San Diego游记和Mexica renew US visa的心得

楼主 (未名空间)

美国顶尖***公立大学***如何录取本州学生 ??
居民纳税, 所有社区应该有孩子被录取.
因此,使用GPA or/and 班级排名为标准之一,

--- 安娜堡密西根大学:: GPA with weight ---


80 points — GPA
12 points — SAT scores
10 points — Academic strength of high school
8 points — Strength of high school curriculum
在以上评价系统中,高中的GPA占很大比重(80 points). 而不同的高中(八分或十分)差
别非常小(10 points — Academic strength of high school).
10 points: Michigan resident
6 points: Underrepresented Michigan county
2 points: Underrepresented state

4 points: "Legacy" (parents, step-parents)
1 point: Other (grandparents, siblings, spouses)

1 point: Outstanding essay (since 1999, 3 points)

5 points: National
3 points: Regional
1 point: State

5 points: National
3 points: Regional
1 point: State

20 points: Socio-economic disadvantage
20 points: Underrepresented racial-ethnic minority identification or
5 points: Men in nursing
20 points: Scholarship athlete
20 points: Provost’s discretion

A maximum of 40 points and only one option is assigned per category


*** UT Austin using class rank ***

Automatic Admission
Texas law offers eligible freshman applicants automatic admission to public colleges and universities. The initial legislation, passed into law in 1997,offered automatic admission to eligible students in the top 10 percent of
their high school class.

In 2009, the law was modified for The University of Texas at Austin. Under
the new law, the university must automatically admit enough students to fill75 percent of available Texas resident spaces. Each fall, the university
notifies Texas school officials of the class rank that current high school
juniors need to attain by the end of their junior year in order to be
automatically admitted.

Summer/Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 applicants: Top 8%
Summer/Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 applicants: Top 7%



An example:

02-14-2015 at 12:34 pm
I was rejected from CS at UIUC

SAT 2230 (800CR, 780MAT, 650 WR)
ACT 34
Top 5% class, 4.3 weighted GPA

I was accepted into the James Scholar Honors College for General Studies at UIUC, but will most likely go to my second choice school. I am sure I want
to study CS and because so few are allowed to transfer in at UIUC, it is toorisky for me to go General Studies.



"When you apply to Engineering at Illinois, you must apply to a specific
engineering major."


What's Considered

Your application will be reviewed holistically, meaning a wide variety of
factors are taken into consideration:


High School Class Rank

Admission into Engineering at Illinois is most selective. Therefore it’s
important to see that you have excelled throughout high school and acted as an academic leader in your class. If schools track high school percentile
rank, it will be reviewed with your application.

Selectivity for 2014 Admitted Freshman Engineers

Middle 50%

ACT: 31 - 34
SAT: 1400 - 1510
High School Class Rank: 93% - 99%
TOEFL: 105-113


一个孩子,在不同的邻里高中,得到不同的GPA, class rank.

College of Engineering ACT Score: 31-34 GPA: 3.68-4.00
That means ...

25+% of freshmen admitted in "College of Engineering"..GPA 4.00!!!
That means ... 75% ... GPA > 3.68

That means ... 25+% ACT 34, 35, 36
That means ... 75+% ACT 31 - 36
2 楼

有些同胞, 根據他們在中國大陸的經驗, 仍然相信全州按統一標準取士.
事实上, ???


2011年,哈佛录取7名 读书好de学生 from 7 HS , Northwest Suburban, Chicago,

(1) Nicholas
School: East Leyden High School (5分) [ 0 SEMIFINALISTS ]
Test scores: ACT: 33

(2) Veronica
School: East Leyden High School (5分) [ 0 SEMIFINALISTS ]
Test scores: ACT: 34

(3) Eilrayna
School: Stevenson High School Hometown: Buffalo Grove (10分)

[ 28 SEMIFINALISTS | 8 perfect ACT examination score ]
Test scores: SAT: 2390

(4) Rachel
School: Elk Grove High School (8分) [ 0 SEMIFINALISTS ]
Test score: SAT: 2010

(5) Roche
School: Lake Park High School (9分) [ 3 SEMIFINALISTS ]
Test score: ACT: 35
(6) Maura
School: John Hersey High School (10分) [ 2 SEMIFINALISTS ]
Test score: ACT: 33
(7) Anthony
School: St. Viator High School (Private) [ 2 SEMIFINALISTS ]
Test scores: ACT: 34; SAT: 2180
(2) 7名读书好de学生, GPA are 4.0, but, look at those ACT/SAT scores

Test scores: ACT: 33
Test scores: ACT: 34
Test scores: SAT: 2390
Test score: SAT: 2010
Test score: ACT: 35
Test score: ACT: 33
Test scores: ACT: 34; SAT: 2180

GPA vs. SAT Score ...
如果哈佛录取学生像北大那样, all students would have GPA 4.0, and SAT very
close to 2400/36.

把"Northwest Suburban, Chicago""作为一个例子, 北大, 按統一標準全州取士, 将招收7名Stevenson High School ACT满分学生. (the "GPA vs. SAT Score" 图将完全不

School: Stevenson High School Hometown: Buffalo Grove (10分)
[ 28 SEMIFINALISTS | 8 perfect ACT examination score ]

3 楼
【 在 gogo2004 (挑灯看剑) 的大作中提到: 】
: 美国顶尖***私立大学***全州按統一標準录取学生??
: -------------------------
: 有些同胞, 根據他們在中國大陸的經驗, 仍然相信全州按統一標準取士.
: 事实上, ???
: -------

在美国有两组高中: selective and neighborhood
买房子去 de “好”高中 are neighborhood高中

In the Class of 2017:

74% of schools sent only one student.


$500K+ 14%
$250-500K 15%
$125-250K 24%
$80-125K 18%
$40-80K 15%
$40K- 15%

5 or 5+ kids go to Harvard :
The following ... most are selective HS:

The list of schools
Here's the list of schools that had five or more kids go to Harvard in the
freshman class of 2008-9 / senior class of 2012.

20+ students
Boston Latin -- 23 students

10-20 students
Milton Academy -- 14 students (Milton, MA)
Phillips Exeter Academy -- 14 students (Exeter, NH)
Deerfield Academy -- 12 students (Deerfield, MA)
Stuyvesant -- 12 students (New York)
Phillips Academy (Andover) -- 10 students (Andover, MA)

5-9 students
Trinity School (New York) -- 8 students
Choate Rosemary Hall (Connecticut) -- 7 students
Collegiate School (New York) -- 7 students
The Roxbury Latin School (Roxbury, MA) -- 7 students
Belmont High School (Belmont, MA) -- 6 students
Groton School (Groton, MA) -- 6 students
Horace Mann School (New York) -- 6 students
Hunter College High School (New York) -- 6 students
Lexington High School (Lexington, MA) -- 6 students
Lowell High School (San Francisco, CA) -- 6 students
Winsor School (Boston, MA) -- 6 students
Greenwich High School (Greenwich, CT) -- 5 students
The Harker School (San Jose, CA) -- 5 students
Lakeside School (Seattle, WA) -- 5 students
Pine Crest School (Ft. Lauderdale, FL) -- 5 students
Troy High School (Fullerton, CA) -- 5 students
Weston High School (Weston, MA) -- 5 students
Mayfair High School (Lakewood CA)--9 students


@ 8:30



@ 8:30

@13:29 ... 这是误会 ...

误会:: 用中国的传统和思维,去理解美国著名大学录取.

4 楼

5 楼
【 在 uwocosco (azkaban) 的大作中提到: 】
: 感觉楼主自己造了个风车,然后与之战斗。
: 学区房高中有名校录取是否有优势,要具体情况具体分析,甚至是具体情况都未必能分
: 析清楚(自我安慰的可能性更大),更不要说及格干枯的数字了。
"要具体情况具体分析" 听起来像是在谈论哲学.


学区房 HS and 中国孩子高中国家优异半决赛手

6 楼


[any topic],要具体情况具体分析,甚至是具体情况都未必能分


Example I:



Example II:



要点: 从不谈论细节, 否则,你会被看穿.

Example III:


我到底是选lincoln park还是south loop ?? 要具体情况具体分析,甚至是具体情况都未必能分

Example IV:


请教在Long Grove买房? 要具体情况具体分析,甚至是具体情况都未必能分
7 楼
【 在 uwocosco (azkaban) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 学区房高中有名校录取优势?那是误会:用中国的传统和思
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Sep 15 14:27:07 2016, 美东)
: 感觉楼主自己造了个风车,然后与之战斗。
: 学区房高中有名校录取是否有优势,要具体情况具体分析,甚至是具体情况都未必能分
: 析清楚(自我安慰的可能性更大),更不要说及格干枯的数字了。
: --
8 楼

上钩了 ? 要具体情况具体分析,甚至是具体情况都未必能分



还没上钩 ? 要具体情况具体分析,甚至是具体情况都未必能分

9 楼




【 在 alexx (panda in love~八胖~饲羊员~水木十年) 的大作中提到: 】
: 恭喜你,上钩了
10 楼
: 好高中对申请名校有帮助的说法,我从来没听说过。

Good for you.

: 因为高中再好,名校也不会录取太多,对大部分高中学生来说,机会都被最优秀的
: 几个学生拿走了,怎么会对其他学生上名校有帮助?


: 所以这个标题完全是被编造出来的。

标题: "学区房高中有名校录取优势?那是误会"

: 但是具体到某几个,十几个顶尖的学生身上,好高中也可能真有帮助。

Great!! we are reaching the point: "顶尖的学生在学区房高中,有名校录取优势 ??"


semifinalist: 当年的全州高中那级 前0.5%. 顶尖的学生!!

Please spend some time to read:

: Stevenson能录到20多人,对某些学生还是有帮助的。
: 另外,比要跟自己比,不能跟别人比。好特区的作用感觉更偏向求稳而非上名校。
11 楼
oh yeah,巴掌终于拍响了

【 在 uwocosco (azkaban) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: Re: 学区房高中有名校录取优势?那是误会:用中国的传统和思
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 16 15:52:39 2016, 美东)
: 也不算上钩吧。我也想看一下有没有自己没想到的地方。
: 好高中对申请名校有帮助的说法,我从来没听说过。因为高中再好,名校也不会录取太
: 多,对大部分高中学生来说,机会都被最优秀的几个学生拿走了,怎么会对其他学生上
: 名校有帮助?所以这个标题完全是被编造出来的。
: 但是具体到某几个,十几个顶尖的学生身上,好高中也可能真有帮助。譬如西北在
: Stevenson能录到20多人,对某些学生还是有帮助的。
: 另外,比要跟自己比,不能跟别人比。好特区的作用感觉更偏向求稳而非上名校。
: 【 在 alexx (panda in love~八胖~饲羊员~水木十年) 的大作中提到: 】
: : 恭喜你,上钩了
: --
12 楼
The Triumphant Decline of the WASP

JUNE 27, 2010

Cambridge, Mass.

FIVE years ago, the Supreme Court, like the United States, had a plurality
of white Protestants. If Elena Kagan — whose confirmation hearings begin
today — is confirmed, that number will be reduced to zero, and the court
will consist of six Catholics and three Jews.



Noah R. Feldman (born May 22, 1970) is an American author and the Felix
Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School.

Feldman grew up in Boston, Massachusetts, where he attended the Maimonides

Maimonides School (Hebrew: ישיבת רמ
;ב"ם Yeshivat Rambam) is a coeducational, Modern Orthodox,
Jewish day school located in Brookline, Massachusetts.
He graduated from Harvard College in 1992 and earned a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford, where he earned a D.Phil in Islamic Thought in

Upon his return from Oxford, he received his J.D., in 1997, from Yale Law
School, ...

Elena Kagan ----

Kagan and her family lived in a third-floor apartment at West End Avenue and 75th Street[8] and attended Lincoln Square Synagogue.

Lincoln Square Synagogue ... The Lincoln Square Synagogue was founded as a
congregation in 1964 by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin.[1] In the late 1960s, the first Orthodox Jewish women's tefillah (prayer) group was created, ....


After graduating from high school, Kagan attended Princeton University,
where she earned an A.B., summa cum laude in history in 1981.

In 1980, Kagan received Princeton's Daniel M. Sachs Class of 1960 Graduating Scholarship,[16] one of the highest general awards conferred by the
university, which enabled her to study at Worcester College, Oxford. She
earned a Master of Philosophy in Politics at Oxford in 1983.[17] She
received a Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, at Harvard Law School in 1986,

Elena Kagan (pronounced /ˈkeɪɡən/; born April 28, 1960)[2]
is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Kagan is the Court's 112th justice and fourth female justice.

She began her career as a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, leaving to serve as Associate White House Counsel, and later as policy
adviser, under President Clinton. After a nomination to the United States
Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, which expired without action, she
became a professor at Harvard Law School and was later named its first
female dean.

In 2009, Kagan became the first female Solicitor General. On May 10, 2010,
President Barack Obama nominated her to the Supreme Court to fill the
vacancy arising from the impending retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens, and she resigned her position as Solicitor General on May 17, 2010.[3] After Senate confirmation, Kagan was sworn in on August 7, 2010, by Chief Justice John G. Roberts. Kagan's formal investiture ceremony before a special
sitting of the United States Supreme Court took place on October 1, 2010.[4]
13 楼
【 在 gogo2004 (挑灯看剑) 的大作中提到: 】
: The Triumphant Decline of the WASP
: JUNE 27, 2010
: Cambridge, Mass.
: FIVE years ago, the Supreme Court, like the United States, had a plurality
: of white Protestants. If Elena Kagan — whose confirmation hearings begin : today — is confirmed, that number will be reduced to zero, and the court : will consist of six Catholics and three Jews.
: -----------------------
: ...................

In the 1960s, however, Princeton made a conscious decision to change,
eventually opening its admissions to urban ethnic minorities and women. That decision has now borne fruit. Astonishingly, the last three Supreme Court
nominees — Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — are Princeton
graduates, from the Classes of 1972, ’76, and ’81, respectively. The
appointments of these three justices to replace Protestant predecessors
turned the demographic balance of the court.

Why did the Protestant elite open its institutions to all comers? The answer can be traced in large part to the anti-aristocratic ideals of the
Constitution, which banned titles of nobility and thus encouraged success
based on merit. For many years, the Protestant elite was itself open to
rising white Protestants not from old-family backgrounds.

Money certainly granted entrée into governing circles, but education was
probably more important to the way the Protestant elite defined itself,
which is why the opening of the great American universities has had such an epochal effect in changing the demographics of American elites. Another key source was the ideal of fair play, imported from the ideology of the English public schools, but practiced far more widely in the United States than in the class-ridden mother country.

Together, these social beliefs in equality undercut the impulse toward
exclusive privilege that every successful group indulges on occasion. A
handful of exceptions for admission to societies, clubs and colleges —
trivial in and of themselves — helped break down barriers more broadly.
This was not just a case of an elite looking outside itself for rejuvenation: the inclusiveness of the last 50 years has been the product of sincerely
held ideals put into action.

Interestingly, this era of inclusion was accompanied by a corresponding
diffusion of the distinctive fashion (or rather anti-fashion) of the
Protestant elite class. The style now generically called “prep,”
originally known as “Ivy League,” was long purveyed by Jewish and
immigrant haberdashers (the “J.” in the New Haven store J. Press stands
for Jacobi) and then taken global by Ralph Lauren, né Lifshitz. But until
the Protestant-dominated Ivy League began to open up, the wearers of the
style were restricted to that elite subculture.

The spread of Ivy League style is therefore not a frivolous matter. Today
the wearing of the tweed is not anachronism or assimilation, but a mark of
respect for the distinctive ethnic group that opened its doors to all — an accomplishment that must be remembered, acknowledged and emulated.
14 楼
【 在 uwocosco (azkaban) 的大作中提到: 】
: 多,对大部分高中学生来说,机会都被最优秀的几个学生拿走了,

有些可能不是最优秀的几个学生, 拿走了. 他们可能是WASP, Ex. New trier HS.

他们可能是犹太人 ...

American Jewish population was estimated at between 5.5 and 8 million,
depending on the definition of the term. This constitutes between 1.7% to 2.6% of the total U.S. population

Yale University’s undergrad student body is 27 percent Jewish (1,500 Jewishundergrads out of 5,477 total). Percentage-wise, it narrowly beats out its
Ivy League rival Harvard University, which is 25 percent Jewish (1,675 out
of 6,694 undergrads). But Cornell University and Columbia University both
have more Jews in total — 3,000 and 1,800, respectively.


: 怎么会对其他学生上
: 名校有帮助?所以这个标题完全是被编造出来的。
: 但是具体到某几个,十几个顶尖的学生身上,好高中也可能真有帮助。譬如西北在
: Stevenson能录到20多人,对某些学生还是有帮助的。
: 另外,比要跟自己比,不能跟别人比。好特区的作用感觉更偏向求稳而非上名校。
15 楼
【 在 uwocosco (azkaban) 的大作中提到: 】
: 也不算上钩吧。我也想看一下有没有自己没想到的地方。
: 好高中对申请名校有帮助的说法,我从来没听说过。因为高中再好,名校也不会录取太
: 多,对大部分高中学生来说,机会都被最优秀的几个学生拿走了,怎么会对其他学生上
: 名校有帮助?所以这个标题完全是被编造出来的。
: 但是具体到某几个,十几个顶尖的学生身上,好高中也可能真有帮助。譬如西北在
: Stevenson能录到20多人,对某些学生还是有帮助的。
: 另外,比要跟自己比,不能跟别人比。好特区的作用感觉更偏向求稳而非上名校。