Your Spending Personality: Curious George Spontaneous, generous, and fun-loving, you live life to the fullest. You enjoy new adventures, and you aren't afraid of change.
Strengths: You don't let money worries hold you back from living your life. You're great at recognizing quality products and bargains.
Weaknesses: You can be a spendthrift, especially when something compelling grabs your eye. You might use shopping as an escape from stress. You may also mistake material things for symbols of success. As a result, you probably have more stuff — and more debt — than you really need.
Strategies: "Develop better control of your impulses," says Goodman. To make this easier, avoid situations where you may be tempted to overspend. For example, don't go toy shopping with your "gotta have it now" 3-year-old in tow.
If you're using shopping as a hobby or escape, take a tip from George, who once was so busy filming a movie about himself that he didn't get into trouble all day. In other words, get involved in an activity other than shopping — something fulfilling, but not quite as expensive.
This isn't to say that you shouldn't give in to your fun side sometimes. Since you love to shop, you're probably great at spotting deals. Make this work for you. First, develop a monthly budget and track your expenses (which is important for people of all spending types, says Goodman). Then you can start to set aside money each month for splurges, "bling purchases," and deals that are too good to pass up. That way, you can still be yourself without breaking the bank.
In this story, Curious George learns to channel his energy and curiosity as he takes a job, rides a bus, endures a lengthy hospital stay, and much, much more.
Mostly B
Your Spending Personality: Bert Like our lovable Sesame Street friend, you're responsible, diligent, orderly, and detail-oriented. You thrive on structure and routine. You're careful with decisions, and you like to think things through.
Strengths: You certainly don't need to worry about overspending! You're great at sticking to a budget, and you're an excellent saver. Also, you're unlikely to fall for financial fads or get taken in by unscrupulous advertisers.
Weaknesses: You can be frugal to a fault, jeopardizing your and your family's quality of life. Your aversion to change can make you less efficient when financial situations call for more flexibility. And like Bert with his paperclip collection, you may be over-invested in the "game" of saving money, treating it as an obsessive hobby.
Strategies: "Try to loosen up a little," suggests Goodman. Bring a more relaxed attitude to finances, knowing that your excellent money managing techniques will help you keep things in check. Examining your feelings can help. Is your reluctance to spend money based on an irrational fear of loss? If so, try some reality testing. Ask yourself whether splurging on a dinner date once in a while is truly going to set you up for bankruptcy. With your saving finesse, it's doubtful!
Scrutinize your monthly budget to pinpoint areas where you may be holding back too much on your spending. Some things — like fun family outings or an occasional splurge — can outweigh the importance of nurturing your nest egg. Try tweaking your budget to give yourself more spending room where you need it.
Bert, Ernie, and Grover take a museum tour to see a moon rock up close. Unfortunately, the moon rock is the last exhibit. Will Bert's single-minded focus prevent him from enjoying the other exhibits, or will he relax enough to take in the whole experience?
Mostly C
Your Spending Personality: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Thoughtful, flexible, and open to new ideas, you have the ability to adapt to new situations and roll with the punches.
Strengths: You're good at pinching pennies in a crisis. But you also know how to use money to improve your family's quality of life — and your own.
Weaknesses: When the Caterpillar bursts out of his egg, he's ravenous. Who can blame him for eating everything in sight? But then he goes the other way, and eats only a single leaf! Like him, you tend to vacillate between extremes. Your spending can be inconsistent and erratic, and is sometimes based too heavily on emotion.
Strategies: Goodman recommends that you consider the emotional component of your spending decisions. Are you buying something out of a sense of deprivation or as a temporary fix? Are you spending money on your child out of guilt, or to compensate for a deficiency in your own childhood? If so, it's time to reconsider the purchase.
Because you're susceptible to impulse buying, "avoid situations that could overwhelm your financial sensibilities," says Goodman. For example, as hard as it is, stay away from the mall during the height of the holiday season — the visual stimuli, music, crowds, and scents may send you into a spending frenzy.
Like people of all spending types, you'll benefit from developing a monthly budget and tracking expenses, says Goodman. Spend some time reviewing your assets and what you owe, to get a better sense of where you stand financially. Then come up with a spending plan so you'll have some guidelines to keep you in check.
Recommended Bedtime Reading: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Eric Carle. After vacillating between ascetic eating and stomach-wrenching binging, the caterpillar learns a lesson in moderation. Not only does his stomach heal, but he transforms into a beautiful butterfly.
Mostly D
Your Spending Personality: The Grasshopper Creative and idea-focused, you're an imaginative, visionary thinker. You maintain a relaxed perspective on life and have a strong sense of fun.
Strengths: You don't sweat the small stuff and are able to avoid getting tied up in knots over finances. You're also good at resisting peer pressure and the impulse to "keep up with the Joneses." It's unlikely that you have the "too much stuff" problem.
Weaknesses: You tend to procrastinate. Like the fabled grasshopper who doesn't store food for the upcoming winter, you dislike planning ahead and may even feel like you're not very good at it. This causes your spending to be rushed and careless.
Strategies: Goodman suggests that you try planning ahead more, even if only by a few days. This may seem counterintuitive, but thinking about things even slightly in advance can make life less stressful in the long run. Because of the convenience and speed, online shopping may be a great option for you. Find some good websites that you trust and can use for various needs.
All types can benefit from developing a monthly budget and tracking expenses, says Goodman. Don't be afraid to try it. You can do it, and since you aren't very materialistic, your expenses may be simpler than most.
While the ant falls into a frenzy of preparation for winter, the grasshopper continues making music. Come winter, he appeals to his old friend for help. They have a vigorous debate. Which is more important — art or survival? Perhaps the two are actually interdependent, but that's for the reader to decide.
Mostly E
Your Spending Personality: Dora You're organized, responsible, levelheaded, realistic, and resourceful. You're open to trying new things, but you plan ahead and use a safety net to avoid getting hurt.
Strengths: You've hit the jackpot: You're an excellent saver and a wise, conscientious spender.
Weaknesses: Everyone has something to work on! You're a pretty stellar money manager, but according to Goodman, this can lead to a bit of complacency. Perhaps things are working so well for you that you've gotten stuck in a bit of a rut.
Strategies: Your financial house is in order, so now might be a good time to think about an expansion. How can you challenge your investments and make them work even better for you? Consulting a financial planner would be a great next step.
Recommended Bedtime Reading: Dora Climbs Star Mountain, adapted by Alison Inches. When Swiper throws Dora's new bracelet to the top of Star Mountain, she's determined to retrieve it. In her quest, she not only uses her own skills, but accepts help from friends.
俺20块钱检的, 再烂也满足了 i bought the emma destroy for 20 and the paint destroy for 20...i guess i never bought any AF clothes for more than 20 except the faux fur coat for 30...
i bought the emma destroy for 20 and the paint destroy for 20...i guess i never bought any AF clothes for more than 20 except the faux fur coat for 30...
i bought the emma destroy for 20 and the paint destroy for 20...i guess i never bought any AF clothes for more than 20 except the faux fur coat for 30... 你太会淘了吧。。。开班授课吧
Which red wine did you buy? My parents and husband, we are all going back, so we should be able to bring a few bottles back. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 19:16:23编辑过]
i am taking emma to the mall. all the stores give candies away.
You bought that one?
AF jeans has poor quality...
俺20块钱检的, 再烂也满足了
miss sixty我穿太长了。。我所有裤子都要改到能穿flip flop的长度才行。。
我上回在上海买了条miss sixty,他们帮改短, 不然我是不会考虑的, 我太矮了, 在美国买裤子太有难度了
Still hot @ end of Oct?
俺20块钱检的, 再烂也满足了
Most of clothes are under $20~~
我上回在上海买了条miss sixty,他们帮改短, 不然我是不会考虑的, 我太矮了, 在美国买裤子太有难度了
me 2, too short. I can only wear teens~~~
show show~
show show~
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 14:26:04编辑过]
I like it. Where to buy?
feel sorry for Jiajia, she doesn't have chance to wear this year~~
what about this one?
此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 14:26:04编辑过]
like the other one better~
Mostly A
Your Spending Personality: Curious George Spontaneous, generous, and fun-loving, you live life to the fullest. You enjoy new adventures, and you aren't afraid of change.
Strengths: You don't let money worries hold you back from living your life. You're great at recognizing quality products and bargains.
You can be a spendthrift, especially when something compelling grabs
your eye. You might use shopping as an escape from stress. You may also
mistake material things for symbols of success. As a result, you
probably have more stuff — and more debt — than you really need.
"Develop better control of your impulses," says Goodman. To make this
easier, avoid situations where you may be tempted to overspend. For
example, don't go toy shopping with your "gotta have it now" 3-year-old
in tow.
If you're using shopping as a hobby or escape, take a
tip from George, who once was so busy filming a movie about himself
that he didn't get into trouble all day. In other words, get involved
in an activity other than shopping — something fulfilling, but not
quite as expensive.
This isn't to say that you shouldn't give in
to your fun side sometimes. Since you love to shop, you're probably
great at spotting deals. Make this work for you. First, develop a
monthly budget and track your expenses (which is important for people
of all spending types, says Goodman). Then you can start to set aside
money each month for splurges, "bling purchases," and deals that are
too good to pass up. That way, you can still be yourself without
breaking the bank.
Recommended Bedtime Reading:
Curious George Takes a Job, by H. A. Rey.
this story, Curious George learns to channel his energy and curiosity
as he takes a job, rides a bus, endures a lengthy hospital stay, and
much, much more.
Mostly B
Your Spending Personality: Bert Like our lovable Sesame Street
friend, you're responsible, diligent, orderly, and detail-oriented. You
thrive on structure and routine. You're careful with decisions, and you
like to think things through.
Strengths: You certainly
don't need to worry about overspending! You're great at sticking to a
budget, and you're an excellent saver. Also, you're unlikely to fall
for financial fads or get taken in by unscrupulous advertisers.
You can be frugal to a fault, jeopardizing your and your family's
quality of life. Your aversion to change can make you less efficient
when financial situations call for more flexibility. And like Bert with
his paperclip collection, you may be over-invested in the "game" of
saving money, treating it as an obsessive hobby.
"Try to loosen up a little," suggests Goodman. Bring a more relaxed
attitude to finances, knowing that your excellent money managing
techniques will help you keep things in check. Examining your feelings
can help. Is your reluctance to spend money based on an irrational fear
of loss? If so, try some reality testing. Ask yourself whether
splurging on a dinner date once in a while is truly going to set you up
for bankruptcy. With your saving finesse, it's doubtful!
Scrutinize your monthly budget to pinpoint areas where you may be holding back too
much on your spending. Some things — like fun family outings or an
occasional splurge — can outweigh the importance of nurturing your nest
egg. Try tweaking your budget to give yourself more spending room where
you need it.
Recommended Bedtime Reading:
A Visit to the Sesame Street Museum, by Liza Alexander.
Ernie, and Grover take a museum tour to see a moon rock up close.
Unfortunately, the moon rock is the last exhibit. Will Bert's
single-minded focus prevent him from enjoying the other exhibits, or
will he relax enough to take in the whole experience?
Mostly C
Your Spending Personality: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Thoughtful, flexible, and open to new ideas, you have the ability to adapt to new situations and roll with the punches.
You're good at pinching pennies in a crisis. But you also know how to
use money to improve your family's quality of life — and your own.
When the Caterpillar bursts out of his egg, he's ravenous. Who can
blame him for eating everything in sight? But then he goes the other
way, and eats only a single leaf! Like him, you tend to vacillate
between extremes. Your spending can be inconsistent and erratic, and is
sometimes based too heavily on emotion.
Goodman recommends that you consider the emotional component of your
spending decisions. Are you buying something out of a sense of
deprivation or as a temporary fix? Are you spending money on your child
out of guilt, or to compensate for a deficiency in your own childhood?
If so, it's time to reconsider the purchase.
Because you're
susceptible to impulse buying, "avoid situations that could overwhelm
your financial sensibilities," says Goodman. For example, as hard as it
is, stay away from the mall during the height of the holiday season —
the visual stimuli, music, crowds, and scents may send you into a
spending frenzy.
Like people of all spending types, you'll
benefit from developing a monthly budget and tracking expenses, says
Goodman. Spend some time reviewing your assets and what you owe, to get
a better sense of where you stand financially. Then come up with a
spending plan so you'll have some guidelines to keep you in check.
Recommended Bedtime Reading:
The Very Hungry Caterpillar,
by Eric Carle. After vacillating between ascetic eating and
stomach-wrenching binging, the caterpillar learns a lesson in
moderation. Not only does his stomach heal, but he transforms into a
beautiful butterfly.
Mostly D
Your Spending Personality: The Grasshopper
Creative and idea-focused, you're an imaginative, visionary thinker.
You maintain a relaxed perspective on life and have a strong sense of
Strengths: You don't sweat the small stuff and are
able to avoid getting tied up in knots over finances. You're also good
at resisting peer pressure and the impulse to "keep up with the
Joneses." It's unlikely that you have the "too much stuff" problem.
You tend to procrastinate. Like the fabled grasshopper who doesn't
store food for the upcoming winter, you dislike planning ahead and may
even feel like you're not very good at it. This causes your spending to
be rushed and careless.
Strategies: Goodman suggests that
you try planning ahead more, even if only by a few days. This may seem
counterintuitive, but thinking about things even slightly in advance
can make life less stressful in the long run. Because of the
convenience and speed, online shopping may be a great option for you.
Find some good websites that you trust and can use for various needs.
All types can benefit from developing a monthly budget and tracking expenses, says Goodman. Don't be afraid to try it. You can do it, and since you aren't very materialistic, your expenses may be simpler than most.
Recommended Bedtime Reading:
Who's Got Game: The Ant or the Grasshopper? by Toni Morrison.
the ant falls into a frenzy of preparation for winter, the grasshopper
continues making music. Come winter, he appeals to his old friend for
help. They have a vigorous debate. Which is more important — art or
survival? Perhaps the two are actually interdependent, but that's for
the reader to decide.
Mostly E
Your Spending Personality: Dora
You're organized, responsible, levelheaded, realistic, and resourceful.
You're open to trying new things, but you plan ahead and use a safety
net to avoid getting hurt.
Strengths: You've hit the jackpot: You're an excellent saver and a wise, conscientious spender.
Everyone has something to work on! You're a pretty stellar money
manager, but according to Goodman, this can lead to a bit of
complacency. Perhaps things are working so well for you that you've
gotten stuck in a bit of a rut.
Strategies: Your
financial house is in order, so now might be a good time to think about
an expansion. How can you challenge your investments and make them work
even better for you? Consulting a financial planner would be a great
next step.
Recommended Bedtime Reading:
Dora Climbs Star Mountain,
adapted by Alison Inches. When Swiper throws Dora's new bracelet to the
top of Star Mountain, she's determined to retrieve it. In her quest,
she not only uses her own skills, but accepts help from friends.
这个...南瓜屁屁刚碰到草就哭了, 我咋秀涅
i am taking emma to the mall. all the stores give candies away.
me 2, too short. I can only wear teens~~~
我买不到teen滴, 太肥了
late afternoon. they hand out candies whole day.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 14:58:45编辑过]
我上回在上海买了条miss sixty,他们帮改短, 不然我是不会考虑的, 我太矮了, 在美国买裤子太有难度了
where do i buy miss sixty here ?
where do i buy miss sixty here ?
他们家有自己的店, 我不知道department store 有没有,这个要问小宝妈了
got two.
link? any recommendation? shipping is $2 per order or $2 per item?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 16:48:51编辑过]
anyone else except xiaobao mom in our building lives in houston?
probably some divers.
anyone else except xiaobao mom in our building lives in houston?
How bad it would be ?
How bad it would be ?
company closes for several days.
I am E, too.
I am the only one who is C?!
company closes for several days.
yeah, our company houston branch close today and tomorrow.
俺20块钱检的, 再烂也满足了
i bought the emma destroy for 20 and the paint destroy for 20...i guess i never bought any AF clothes for more than 20 except the faux fur coat for 30...
BSO! 嘟嘟昨天刚会站,还不是自己起来的那种。
poor lele, pat pat.
恩, 形象...
probably some divers.
i bought the emma destroy for 20 and the paint destroy for 20...i guess i never bought any AF clothes for more than 20 except the faux fur coat for 30...
我还以为捡到白菜了, 原来揍是这么便宜的阿...
好像胖点了??? 饲养员工作努力瓦!
got two.
link? any recommendation? shipping is $2 per order or $2 per item?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 16:48:51编辑过]。点special。运费就不知道了,好像是2刀一单吧
Is yaya going back to China soon?
Did you hear anything from the company you interviewed?
link? any recommendation? shipping is $2 per order or $2 per item?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 16:48:51编辑过]
PK-1 PU-1 ARE THE BEST。。。 不过PU-1已经停产且断货很久了。。。两三年前我想要的时候就已经断了
anyone else except xiaobao mom in our building lives in houston?
i bought the emma destroy for 20 and the paint destroy for 20...i guess i never bought any AF clothes for more than 20 except the faux fur coat for 30...
bless 小宝,乐乐两家子。Ike 似乎来势凶猛的样子。我一天已经收到无数个 update 了。
bless 小宝,乐乐两家子。Ike 似乎来势凶猛的样子。我一天已经收到无数个 update 了。
托IKE的福,俺们今天下午不用上班,我跑去邮局给你寄粉底SAMPLE去了,嘿嘿,出奇的人少。。。心想再去存张CHECK吧。。。出奇的人多。。。再弯去WHOLE FOODS买了点吃的喝的。。。MS还好。。。一切NORMAL。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 18:24:44编辑过]
can I buy Kate and MJ in Shanghai?
托IKE的福,俺们今天下午不用上班,我跑去邮局给你寄再底SAMPLE去了,嘿嘿,出奇的人少。。。心想再去存张CHECK吧。。。出奇的人多。。。再弯去WHOLE FOODS买了点吃的喝的。。。MS还好。。。一切NORMAL。。。
Not in regular stores?
Not in regular stores?
气死我了。。跳的nw beauty event。。左等右等都不来。。上去一查。。本来应该明天deliver..今天居然status exception. incorrect street address..我一看。。填的没错啊。。。这群人是猪啊。。。
MJ 有啥好买的,带回去给我十八岁的表妹。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 19:03:15编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 18:59:09编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 18:58:01编辑过]
哈哈, 咱楼两级分化严重, 时尚先驱根像我这样的土人凑一起了,所以要科普科普, 喀喀
多少预算都不够啊!他们啥都有了,就是没孩子,想不出来的话看来我只好把 Emma 送给他们了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 19:03:40编辑过]
哈哈, 咱楼两级分化严重, 时尚先驱根像我这样的土人凑一起了,所以要科普科普, 喀喀
上海有钱的还是比较哈欧洲的东东, 其实人还看不上美国货呢, 何况美国大多数东西都中国造的。
上回我回去到东方商厦一看, 那些最普通的拖鞋, 脸盆, 还有些在美国绝对是中国造的东西都是舶来品, 德国阿, 日本阿, 意大利阿, you name it !
所以阿, 表表心意就好了, 买些糖果,巧克力(狗代瓦) 保健品啥的
要不就是Coach, Nine west, Liz clabone(乱帡的)美国牌子的东西
我上次回去拼了老命带了加州的红酒回去, 反响不错, 不过不知道你会不会挑, 而且带Emma好像不方便带了, 因为那个只能随身带上飞机的。
ddwater, 你爸妈签证了没?
上海有钱的还是比较哈欧洲的东东, 其实人还看不上美国货呢, 何况美国大多数东西都中国造的。
上回我回去到东方商厦一看, 那些最普通的拖鞋, 脸盆, 还有些在美国绝对是中国造的东西都是舶来品, 德国阿, 日本阿, 意大利阿, you name it !
所以阿, 表表心意就好了, 买些糖果,巧克力(狗代瓦) 保健品啥的
要不就是Coach, Nine west, Liz clabone(乱帡的)美国牌子的东西
我上次回去拼了老命带了加州的红酒回去, 反响不错, 不过不知道你会不会挑, 而且带Emma好像不方便带了, 因为那个只能随身带上飞机的。
not a bad idea. although I am a 酒盲。。。 i like hard liquor or mixed drinks.
唉,人每次来美国都给老婆买一堆名牌包,coach 啥的打不倒啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 19:13:16编辑过]
上海有钱的还是比较哈欧洲的东东, 其实人还看不上美国货呢, 何况美国大多数东西都中国造的。
上回我回去到东方商厦一看, 那些最普通的拖鞋, 脸盆, 还有些在美国绝对是中国造的东西都是舶来品, 德国阿, 日本阿, 意大利阿, you name it !
所以阿, 表表心意就好了, 买些糖果,巧克力(狗代瓦) 保健品啥的
要不就是Coach, Nine west, Liz clabone(乱帡的)美国牌子的东西
我上次回去拼了老命带了加州的红酒回去, 反响不错, 不过不知道你会不会挑, 而且带Emma好像不方便带了, 因为那个只能随身带上飞机的。
Which red wine did you buy? My parents and husband, we are all going back, so we should be able to bring a few bottles back.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-11 19:16:23编辑过]