org 上可以查到认证的list
6。jogging stroller 最好用于1岁以上的宝宝。
7。如何查recall记录:800-638-2772, www.cpsc.gov
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-26 22:48:06编辑过]
wow, 真是辛苦了!我回头要好好复习你的笔记。
昨晚看到babycenter有nursing pillow的deal,这东西老早就听tiao推荐过,这次看到40%off,就跳了。
nursing pillow是必需的吗?难道就不能在腿上放个枕头代替?
nursing pillow是必需的吗?难道就不能在腿上放个枕头代替?
3. Nursing Pillow: 如果纯从喂奶的角度讲的话,My Breast Friend 比 Boppy 好用。
实战经验:My Breast Friend 喂奶的时候确实比Boppy好用,因为可以固定,这样就算你起身换个地方也可以。Boppy 喂奶的时候就必须坐好,围好再喂。要提醒的是,一般便宜的都是裸枕,带套子的贵一些。套子也可以单买,不过不便宜,如果不是很讲究的话,就买个裸枕就成,上面垫个布啥的。但Boppy 的好处就是用途广泛一些,除了可以喂奶,还可以训练宝宝坐,趴.........
我买的是my breast friend, 其实我原来一直想买boppy的,看上它用途多,而且原价便宜点,不过现在既然my breast friend有deal,就跳了这个了
3. Nursing Pillow: 如果纯从喂奶的角度讲的话,My Breast Friend 比 Boppy 好用。
实战经验:My Breast Friend 喂奶的时候确实比Boppy好用,因为可以固定,这样就算你起身换个地方也可以。Boppy 喂奶的时候就必须坐好,围好再喂。要提醒的是,一般便宜的都是裸枕,带套子的贵一些。套子也可以单买,不过不便宜,如果不是很讲究的话,就买个裸枕就成,上面垫个布啥的。但Boppy 的好处就是用途广泛一些,除了可以喂奶,还可以训练宝宝坐,趴.........
我买的是my breast friend, 其实我原来一直想买boppy的,看上它用途多,而且原价便宜点,不过现在既然my breast friend有deal,就跳了这个了
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-28 12:06:35编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-28 12:06:35编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-28 12:06:35编辑过]
那就不要买有drop side的crib了。没dropside一般都很结实,300以内已经能买到不错的了,不过对腰可能是个考验。
昨晚看到babycenter有nursing pillow的deal,这东西老早就听tiao推荐过,这次看到40%off,就跳了。
多谢推荐,我也跳了一个 nursing pillow, 再买了一件万圣节的小衣服,90% off , 只要两块多, 凑了个 free shipping. 那个网站的万圣节的小衣服都很便宜啦,还有想屯的姐妹们也可以看看。
我现在16周2天,最近几天有时候比较明显的感觉到肚皮象被轻轻的挠的感觉。请教due date早的mm们,这个是胎动吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-29 12:21:19编辑过]
我现在16周2天,最近几天有时候比较明显的感觉到肚皮象被轻轻的挠的感觉。请教due date早的mm们,这个是胎动吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-29 12:21:19编辑过]
Code: 200820
Discount: 20% off when you buy at least 2 bags
我跟我妈说想买这个,我妈马上说,那我给你做吧? 我妈不是手很巧的那种,不知她会做成什莫样子的东东出来?
正常, 正常, 怀孕时候不仅多, 还会特别的稠。
siyuewu mm的总结真是及时雨,我要照着去买几大件。
siyuewu mm的总结真是及时雨,我要照着去买几大件。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-29 18:37:17编辑过]
是这样的,我的分泌物也明显增加了, 算正常吧!
我现在16周2天,最近几天有时候比较明显的感觉到肚皮象被轻轻的挠的感觉。请教due date早的mm们,这个是胎动吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-29 12:21:19编辑过]
顺便问一下, 我都十五周了, 还吐呢, 有人跟我一样吗?真遭罪啊, 连买东西的心情都没有,每天无精打采的。
CVS - $25 Off $50 with MasterCard
CVS is offering 10 off $50 for non-prescription items + extra $10 off with any Mastercard using code MASTERCARD, Plus get additional $5 off using code REDHOT5. If you don't have an account, just create a new account.
CVS - $25 Off $50 with MasterCard
CVS is offering 10 off $50 for non-prescription items + extra $10 off with any Mastercard using code MASTERCARD, Plus get additional $5 off using code REDHOT5. If you don't have an account, just create a new account.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-29 21:50:02编辑过]
CVS - $25 Off $50 with MasterCard
CVS is offering 10 off $50 for non-prescription items + extra $10 off with any Mastercard using code MASTERCARD, Plus get additional $5 off using code REDHOT5. If you don't have an account, just create a new account.
囤了两包HUGGIES, 一包40个的NEW BORN (UP TO 10B),和一包44个的STEP 1 (UP TO 14B)。应该够了吧!看到好多MM说,太小的DIAPER不能多囤。宝宝一下下就长大了!
哦,对了,那个REDHOT5 $5OFF 的胖子已经过期了!还有MM要买的,用这个:MEDICARE
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-30 14:05:49编辑过]
08款peg perego 的p3 (不过还是买的有点早,但是,我也不能等到明年这时候买打折的09款了,现在ebay有30%off,所以看在价钱的份上)190$
fisher price的bouncer (Amazon在打折)
Boppy的枕头 (target免费给的25刀的gift card 就这么用了)
baby in a bag 一个夏天的,一个冬天的
杂七杂八的衣服大约十件(从newborn到10个月都有,赶的gymboree 早鸟的30%off,买了4件衣服,一个帽子加一个毯子,衣服要到明年秋天再穿了。children‘s place 20%off就买了两件小长袖联体,一出生穿的。还有TJ的4件短袖联体,也是头几个月穿的。)
CVS 25off50,于是又给买了diaper pail,耳温枪,吸鼻子的,和喂药的,total 30$
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-30 16:42:59编辑过]
看看我们感恩节给宝宝买了啥 08款peg perego 的p3 (不过还是买的有点早,但是,我也不能等到明年这时候买打折的09款了,现在ebay有30%off,所以看在价钱的份上)190$ fisher price的bouncer (Amazon在打折) Boppy的枕头 (target免费给的25刀的gift card 就这么用了) baby in a bag 一个夏天的,一个冬天的 杂七杂八的衣服大约十件(从newborn到10个月都有,赶的gymboree 早鸟的30%off,买了4件衣服,一个帽子加一个毯子,衣服要到明年秋天再穿了。children‘s place 20%off就买了两件小长袖联体,一出生穿的。还有TJ的4件短袖联体,也是头几个月穿的。) CVS 25off50,于是又给买了diaper pail,耳温枪,吸鼻子的,和喂药的,total 30$
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-30 16:42:59编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-30 17:53:28编辑过]
囤了两包HUGGIES, 一包40个的NEW BORN (UP TO 10B),和一包44个的STEP 1 (UP TO 14B)。应该够了吧!看到好多MM说,太小的DIAPER不能多囤。宝宝一下下就长大了!
哦,对了,那个REDHOT5 $5OFF 的胖子已经过期了!还有MM要买的,用这个:MEDICARE
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-30 14:05:49编辑过]
Gonna be careful...
Scary stories from MITbbs.com about 脐带
Gonna be careful...
But...I received my PP3 orange stroller yesterday....
.... and it looks AMAZING.....I am extremely happy about the purchase!
I placed a toy bear in the stroller and buckled him up,
it looks adorable!
I have two DVDs - one is "Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea" and the othet one "Leisa Hart's FitMama - Prenatal Workout".
Both got good reviews.
Lazy me....The DVDs have been sitting in front of the TV for weeks and I haven't done anything with either of the two DVDs...
So....I've been doing a lot of reading over the weekend, primarily the "Baby Bargains". It's a great book!!! I too, highly recommend this one!
So far, I've read 6 chapters out of 11. The discussions on cribs, dressers, car seats, stroller and bedding are especially helpful. I have a feeling that this book will become my "Bible" in the next a few months.
头一次怀孕, 刚怀上的时候, 怀疑流产了, 我的ob说和我说 只有50%怀孕的人可以带个健康娃娃回家。 25%在头3个月自然流产。 25%后期出现问题,或是孩子生下来发现有问题。
只要娃娃健康, 我们就算非常幸运了。
I didn't buy anything for the baby over the Thanksgiving weekend:(
But...I received my PP3 orange stroller yesterday....
.... and it looks AMAZING.....I am extremely happy about the purchase!
I placed a toy bear in the stroller and buckled him up,
it looks adorable!
用了个20% off coupon,加上邮费才171。价格已经很不错了。
头一次怀孕, 刚怀上的时候, 怀疑流产了, 我的ob说和我说 只有50%怀孕的人可以带个健康娃娃回家。 25%在头3个月自然流产。 25%后期出现问题,或是孩子生下来发现有问题。
只要娃娃健康, 我们就算非常幸运了。
用了个20% off coupon,加上邮费才171。价格已经很不错了。
You got an even better deal! This one is very pretty! I saw it in USA Baby store last weekend.
BabyUniverse' shipping is fast. You should be able to receive it soon.
I was just talking to my boss at lunch about the stroller and told her that I have not been able to find a matching car seat.
She told me that if I want, I can borrow her Peg Perego car seat with matching stroller (in Moka) AND two car seat bases!
Of course I didn't turn the offer down, Duh...
She also has a bassinet and a couple other things that she thinks that I may be interested....lucky me~~:)
You got an even better deal! This one is very pretty! I saw it in USA Baby store last weekend.
BabyUniverse' shipping is fast. You should be able to receive it soon.
I was just talking to my boss at lunch about the stroller and told her that I have not been able to find a matching car seat.
She told me that if I want, I can borrow her Peg Perego car seat with matching stroller (in Moka) AND two car seat bases!
Of course I didn't turn the offer down, Duh...
She also has a bassinet and a couple other things that she thinks that I may be interested....lucky me~~:)
你不要太幸福了哈。PP家的 infant car seat 太贵了。朋友要给我一个graco的,浅灰绿色,凑合吧。他们家也是买的那款橘色的。
不过没有car seat base,好像这个东西也不便宜,麻烦。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-2 15:03:11编辑过]
另外发现个问题,crib toy很难装,因为这crib 的 edge很宽。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-2 15:06:36编辑过]
我买的就是这款,非常非常结实。 不是dropside, 抱娃要弯腰,很累。
You got an even better deal! This one is very pretty! I saw it in USA Baby store last weekend.
BabyUniverse' shipping is fast. You should be able to receive it soon.
I was just talking to my boss at lunch about the stroller and told her that I have not been able to find a matching car seat.
She told me that if I want, I can borrow her Peg Perego car seat with matching stroller (in Moka) AND two car seat bases!
Of course I didn't turn the offer down, Duh...
She also has a bassinet and a couple other things that she thinks that I may be interested....lucky me~~:)
How nice...
I just picked up the Graco infant car seat with base and a snap and go frame. Both are almost brand-new. The seller gave me a winter car seat cover for free. I got a Fisher Price Kick-n-Play Bouncer before Thanksgiving for $12. My cousin will give me a PP3 stroller and a highchair.
infant car seat,
snap-n-go frame,
winter car seat cover,
...paid $39 in total
Nice seller, she said she will have some toys for sale in spring, and ask if I will be interested, I told her "please email me". She has a 7-month old daughter, but she got everything in blue, it is nice color for boys too.
You got an even better deal! This one is very pretty! I saw it in USA Baby store last weekend.
BabyUniverse' shipping is fast. You should be able to receive it soon.
I was just talking to my boss at lunch about the stroller and told her that I have not been able to find a matching car seat.
She told me that if I want, I can borrow her Peg Perego car seat with matching stroller (in Moka) AND two car seat bases!
Of course I didn't turn the offer down, Duh...
She also has a bassinet and a couple other things that she thinks that I may be interested....lucky me~~:)
MM don't need to buy a matching car seat. PP3 can be used with newborns, it reclines flat. Or you can purchase a graco carseat for cheaper and get a snap n go. Car seat on stroller is not necessary and it is very heavy.
BRU。 用15% off coupon。 娃大点就要把mattress放低因为怕掉出来。 我娃10个月,很重,Mattress又放低,所以抱满费劲的。
MM don't need to buy a matching car seat. PP3 can be used with newborns, it reclines flat. Or you can purchase a graco carseat for cheaper and get a snap n go. Car seat on stroller is not necessary and it is very heavy.
我想着别人要送我一个infant car seat, 所以我就有钱去买个snap n go,可是去店里看了看,那个东西也要17磅,和我的pp3 stroller 一样重了,看来就可以免了。
BRU。 用15% off coupon。 娃大点就要把mattress放低因为怕掉出来。 我娃10个月,很重,Mattress又放低,所以抱满费劲的。
希望什么时候能有个20% off coupon,本来手里有两张15% off coupon,给了我一朋友一张,可是她居然把另外一张也拿走了,没有告诉我的,搞得我很郁闷。
要知道我们这里要coupon 不容易,我都是厚着脸皮去要,还被 cashier 说什么,我们是要买东西才给的,打击我!
我看是不是我得要让我老公去注册一个baby register, 然后就说1月就生,那他肯定要快马加鞭的给我寄来了吧?
我先前有去注册说我要mail in 什么的,可是到现在什么都没收到,怀疑是我预产期还早。
他们估计着我一定会提前什么都买了,然后到我快生了,我收到coupon, 那也就还要去买更多的东西。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-2 15:40:16编辑过]
If we are having a girl...one of my top choices is Munire Savannah Collection (Munire is rate "A" in "Baby Bargains):
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-2 15:41:25编辑过]
今天大B超回来, 收获小棉袄一件, 现在可以放开手脚的买东西啦!!!! 憋了这么久
gxgx....You now have a green pass to go shopping....
I will probably go with expresso color.
I was told that the delivery takes 12-16 weeks!!!
Oh my....that means that for May due date, we should order the furniture next month.
Due date: 1st, May
State: Arizona
Second baby
They put more job on my schedule since I am free out from that job. I have triple schedule now.... Somebody has to resolve it. And they are working on resolving the conflicts on my schedule.
MM don't need to buy a matching car seat. PP3 can be used with newborns, it reclines flat. Or you can purchase a graco carseat for cheaper and get a snap n go. Car seat on stroller is not necessary and it is very heavy.
I am very particular about matching...
Anyone around me knows:(
Snag n go is a good idea.
I think I am all set in the infant stroller department. Two strollers (one borrowed) + car seat.
Probably need to get an umbrella stroller later on....
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-12-2 15:49:42编辑过]
How nice...
I just picked up the Graco infant car seat with base and a snap and go frame. Both are almost brand-new. The seller gave me a winter car seat cover for free. I got a Fisher Price Kick-n-Play Bouncer before Thanksgiving for $12. My cousin will give me a PP3 stroller and a highchair.
infant car seat,
snap-n-go frame,
winter car seat cover,
...paid $39 in total
Nice seller, she said she will have some toys for sale in spring, and ask if I will be interested, I told her "please email me". She has a 7-month old daughter, but she got everything in blue, it is nice color for boys too.
wow...what a deal!!!
You are saving a ton of money, girl!
我想着别人要送我一个infant car seat, 所以我就有钱去买个snap n go,可是去店里看了看,那个东西也要17磅,和我的pp3 stroller 一样重了,看来就可以免了。
Put it on your baby registery and you may get one for free:)
Due date: 1st, May
State: Arizona
Second baby
Another 小棉袄 !!!
Oh Yeah:)
This April - May 楼 is becoming a little more balanced.
I just knew that I was taken out from another job. The client is a tobacco company and they have permit to somke inside the building. So some people smoke there in the building, although this one is not as bad as the one my partner told me before. Anyway, they took me out of the field work just don't want me to be around by smokers when i am pregnant. ...
They put more job on my schedule since I am free out from that job. I have triple schedule now.... Somebody has to resolve it. And they are working on resolving the conflicts on my schedule.
Hopefully they won't overwhelm you this coming busy season.
I am booked solid, as usual, until late March...
Then I can relax...hopefully anyway.