bless jinlan's whole family! i got to go now :) ----------------------------------------------- Thanks, jinlan brother and mom! Actually Haoran began to cough yesterday. A lot of mucus. I started to give him medicine last night.
以下是引用松小鼠在2008-3-27 13:34:00的发言: 嘻嘻,fanfan is really sweet啊,这好象是我跟我妹最大的不同了呵呵 偷偷溜走最最不可取!——最不尊重宝宝,最没有长远效益的做法。in stead,我会亲几下,说byebye。 还记得未名上的一个帖子,是一个爸爸一个人带宝宝的几天日记,里面提到一点,说他每次离开都跟宝宝说好什么时候回来,比方3分钟,1个小时,或者下午,每次都不食言。所以他宝宝很confident and trust his dad。当然这需要千万次的重复。 还有,我妹,只是给你说——你自己先稳定自己的心绪,你离开,不是不理宝宝,不是愧对宝宝,没有亏欠宝宝——你要开开心心的离开,高高兴兴的回来!fanfan is very smart that he will sense it. 松鼠jj说的真好!我好好学习了! 还有我要叫你松鼠jj而不是葱头妈妈~~
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-27 13:46:00的发言: bless jinlan's whole family! i got to go now :) ----------------------------------------------- Thanks, jinlan brother and mom! Actually Haoran began to cough yesterday. A lot of mucus. I started to give him medicine last night. 不好意思, 我信息不灵通, 浩然生病了我都不知道! 抱抱浩然早点好起来!!!
不好意思, 我信息不灵通, 浩然生病了我都不知道! 抱抱浩然早点好起来!!! --------------------------------------------------------- it's ok , fanfan ma. He started severe cough yesterday. I hope he'll be better after taking a whole day's medicine. I feel very bad for giving him medicine at this young
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-27 13:46:00的发言: bless jinlan's whole family! i got to go now :) ----------------------------------------------- Thanks, jinlan brother and mom! Actually Haoran began to cough yesterday. A lot of mucus. I started to give him medicine last night. 抱抱抱抱,双宝妈辛苦了!希望全家快快的好起来~
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-27 13:54:00的发言: 不好意思, 我信息不灵通, 浩然生病了我都不知道! 抱抱浩然早点好起来!!! --------------------------------------------------------- it's ok , fanfan ma. He started severe cough yesterday. I hope he'll be better after taking a whole day's medicine. I feel very bad for giving him medicine at this young 当妈妈不容易啊, 何况你还有两孩子需要你的照顾。 宝宝生病是完全正常的, 身体得到了锻炼还更强壮了呢。 医生说一定要吃药吗? 不是说感冒药其实不能治疗感冒吗? 只要控制发烧就好了。
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear. But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him. Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear. But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him. Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon 巴勒斯是! bless!!
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear. But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him. Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon bless 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 times!!!
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear. But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him. Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear. But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him. Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon 小贝前两周也咳嗽后来有痰。我也是。我妈怎么说有痰了就是快好了啊?我记得以前国内医生也是这么说的。他咳得很厉害时,我们去看了医生,说肺和嗓子都没有事,所以不要吃任何药。现在已经好多了。 你也要小心,不要被传染上。
小贝前两周也咳嗽后来有痰。我也是。我妈怎么说有痰了就是快好了啊?我记得以前国内医生也是这么说的。他咳得很厉害时,我们去看了医生,说肺和嗓子都没有事,所以不要吃任何药。现在已经好多了。 你也要小心,不要被传染上。 ----------------------------------------- Thanks xiaobei ma. I guess if the mucus is not that much, it's ok. But if there's a lot of them, we should pay attention. I didn't give him medicine last time. But this time, even when he breathes, I heard the sound from the mucus. The medicine is for chest congestion and nasal congestion. It helps to resolve the mucus so that the young babies can cough out the mucus and then swallow it since they don't know how to spit out. Haoran's dad is coughing too. I'm on the edge le
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-27 15:07:00的发言: 小贝前两周也咳嗽后来有痰。我也是。我妈怎么说有痰了就是快好了啊?我记得以前国内医生也是这么说的。他咳得很厉害时,我们去看了医生,说肺和嗓子都没有事,所以不要吃任何药。现在已经好多了。 你也要小心,不要被传染上。 ----------------------------------------- Thanks xiaobei ma. I guess if the mucus is not that much, it's ok. But if there's a lot of them, we should pay attention. I didn't give him medicine last time. But this time, even when he breathes, I heard the sound from the mucus. The medicine is for chest congestion and nasal congestion. It helps to resolve the mucus so that the young babies can cough out the mucus and then swallow it since they don't know how to spit out. Haoran's dad is coughing too. I'm on the edge le 生病太难受了,而且这次我吃了泰诺根本不管用,我妈也被传染了,她是咳嗽第一天就吃了国内带来的力克舒,然后就好了。现在他们都没大有事了,就剩我一个还咳啊咳。
以下是引用lovenuts在2008-3-27 13:46:00的发言: bless jinlan's whole family! i got to go now :) ----------------------------------------------- Thanks, jinlan brother and mom! Actually Haoran began to cough yesterday. A lot of mucus. I started to give him medicine last night. 金兰妈当心自己,很快熬过去,就好啦!
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear. But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him. Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon 保佑浩然,天然浩然全家。
Thanks, jinlan brother and mom!
Actually Haoran began to cough yesterday. A lot of mucus. I started to give him medicine last night.
嘻嘻,fanfan is really sweet啊,这好象是我跟我妹最大的不同了呵呵 偷偷溜走最最不可取!——最不尊重宝宝,最没有长远效益的做法。in stead,我会亲几下,说byebye。 还记得未名上的一个帖子,是一个爸爸一个人带宝宝的几天日记,里面提到一点,说他每次离开都跟宝宝说好什么时候回来,比方3分钟,1个小时,或者下午,每次都不食言。所以他宝宝很confident and trust his dad。当然这需要千万次的重复。 还有,我妹,只是给你说——你自己先稳定自己的心绪,你离开,不是不理宝宝,不是愧对宝宝,没有亏欠宝宝——你要开开心心的离开,高高兴兴的回来!fanfan is very smart that he will sense it. 松鼠jj说的真好!我好好学习了! 还有我要叫你松鼠jj而不是葱头妈妈~~
bless jinlan's whole family! i got to go now :)
Thanks, jinlan brother and mom!
Actually Haoran began to cough yesterday. A lot of mucus. I started to give him medicine last night.
不好意思, 我信息不灵通, 浩然生病了我都不知道!
haha, sounds much better la
松鼠jj说的真好!我好好学习了! 还有我要叫你松鼠jj而不是葱头妈妈~~
抱抱浩然早点好起来!!! --------------------------------------------------------- it's ok , fanfan ma. He started severe cough yesterday. I hope he'll be better after taking a whole day's medicine. I feel very bad for giving him medicine at this young
fanfan的词汇里加了个新字"站"。这个字最近我们说得最多, 因为跟他说太多了'fanfan,别站了'。结果他 现在天天说,见着椅子背,play gym,或者挣扎着要起来小嘴就'zhan,zhan'个不停。 今天早晨睡了个大懒觉, 10点才起床。 我迷着眼睛让他趴在我身边玩,一会儿就腻了, 说了个很清楚的"mama,zhan"。 我大吃一惊,一下子就清醒了, 扶他站起来,他高兴坏了。
bless jinlan's whole family! i got to go now :)
Thanks, jinlan brother and mom!
Actually Haoran began to cough yesterday. A lot of mucus. I started to give him medicine last night.
不好意思, 我信息不灵通, 浩然生病了我都不知道!
不好意思, 我信息不灵通, 浩然生病了我都不知道!
抱抱浩然早点好起来!!! --------------------------------------------------------- it's ok , fanfan ma. He started severe cough yesterday. I hope he'll be better after taking a whole day's medicine. I feel very bad for giving him medicine at this young
太牛了! 番番始终是8月的排头标兵,不容易啊!!番番娘把番番带的实在是太好了!!!
fanfan正式成为拖油瓶了, 我离开就哭。 达人们说说我是该不理呢, 还是走上前抱一会儿再走, 还是不抱,只亲一下说byebye还是趁他没看见我的时候偷偷溜走。 真麻烦啊。
迷糊妈啊,有种套在矿泉水瓶的吸嘴,你去买个来试试看 谢谢啦妈建议,可是我觉得她是觉得矿泉水瓶子直接喝好玩,因为看大人们都是那么做的,而不是真的喜欢喝那个水啊
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear.
But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him.
Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon
当妈妈不容易啊, 何况你还有两孩子需要你的照顾。 宝宝生病是完全正常的, 身体得到了锻炼还更强壮了呢。 医生说一定要吃药吗? 不是说感冒药其实不能治疗感冒吗? 只要控制发烧就好了。
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear.
But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him.
Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon
当妈妈不容易啊, 何况你还有两孩子需要你的照顾。 宝宝生病是完全正常的, 身体得到了锻炼还更强壮了呢。 医生说一定要吃药吗? 不是说感冒药其实不能治疗感冒吗? 只要控制发烧就好了。
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear.
But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him.
Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon
bless 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 times!!!
我家这个小胖腿也是超爱站。。。 小胖腿会不会因为站多了瘦下来啊?
正好问你, 那个learning home扒着站着会不会倒,砸着宝宝?
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-27 14:40:40编辑过]
当妈妈不容易啊, 何况你还有两孩子需要你的照顾。 宝宝生病是完全正常的, 身体得到了锻炼还更强壮了呢。 医生说一定要吃药吗? 不是说感冒药其实不能治疗感冒吗? 只要控制发烧就好了。
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear.
But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him.
Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-27 14:59:02编辑过]
当妈妈不容易啊, 何况你还有两孩子需要你的照顾。 宝宝生病是完全正常的, 身体得到了锻炼还更强壮了呢。 医生说一定要吃药吗? 不是说感冒药其实不能治疗感冒吗? 只要控制发烧就好了。
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear.
But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him.
Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon
fanfan正式成为拖油瓶了, 我离开就哭。 达人们说说我是该不理呢, 还是走上前抱一会儿再走, 还是不抱,只亲一下说byebye还是趁他没看见我的时候偷偷溜走。 真麻烦啊。
小贝前两周也咳嗽后来有痰。我也是。我妈怎么说有痰了就是快好了啊?我记得以前国内医生也是这么说的。他咳得很厉害时,我们去看了医生,说肺和嗓子都没有事,所以不要吃任何药。现在已经好多了。 你也要小心,不要被传染上。 ----------------------------------------- Thanks xiaobei ma. I guess if the mucus is not that much, it's ok. But if there's a lot of them, we should pay attention. I didn't give him medicine last time. But this time, even when he breathes, I heard the sound from the mucus. The medicine is for chest congestion and nasal congestion. It helps to resolve the mucus so that the young babies can cough out the mucus and then swallow it since they don't know how to spit out. Haoran's dad is coughing too. I'm on the edge le
can't agree more
fanfan的词汇里加了个新字"站"。这个字最近我们说得最多, 因为跟他说太多了'fanfan,别站了'。结果他 现在天天说,见着椅子背,play gym,或者挣扎着要起来小嘴就'zhan,zhan'个不停。 今天早晨睡了个大懒觉, 10点才起床。 我迷着眼睛让他趴在我身边玩,一会儿就腻了, 说了个很清楚的"mama,zhan"。 我大吃一惊,一下子就清醒了, 扶他站起来,他高兴坏了。
bless jinlan's whole family! i got to go now :)
Thanks, jinlan brother and mom!
Actually Haoran began to cough yesterday. A lot of mucus. I started to give him medicine last night.
松鼠jj说的真好!我好好学习了! 还有我要叫你松鼠jj而不是葱头妈妈~~
太牛啦太牛啦!!会说句子了耶~~~~~~ 实在太牛啦!鼻血都喷出来啦!
有个信息告诉大家.可以带宝宝去PUBLIC LIBRARY 听BABY STORY TIME, 半个小时听歌跳舞和讲故事,半个小时玩玩具和书,带MEGAN去过几次,她还挺喜欢热闹的,东张西望的,也算打发时间吧.
太牛啦太牛啦!!会说句子了耶~~~~~~ 实在太牛啦!鼻血都喷出来啦!
fanfan是一小话唠,绝大部分我们根本听不懂。我平时给家里打电话, 他们也让fanfan听听, 我和他说话, 他就'a,a。。。', 害得我马上就跑回家了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-27 21:18:10编辑过]
小贝前两周也咳嗽后来有痰。我也是。我妈怎么说有痰了就是快好了啊?我记得以前国内医生也是这么说的。他咳得很厉害时,我们去看了医生,说肺和嗓子都没有事,所以不要吃任何药。现在已经好多了。 你也要小心,不要被传染上。 贝妈也快快好起来吧
当妈妈不容易啊, 何况你还有两孩子需要你的照顾。 宝宝生病是完全正常的, 身体得到了锻炼还更强壮了呢。 医生说一定要吃药吗? 不是说感冒药其实不能治疗感冒吗? 只要控制发烧就好了。
He's having a cough with mucus. Last time when he coughed, the ped said we need give him medicine. I gave him steamed pear.
But this time it's more severe than last time. So I gave him the otc medicine the ped told me directly.
Just FYI, the medicine I bought is Mucinex for kids. I bought Mucinex for kids with cold because both Tianran and Haoran had cold symptoms like running nose and cough. And ped asked us to give 1/5 tsp each time to him.
Coughing with mucus is dangerous and easy to change to fei4yan2. So bless my Haoran will recover soon
fanfan的词汇里加了个新字"站"。这个字最近我们说得最多, 因为跟他说太多了'fanfan,别站了'。结果他 现在天天说,见着椅子背,play gym,或者挣扎着要起来小嘴就'zhan,zhan'个不停。 今天早晨睡了个大懒觉, 10点才起床。 我迷着眼睛让他趴在我身边玩,一会儿就腻了, 说了个很清楚的"mama,zhan"。 我大吃一惊,一下子就清醒了, 扶他站起来,他高兴坏了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-28 5:05:52编辑过]
5、父母双方中国护照(前7页)的复印件。 6、父母均未加入外国国籍和均未取得外国永久居留权的声明书。
谢谢姐妹们的祝福啦!MEGAN今天下午3点多喝了奶就没再吃任何东西了,8点半空着肚子睡了,给奶也不喝,老是要抱,希望明天看医生能解决问题. bless megan
队长你们给迷糊准备办旅行证材料里这个:“父母均未加入外国国籍和均未取得外国永久居留权的声明书。”是不是自己写一份就行还是有标准格式? 二)中国公民在美国出生儿童,如父母双方均未加入外国国籍,也未取得美国永久居民身份证(“绿卡”)者,为中国国籍,应申请中华人民共和国旅行证(请点击这里查看样本)赴华。此类儿童申请旅行证,应提交以下材料:
5、父母双方中国护照(前7页)的复印件。 6、父母均未加入外国国籍和均未取得外国永久居留权的声明书。 我还没给她办呢,这些材料还没准备呢,版上其他mm们都怎么弄的?
3、港澳台同胞请提供香港、澳门、台湾旅行证件、在美合法居留证件原件及复印件; 4、在美国出生的儿童,请提供出生证明、父母中国护照、有效美国签证原件及复印件; 5、持失效中国护照者,请提供原照及复印件。若护照遗失,请书面声明护照遗失情况。
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-28 11:51:31编辑过]
3、港澳台同胞请提供香港、澳门、台湾旅行证件、在美合法居留证件原件及复印件; 4、在美国出生的儿童,请提供出生证明、父母中国护照、有效美国签证原件及复印件; 5、持失效中国护照者,请提供原照及复印件。若护照遗失,请书面声明护照遗失情况。
good srart -- $1*4 + $2*2 +$8*2
hurry! hurry!