以下是引用ttkle在9/19/2008 10:58:00 PM的发言: 娃白天总要人抱. 受不了了, 非得去买个carrier拉. 大家说哪个更好用? 娃7周半, 快12镑重了. I have both and like both. Baby Bjorn allows the baby to look forward, so it's great for the baby to look around. Ergo allows easier carrying for the parents since his weight is mostly on your waist, and it allows you to put baby on your back. Most time, if I am walking with the baby and want him to see things, I put him in Baby Bjorn. But whenever I want to put the baby to sleep I use Ergo.
娃白天总要人抱. 受不了了, 非得去买个carrier拉. 大家说哪个更好用? 娃7周半, 快12镑重了.
I have both and like both. Baby Bjorn allows the baby to look forward, so it's great for the baby to look around. Ergo allows easier carrying for the parents since his weight is mostly on your waist, and it allows you to put baby on your back. Most time, if I am walking with the baby and want him to see things, I put him in Baby Bjorn. But whenever I want to put the baby to sleep I use Ergo.
虽然,我觉得娃小的时候BabyBjorn 更好用,轻,设计简单,装卸方便。
但是,娃重点之后BabyBjorn 背着很累,这点不如Ergo。因为Ergo 的肩带什么比较宽,厚。
不过,Ergo 的布料真是差,太硬了,而且调节背放都不如BabyBjorn简单。
可是,BabyBjorn 只能到25磅,Ergo能到40磅。
另外,BabyBjorn 只能前背一种方式,但,娃可以面朝里,面朝外(娃其实更喜欢脸朝外坐)。Ergo 3 种背法,前背,后背,侧背。但是,娃都的脸只能朝人不能朝外。
而且,Ergo 后背式难度极高,至少我现在还没成功过.......侧背又不如天天说的PortaMee(这个侧背起来真是又省力,又舒服,又简单).........
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-19 23:14:53编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/5/31 13:03:01编辑过]
我喜欢BABY BJORN, 怎么我都能睡觉
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