Every woman can define her own style and simply be herself. I believe that truly modern makeup should enhance a woman's natural look without ever dominating or masking her own beauty and personality. I have always believed in keeping makeup simple. But simple doesn’t mean boring. It means you are being true to yourself. Simple is for every woman who knows she can look both real and sexy at the same time. [Emphasis added] Beauty is about a certain attitude, a certain shape, and a certain rhythm. Every person on this planet has one or more beautiful features in his or her face. It’s easy enough to find your best feature and learn how to enhance that. And being born with a perfectly straight nose, perfectly almond-shaped eyes, and perfectly curved lips doesn’t necessarily make you beautiful. [Emphasis added] After all, what, exactly, is beauty? It is so idiosyncratic, so impossible to pin down, so different for each person. Frankly, what the media and our culture consider “beautiful” can in my mind, at least, actually be exceptionally common and boring. What interests me is character. What our culture tends to defined as “perfection” doesn’t interest me. Imperfections are far more interesting. I’ve always been attracted to faces with personality, strength, and a unique quality. That is beauty. [Emphasis added] Even though I’m a makeup artist, I love seeing women with the confidence to wear no makeup at all. I always did and I always will, regardless of the styles and trends of the moment. In order for you to see your own beauty, you must first learn to appreciate your own features. It sounds simple, but it’s harder than you think to appraise yourself, naked, in front of a mirror… and be able to tell yourself, yes, it is me. To say: I might not be crazy about my nose, but I am pretty happy about my lips and chin. To realize: What other might consider flaws are actually the most wonderful parts of my face. To believe: I can learn how to take advantage of what I’ve been given, and make it look its very best. [Emphasis added, 正是我对穿衣的理解]
Where makeup is concerned, my philosophy is uncomplicated. My techniques are usually basic and easy to duplicate. What’s most important for me is to find the essence of the woman her-self – keeping her personality and character intact – and giving her a makeup look that is supremely easy for her to follow. [Emphasis added] In our hectic world overflowing with new ideas and treatments, what woman can realistically spend hours a day trying to completely change herself? That to me is an entirely false premise, and it’s not what life’s about. After all, what man wants to deal with a woman who seems to have pounds of makeup on her face, or who disappears behind an impenetrable fa?ade of thick pancake–like foundation? A woman who finds behind a mask of makeup is still going to have to take it off at some point… and deal with reality. [Emphasis added]
Most makeup books give women the impression that they must make extreme and overly dramatic changes in order to look better. I believe that opposite is true. That sometimes a tiny change – perhaps a new shade of lipstick—is enough. (My book)…isn’t about me imposing my rules on your face, or encouraging you to look like somebody else, or trying to turn you into a fantasy creature or a plastic doll. I’ve always said that you should first notice the woman, not her makeup. If her makeup does jump out at you, then something is wrong. The balance is skewed, and a woman’s true personality is hidden behind layers of artifice. [Emphasis added]
Every woman can define her own style and simply be herself. I believe that truly modern makeup should enhance a woman's natural look without ever dominating or masking her own beauty and personality. I have always believed in keeping makeup simple. But simple doesn’t mean boring. It means you are being true to yourself. Simple is for every woman who knows she can look both real and sexy at the same time. [Emphasis added] Beauty is about a certain attitude, a certain shape, and a certain rhythm. Every person on this planet has one or more beautiful features in his or her face. It’s easy enough to find your best feature and learn how to enhance that. And being born with a perfectly straight nose, perfectly almond-shaped eyes, and perfectly curved lips doesn’t necessarily make you beautiful. [Emphasis added] After all, what, exactly, is beauty? It is so idiosyncratic, so impossible to pin down, so different for each person. Frankly, what the media and our culture consider “beautiful” can in my mind, at least, actually be exceptionally common and boring. What interests me is character. What our culture tends to defined as “perfection” doesn’t interest me. Imperfections are far more interesting. I’ve always been attracted to faces with personality, strength, and a unique quality. That is beauty. [Emphasis added] Even though I’m a makeup artist, I love seeing women with the confidence to wear no makeup at all. I always did and I always will, regardless of the styles and trends of the moment. In order for you to see your own beauty, you must first learn to appreciate your own features. It sounds simple, but it’s harder than you think to appraise yourself, naked, in front of a mirror… and be able to tell yourself, yes, it is me. To say: I might not be crazy about my nose, but I am pretty happy about my lips and chin. To realize: What other might consider flaws are actually the most wonderful parts of my face. To believe: I can learn how to take advantage of what I’ve been given, and make it look its very best. [Emphasis added, 正是我对穿衣的理解]
Where makeup is concerned, my philosophy is uncomplicated. My techniques are usually basic and easy to duplicate. What’s most important for me is to find the essence of the woman her-self – keeping her personality and character intact – and giving her a makeup look that is supremely easy for her to follow. [Emphasis added] In our hectic world overflowing with new ideas and treatments, what woman can realistically spend hours a day trying to completely change herself? That to me is an entirely false premise, and it’s not what life’s about. After all, what man wants to deal with a woman who seems to have pounds of makeup on her face, or who disappears behind an impenetrable fa?ade of thick pancake–like foundation? A woman who finds behind a mask of makeup is still going to have to take it off at some point… and deal with reality. [Emphasis added]
Most makeup books give women the impression that they must make extreme and overly dramatic changes in order to look better. I believe that opposite is true. That sometimes a tiny change – perhaps a new shade of lipstick—is enough. (My book)…isn’t about me imposing my rules on your face, or encouraging you to look like somebody else, or trying to turn you into a fantasy creature or a plastic doll. I’ve always said that you should first notice the woman, not her makeup. If her makeup does jump out at you, then something is wrong. The balance is skewed, and a woman’s true personality is hidden behind layers of artifice. [Emphasis added]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-16 14:01:40编辑过] -
所谓成熟,就是学会与自己和谐相处。 On one hand, one has to accept her "endowment weakness" as part of her individuality; on the other hand, she must know she doesn't own her beauty. She just takes custody of it.
I tend to downplay cosmetics maneuver. It's because by paying too much attention to appearence one effectively announces time as her enemy. A battle no one has ever won.
不过关于take advantage of what I have been given,还是见仁见智了。少数天生丽质的被given的本来大都是美的,有一些瑕疵就成了个性。可是大多数普通人的确是imperfect甚至flaw的,起码从现在主流的审美来看。我觉得,能够承认自己天生的长相有不足,并feel comfortable with this recognition,也是自信的表现。
Every woman can define her own style and simply be herself. I believe that truly modern makeup should enhance a woman's natural look without ever dominating or masking her own beauty and personality. I have always believed in keeping makeup simple. But simple doesn’t mean boring. It means you are being true to yourself. Simple is for every woman who knows she can look both real and sexy at the same time. [Emphasis added] Beauty is about a certain attitude, a certain shape, and a certain rhythm. Every person on this planet has one or more beautiful features in his or her face. It’s easy enough to find your best feature and learn how to enhance that. And being born with a perfectly straight nose, perfectly almond-shaped eyes, and perfectly curved lips doesn’t necessarily make you beautiful. [Emphasis added] After all, what, exactly, is beauty? It is so idiosyncratic, so impossible to pin down, so different for each person. Frankly, what the media and our culture consider “beautiful” can in my mind, at least, actually be exceptionally common and boring. What interests me is character. What our culture tends to defined as “perfection” doesn’t interest me. Imperfections are far more interesting. I’ve always been attracted to faces with personality, strength, and a unique quality. That is beauty. [Emphasis added] Even though I’m a makeup artist, I love seeing women with the confidence to wear no makeup at all. I always did and I always will, regardless of the styles and trends of the moment. In order for you to see your own beauty, you must first learn to appreciate your own features. It sounds simple, but it’s harder than you think to appraise yourself, naked, in front of a mirror… and be able to tell yourself, yes, it is me. To say: I might not be crazy about my nose, but I am pretty happy about my lips and chin. To realize: What other might consider flaws are actually the most wonderful parts of my face. To believe: I can learn how to take advantage of what I’ve been given, and make it look its very best. [Emphasis added, 正是我对穿衣的理解]
Where makeup is concerned, my philosophy is uncomplicated. My techniques are usually basic and easy to duplicate. What’s most important for me is to find the essence of the woman her-self – keeping her personality and character intact – and giving her a makeup look that is supremely easy for her to follow. [Emphasis added] In our hectic world overflowing with new ideas and treatments, what woman can realistically spend hours a day trying to completely change herself? That to me is an entirely false premise, and it’s not what life’s about. After all, what man wants to deal with a woman who seems to have pounds of makeup on her face, or who disappears behind an impenetrable fa?ade of thick pancake–like foundation? A woman who finds behind a mask of makeup is still going to have to take it off at some point… and deal with reality. [Emphasis added]
Most makeup books give women the impression that they must make extreme and overly dramatic changes in order to look better. I believe that opposite is true. That sometimes a tiny change – perhaps a new shade of lipstick—is enough. (My book)…isn’t about me imposing my rules on your face, or encouraging you to look like somebody else, or trying to turn you into a fantasy creature or a plastic doll. I’ve always said that you should first notice the woman, not her makeup. If her makeup does jump out at you, then something is wrong. The balance is skewed, and a woman’s true personality is hidden behind layers of artifice. [Emphasis added]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-16 14:01:40编辑过] Really good comments. Thanks for sharing.
所谓成熟,就是学会与自己和谐相处。 On one hand, one has to accept her "endowment weakness" as part of her individuality; on the other hand, she must know she doesn't own her beauty. She just takes custody of it.
I tend to downplay cosmetics maneuver. It's because by paying too much attention to appearence one effectively announces time as her enemy. A battle no one has ever won.
BTW,我只是来看朋友的。 大师就是大师。。。不过take custody 和take good custody还是有区别的哦。。 ^*。。。time is everyone's enemy, no matter what you do or do not do
不过关于take advantage of what I have been given,还是见仁见智了。少数天生丽质的被given的本来大都是美的,有一些瑕疵就成了个性。可是大多数普通人的确是imperfect甚至flaw的,起码从现在主流的审美来看。我觉得,能够承认自己天生的长相有不足,并feel comfortable with this recognition,也是自信的表现。
yes, that's her
我也是啊,555, 腰上的肉怎么减啊?
Chic 美女能不能说说lasik呢?我也蠢蠢欲动,可是又胆小当心。有没有可以分享的呢?
对我自己而言,是我觉得自己做得最值的一件事。 我记得我第一次夜里睁开眼,不用摸索眼镜就能看见床脚闹钟时间的感觉。。。那个瞬间就像一个miracle。。。
hoho, 对不起我跑题一下。突然想起以前有一次看见蜘蛛,吓得要死,在把它弄出屋子去的过程中我都没有带眼镜,自欺欺人地觉得relaxed多了。恩,看来我还是不要去做lasik了,不然逃都没得逃。
存了, 谢谢飘飘。
我也爱花钱,可是花了钱都看不出用在哪里了. 你却能把花钱也花的那么有系统有研究的而且有心得, 怎么能不让我佩服呢!!
你的traveler jacket穿得很帅气,我的就象是咸菜一样,一直很鸡肋.
我在arora的blog学到了精准和全面的技术,各种产品的特性,她毋庸置疑是个great teacher。对她一丝不苟,接近perfection的妆容,和井井有条,几乎professional的网站,我的佩服和崇拜更是如同滔滔江水。但是在所追求的beauty理念上面,我觉得自己的想法很不一样。
我最崇拜的makeup artist是Francois Nars。我是因为先热爱了他的产品,才对他慢慢地了解。他对beauty的理解特别符合我对穿衣哲学,甚至做人的理解,我这里摘录一些他说的话,这些话对穿衣,化妆,做女人都很有启发呢。
Excerpts from Makeup Your Mind by Francois Nars:
Every woman can define her own style and simply be herself. I believe that truly modern makeup should enhance a woman's natural look without ever dominating or masking her own beauty and personality.
I have always believed in keeping makeup simple. But simple doesn’t mean boring. It means you are being true to yourself. Simple is for every woman who knows she can look both real and sexy at the same time. [Emphasis added]
Beauty is about a certain attitude, a certain shape, and a certain rhythm. Every person on this planet has one or more beautiful features in his or her face. It’s easy enough to find your best feature and learn how to enhance that. And being born with a perfectly straight nose, perfectly almond-shaped eyes, and perfectly curved lips doesn’t necessarily make you beautiful. [Emphasis added]
After all, what, exactly, is beauty? It is so idiosyncratic, so impossible to pin down, so different for each person. Frankly, what the media and our culture consider “beautiful” can in my mind, at least, actually be exceptionally common and boring. What interests me is character. What our culture tends to defined as “perfection” doesn’t interest me. Imperfections are far more interesting. I’ve always been attracted to faces with personality, strength, and a unique quality. That is beauty. [Emphasis added]
Even though I’m a makeup artist, I love seeing women with the confidence to wear no makeup at all. I always did and I always will, regardless of the styles and trends of the moment.
In order for you to see your own beauty, you must first learn to appreciate your own features. It sounds simple, but it’s harder than you think to appraise yourself, naked, in front of a mirror… and be able to tell yourself, yes, it is me. To say: I might not be crazy about my nose, but I am pretty happy about my lips and chin. To realize: What other might consider flaws are actually the most wonderful parts of my face. To believe: I can learn how to take advantage of what I’ve been given, and make it look its very best. [Emphasis added, 正是我对穿衣的理解]
Where makeup is concerned, my philosophy is uncomplicated. My techniques are usually basic and easy to duplicate. What’s most important for me is to find the essence of the woman her-self – keeping her personality and character intact – and giving her a makeup look that is supremely easy for her to follow. [Emphasis added]
In our hectic world overflowing with new ideas and treatments, what woman can realistically spend hours a day trying to completely change herself? That to me is an entirely false premise, and it’s not what life’s about. After all, what man wants to deal with a woman who seems to have pounds of makeup on her face, or who disappears behind an impenetrable fa?ade of thick pancake–like foundation? A woman who finds behind a mask of makeup is still going to have to take it off at some point… and deal with reality. [Emphasis added]
Most makeup books give women the impression that they must make extreme and overly dramatic changes in order to look better. I believe that opposite is true. That sometimes a tiny change – perhaps a new shade of lipstick—is enough. (My book)…isn’t about me imposing my rules on your face, or encouraging you to look like somebody else, or trying to turn you into a fantasy creature or a plastic doll. I’ve always said that you should first notice the woman, not her makeup. If her makeup does jump out at you, then something is wrong. The balance is skewed, and a woman’s true personality is hidden behind layers of artifice. [Emphasis added]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-16 14:01:40编辑过]
以下是引用longmoon在2008-8-16 13:44:00的发言:
同想念!下周末不见不散。 ^^
以下是引用canyon在2008-8-16 13:49:00的发言:
xixixi...hug hug fly and canyon..
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-16 14:08:27编辑过]
下一个贴该说饰品了吧? 包, 皮带, 项链....
强烈要求 美女 去粉版公布护肤routine!!!
以下是引用六度在2008-8-16 17:20:00的发言:
我在arora的blog学到了精准和全面的技术,各种产品的特性,她毋庸置疑是个great teacher。对她一丝不苟,接近perfection的妆容,和井井有条,几乎professional的网站,我的佩服和崇拜更是如同滔滔江水。但是在所追求的beauty理念上面,我觉得自己的想法很不一样。
我最崇拜的makeup artist是Francois Nars。我是因为先热爱了他的产品,才对他慢慢地了解。他对beauty的理解特别符合我对穿衣哲学,甚至做人的理解,我这里摘录一些他说的话,这些话对穿衣,化妆,做女人都很有启发呢。
Excerpts from Makeup Your Mind by Francois Nars:
Every woman can define her own style and simply be herself. I believe that truly modern makeup should enhance a woman's natural look without ever dominating or masking her own beauty and personality.
I have always believed in keeping makeup simple. But simple doesn’t mean boring. It means you are being true to yourself. Simple is for every woman who knows she can look both real and sexy at the same time. [Emphasis added]
Beauty is about a certain attitude, a certain shape, and a certain rhythm. Every person on this planet has one or more beautiful features in his or her face. It’s easy enough to find your best feature and learn how to enhance that. And being born with a perfectly straight nose, perfectly almond-shaped eyes, and perfectly curved lips doesn’t necessarily make you beautiful. [Emphasis added]
After all, what, exactly, is beauty? It is so idiosyncratic, so impossible to pin down, so different for each person. Frankly, what the media and our culture consider “beautiful” can in my mind, at least, actually be exceptionally common and boring. What interests me is character. What our culture tends to defined as “perfection” doesn’t interest me. Imperfections are far more interesting. I’ve always been attracted to faces with personality, strength, and a unique quality. That is beauty. [Emphasis added]
Even though I’m a makeup artist, I love seeing women with the confidence to wear no makeup at all. I always did and I always will, regardless of the styles and trends of the moment.
In order for you to see your own beauty, you must first learn to appreciate your own features. It sounds simple, but it’s harder than you think to appraise yourself, naked, in front of a mirror… and be able to tell yourself, yes, it is me. To say: I might not be crazy about my nose, but I am pretty happy about my lips and chin. To realize: What other might consider flaws are actually the most wonderful parts of my face. To believe: I can learn how to take advantage of what I’ve been given, and make it look its very best. [Emphasis added, 正是我对穿衣的理解]
Where makeup is concerned, my philosophy is uncomplicated. My techniques are usually basic and easy to duplicate. What’s most important for me is to find the essence of the woman her-self – keeping her personality and character intact – and giving her a makeup look that is supremely easy for her to follow. [Emphasis added]
In our hectic world overflowing with new ideas and treatments, what woman can realistically spend hours a day trying to completely change herself? That to me is an entirely false premise, and it’s not what life’s about. After all, what man wants to deal with a woman who seems to have pounds of makeup on her face, or who disappears behind an impenetrable fa?ade of thick pancake–like foundation? A woman who finds behind a mask of makeup is still going to have to take it off at some point… and deal with reality. [Emphasis added]
Most makeup books give women the impression that they must make extreme and overly dramatic changes in order to look better. I believe that opposite is true. That sometimes a tiny change – perhaps a new shade of lipstick—is enough. (My book)…isn’t about me imposing my rules on your face, or encouraging you to look like somebody else, or trying to turn you into a fantasy creature or a plastic doll. I’ve always said that you should first notice the woman, not her makeup. If her makeup does jump out at you, then something is wrong. The balance is skewed, and a woman’s true personality is hidden behind layers of artifice. [Emphasis added]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-16 14:01:40编辑过]
所谓成熟,就是学会与自己和谐相处。 On one hand, one has to accept her "endowment weakness" as part of her individuality; on the other hand, she must know she doesn't own her beauty. She just takes custody of it.
I tend to downplay cosmetics maneuver. It's because by paying too much attention to appearence one effectively announces time as her enemy. A battle no one has ever won.
不过关于take advantage of what I have been given,还是见仁见智了。少数天生丽质的被given的本来大都是美的,有一些瑕疵就成了个性。可是大多数普通人的确是imperfect甚至flaw的,起码从现在主流的审美来看。我觉得,能够承认自己天生的长相有不足,并feel comfortable with this recognition,也是自信的表现。
我对摄影也一窍不通,还是爱蹦哒过去溜达, 真丢人啊
我对摄影也一窍不通,还是爱蹦哒过去溜达, 真丢人啊
我在arora的blog学到了精准和全面的技术,各种产品的特性,她毋庸置疑是个great teacher。对她一丝不苟,接近perfection的妆容,和井井有条,几乎professional的网站,我的佩服和崇拜更是如同滔滔江水。但是在所追求的beauty理念上面,我觉得自己的想法很不一样。
我最崇拜的makeup artist是Francois Nars。我是因为先热爱了他的产品,才对他慢慢地了解。他对beauty的理解特别符合我对穿衣哲学,甚至做人的理解,我这里摘录一些他说的话,这些话对穿衣,化妆,做女人都很有启发呢。
Excerpts from Makeup Your Mind by Francois Nars:
Every woman can define her own style and simply be herself. I believe that truly modern makeup should enhance a woman's natural look without ever dominating or masking her own beauty and personality.
I have always believed in keeping makeup simple. But simple doesn’t mean boring. It means you are being true to yourself. Simple is for every woman who knows she can look both real and sexy at the same time. [Emphasis added]
Beauty is about a certain attitude, a certain shape, and a certain rhythm. Every person on this planet has one or more beautiful features in his or her face. It’s easy enough to find your best feature and learn how to enhance that. And being born with a perfectly straight nose, perfectly almond-shaped eyes, and perfectly curved lips doesn’t necessarily make you beautiful. [Emphasis added]
After all, what, exactly, is beauty? It is so idiosyncratic, so impossible to pin down, so different for each person. Frankly, what the media and our culture consider “beautiful” can in my mind, at least, actually be exceptionally common and boring. What interests me is character. What our culture tends to defined as “perfection” doesn’t interest me. Imperfections are far more interesting. I’ve always been attracted to faces with personality, strength, and a unique quality. That is beauty. [Emphasis added]
Even though I’m a makeup artist, I love seeing women with the confidence to wear no makeup at all. I always did and I always will, regardless of the styles and trends of the moment.
In order for you to see your own beauty, you must first learn to appreciate your own features. It sounds simple, but it’s harder than you think to appraise yourself, naked, in front of a mirror… and be able to tell yourself, yes, it is me. To say: I might not be crazy about my nose, but I am pretty happy about my lips and chin. To realize: What other might consider flaws are actually the most wonderful parts of my face. To believe: I can learn how to take advantage of what I’ve been given, and make it look its very best. [Emphasis added, 正是我对穿衣的理解]
Where makeup is concerned, my philosophy is uncomplicated. My techniques are usually basic and easy to duplicate. What’s most important for me is to find the essence of the woman her-self – keeping her personality and character intact – and giving her a makeup look that is supremely easy for her to follow. [Emphasis added]
In our hectic world overflowing with new ideas and treatments, what woman can realistically spend hours a day trying to completely change herself? That to me is an entirely false premise, and it’s not what life’s about. After all, what man wants to deal with a woman who seems to have pounds of makeup on her face, or who disappears behind an impenetrable fa?ade of thick pancake–like foundation? A woman who finds behind a mask of makeup is still going to have to take it off at some point… and deal with reality. [Emphasis added]
Most makeup books give women the impression that they must make extreme and overly dramatic changes in order to look better. I believe that opposite is true. That sometimes a tiny change – perhaps a new shade of lipstick—is enough. (My book)…isn’t about me imposing my rules on your face, or encouraging you to look like somebody else, or trying to turn you into a fantasy creature or a plastic doll. I’ve always said that you should first notice the woman, not her makeup. If her makeup does jump out at you, then something is wrong. The balance is skewed, and a woman’s true personality is hidden behind layers of artifice. [Emphasis added]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-16 14:01:40编辑过]
Really good comments. Thanks for sharing.
是的,牛的化妆师出神入化,像那个泰国mm的blog,我每次看都不敢相信自己的眼睛。 呵呵。 是个学问呀
chic mm真是一个有感染力的人.
下一个贴该说饰品了吧? 包, 皮带, 项链....
美女说的arora的blog在哪里? 给个LINK好不好
skincare现在就是kiehls (存货)和shiseido。。最简单那些。
所谓成熟,就是学会与自己和谐相处。 On one hand, one has to accept her "endowment weakness" as part of her individuality; on the other hand, she must know she doesn't own her beauty. She just takes custody of it.
I tend to downplay cosmetics maneuver. It's because by paying too much attention to appearence one effectively announces time as her enemy. A battle no one has ever won.
大师就是大师。。。不过take custody 和take good custody还是有区别的哦。。 ^*。。。time is everyone's enemy, no matter what you do or do not do
不过关于take advantage of what I have been given,还是见仁见智了。少数天生丽质的被given的本来大都是美的,有一些瑕疵就成了个性。可是大多数普通人的确是imperfect甚至flaw的,起码从现在主流的审美来看。我觉得,能够承认自己天生的长相有不足,并feel comfortable with this recognition,也是自信的表现。
睫毛膏,日产kiss me 的很好。 清爽效果还强大。
还是你说得好,自信就是the gist
at some level, many things follow the same rule.... you are at that level....^^
she is 大师。。。出神入化的那种。。我也是时常看到目瞪口呆。
等穿fun stuff么?如果可以那不是更幸福。 !!
瘦下来就是少吃加运动。大白话啊。。。我吃很少淀粉,总量也很少,运动量比较大,burn fat和上量的都有,脂肪比例维持很低。。 其实只要苦练一段时间就好了,瘦下来以后,维持比较容易。 当然首先是决定自己想不想瘦下来,决心不到,也比较难以坚持。。。
不知是该感谢Chic美女给的这个link, 还是该怪你。看了一个中午,连一点钟的会都miss了。我是中毒了!
my bad。。。。
恩,我找了一万年,终于找到一家非常享受的做指甲做的超好看又舒服的地方,日本人开得,(反日货的通宵不要打我,我也很讨厌日本人in general的哈). 每次给我作出那些美伦美奂的水晶指甲都能让我惊艳半天,而且整个过程包括按摩都非常舒服。
我一直看不出来某些blazer, jacket和suit有什么区别,不都是小西装嘛。
jacket都穿去上班的,配裤子和pencil skirt为多。
$24刀的dress,喜欢这个浓郁的颜色。很简单的收腰款式。 好像前段时间sale到了10刀。 HM is awsome!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-22 17:15:36编辑过]
suit要加点flirty元素是比较好看。我还是套衬衫穿。我穿的机会不多,一穿就是很正式的场合,马虎不得,不能太distracting了。gabardine也是首选。一个扣的一直都不如眼。。胸前很难搞。现在有些东西是花里胡哨得有些多此一举了。看新出的pencil skirt,怎么屁股后面那么多缝线。难道找不出完整的两片布来?
10几套西装。。。。哇塞。。。我就3套。。。如果再买,想买套灰色的。可惜J CREW没有好看的灰色。。
一直很喜欢酒红色, 很有沉淀但是也很vivid的感觉, 特别配秋天的气氛
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-17 12:39:38编辑过]
一直很喜欢酒红色, 很有沉淀但是也很vivid的感觉, 特别配秋天的气氛
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-17 12:39:38编辑过]
Agree。穿酒红色显得皮肤白, 很elegant的。
我们这里没有hm 每次看到你秀 我就着急 本人也是很喜欢 DRESS
前几天去了芝加哥 可是街上人太多 没有兴趣逛街 只是走马观花的看看
she is 大师。。。出神入化的那种。。我也是时常看到目瞪口呆。
瘦下来就是少吃加运动。大白话啊。。。我吃很少淀粉,总量也很少,运动量比较大,burn fat和上量的都有,脂肪比例维持很低。。 其实只要苦练一段时间就好了,瘦下来以后,维持比较容易。 当然首先是决定自己想不想瘦下来,决心不到,也比较难以坚持。。。
我好羡慕摄入少产出大的人...我只要一饿,人就没精神, 做事不能集中,
唉, 不能挨饿是我的死穴啊..所以就是瘦不下来..
不过take custody 和take good custody还是有区别的哦。。 ^*
是滴是滴。Be the witness of yourself. Not the agent。
chic mm 象林忆莲
睫毛膏,日产kiss me 的很好。 清爽效果还强大。
还是你说得好,自信就是the gist
日货哪里能买到呢?有没有什么美国department store/ sephora之类就能买的推荐?
是滴是滴。Be the witness of yourself. Not the agent。
LOL.. 你的片子反映的都是模特很真实的女人味。没有那么多商业味儿的浓妆艳抹,很赞。
颜色也很符合Chic mm的气质
pat pat。好东西层出不穷的。 嘻嘻
以下是引用BlueTooth在2008-8-17 15:37:00的发言:
suit要加点flirty元素是比较好看。我还是套衬衫穿。我穿的机会不多,一穿就是很正式的场合,马虎不得,不能太distracting了。gabardine也是首选。一个扣的一直都不如眼。。胸前很难搞。现在有些东西是花里胡哨得有些多此一举了。看新出的pencil skirt,怎么屁股后面那么多缝线。难道找不出完整的两片布来?
10几套西装。。。。哇塞。。。我就3套。。。如果再买,想买套灰色的。可惜J CREW没有好看的灰色。。