以下是引用littlefisher在2008-3-12 10:39:00的发言: my bosses are all no-makeup old womenthese are my mj grass: 紫的秘密14东京之夜sv821秀发br710金姜br665狐狸br784引诱16 all in the same area on the color wheel, sigh
以下是引用臭臭张在2008-3-12 11:44:00的发言: 这个紫色带点红,好像跟我一块MAC类似,那个颜色我总是用不好,下次跟你一样的试试。 MJ,MJ,我看不见的飘。 Acutally, this purple color does not have red in it. The result of the pic is due to the light and camera.
以下是引用Chic在2008-3-12 14:20:00的发言: 好看。这个紫色是比较matt的对吗? 你的妆都非常清淡,让人心旷神怡啊。 我平时画得太浓了。。 This purple is not matte, with very subtle shining, still very low key, good for professional working environment
以下是引用skylight在2008-3-14 10:38:00的发言: 对了,littlefisher MM, 我的双眼皮和你的好像,都有好几条纹, KAKA ... 所以你的秀对我来说实在是太有用了! hehe, the eye you saw is larger, outer double lid with several line, my another eye is smaller, inner double lid
以下是引用冰雪渔妇在2008-3-19 17:59:00的发言: May I ask you an unrelated question? Do you still purchase 花草茶 and floral water from MRH? How is the quality? Thank you very much! 我最近没从MRH买花草茶了,不过就以前的购买经验来说,他家的品质还不错
我开会回来了,不过这一周没拍啥眼妆带回来秀,因为酒店找不到很好的自然光源,在卫生间的灯光下拍的几乎没法看,我就彻底放弃了。本来今天早上想继续每天眼妆秀来着,结果老板要我们8点去开会,我起来以后上个粉底就灰头土脸的去上班了。下午回来的早,看外面光线还不错,就拍了一个化妆的step by step,基本上就是我每天早上的化妆程序,也算是我发的为数不多的有营养的帖子了。因为我不爱码字,情愿拍几张照片发上来让大家凑合看,今天难得我有耐心一回,大家别着急,容许我慢慢填坑,先把照片处理完毕。 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-21 18:04:49编辑过]
It seems you have a lot of mj .... 我的最少了,比流苏还少。。。不过我收的几个颜色都蛮经典的,嘻嘻
我的最少了,比流苏还少。。。不过我收的几个颜色都蛮经典的,嘻嘻 I ordered 3 Kanebo pallete last week
my bosses are all no-makeup old women these are my mj grass: 紫的秘密14东京之夜sv821秀发br710金姜br665狐狸br784引诱16
all in the same area on the color wheel, sigh
will ask friend to buy them for me this summer
这个紫色带点红,好像跟我一块MAC类似,那个颜色我总是用不好,下次跟你一样的试试。 MJ,MJ,我看不见的飘。 Acutally, this purple color does not have red in it. The result of the pic is due to the light and camera.
瓦亚。。。鱼的眼睛用嫩色亮色好美~~~ 显得明媚的不行。。。 皮埃斯,鱼的眉毛是眉笔还是眉粉画的亚? I am using 眉粉 from Benefit, very good to use
these are my mj grass: 紫的秘密14东京之夜sv821秀发br710金姜br665狐狸br784引诱16
all in the same area on the color wheel, sigh
will ask friend to buy them for me this summer
Ask your friend to buy for you ASAP, since some of those colors are discontinued
好看。这个紫色是比较matt的对吗? 你的妆都非常清淡,让人心旷神怡啊。 我平时画得太浓了。。 This purple is not matte, with very subtle shining, still very low key, good for professional working environment
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-13 9:07:20编辑过]
板凳,果然每天用新mj色 This week is MJ week, xixi, tomorrow is the last day
what is the name for those mj new single color?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-13 11:51:05编辑过]
I have WT920白蔷薇、BR223金矿、BK922黑蜥蜴 , 3 of 4
I have WT920白蔷薇、BR223金矿、BK922黑蜥蜴 , 3 of 4
俺也这么说,结果被说bu4xue2hao3~~~~ kick......
long long time ago, after those new colors were just released
鱼在哪里买的啊。 新颜色好看。 我特别喜欢深色shadow www.adambeauty.com www.jpmon.com www.hijapan.com.tw
这个暗暗的墨绿色很闷骚啊。好看 The pic of your tou2 xiang4 is also very 闷骚
真好看 小鱼是用什么相机,拍出来很清晰又立体,颜色还很真 Very cheap idiot DC, Nikon Coolpix 5600, around $150
The pic of your tou2 xiang4 is also very 闷骚 害羞害羞。
害羞害羞。 I am almost his fan now, a tiny pumkin......
I am almost his fan now, a tiny pumkin...... 撒花欢迎新滴小南瓜。
I am almost his fan now, a tiny pumkin...... 难道我是全粉版唯一一个没看过突击的?
难道我是全粉版唯一一个没看过突击的? 我看过几集,没有hc上谁。。
难道我是全粉版唯一一个没看过突击的? xixi, maybe ~~~~ BTW: you didn't show up for a long time ~~~~
xixi, maybe ~~~~ BTW: you didn't show up for a long time ~~~~ 忙啊。。。不过从明天开始,我又可以抢沙发了
我看过几集,没有hc上谁。。 That is because you don't watch the whole series.....
忙啊。。。不过从明天开始,我又可以抢沙发了 kisssssssssssssssssss
That is because you don't watch the whole series..... 很有可能。。。不过看你们这么疯狂,我还不敢看了
很有可能。。。不过看你们这么疯狂,我还不敢看了 watch ba watch ba, then we can have more same topic
很有可能。。。不过看你们这么疯狂,我还不敢看了 我也是,怕管不住自己,看起来收不住
我也是,怕管不住自己,看起来收不住 看吧看吧,我这里有DVD你要不。。。
介锅帖子真的要水了咩?要咩?不要咩?要咩?不要咩? 你太猪了
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-14 8:38:08编辑过]
又来晚了,不过总算在同一页。。。 这个流星+艾草的搭配真清爽~~ 不过要皮肤白才行。。。我也试过这样画,根本看不出来颜色。。。 use udpp, which will make the color vivid
同哭 。。。
littlefisher MM, 啥是 udpp?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-14 10:21:35编辑过]
同哭 。。。
littlefisher MM, 啥是 udpp?
urban decay, prime potion
urban decay, prime potion 又学一手! 谢谢谢谢! 下周回来后一定要接着秀啊!
对了,littlefisher MM, 我的双眼皮和你的好像,都有好几条纹, KAKA ... 所以你的秀对我来说实在是太有用了! hehe, the eye you saw is larger, outer double lid with several line, my another eye is smaller, inner double lid
我想要艾草! go for buying
一到周五大家就喜欢用蓝绿色的,到周末的心情真好 555555555555555, I will take flight tomorrow noon, and 1 day short course from 8 to 5 on Sunday
Did you take any pics this morning?
Did you take any pics this morning? 没有,都起晚了还拍啥。。。
did you go to tj to buy too faced pallete? 7.99 each
did you go to tj to buy too faced pallete? 7.99 each 我看见了没买,我们这儿一排排的,我咋看着特别的土呢。 还是因为我用了两个太脸的大盘子,真是巨大的盘子。
我看见了没买,我们这儿一排排的,我咋看着特别的土呢。 还是因为我用了两个太脸的大盘子,真是巨大的盘子。 The eyeshadow color is not bad
艾草艾草,这个颜色我一定要买,晕,我好像很多颜色想买,再晕。 which else would you definitely buy ?
did you go to tj to buy too faced pallete? 7.99 each 米有什么兴趣。。。
看上艾草的不要打我,我刚才发现这一块我也有。。至此我弄明白了我5块MJ是: 东京之夜,秀发,生姜,艾草,紫的秘密 抢。。。
刷完了牙,突然想起来查查那块绿色是啥。。。 然后就兴奋地来报告 这就去睡了。。晚安 还有,不许抢
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-15 0:42:49编辑过]
刷完了牙,突然想起来查查那块绿色是啥。。。 然后就兴奋地来报告 这就去睡了。。晚安 还有,不许抢
看上艾草的不要打我,我刚才发现这一块我也有。。至此我弄明白了我5块MJ是: 东京之夜,秀发,生姜,艾草,紫的秘密 你有的颜色都是很好看的经典颜色
鱼,msn 你那刷子嗲时候拨我啊 等我下周四开会回来就给你寄
眼睛真美,对鱼美人用什么眼霜有强烈的兴趣!!! 我用很普通的眼霜,保湿而已,早上neostrata的pha4的眼霜,晚上用欧舒丹的那个eye serum
May I ask you an unrelated question? Do you still purchase 花草茶 and floral water from MRH? How is the quality? Thank you very much! 我最近没从MRH买花草茶了,不过就以前的购买经验来说,他家的品质还不错
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-21 18:23:20编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-21 18:31:23编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-21 18:04:49编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-21 18:35:14编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-21 18:39:02编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-21 18:05:26编辑过]