extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an extracorporeal technique of providing both cardiac and respiratory support oxygen to patients whose heart and lungs are so severely diseased that they can no longer serve their function. An ECMO machine is similar to a heart-lung machine. To initiate ECMO, cannulae are placed in large blood vessels to provide access to the patient's blood. Anticoagulant drugs (usually heparin) are given to prevent blood clotting. The ECMO machine continuously pumps blood from the patient through a "membrane oxygenator" that imitates the gas exchange process of the lungs, i.e. it removes carbon dioxide and adds oxygen. Oxygenated blood is then returned to the patient. There are several forms of ECMO, the two most common of which are veno-arterial (VA) and veno-venous (VV). In both modalities, blood drained from the venous system is oxygenated outside of the body. In VA ECMO, this blood is returned to the arterial system and in VV ECMO the blood is returned to the venous system. In VV ECMO, no cardiac support is provided. VV ECMO can provide sufficient oxygenation for several weeks, allowing diseased lungs to heal while the potential additional injury of aggressive mechanical ventilation is avoided. It may therefore be life-saving for some patients. However, due to the high technical demands, cost, and risk of complications (such as bleeding under anticoagulant medication), ECMO is usually only considered as a last resort therapy. ECMO is most commonly used in NICUs (Neonatal Intensive Care Units), for newborns in pulmonary distress. It is around 75% effective in saving the newborn's life. Newborns can't be placed on ECMO if they are under 4 and a half pounds, thus ruling out the device for most premature newborns. Newborn infants are occasionally placed on ECMO due to the lack of a fully functioning respiratory system or other birth defect, but the survival rates drop to roughly 33%. The time limit for a newborn is usually around 21 day max. Dr. Thomas Krummel, Chairman of General Surgery at Stanford University, held the record for the longest survivor on ECMO at 62 days. This record was in turn broken recently on January 30th, 2008, when a patient at NTU hospital, Taiwan survived a drowning accident after 117 days of ECMO application.[1] "ECMO can have dangerous side effects. The large catheters inserted in the baby's neck can provide a fertile field for infection, resulting in fatal sepsis." (Excerpted from How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman, M.D. In Adults ECMO survival rates are around 60%. In Adult VV ECMO there are reports of patients being supported for over ten weeks. ECMO has yet to have proven survival benefit in adults with ARDS. Management of the ECMO circuit is done by a team of ECMO specialists that includes ICU physicians, perfusionists, respiratory therapists and registered nurses that have received training in this specialty. In VA ECMO, patients whose cardiac function doesn't recover sufficiently to be weaned from ECMO may be bridged to a Ventricular assist device (VAD) or Transplant.
宝宝病因:首先是羊水过少,OVER DUE 三天,B超显示羊水少,于是决定当天催。 催生时,宝宝特别不喜欢催产药物,一度心跳低于80,于是催了40分钟后就决定c C很顺利,C出后,宝宝第一次啼哭吸入肺部羊水,当时宝宝大哭,然后清洗过程宝宝挣扎大哭,导致恶化,于是上ICU 低估了形式,宝宝除了出生吸入羊水,肺部应该还存有胎粪,导致宝宝肺吸氧更困难,进而增加了心脏负担。尽管从普通补氧到高频补氧,但都一再失败,以至于差点要了耗子的命。 另外,胎儿出生后,脐带剪断后,宝宝的血液养分第一次不经过脐带,而是经过肺,这一步转换至关重要,我的耗子就是这一步没有转换好,导致后面的一度恶化。
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an extracorporeal technique of providing both cardiac and respiratory support oxygen to patients whose heart and lungs are so severely diseased that they can no longer serve their function. An ECMO machine is similar to a heart-lung machine. To initiate ECMO, cannulae are placed in large blood vessels to provide access to the patient's blood. Anticoagulant drugs (usually heparin) are given to prevent blood clotting. The ECMO machine continuously pumps blood from the patient through a "membrane oxygenator" that imitates the gas exchange process of the lungs, i.e. it removes carbon dioxide and adds oxygen. Oxygenated blood is then returned to the patient. There are several forms of ECMO, the two most common of which are veno-arterial (VA) and veno-venous (VV). In both modalities, blood drained from the venous system is oxygenated outside of the body. In VA ECMO, this blood is returned to the arterial system and in VV ECMO the blood is returned to the venous system. In VV ECMO, no cardiac support is provided. VV ECMO can provide sufficient oxygenation for several weeks, allowing diseased lungs to heal while the potential additional injury of aggressive mechanical ventilation is avoided. It may therefore be life-saving for some patients. However, due to the high technical demands, cost, and risk of complications (such as bleeding under anticoagulant medication), ECMO is usually only considered as a last resort therapy. ECMO is most commonly used in NICUs (Neonatal Intensive Care Units), for newborns in pulmonary distress. It is around 75% effective in saving the newborn's life. Newborns can't be placed on ECMO if they are under 4 and a half pounds, thus ruling out the device for most premature newborns. Newborn infants are occasionally placed on ECMO due to the lack of a fully functioning respiratory system or other birth defect, but the survival rates drop to roughly 33%. The time limit for a newborn is usually around 21 day max. Dr. Thomas Krummel, Chairman of General Surgery at Stanford University, held the record for the longest survivor on ECMO at 62 days. This record was in turn broken recently on January 30th, 2008, when a patient at NTU hospital, Taiwan survived a drowning accident after 117 days of ECMO application.[1] "ECMO can have dangerous side effects. The large catheters inserted in the baby's neck can provide a fertile field for infection, resulting in fatal sepsis." (Excerpted from How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman, M.D. In Adults ECMO survival rates are around 60%. In Adult VV ECMO there are reports of patients being supported for over ten weeks. ECMO has yet to have proven survival benefit in adults with ARDS. Management of the ECMO circuit is done by a team of ECMO specialists that includes ICU physicians, perfusionists, respiratory therapists and registered nurses that have received training in this specialty. In VA ECMO, patients whose cardiac function doesn't recover sufficiently to be weaned from ECMO may be bridged to a Ventricular assist device (VAD) or Transplant. 真可怕,宝宝定会度过这一关的
bless bless bless all my blessings although I don't know what is ECMO
3.12日 11:00 更新116楼
3.12日 17:00 更新在199楼
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an extracorporeal technique of providing both cardiac and respiratory support oxygen to patients whose heart and lungs are so severely diseased that they can no longer serve their function.
An ECMO machine is similar to a heart-lung machine. To initiate ECMO, cannulae are placed in large blood vessels to provide access to the patient's blood. Anticoagulant drugs (usually heparin)
are given to prevent blood clotting. The ECMO machine continuously
pumps blood from the patient through a "membrane oxygenator" that
imitates the gas exchange process of the lungs, i.e. it removes carbon dioxide and adds oxygen. Oxygenated blood is then returned to the patient.
There are several forms of ECMO, the two most common of which are
veno-arterial (VA) and veno-venous (VV). In both modalities, blood
drained from the venous system is oxygenated outside of the body. In VA
ECMO, this blood is returned to the arterial system and in VV ECMO the
blood is returned to the venous system. In VV ECMO, no cardiac support
is provided.
VV ECMO can provide sufficient oxygenation for several weeks,
allowing diseased lungs to heal while the potential additional injury
of aggressive mechanical ventilation
is avoided. It may therefore be life-saving for some patients. However,
due to the high technical demands, cost, and risk of complications
(such as bleeding under anticoagulant medication), ECMO is usually only
considered as a last resort therapy.
ECMO is most commonly used in NICUs
(Neonatal Intensive Care Units), for newborns in pulmonary distress. It
is around 75% effective in saving the newborn's life. Newborns can't be
placed on ECMO if they are under 4 and a half pounds, thus ruling out
the device for most premature newborns. Newborn infants are
occasionally placed on ECMO due to the lack of a fully functioning
respiratory system or other birth defect, but the survival rates drop
to roughly 33%. The time limit for a newborn is usually around 21 day
max. Dr. Thomas Krummel, Chairman of General Surgery at Stanford
University, held the record for the longest survivor on ECMO at 62
days. This record was in turn broken recently on January 30th, 2008, when a patient at NTU hospital, Taiwan survived a drowning accident after 117 days of ECMO application.[1]
"ECMO can have dangerous side effects. The large catheters inserted
in the baby's neck can provide a fertile field for infection, resulting
in fatal sepsis." (Excerpted from How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman, M.D.
In Adults ECMO survival rates are around 60%. In Adult VV ECMO there
are reports of patients being supported for over ten weeks. ECMO has
yet to have proven survival benefit in adults with ARDS.
Management of the ECMO circuit is done by a team of ECMO specialists that includes ICU physicians, perfusionists, respiratory therapists and registered nurses that have received training in this specialty.
In VA ECMO, patients whose cardiac function doesn't recover sufficiently to be weaned from ECMO may be bridged to a Ventricular assist device (VAD) or Transplant.
GOOD NEWS!可以松口气了!
3.12日 11:00 更新116楼
3.12日 17:00 更新在199楼
3.12日 18:30 更新在235楼
宝宝病因:首先是羊水过少,OVER DUE 三天,B超显示羊水少,于是决定当天催。
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is an extracorporeal technique of providing both cardiac and respiratory support oxygen to patients whose heart and lungs are so severely diseased that they can no longer serve their function.
An ECMO machine is similar to a heart-lung machine. To initiate ECMO, cannulae are placed in large blood vessels to provide access to the patient's blood. Anticoagulant drugs (usually heparin)
are given to prevent blood clotting. The ECMO machine continuously
pumps blood from the patient through a "membrane oxygenator" that
imitates the gas exchange process of the lungs, i.e. it removes carbon dioxide and adds oxygen. Oxygenated blood is then returned to the patient. There are several forms of ECMO, the two most common of which are
veno-arterial (VA) and veno-venous (VV). In both modalities, blood
drained from the venous system is oxygenated outside of the body. In VA
ECMO, this blood is returned to the arterial system and in VV ECMO the
blood is returned to the venous system. In VV ECMO, no cardiac support
is provided. VV ECMO can provide sufficient oxygenation for several weeks,
allowing diseased lungs to heal while the potential additional injury
of aggressive mechanical ventilation
is avoided. It may therefore be life-saving for some patients. However,
due to the high technical demands, cost, and risk of complications
(such as bleeding under anticoagulant medication), ECMO is usually only
considered as a last resort therapy. ECMO is most commonly used in NICUs
(Neonatal Intensive Care Units), for newborns in pulmonary distress. It
is around 75% effective in saving the newborn's life. Newborns can't be
placed on ECMO if they are under 4 and a half pounds, thus ruling out
the device for most premature newborns. Newborn infants are
occasionally placed on ECMO due to the lack of a fully functioning
respiratory system or other birth defect, but the survival rates drop
to roughly 33%. The time limit for a newborn is usually around 21 day
max. Dr. Thomas Krummel, Chairman of General Surgery at Stanford
University, held the record for the longest survivor on ECMO at 62
days. This record was in turn broken recently on January 30th, 2008, when a patient at NTU hospital, Taiwan survived a drowning accident after 117 days of ECMO application.[1] "ECMO can have dangerous side effects. The large catheters inserted
in the baby's neck can provide a fertile field for infection, resulting
in fatal sepsis." (Excerpted from How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman, M.D. In Adults ECMO survival rates are around 60%. In Adult VV ECMO there
are reports of patients being supported for over ten weeks. ECMO has
yet to have proven survival benefit in adults with ARDS. Management of the ECMO circuit is done by a team of ECMO specialists that includes ICU physicians, perfusionists, respiratory therapists and registered nurses that have received training in this specialty. In VA ECMO, patients whose cardiac function doesn't recover sufficiently to be weaned from ECMO may be bridged to a Ventricular assist device (VAD) or Transplant.
3.12日 18:30 ECMO彻底拆除,手术后宝宝正常。我的小耗子正在恢复中ING
太好了。 really happy for you.
bless little mouse, take care mouse's mommy and daddy
come to see update and bless every day.
3.12日 18:30 ECMO彻底拆除,手术后宝宝正常。我的小耗子正在恢复中ING
知道宝宝已经恢复, 心里很高兴. mm放心吧,会好起来的!
喂喂出生3天发烧住院,抽血抽骨髓掖. 我和他爸当时就不行了. 我一直哭一直哭. 耗子爸爸妈妈经历的比我们苦难不知道多少倍啊!
你们一定要坚强. 小耗子长大了肯定是个有福气的人.
我生喂喂的时候,因为他在子宫内大便了.而且绕颈. 快生的时候医生就让baby icu的人stand by, 还跟我解释说, 因为这种情况,出生以后不会让他马上哭,要等icu的人清理以后再让他哭.
所以医生把他弄出来以后就让人抱走了. 我等了大概1,2分钟才听到他的哭声. (也可能没那么长啊, 但我觉得很漫长.
我生喂喂的时候,因为他在子宫内大便了.而且绕颈. 快生的时候医生就让baby icu的人stand by, 还跟我解释说, 因为这种情况,出生以后不会让他马上哭,要等icu的人清理以后再让他哭.
所以医生把他弄出来以后就让人抱走了. 我等了大概1,2分钟才听到他的哭声. (也可能没那么长啊, 但我觉得很漫长.