以下是引用winniemom在2008-2-29 12:22:00的发言: I checked my company's matching gift program policy, too bad that it specifically listed that "pooled donations" are not eligible for matching gifts. I don't have paypal, can I still join Huaren JMs here for group donation? pooled donation就是指大家凑份子?俺就说是俺自己捐的,公司咋知道哩.
以下是引用winniemom在2008-2-29 12:22:00的发言: I checked my company's matching gift program policy, too bad that it specifically listed that "pooled donations" are not eligible for matching gifts. I don't have paypal, can I still join Huaren JMs here for group donation? i guess you can gather the $$ first and donation in your name.
以下是引用rachmany在2008-2-29 12:28:00的发言: i guess you can gather the $$ first and donation in your name. thats what i suggested dont tell them its a pooled donation thats why i suggest every one who can match just gather a few people's donation
以下是引用rachmany在2008-2-29 12:28:00的发言: i guess you can gather the $$ first and donation in your name. right, you do not need to say it is pooled donation. We can just pay you, and you donate under your name with match from company.
以下是引用oceanblue在2008-2-29 12:30:00的发言: 我这里现在是6个: amychen106,SSLOTUS,kfccfk,lucie2006,newmom,prada 好不? thanks. thanks. let me know how can we pay you first. I can send your check or paypal.
以下是引用oceanblue在2008-2-29 12:26:00的发言: pooled donation就是指大家凑份子?俺就说是俺自己捐的,公司咋知道哩. Oh, I got it. I'm at work right now, will check back tonight after I get home.
以下是引用Nathan2005在2008-2-29 12:32:00的发言: 莲干妈这个公司match是怎么回事呢? 我头一回听说, 能不能给讲讲啊? they match your donation to qualified chartities up to a certain amount. e.g.: our company matches education donation to certain colleges to $$$.
wow, this is the first time I know this program. it looks like great. most companies have or have not this program? 以下是引用prada在2008-2-29 12:34:00的发言: 就是有些公司有program,如果你象charity等机构donate money,公司也match你的数目。你捐50刀,公司再捐50刀。
以下是引用baomeima在2008-2-29 12:37:00的发言: wow, this is the first time I know this program. it looks like great. most companies have or have not this program? it depends. usually middle to large size companies have it.
I went to WXC and read the post. This lady has a very good point. I really wish something can be worked out. Somehow I felt that she will be better off with people outside her family http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=kids&MsgID=1075422 回答: 请转给所有对“乖乖”想出一份力的朋友们 由 小嘟嘟他妈 于 2008-02-28 09:45:12
以下是引用newmom在2008-2-29 12:42:00的发言: I went to WXC and read the post. This lady has a very good point. I really wish something can be work out. Somehow I felt that she will be better off with people outside her family http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=kids&MsgID=1075422 回答: 请转给所有对“乖乖”想出一份力的朋友们 由 小嘟嘟他妈 于 2008-02-28 09:45:12
我希望我们每个人献计献策,为这个不幸的孩子做一个好的安排! this is also my concern ,and also osccf's concern thats why they mentioned to the parents that if they cannot carry the responsiblity, they are able to take her over
以下是引用newmom在2008-2-29 12:42:00的发言: I went to WXC and read the post. This lady has a very good point. I really wish something can be worked out. Somehow I felt that she will be better off with people outside her family http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=kids&MsgID=1075422 回答: 请转给所有对“乖乖”想出一份力的朋友们 由 小嘟嘟他妈 于 2008-02-28 09:45:12
以下是引用newmom在2008-2-29 12:42:00的发言: I went to WXC and read the post. This lady has a very good point. I really wish something can be work out. Somehow I felt that she will be better off with people outside her family http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=kids&MsgID=1075422 回答: 请转给所有对“乖乖”想出一份力的朋友们 由 小嘟嘟他妈 于 2008-02-28 09:45:12
以下是引用lonelysea在2008-2-29 12:46:00的发言: I checked my company's policy, they'll match 50% of the employee's donation of up to $5000/year. 我们先优先能100% match的公司,如果take不了那么多人,50% is better than none thanks!
以下是引用oceanblue在2008-2-29 12:46:00的发言: 我同意,菲菲的爸爸说他爹又精神病史,还把女儿交给他带.爹有精神病,他娘干嘛去了?把菲菲塞进火车**底下的时候,他娘也在旁边的吧.菲菲的妈妈都生了两个了,还不和人家结婚.这家人都很有问题.反正我是不放心把钱放在他们手里,一定要有信得过的组织来管理. 他们父母暂时决定由外公外婆带 由外人的眼光看,确实外公外婆很费心照料,not like father side
以下是引用tweety94555在2008-2-29 12:47:00的发言: 我记得我们公司对捐到美国境内的机构有match,每年xmas time我们有family tree之类的donation,公司都match,境外的一般没有。不知道别的公司怎么样 i checked the occsf and they claimed they had offices here and in China
以下是引用rachmany在2008-2-29 12:49:00的发言: i checked the occsf and they claimed they had offices here and in China yes they do. they have some volunteers in china to monitor how the things are carried out
以下是引用rachmany在2008-2-29 12:51:00的发言: i wish i was rich this time 偶昨天一跟老公说,老公先骂了一通,说查什么神经病,能干出来这样的事情的人当然是神经病 然后就叹气,多希望自己有条件能收养 我老公is seriously thinking about如果有一天我们有条件了,收养个中国闺女,还要年纪大的,因为年纪大的难找到家庭 偶个人心里有点打小鼓,所以我还是ws的
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2008-2-29 12:45:00的发言: this is also my concern ,and also osccf's concern thats why they mentioned to the parents that if they cannot carry the responsiblity, they are able to take her over I almost felt like the court should decide on this. With all the donations, of course the family will say "We'll take care of her". Maybe osccf should find a lawyer and adoption agency.... I wonder what Amy is thinking....or anyone with a good suggestion...
If the parents, especially the father, know their daughter has donation, they might want to keep her daughter, and even take advantage of her. Sorry I am not nice.
以下是引用newmom在2008-2-29 12:53:00的发言: I almost felt like the court should decide on this. With all the donations, of course the family will say "We'll take care of her". Maybe osccf should find a lawyer and adoption agency.... I wonder what Amy is thinking....or anyone with a good suggestion... 实话说,就是不知道中国的法律是怎么样的,如果在美国,可能好办一点
以下是引用baomeima在2008-2-29 12:54:00的发言: If the parents, especially the father, know their daughter has donation, they might want to keep her daughter, and even take advantage of her. Sorry I am not nice. 这就是为什么osccf要憋这么久才拿出方案,就是防止这种事情的发生 (估计以前的案例,不一定是这个组织的,会有很多这样的情况发生)
以下是引用baomeima在2008-2-29 12:54:00的发言: If the parents, especially the father, know their daughter has donation, they might want to keep her daughter, and even take advantage of her. Sorry I am not nice. 是啊,所以咱们在找组织做这件事,可以监督钱是怎么花的.我觉得很难得的是osccf居然没有管理费用,都是义工.
以下是引用baomeima在2008-2-29 12:54:00的发言: If the parents, especially the father, know their daughter has donation, they might want to keep her daughter, and even take advantage of her. Sorry I am not nice. 不萎缩, 这种家庭肯定能干出这种事 这要在美国, 肯定就给带走让社工养了, 还轮到他们?
以下是引用shuixiu1在2008-2-29 12:55:00的发言: 谢谢莲妈!等公司可以match的jm把paypal帐号发出来! 说句找砸的话,还不如把乖乖送到孤儿院,起码生活和医疗什么的有保证,有孤儿院出面联系,可以保证长期的稳定治疗,或许还可以得到美国这边医疗机构的帮助。如果继续让她的爸妈带,真是没法保证孩子会怎样。现在大家都关心,他们拿到了钱,但是以后这钱真是难说会用到哪里去呢!看这样他们肯定是还想再要孩子,到时候还会有精力管乖乖吗? 虽然都说母爱是最伟大的,可是这家人的情况,真是难说啊。我都怀疑这个爷爷准备带走孙女的时候,是不是都想好了把乖乖怎样?后来下手的时候犹豫了,就成这样了? we all feel the same way we can just hope the osccf would have a good monitoring system and if something happens, chinese court could interfere......we can always hope
I don't know why but this girl really striked me hard. As I'm typing my tears are running down. If only I'm slightly better off I will adopt her. I wonder whether we should make this public to the outside Chinese community.....
以下是引用rachmany在2008-2-29 12:57:00的发言: 不见得是犹豫,可能是没估计好位置。。。 这家人怎么把他们往坏里想都不过分的 i was saying a very ws thing: i told lg: i want to say to that old guy, if you are going to do it, do it right sob
以下是引用newmom在2008-2-29 12:56:00的发言: I don't know why but this girl really striked me hard. As I'm typing my tears are running down. If only I'm slightly better off I will adopt her. I wonder whether we should make this public to the outside Chinese community..... I feel exacly the same!!! I was thinking about adoption whole day yesterday. For a family like that, adoption maybe a better way for guai guai. I'll go ask hr about whether they can match donation.
以下是引用SSLOTUS在2008-2-28 17:16:00的发言: 另外,我个人认为,绝对是个人,因为暂时华人还没有这个事情的组织,那么如果您因为看到我的帖子来捐款的时候,捐的时候注明是华人论坛,显示我们作为华人论坛的集体力量(惭愧,俺实事还没干,就想着荣誉,砸就砸吧。。。)不过华人宣传大了,广告就能做的多,广告做的多了,服务器就有钱支持,服务器好了,各项功能都会随之增强,最后还是我们自己受益,谢谢! please pay attention: when one person who can get company match donate to osccf, you could list out all the names and addresses in your donation, when you sumit it to osccf osccf is able to write receipt to every single person who donates of course, to the company this donation is under your name, and osccf has no problem in handling the match prgrom from all the companies. thank you! this is exactly what i want to dicuss with cnchildren. I will call how.
以下是引用rachmany在2008-2-29 12:55:00的发言: 要不给钞票大门他家的基金会写个信, 看看他们能不能出钱把孩子接到美国接受治疗, 然后找个好人家收养? Nod, is lianma working on one of the BG project? I was crying yesterday afternoon to LeMa, I wish I could adopt her, but her parents probably won't let her go, heart broken. will check with our HR about matching.
以下是引用delancey在2008-2-29 13:02:00的发言: Nod, is lianma working on one of the BG project? I was crying yesterday afternoon to LeMa, I wish I could adopt her, but her parents probably won't let her go, heart broken. will check with our HR about matching. 我刚才说了,我那个project是管美国的,还不是这样的case,属于公共教育那种的
以下是引用shuixiu1在2008-2-29 13:05:00的发言: 如果要想把所有的钱都真正用在小姑娘身上,而不是她的爸妈,甚至还有以后的弟弟妹妹啥的,最好的办法就是把小姑娘送到孤儿院。可能我有些偏激,可是就打个最简单的比方,给小姑娘买的营养品,怎么能保证不是她的妹妹吃了?万一真的以后再有个弟弟,看这家人的做法,肯定会把好东西都给弟弟了 MM, I'm totally with you!
以下是引用amychen106在2008-2-29 13:20:00的发言: i just called cnchildren. they said they can add one special "huaren" list in the donation list. Amy, I'm not familiar with this organization, but can it arrange adoption?
以下是引用prada在2008-2-29 12:48:00的发言: 别砸我, 我其实是真心希望这孩子能被美国的家庭adopted,主要是因为我觉得在美国,象她这种残疾的 1)受到的歧视小 2)生活方便,以后可以基本上自理自立 而在中国,我不知道她可不可以达到这些基本要求。 I agree. How can we make this happen??????
以下是引用newmom在2008-2-29 13:24:00的发言: Amy, I'm not familiar with this organization, but can it arrange adoption? sorry, I can not input chinese now. like this donation list for "雪灾救援" "http://www.osccf.org/donation_list.aspx?dt=0&cat=0&id=74&lan=cn they agree to add one special list name"huaren" under separate "救援" lists. like
以下是引用newmom在2008-2-29 13:24:00的发言: Amy, I'm not familiar with this organization, but can it arrange adoption? the most difficult part is the poor girl's family. but children already told them, if they don't want to take care the little girl anymore, the organization will accept guaiguai,sending her to jiyangdian or adoption fanily. [此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 13:33:46编辑过]
以下是引用amychen106在2008-2-29 13:33:00的发言: the most difficult part is the poor girl's family. but children already told them, if they don't want to take care the little girl anymore, the organization will accept guaiguai,sending her to jiyangdian or adoption fanily. Sigh..... Thanks amy. They will not say no. Guaiguai is their money tree now....
以下是引用oceanblue在2008-2-29 14:01:00的发言: 公司match,我可以凑份子.我这里现在是7个,还有3个名额: amychen106,SSLOTUS,kfccfk,lucie2006,newmom,prada,Jolin 在我这里的姐妹们先别着急,咱先等osccf对这事的program定下来,咱统一发短信通知.osccf可以单独给各位发receipt,仍然可以退税. ME ME ME
以下是引用waer在2008-2-29 13:59:00的发言: what is this 配对 ah? i wanto 配对 我刚看明白点,找个可以捐款配对的公司,比如个人捐10元,公司也出10元,那么我们想给乖乖多弄点钱的话,就私下里凑份子,假如10个人一起凑了100元,那么配对的公司再出100元,通过指定的慈善组织交给乖乖用就是200元啦。 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 14:05:16编辑过]
以下是引用Jolin在2008-2-29 14:03:00的发言: 我看刚明白点,找个可以捐款配对的公司,比如个人捐10元,公司也出10元,那么我们想给乖乖多弄点钱的话,就私下里凑份子,假如10个人一起凑了100元,那么配对的公司再出100元,通过指定的慈善组织交给乖乖用就是200元啦。 got it, it stands for the Match, should not be 配对 ba, i got confused
I checked my company's matching gift program policy, too bad that it specifically listed that "pooled donations" are not eligible for matching gifts.
俺LG公司可以match。俺们给ocef捐过成功1比1 match了。如果跟那个差不多。俺可以弄这个。 多谢了,具体的match方法amy说她会说的,我估计是差不多的,确认了以后告诉俺们你能take几个人,谢谢!
I checked my company's matching gift program policy, too bad that it specifically listed that "pooled donations" are not eligible for matching gifts.
i guess you can gather the $$ first and donation in your name.
i guess you can gather the $$ first and donation in your name.
多谢了,具体的match方法amy说她会说的,我估计是差不多的,确认了以后告诉俺们你能take几个人,谢谢! 俺去让LG confirm一下. 回来来向组织汇报。
我这里现在是6个: amychen106,SSLOTUS,kfccfk,lucie2006,newmom,prada 好不? thanks. thanks. let me know how can we pay you first. I can send your check or paypal.
pooled donation就是指大家凑份子?俺就说是俺自己捐的,公司咋知道哩. Oh, I got it.
俺去让LG confirm一下. 回来来向组织汇报。 如果可以了,捎上我吧。
多谢了,具体的match方法amy说她会说的,我估计是差不多的,确认了以后告诉俺们你能take几个人,谢谢! 莲干妈这个公司match是怎么回事呢? 我头一回听说, 能不能给讲讲啊?
莲干妈这个公司match是怎么回事呢? 我头一回听说, 能不能给讲讲啊? 要看各公司自己的政策.就是你捐多少,公司捐同样的数目.去问一下HR,你们公司是否给捐款match.
莲干妈这个公司match是怎么回事呢? 我头一回听说, 能不能给讲讲啊? 就是有些公司有program,如果你象charity等机构donate money,公司也match你的数目。你捐50刀,公司再捐50刀。
如果可以了,捎上我吧。 没问题。估计可以。好像美国这边register得non-profit都可以
莲干妈这个公司match是怎么回事呢? 我头一回听说, 能不能给讲讲啊? they match your donation to qualified chartities up to a certain amount. e.g.: our company matches education donation to certain colleges to $$$.
以下是引用prada在2008-2-29 12:34:00的发言:
就是有些公司有program,如果你象charity等机构donate money,公司也match你的数目。你捐50刀,公司再捐50刀。
wow, this is the first time I know this program. it looks like great. most companies have or have not this program?
it depends. usually middle to large size companies have it.
回答: 请转给所有对“乖乖”想出一份力的朋友们 由 小嘟嘟他妈 于 2008-02-28 09:45:12
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 12:44:33编辑过]
I went to WXC and read the post. This lady has a very good point. I really wish something can be work out. Somehow I felt that she will be better off with people outside her family
回答: 请转给所有对“乖乖”想出一份力的朋友们 由 小嘟嘟他妈 于 2008-02-28 09:45:12
我希望我们每个人献计献策,为这个不幸的孩子做一个好的安排! this is also my concern ,and also osccf's concern thats why they mentioned to the parents that if they cannot carry the responsiblity, they are able to take her over
I went to WXC and read the post. This lady has a very good point. I really wish something can be worked out. Somehow I felt that she will be better off with people outside her family
回答: 请转给所有对“乖乖”想出一份力的朋友们 由 小嘟嘟他妈 于 2008-02-28 09:45:12
she's better off be adopted by someone else, not stay in this horrible family!
我同意,菲菲的爸爸说他爹又精神病史,还把女儿交给他带.爹有精神病,他娘干嘛去了?把菲菲塞进火车**底下的时候,他娘也在旁边的吧.菲菲的妈妈都生了两个了,还不和人家结婚.这家人都很有问题.反正我是不放心把钱放在他们手里,一定要有信得过的组织来管理. 爸爸一家都是禽兽
I went to WXC and read the post. This lady has a very good point. I really wish something can be work out. Somehow I felt that she will be better off with people outside her family
回答: 请转给所有对“乖乖”想出一份力的朋友们 由 小嘟嘟他妈 于 2008-02-28 09:45:12
我希望我们每个人献计献策,为这个不幸的孩子做一个好的安排! 别砸我, 我其实是真心希望这孩子能被美国的家庭adopted,主要是因为我觉得在美国,象她这种残疾的 1)受到的歧视小 2)生活方便,以后可以基本上自理自立 而在中国,我不知道她可不可以达到这些基本要求。
I checked my company's policy, they'll match 50% of the employee's donation of up to $5000/year. 我们先优先能100% match的公司,如果take不了那么多人,50% is better than none thanks!
我同意,菲菲的爸爸说他爹又精神病史,还把女儿交给他带.爹有精神病,他娘干嘛去了?把菲菲塞进火车**底下的时候,他娘也在旁边的吧.菲菲的妈妈都生了两个了,还不和人家结婚.这家人都很有问题.反正我是不放心把钱放在他们手里,一定要有信得过的组织来管理. 他们父母暂时决定由外公外婆带 由外人的眼光看,确实外公外婆很费心照料,not like father side
我记得我们公司对捐到美国境内的机构有match,每年xmas time我们有family tree之类的donation,公司都match,境外的一般没有。不知道别的公司怎么样 i checked the occsf and they claimed they had offices here and in China
同学们,要感谢你们千万别感谢我,请感谢偶家莲莲, 今天醒来后我活生生逼她睡了个回笼觉,我才有时间讲电话打字
我记得我们公司对捐到美国境内的机构有match,每年xmas time我们有family tree之类的donation,公司都match,境外的一般没有。不知道别的公司怎么样 osccf是境内的.在Conneticut州注册的非营利组织.
别砸我, 我其实是真心希望这孩子能被美国的家庭adopted,主要是因为我觉得在美国,象她这种残疾的 1)受到的歧视小 2)生活方便,以后可以基本上自理自立 而在中国,我不知道她可不可以达到这些基本要求。 我私人也这么想的,但是毕竟是孩子的父母,怎么说呢,中国的social work 系统不一样吧 可惜即便是,我也是没有条件收养的,我还是软弱的
别砸我, 我其实是真心希望这孩子能被美国的家庭adopted,主要是因为我觉得在美国,象她这种残疾的 1)受到的歧视小 2)生活方便,以后可以基本上自理自立 而在中国,我不知道她可不可以达到这些基本要求。 不砸..........i feel exactly the same way.
i checked the occsf and they claimed they had offices here and in China
我私人也这么想的,但是毕竟是孩子的父母,怎么说呢,中国的social work 系统不一样吧 可惜即便是,我也是没有条件收养的,我还是软弱的
同学们,要感谢你们千万别感谢我,请感谢偶家莲莲, 今天醒来后我活生生逼她睡了个回笼觉,我才有时间讲电话打字
this is also my concern ,and also osccf's concern thats why they mentioned to the parents that if they cannot carry the responsiblity, they are able to take her over I almost felt like the court should decide on this. With all the donations, of course the family will say "We'll take care of her". Maybe osccf should find a lawyer and adoption agency.... I wonder what Amy is thinking....or anyone with a good suggestion...
I almost felt like the court should decide on this. With all the donations, of course the family will say "We'll take care of her". Maybe osccf should find a lawyer and adoption agency.... I wonder what Amy is thinking....or anyone with a good suggestion... 实话说,就是不知道中国的法律是怎么样的,如果在美国,可能好办一点
If the parents, especially the father, know their daughter has donation, they might want to keep her daughter, and even take advantage of her. Sorry I am not nice.
这就是为什么osccf要憋这么久才拿出方案,就是防止这种事情的发生 (估计以前的案例,不一定是这个组织的,会有很多这样的情况发生)
偶昨天一跟老公说,老公先骂了一通,说查什么神经病,能干出来这样的事情的人当然是神经病 然后就叹气,多希望自己有条件能收养
If the parents, especially the father, know their daughter has donation, they might want to keep her daughter, and even take advantage of her. Sorry I am not nice.
If the parents, especially the father, know their daughter has donation, they might want to keep her daughter, and even take advantage of her. Sorry I am not nice.
不萎缩, 这种家庭肯定能干出这种事
这要在美国, 肯定就给带走让社工养了, 还轮到他们?
谢谢莲妈!等公司可以match的jm把paypal帐号发出来! 说句找砸的话,还不如把乖乖送到孤儿院,起码生活和医疗什么的有保证,有孤儿院出面联系,可以保证长期的稳定治疗,或许还可以得到美国这边医疗机构的帮助。如果继续让她的爸妈带,真是没法保证孩子会怎样。现在大家都关心,他们拿到了钱,但是以后这钱真是难说会用到哪里去呢!看这样他们肯定是还想再要孩子,到时候还会有精力管乖乖吗? 虽然都说母爱是最伟大的,可是这家人的情况,真是难说啊。我都怀疑这个爷爷准备带走孙女的时候,是不是都想好了把乖乖怎样?后来下手的时候犹豫了,就成这样了? we all feel the same way we can just hope the osccf would have a good monitoring system and if something happens, chinese court could interfere......we can always hope
不萎缩, 这种家庭肯定能干出这种事
这要在美国, 肯定就给带走让社工养了, 还轮到他们? 对。
虽然都说母爱是最伟大的,可是这家人的情况,真是难说啊。我都怀疑这个爷爷准备带走孙女的时候,是不是都想好了把乖乖怎样?后来下手的时候犹豫了,就成这样了? 不见得是犹豫,可能是没估计好位置。。。
是啊,所以咱们在找组织做这件事,可以监督钱是怎么花的.我觉得很难得的是osccf居然没有管理费用,都是义工. 国内现在也是这样的说法,说不能把钱直接给他们,而是直接付孩子的费用 国内的动作也挺大的。总比个人把钱送到她爸手上要让人放心点
国内现在也是这样的说法,说不能把钱直接给他们,而是直接付孩子的费用 国内的动作也挺大的。总比个人把钱送到她爸手上要让人放心点 make sure they don't get even 1 cent
I don't know why but this girl really striked me hard. As I'm typing my tears are running down. If only I'm slightly better off I will adopt her.
另外,我个人认为,绝对是个人,因为暂时华人还没有这个事情的组织,那么如果您因为看到我的帖子来捐款的时候,捐的时候注明是华人论坛,显示我们作为华人论坛的集体力量(惭愧,俺实事还没干,就想着荣誉,砸就砸吧。。。)不过华人宣传大了,广告就能做的多,广告做的多了,服务器就有钱支持,服务器好了,各项功能都会随之增强,最后还是我们自己受益,谢谢! please pay attention: when one person who can get company match donate to osccf, you could list out all the names and addresses in your donation, when you sumit it to osccf osccf is able to write receipt to every single person who donates of course, to the company this donation is under your name, and osccf has no problem in handling the match prgrom from all the companies. thank you!
this is exactly what i want to dicuss with cnchildren. I will call how.
要不给钞票大门他家的基金会写个信, 看看他们能不能出钱把孩子接到美国接受治疗, 然后找个好人家收养? 偶只有他们一个基金会的材料,不管这个的
国内现在也是这样的说法,说不能把钱直接给他们,而是直接付孩子的费用 国内的动作也挺大的。总比个人把钱送到她爸手上要让人放心点 钱是绝对不能送到他家去的。我觉得那个负担她家在大城市的费用的建议也不是很好,我不想养她父母。 所以这个是要好好讨论讨论。
要不给钞票大门他家的基金会写个信, 看看他们能不能出钱把孩子接到美国接受治疗, 然后找个好人家收养? Nod, is lianma working on one of the BG project? I was crying yesterday afternoon to LeMa, I wish I could adopt her, but her parents probably won't let her go, heart broken. will check with our HR about matching.
钱是绝对不能送到他家去的。我觉得那个负担她家在大城市的费用的建议也不是很好,我不想养她父母。 所以这个是要好好讨论讨论。 他们初步的想法是,付住宿的费用,(只是外公外婆和孩子),以及孩子的费用 听说外公比孩子的爸爸还伤心呢,而且目前看起来外公外婆很大决心要照顾孩子 至于具体的方案,我们还要等等他们看,你们也可以在他们的link出来以后直接跟他们联系,说你们的想法
Nod, is lianma working on one of the BG project? I was crying yesterday afternoon to LeMa, I wish I could adopt her, but her parents probably won't let her go, heart broken. will check with our HR about matching. 我刚才说了,我那个project是管美国的,还不是这样的case,属于公共教育那种的
钱是绝对不能送到他家去的。我觉得那个负担她家在大城市的费用的建议也不是很好,我不想养她父母。 所以这个是要好好讨论讨论。 如果要想把所有的钱都真正用在小姑娘身上,而不是她的爸妈,甚至还有以后的弟弟妹妹啥的,最好的办法就是把小姑娘送到孤儿院。可能我有些偏激,可是就打个最简单的比方,给小姑娘买的营养品,怎么能保证不是她的妹妹吃了?万一真的以后再有个弟弟,看这家人的做法,肯定会把好东西都给弟弟了
如果要想把所有的钱都真正用在小姑娘身上,而不是她的爸妈,甚至还有以后的弟弟妹妹啥的,最好的办法就是把小姑娘送到孤儿院。可能我有些偏激,可是就打个最简单的比方,给小姑娘买的营养品,怎么能保证不是她的妹妹吃了?万一真的以后再有个弟弟,看这家人的做法,肯定会把好东西都给弟弟了 MM, I'm totally with you!
钱是绝对不能送到他家去的。我觉得那个负担她家在大城市的费用的建议也不是很好,我不想养她父母。 所以这个是要好好讨论讨论。 是的。捐款要用到孩子身上才好,对乖乖一家大人都信不过。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 13:11:58编辑过]
以下是引用shuixiu1在2008-2-29 13:05:00的发言:
i just called cnchildren. they said they can add one special "huaren" list in the donation list. Amy, I'm not familiar with this organization, but can it arrange adoption?
别砸我, 我其实是真心希望这孩子能被美国的家庭adopted,主要是因为我觉得在美国,象她这种残疾的 1)受到的歧视小 2)生活方便,以后可以基本上自理自立 而在中国,我不知道她可不可以达到这些基本要求。 I agree. How can we make this happen??????
Amy, I'm not familiar with this organization, but can it arrange adoption? sorry, I can not input chinese now. like this donation list for "雪灾救援" "http://www.osccf.org/donation_list.aspx?dt=0&cat=0&id=74&lan=cn they agree to add one special list name"huaren" under separate "救援" lists. like
Amy, I'm not familiar with this organization, but can it arrange adoption? the most difficult part is the poor girl's family. but children already told them, if they don't want to take care the little girl anymore, the organization will accept guaiguai,sending her to jiyangdian or adoption fanily.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 13:33:46编辑过]
我这里现在是6个: amychen106,SSLOTUS,kfccfk,lucie2006,newmom,prada 好不? 谢谢!短信跟你联系
2/21/2008**(Minus $1.47 Paypal fee)$30.002/20/2008*** (New York, NY)$12.002/19/2008*** (Norgolk, Virginia)$30.002/19/2008*** (Raleigh, NC)$40.002/16/2008***(Thousand Oaks, CA)$10.002/15/2008huaren$350.002/15/2008 lianma's real name$***2/15/2008 amy's real name$***
the most difficult part is the poor girl's family. but children already told them, if they don't want to take care the little girl anymore, the organization will accept guaiguai,sending her to jiyangdian or adoption fanily.
Sigh..... Thanks amy. They will not say no. Guaiguai is their money tree now....
爬完楼,可以配对,那太好了。 oceanblue还可以加人吗? 可以可以,加你啦
可以可以,加你啦 咋给你钱?寄支票还是paypal?
爬完楼,可以配对,那太好了。 oceanblue还可以加人吗? what is this 配对 ah? i wanto 配对
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 13:59:23编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 14:04:22编辑过]
公司match,我可以凑份子.我这里现在是7个,还有3个名额: amychen106,SSLOTUS,kfccfk,lucie2006,newmom,prada,Jolin 在我这里的姐妹们先别着急,咱先等osccf对这事的program定下来,咱统一发短信通知.osccf可以单独给各位发receipt,仍然可以退税. ME ME ME
公司match,我可以凑份子.我这里现在是7个,还有3个名额: amychen106,SSLOTUS,kfccfk,lucie2006,newmom,prada,Jolin 在我这里的姐妹们先别着急,咱先等osccf对这事的program定下来,咱统一发短信通知.osccf可以单独给各位发receipt,仍然可以退税. 好。你们公司有limit吗?
what is this 配对 ah? i wanto 配对
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-29 14:05:16编辑过]
公司match,我可以凑份子.我这里现在是7个,还有3个名额: amychen106,SSLOTUS,kfccfk,lucie2006,newmom,prada,Jolin 在我这里的姐妹们先别着急,咱先等osccf对这事的program定下来,咱统一发短信通知.osccf可以单独给各位发receipt,仍然可以退税. 辛苦blue啦,烦你通知我啦,我怕自己稀里糊涂的忘了
我看刚明白点,找个可以捐款配对的公司,比如个人捐10元,公司也出10元,那么我们想给乖乖多弄点钱的话,就私下里凑份子,假如10个人一起凑了100元,那么配对的公司再出100元,通过指定的慈善组织交给乖乖用就是200元啦。 got it, it stands for the Match, should not be 配对 ba, i got confused
got it, it stands for the Match, should not be 配对 ba, i got confused
好。你们公司有limit吗? 刚查了一下,有limit.不过应该没问题,好几千呢.实在不行还可以用其他中国同事的名义.
公司match,我可以凑份子.我这里现在是8个,还有2个名额: amychen106,SSLOTUS,kfccfk,lucie2006,newmom,prada,Jolin,waer 在我这里的姐妹们先别着急,咱先等osccf对这事的program定下来,咱统一发短信通知.osccf可以单独给各位发receipt,仍然可以退税. 再说一下,捐多捐少无所谓,心意最重要.再说咱不是还有公司match的嘛,相当于double了.
count me in please. 我最近很忙,没时间跟着,麻烦事情有眉目以后给我短信。谢谢。
我记得我们公司对捐到美国境内的机构有match,每年xmas time我们有family tree之类的donation,公司都match,境外的一般没有。不知道别的公司怎么样 我们公司好像也是这样。。。
got it, it stands for the Match, should not be 配对 ba, i got confused